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EVE Online: Crucible Trailer is now available in HD!

First post
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#81 - 2011-12-01 05:42:39 UTC
great trailer -

but WHY no storyline-trailer this time?? Miss it!
Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#82 - 2011-12-01 06:38:38 UTC
Wanna get it to your CQ flatscreen?
Convert yourself of get the pre-made version :)

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Destination SkillQueue
#83 - 2011-12-01 09:15:19 UTC
Meh trailer. It's not a bad video, but it felt like a TV ad for the expansion instead of a trailer about it or EVE. No emotion, no shivers, no nothing. I can always come back to the other trailers afterwards, but I feel this one is watched a few times now, but there is no reason to ever go back to it and enjoy it again, since it is just a transient ad and nothing more.
Jagga Spikes
Spikes Chop Shop
#84 - 2011-12-01 09:46:51 UTC
i liked the music. any chance we can get some in-game?
Hideaway Hunters
The Hideaway.
#85 - 2011-12-01 10:35:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Chal0ner
Honestly this was ....


I'm seriously underwhelmed.
Pity, previous ones are cool.


Destination SkillQueue wrote:
but it felt like a TV ad for the expansion instead of a trailer about it or EVE. No emotion, no shivers, no nothing.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#86 - 2011-12-01 10:58:22 UTC
That music is just awesome!

My pulse just exploded. Serious props to the music.
Loved the vid too Big smile
The Unwanted.
#87 - 2011-12-01 12:40:59 UTC
Kuronaga wrote:
So basically this was a trailer geared towards bittervets and had nothing to do with actually attempting to get the game new players.

Flurry of random crap at the end -- looks like you ran out of time on the trailer. Can't blame you, since you apparently only work on expansions for 6 weeks before they get released, according to Soundwave.

P.S. womp womp womp dubstep sucks

No sure what your point is...

You believe that CCP should be marketing their game at non-vets? And you believe the trailer didn't accomplish this? So...why doesn't your constructive critcism include how CCP should be doing that?

I have a test for you:

"Describe to me what an EVE Online expansion video should look like and what content it should have."

The only rules I would like to impose on this test are:

(i) You cannot describe other videos by CCP or make reference to any other videos or films.
(ii) You must include detail of the new content, as it is an video detailing an EVE expansion.
(iii) It must have musical content in the theme of EVE Online and/or the video itself.

I don't necessarilly disagree with your comments, as I too in the past have felt that the last few expansion videos were too far aligned with not bitter-vets, but end-game content that the average player will not use during their 14 day trial.

This did concern me that the 'bounce-rate' for new players would be too great - hence there must be a middle ground, or a series of trailers, so you could have:

1) trailers for expansions.
2) trailers for general promotion.
3) trailers for role-specific explanation through narrative story.


PS: dubstep + EVE = win, sorry.

This space for rent.

Jowen Datloran
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#88 - 2011-12-01 12:57:37 UTC
Like it, though a tad short.

Apparently you need to produce both an action packed real footage trailer and a bombastic storytelling trailer to please the whole crowd around here.Ugh

Mr. Science & Trade Institute, EVE Online Lorebook 

Apollo Gabriel
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#89 - 2011-12-01 13:07:56 UTC
I hope that's me in the Astarte, I flew enough of them during filming!
Always ... Never ... Forget to check your references.   Peace out Zulu! Hope you land well!
Vetruvius Valinor
#90 - 2011-12-01 14:09:53 UTC
I liked it. Sprinkle in some dubstep and people get excited.

Wun Wub Wub!
Cygnet Lythanea
World Welfare Works Association
#91 - 2011-12-01 15:45:00 UTC
Adamonus wrote:
great trailer -

but WHY no storyline-trailer this time?? Miss it!

Because it would have been about noobs,solos, and small corps no longer being able to compete with the new update, and we want to t keep that hush hush till we get their subscription money...
The Sagan Clan
#92 - 2011-12-01 16:08:56 UTC
Great trailer Big smile

I have to say wubwubwub wasn't exactly my thing but I will admit that it fits well with the pace of the trailer.

"Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom."

#93 - 2011-12-01 16:32:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Invisusira
Adamonus wrote:
but WHY no storyline-trailer this time?? Miss it!

The trailer actually does an excellent job of showing off Crucible's storyline.

The storyline for Crucible is "CCP pissed off the old vets and wanted to make sure not to disappoint them with the latest expansion." And the "tell, don't show" "old school" PvP skirmish video, complete with wubwubwub, is catering to exactly that.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the video thoroughly. It's just not a trailer. A real trailer shows off new features without having to list them, and narrates through cinematic storytelling. What we got here was a very nicely done quick little PvP video because CCP wanted to make sure to pack as many cool things into the expansion rather than pulling people away to work on a trailer.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#94 - 2011-12-01 18:24:29 UTC
Lyrrashae wrote:
Kuronaga wrote:
[Entitled--and distinctly bittervet-like!--whinging]

Ur stuffs, I can haz?

Your hanger ain't big enough, son. Nor are your personal assets required to fly my ships.

AlleyKat wrote:
Kuronaga wrote:
So basically this was a trailer geared towards bittervets and had nothing to do with actually attempting to get the game new players.

Flurry of random crap at the end -- looks like you ran out of time on the trailer. Can't blame you, since you apparently only work on expansions for 6 weeks before they get released, according to Soundwave.

P.S. womp womp womp dubstep sucks

No sure what your point is...

You believe that CCP should be marketing their game at non-vets? And you believe the trailer didn't accomplish this? So...why doesn't your constructive critcism include how CCP should be doing that?

I have a test for you:

"Describe to me what an EVE Online expansion video should look like and what content it should have."

The only rules I would like to impose on this test are:

(i) You cannot describe other videos by CCP or make reference to any other videos or films.
(ii) You must include detail of the new content, as it is an video detailing an EVE expansion.
(iii) It must have musical content in the theme of EVE Online and/or the video itself.

I don't necessarilly disagree with your comments, as I too in the past have felt that the last few expansion videos were too far aligned with not bitter-vets, but end-game content that the average player will not use during their 14 day trial.

This did concern me that the 'bounce-rate' for new players would be too great - hence there must be a middle ground, or a series of trailers, so you could have:

1) trailers for expansions.
2) trailers for general promotion.
3) trailers for role-specific explanation through narrative story.


PS: dubstep + EVE = win, sorry.

My problem is that you're supposed to use a trailer as a tool to entice new players who don't really know what they are seeing beyond the visual awesome. Making a trailer for the bittervet is pointless because they are already aware of these changes and that the visual awesome they are witnessing is little more then a dramatized illusion. It has less impact on them.

The entire premise is flawed. Most of the people in this thread are bittervets who were hyped before they even saw a trailer, so the only opinion they were ever entitled to was a shallow one.
The Unwanted.
#95 - 2011-12-01 19:31:57 UTC
Kuronaga wrote:

My problem is that you're supposed to use a trailer as a tool to entice new players who don't really know what they are seeing beyond the visual awesome. Making a trailer for the bittervet is pointless because they are already aware of these changes and that the visual awesome they are witnessing is little more then a dramatized illusion. It has less impact on them.

The entire premise is flawed. Most of the people in this thread are bittervets who were hyped before they even saw a trailer, so the only opinion they were ever entitled to was a shallow one.

Maybe I am unintentionally playing devils advocate here, not sure, and if that is the case I'll apologise...

Trailers serve many purposes, and yes, the video producers do work for the marketing department - but you need to draw some lines here; this was an expansion trailer, not a generic trailer.

I would hope the marketing department spend their dollars wisely, and what I hope is happening is that trailers for expansions are reduced to what we've seen of the crucible trailer, and non-expansion trailers have more depth to them.

How you divide the marketing money for trailer production, if you have two expansions per year? Would you lump all of your expenditure into the two expansion videos? So, fifty percent per video. Would you put ten percent per the two expansion videos, and spend the remaining eighty percent on other non-expansion videos - perhaps to cover new players more?

Be specific - this is an interesting topic.


This space for rent.

The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#96 - 2011-12-02 00:26:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuronaga
AlleyKat wrote:
Kuronaga wrote:

My problem is that you're supposed to use a trailer as a tool to entice new players who don't really know what they are seeing beyond the visual awesome. Making a trailer for the bittervet is pointless because they are already aware of these changes and that the visual awesome they are witnessing is little more then a dramatized illusion. It has less impact on them.

The entire premise is flawed. Most of the people in this thread are bittervets who were hyped before they even saw a trailer, so the only opinion they were ever entitled to was a shallow one.

Maybe I am unintentionally playing devils advocate here, not sure, and if that is the case I'll apologise...

Trailers serve many purposes, and yes, the video producers do work for the marketing department - but you need to draw some lines here; this was an expansion trailer, not a generic trailer.

I would hope the marketing department spend their dollars wisely, and what I hope is happening is that trailers for expansions are reduced to what we've seen of the crucible trailer, and non-expansion trailers have more depth to them.

How you divide the marketing money for trailer production, if you have two expansions per year? Would you lump all of your expenditure into the two expansion videos? So, fifty percent per video. Would you put ten percent per the two expansion videos, and spend the remaining eighty percent on other non-expansion videos - perhaps to cover new players more?

Be specific - this is an interesting topic.


In my experience, the old player is going to be easily hyped anyway, so there is no reason to create a trailer centered around appeasing them. They already fell in love with the game once and even if they are bitter, it only takes a substantially smaller gesture to win back their hearts. It certainly doesn't take a trailer that was complete tailor-cut for them. I point back to Eve Never Fades, which only vaguely introduced you to certain concepts within the game via text, but managed to show you a lot of content while having the perfect mix of music and art direction to draw you in.

It wasn't tailored for a vet, but it easily holds the greatest place in almost any vets heart and can always instill a little bit of the love they had for the game, no matter how bitter they have become with it. It stirs the emotions of the vet, and grabs the attention of the new player completely.

Back to the current trailer, you have something specifically aimed at only one of the audiences, and while it does indeed appease the bittervet... so what? That is literally all it accomplishes, and they were already appeased by the changes themselves. They didn't need a trailer. In three years time, will we look back at this trailer and make a big deal out of it? No, because these will all be features we take for granted by then. We can still look back at Eve Never Fades, or the Dominion trailer, or the Empyrean Age trailers, or Quantam Rise, or No Other Destiny and yes they can re-hype you because they don't focus on such time-sensative, theatrically irrelevant things.

Those trailers in the future will still serve to inspire new players, and re-hype old ones.

This one will not, and that is its ultimate failure.

If it's just an issue of quality/work/time, I would prefer one ridiculously awesome trailer over two which accomplished basically nothing.
#97 - 2011-12-02 11:48:55 UTC
This trailer DELIVERS!

As does the expansion.

‘No, this isn't it at all. Make it more... psssshhhh’.

Presidente Gallente
Best Kept Dunked
#98 - 2011-12-02 12:01:40 UTC
I have to repeat it again and again.
The most important question this nice but too short teaser delivers:

When do we get the CCP BATTLE RECORDER

Just asking... Cool
The Unwanted.
#99 - 2011-12-02 12:42:52 UTC
Kuronaga wrote:

In my experience, the old player is going to be easily hyped anyway, so there is no reason to create a trailer centered around appeasing them. They already fell in love with the game once and even if they are bitter, it only takes a substantially smaller gesture to win back their hearts. It certainly doesn't take a trailer that was complete tailor-cut for them. I point back to Eve Never Fades, which only vaguely introduced you to certain concepts within the game via text, but managed to show you a lot of content while having the perfect mix of music and art direction to draw you in.

It wasn't tailored for a vet, but it easily holds the greatest place in almost any vets heart and can always instill a little bit of the love they had for the game, no matter how bitter they have become with it. It stirs the emotions of the vet, and grabs the attention of the new player completely.

Back to the current trailer, you have something specifically aimed at only one of the audiences, and while it does indeed appease the bittervet... so what? That is literally all it accomplishes, and they were already appeased by the changes themselves. They didn't need a trailer. In three years time, will we look back at this trailer and make a big deal out of it? No, because these will all be features we take for granted by then. We can still look back at Eve Never Fades, or the Dominion trailer, or the Empyrean Age trailers, or Quantam Rise, or No Other Destiny and yes they can re-hype you because they don't focus on such time-sensative, theatrically irrelevant things.

Those trailers in the future will still serve to inspire new players, and re-hype old ones.

This one will not, and that is its ultimate failure.

If it's just an issue of quality/work/time, I would prefer one ridiculously awesome trailer over two which accomplished basically nothing.

Well...I'm not sure I agree the trailer was specifically aimed at existing EVE players or new players or both, as it was such a short trailer and was an expansion trailer.

Expansion trailers imo should be just that - short and flashy containing information about the expansion. I'm not saying the current trailer did or did not do its job in this regard, but it certainly attempted to fit the job spec of an expansion trailer.

EVE Never fades was not an expansion trailer, and yes it was very good, but the thing that has always stood out to me is that it was created away from CCP HQ by a player and not using anything but the EVE Client, Fraps, Adobe software and time. CCP ZOND3 also had to deal with the legality of using the music and jumped through hoops to get the track he wanted. He was subsequently hired by CCP, but not whilst he made this.

It's not just good editing, it's an example of what anyone can do, if so motivated - which is a quality I admire and respect.

Should CCP release more videos along the lines of ENF? I think they should - but the thing to remember is that anyone with access to the EVE Client, screen capture software (of which there is plenty) and editing software (windows movie maker is free) could in theory create something which could rival or beat ENF, and certainly would be upto date and HD.


Videos are not the only way CCP market EVE, but I agree they should be targetting gamers in general, not potential gamers who are pre-disposed to desire commanding huge fleets and controlling alliances, as the marketing logic is flawed:

You market to the masses, not the comparitively miniscule alliance leaders as they are easily replaced - the masses are not.


This space for rent.

#100 - 2011-12-02 13:03:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Invisusira
AlleyKat wrote:
You market to the masses, not the comparitively miniscule alliance leaders as they are easily replaced - the masses are not.

And this is where the trailer falls short. Take a step back and look at it from the perspective of someone who has never played EVE; most of the text blurbs are either completely unnecessary or flat out confusing.

"Breathtaking new visuals."
Show, don't tell. We, the current players, can see what's new. Simply showing how awesome the game looks overall is all you need to do for a prospective player. This line is probably the only one that makes any sort of sense to a prospective player.

"Engine trails are back!"
Show, don't tell. Again, old players will instantly be able to see this for themselves. Prospective players aren't really going to care as long as it looks cool.

"3 new captains quarters"
This one makes sense in that we probably wouldn't know what we're looking at otherwise. Prospective players will have no idea what "Captain's Quarters" are.

"New tier 3 Battlecruisers."
Show, don't tell. Once again, current players will instantly know they're looking at new ships and prospective players aren't really going to care as long as it looks cool.

"New tech 2 modules"
This is where prospective players start to squint their eyes and go, "what?"

"Time dilation"
By far the worst offender. To a prospective player, it looks like you've added a sweet new "slow down time" feature.

"Balance balance balance"
Leave this in the patch notes. There is no reason to have it in a trailer. Everyone excited about it already knows about it, and again, prospective players will have no knowledge that it needed balancing in the first place.

"Hundreds of improvements"
Now it's starting to sound a bit desperate, like a late-night infomercial.

Consciously or not, this trailer (and, indeed, this expansion) was very clearly designed with current and former players in mind... and it looks like, for the most part, it's a big hit with them. So nothing wrong with that. However, as an overal marketing tool for the greater prospective audience, this trailer falls short.