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EVE General Discussion

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God i hope this aint gonna be yet another boring terrible expansion!

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#101 - 2014-04-08 12:21:56 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Oxide Ammar wrote:
They fix POS code then we can discuss new content after.

Dont forget sov.

And drones.

I'm itching to try these new changes.

I'm just itching period, must have been that weekend in Vegas (apparently, "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" only applies to your money and your dignity, not...other things).

In addition to the drones, I'm very much waiting for the end of the week when Rise said we can expect the Pirate Battleship rebalance thread in F&I. That one's going to be...interesting way more interesting than the Pirate Frig and Cruiser threads because Pirate BSs are a cornerstone of High Sec PVE.

As soon as I see it's up, I'm going to type INB4DPPDoHSboNSC (in Before Dinsdale Pirrahna Predicts Death of High Sec because of Null Sec Cartels).
Prince Kobol
#102 - 2014-04-08 12:23:49 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Oxide Ammar wrote:
They fix POS code then we can discuss new content after.

Dont forget sov.

And drones.

and the corp management interface,

and the science and industry interface,

and drone management interface,

and capital ships

and the whole its easier and safer to earn more isk in HS then in low and null sec for the grunts
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#103 - 2014-04-08 12:26:23 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

As soon as I see it's up, I'm going to type INB4DPPDoHSboNSC (in Before Dinsdale Pirrahna Predicts Death of High Sec because of Null Sec Cartels).

Too late. He beat you to it last night.

Always one step ahead of everyone... but the nullsec cartels.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Good Posting
#104 - 2014-04-08 12:26:54 UTC
I'm waiting for the pirate bs changes to see if i have to sell the Machariels asap. The patchexpansion is coming, i can feel it.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#105 - 2014-04-08 12:31:24 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

As soon as I see it's up, I'm going to type INB4DPPDoHSboNSC (in Before Dinsdale Pirrahna Predicts Death of High Sec because of Null Sec Cartels).

Too late. He beat you to it last night.

Always one step ahead of everyone... but the nullsec cartels.

Damn it, foiled again lol. That guy is like clock work. I suspect bot.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#106 - 2014-04-08 12:31:43 UTC

And I will have a very keen interest for one of my beloveds.
Abigail Sagan
Skeleton Liberation Front
#107 - 2014-04-08 13:05:05 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Im all for 50% tweaks 50% new content..

Define what do you mean by new content.

Rubicon: ghost sites, paint jobs, mobile structures, sisters ships, ISIS -> new content.
Warp changes, ships rebalancing -> tweaks.

That is your view. Here is mine:

Rubicon features ( )
- Paint jobs: new skin for a ship / avatar is just painting old stuff with fresh color. Not new content. Also, clumsily done, but that is beside the point. (Tweak)
- Mobile structures: Clearly new content. Some of them are even useful by most people. Some literally suck (siphons), some might see some use in some hands. (Content)
- Sisters of Eve Faction Ships: Clearly new content. Two of the three are even useful. (Content)
- Rebalancing and roles: Tweak by definition. Very important part of the game. Mostly very well done. (Tweak)
- Additional features: Gameplay/graphics/usability changes. I haven't noticed some of those, even though I have tried to look hard for them. (Tweak)
- Encounter Surveillance System: A mobile structure, that was for some reason given it's own entry in features. It is not worth the title Content, I judge this as Marketing Trick, making Rubicon appear to have more features than it really has (Marketing Trick)
- Guerilla-style warfare: namely Siphon units that are already part of Mobile Structures. (Marketing Trick)
- High Sec Customs Offices: Spreading old feature from low/null to high (Tweak)
- Warp Changes: Bug fix (Tweak)
- ISIS: a part of Certificate overhaul (below). It is in the page for the same reason as Guerilla-style warfare (Marketing Trick)
- Certificate system overhaul: Upgrade for the old (&useless) certificate system. (Tweak)
- Ghost sites: Actual new content. (Content)
- Character Screen Update: New login character selection window (Tweak)
- Stream and Share: Twitch integration eh? New feature? Hardly. (Marketing Trick)
- Orbital bombardment: Wasn't this supposed to be in EVE already - not that I know anyone who actually does this (Marketing Trick)

Total count
- Content: 3
- Tweak: 7
- Marketing Trick: 5

Because the size and importance of those Tweaks and Contents is difficult to estimate, I won't do more math about the matter.

Disclaimer: This post is just simple math and opinions. Your opinions might differ. However, everyone must agree that my opinion is superior to everyone elses. ;)
Qen Tye
In Between
#108 - 2014-04-08 13:09:38 UTC
Have to say that after I revoked my account A LOT of new stuff has arrived.

Ships, faction / t2 gear, implant sets and whatnot.

Hell even a n00b ORE beginner mining vessel; Venture has come. /GREAT addition btw (mined in a freaking bestower once)

So at least for me great new stuff and skills to do/learn.

unsub if you are not enjoying the game anymore /fixed

Games are to have fun and socialize with corp mates; Not to mutter and be annoyed.

Two possibilities exists: Either we are alone in the universeĀ or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.

  • Arthur C. Clarke
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2014-04-08 13:13:38 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

Please stop with that eve growing in numbers BS. Its not and hasnt been for years. Basically its just vets get more accounts to do other stuff, like a super pilot or they are so frigging bored in nullsec they get a fw alt, not new players subbing and staying.

So tell me what happened to all the t2 gangs now? there arent any. its all T1 frigs and cruisers. BS gangs dont exist anymore either.

Truth hurts doesn't it buddy? I'm sure someone will be a long to post the graph of the sub numbers and rub it in your face. The only things you got right was death2allsupercaps and nerf highsec.

E: You are yet another in the encyclopedia of examples why npc alts shouldn't be allowed to post.

E2: V

I am happy to be corrected. Please show me the stats, the graph looks pretty much the same if not less than 5 years ago. Please check my history numb nuts instead of trying that npc alt crap. Its boring.

One of them is literally in the post right below mine hence E2. You are an npc alt which means you are completely worthless and should not be allowed to post, I do not care what explanation you have for this.

Oh dear. I have no words for you. I saw 'dont care' and my view of your opinion just diminished, thanks for your input however

Again you are a worthless NPC alt posting a whine thread.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#110 - 2014-04-08 13:21:20 UTC
This post is just simple math and opinions. Your opinions might differ. However, everyone must agree that my opinion is superior to everyone elses. ;)

Big smile

Basically its not the amount of new content features that matters the most. Quality is the word here.

Like Sisters of EvE vs paint jobs. Like one of CSM wrote, don't expect another apocrypha.

Fanfest will come, we will get more info. I hope.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#111 - 2014-04-08 13:42:37 UTC
La Nariz wrote:
Again you are a worthless NPC alt posting a whine thread.

The only thing more worthless than posting in a whine thread, is whining about NPC alts, and whine threads in a whine thread.

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#112 - 2014-04-08 14:18:04 UTC
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
La Nariz wrote:
Again you are a worthless NPC alt posting a whine thread.

The only thing more worthless than posting in a whine thread, is whining about NPC alts, and whine threads in a whine thread.

You be whining about whining about whining. Dare we go deeper?
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#113 - 2014-04-08 14:40:42 UTC
In my belief it will be sorta vapor sprinkled with stuff like since apocrypha.

one of big deals is shooting miners that tells a lot...

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Mr R4nd0m
#114 - 2014-04-08 14:44:21 UTC
Abigail Sagan wrote:
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Im all for 50% tweaks 50% new content..

Define what do you mean by new content.

Rubicon: ghost sites, paint jobs, mobile structures, sisters ships, ISIS -> new content.
Warp changes, ships rebalancing -> tweaks.

That is your view. Here is mine:

Rubicon features ( )
- Paint jobs: new skin for a ship / avatar is just painting old stuff with fresh color. Not new content. Also, clumsily done, but that is beside the point. (Tweak)
- Mobile structures: Clearly new content. Some of them are even useful by most people. Some literally suck (siphons), some might see some use in some hands. (Content)
- Sisters of Eve Faction Ships: Clearly new content. Two of the three are even useful. (Content)
- Rebalancing and roles: Tweak by definition. Very important part of the game. Mostly very well done. (Tweak)
- Additional features: Gameplay/graphics/usability changes. I haven't noticed some of those, even though I have tried to look hard for them. (Tweak)
- Encounter Surveillance System: A mobile structure, that was for some reason given it's own entry in features. It is not worth the title Content, I judge this as Marketing Trick, making Rubicon appear to have more features than it really has (Marketing Trick)
- Guerilla-style warfare: namely Siphon units that are already part of Mobile Structures. (Marketing Trick)
- High Sec Customs Offices: Spreading old feature from low/null to high (Tweak)
- Warp Changes: Bug fix (Tweak)
- ISIS: a part of Certificate overhaul (below). It is in the page for the same reason as Guerilla-style warfare (Marketing Trick)
- Certificate system overhaul: Upgrade for the old (&useless) certificate system. (Tweak)
- Ghost sites: Actual new content. (Content)
- Character Screen Update: New login character selection window (Tweak)
- Stream and Share: Twitch integration eh? New feature? Hardly. (Marketing Trick)
- Orbital bombardment: Wasn't this supposed to be in EVE already - not that I know anyone who actually does this (Marketing Trick)

Total count
- Content: 3
- Tweak: 7
- Marketing Trick: 5

Because the size and importance of those Tweaks and Contents is difficult to estimate, I won't do more math about the matter.

Disclaimer: This post is just simple math and opinions. Your opinions might differ. However, everyone must agree that my opinion is superior to everyone elses. ;)

all pretty useless bar a few
Arsine Mayhem
#115 - 2014-04-08 15:13:18 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Please dont just make this yet another tweak and balance expansion, this will be a third in a row! I honestly hope there are big stuff happening because i just cant sub again if there isnt

That's all they have.

Devs for most games do ongoing tweaks to their game. CCP has nothing new to offer, so they change a few stats, that should be an ongoing processes, and call it an expansion. It's really kinda sad.

They could fix the suxor sov system, but that would take imagination, or simple adopting one of the many suggestions they have already been presented with.

So the big news is changes to mining barges, lol.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#116 - 2014-04-08 15:26:25 UTC
This thread is an example of the extreme entitlement many players demonstrate.

Other game companies CHARGE for expansions that (at best) give players a few dozen extra hours of new content. CCP provides FREE expansions (and they are free, they don't ask for a single extra dime above our subs to provide them) with 'content' (or rather, sandbox tools) that provide infinite amounts of gameplay. And all some of you can do is ***** lol...***** about a game company giving you free stuff.

I could never be a part of CCP. Within 5 minutes of working there I'd book a flight to London just for the pure pleasure of pulling the plug on the server just to give these whiners something real to whine about. And no refunds either (EULA 4 life).
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#117 - 2014-04-08 15:29:16 UTC
Arsine Mayhem wrote:
They could fix the suxor sov system, but that would take imagination, or simple adopting one of the many suggestions they have already been presented with.

the wise man builds his house on stone, not sand. the refining changes are, i think, the first step to laying the foundation
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#118 - 2014-04-08 15:39:49 UTC
Abigail Sagan wrote:
- Warp Changes: Bug fix (Tweak)

OK, so here's the thing about a sandbox: the apparent size of the feature doesn't correlate to either the amount of work that went into designing it or to its impact on game play. You can say, well they just changed this one formula. That's true. But they changed a forumla that impacts a part of the game that almost everyone does almost all the time. Before they made the change, they had to figure out what the intent of the change was. Then they had to go over every ship class and a bunch of modules and rigs and make sure that the change would have the intended effect, without any terribly broken side effects.

And sure enough, the warp speed change had the significant effect of catching the actual game up with the lore, which holds that cruisers are the ship class of choice. It also makes that part of the game more accessible to new players.

So yes, you can say it was a tweak, but it was a tweak to the New Eden equivalent of a physical law. If you tweak the equation for gravity just a little bit, what happens in RL?

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2014-04-08 16:31:02 UTC  |  Edited by: BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:

Im not here to play goons online. Also i guess a few thousand people that have unsubbed have a different opinion also then eh? i guess your opinion is the only one that matters? That's fine if you dont agree with me.
Yes some of the major feature stuff was unfinished, so we should just stop doing them? Perhaps CCP should just do them properly perhaps?

Yes the balances have help like t1 ships but its also spoilt the game as now things like FW is just frig warfare mainly. Lots of the ships in the middle are not used in gangs like we used to. So its actually had a detrimental effect.

This game took its first and only hit to numbers when they gave us big new unfinished features. It wasn't goons that rioted, it was everyone. EVE is now growing in subs again after CCP changed their path and focused on fixing stuff.

I now see ships being used that never saw the light of day before. We used to use the same handful of ships all the time until they were either nerfed or something else was buffed to the point of being overpowered. Now I can pick damn near any ship and have success with it.

Not even the sub numbers agree with you.

Please stop with that eve growing in numbers BS. Its not and hasnt been for years. Basically its just vets get more accounts to do other stuff, like a super pilot or they are so frigging bored in nullsec they get a fw alt, not new players subbing and staying.

So tell me what happened to all the t2 gangs now? there arent any. its all T1 frigs and cruisers. BS gangs dont exist anymore either.

Interceptor gangs, Hac gangs, and t3 fleets no longer exist? I guess I'll have to tell some of my friends to stop using them! I wonder how that will change wormholes...

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Hoshi Sorano
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#120 - 2014-04-08 18:00:13 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
EvE is currently on an expantion arc. This arc will lead to new space, which will bring in 'new and dynamic game play' Instead of dumping this huge game changer on us, they are guiding us in slowly. While i will agree that the last 3 expantions have been lack luster in the expanding new gameplay dept, as a vet who has been here since Castor (or maybe Second genesis, i forget) there have been HUGE improvements on how the expantions are handled. I'll give you some exsamples of past WTF's.

1) The big feature of Exodus was PoS' and Alliances, as well as Dreads. The sov system was quickly to shown to suck, pos management sucked. CCP said 'oh we will fix things np..." Then they jumped onto the next expantion (either RMR or Cold War, i always mix them up) and ignored issues.

2) Titans came in i think RMR (or Cold War) They said 'oh we know xxx is over powered, don't worry we will fix it) it took them 2 years to make titans not move after DD'ing and then another 2 or so years to change the DD.

3) FW, this came out in Empeyan age... i think... yea that sounds right. It was buggy, and sucked. Hardly anyone played. It took CCP 3 years to even address ANY issues on it.

4) PI we were promised PI would be one way, and that it would tie into this new game ccp is developing in china called Dust (Dust was announced way before 2010 for thouse who don't know) But PI will let you do nice things, this is just the first set of interaction, trust us we will improve it. 5 years or so later... its still a click fest annoying hunk of crap. (i hate PI, i hate all the stupid clicking...)

5) Sov.... oh dear lord... We went from 1 pos gets you sov in 24 hours. To the most pos' get you sov in 7 days. To Each pos has a special weight, small = 1, med = 5 small, 1 large = 7 med (or some ****) To.. oh btw if you own 51% of the systems in a constalation with 3 outpost you can make a system invulernable to all attack! Don't worry we will add more tools to constalation sov, just you wait.. To.. yea scratch that constalation sov crap, here is Domion! with new upgrades! We will add more upgrades later just you see!!!!

6) Incursions... yea they promised to add more...

7) COSMOS... yea... see above.

8) WiS we were told one thing, and given a steaming pile of dog crap for another.

Patches used to be like this....

DT for expantion will be 4 hours... no wait 8.. no wait 12... crap sorry 24... ok up.. no down... no up... patch... down.. up... hotfix... down... up... unstable... reboot... hotfix...hotfix....hotfix... unstable...down...up..patch... stable... patch patch patch fix.

Compaired to:

DT 1 hour... opps 30 min... up... hotfix....reboot...up...stable...up.

I like the new ccp, finish your broken crap, give us new stuff that works from the get go. Big jesus feature will come, once you see what all the little stuff ties to, you will go 'oh snap!' is my guess

I've always been of the opinion that it might be best for CCP to only put out one major expansion each year. In place of the second expansion, they could put out a major update (tweaks, bugfixes etc.), which could primarily be focused on fixing whatever damage the most recent expansion caused.

Nevyn Auscent wrote:
You mean one of those WOW expansions that adds entire new land masses and monsters, new classes & skills
Of course the cost of those land masses is that every single item you own is now useless.
Every single build now needs reworking.
Every single Raid Comp needs a new design.
And doing any of the already existing content becomes useless.

Funny, I already feel like that's been the case with quite a number of EVE's expansions.