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Karen Galeo for CSM9

First post
Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#21 - 2014-03-22 17:50:22 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
I admire your enthusiasm for jumping right in. It's very EVE-like, in the best way.

A few questions:

1) You mention being unimpressed with your experience of EVE as a new player. This is a common enough problem that CCP is actively looking to address it--and specifically, the issue of getting new players hooked into the existing social networks--as we speak. With the perspective of an abject newbie fresh on your mind, what would you tell them if they asked you for feedback? How did you find your corp?

2) You sound like the type of player called an "enabler:" the people who buy, schlep, and set up all the stuff so that everyone else can use it. CCP Seagull, one of the senior producers, said a year or so ago that EVE treats enablers "like ****," and vowed to change that. As a wormhole dweller, you're (getting) used to a particularly maddening kind of logistics, although nullsec large-alliance logistics are a whole different kind of hair-raising. What do you like? What do you not like?

3) How were the tutorials, in-game guides, and suggested further reading helpful? How were they unhelpful? How did the whole arrangement strike you in terms of engagement and effectiveness?

Thank you! o7 I wouldn't be out in w-space if I didn't enjoy taking control of my play experience and making things happen.

To answer your questions:
1) So much of what makes Eve great is driven by players and player interaction. The tutorials will give someone the basics on flying ships and running missions, certainly, but does nothing to encourage new players to reach out. A brand new player has the NPC Corp Chat and Rookie Help chat, There are groups out there that will actively recruit new players, but encouraging the new player to be more active will help get them into those important social networks that will keep them playing.

When I started, my corp was aggressively recruiting new players; we did it in a few waves like that, bringing in new players, training them, getting them going with the fleets.

2) I think I can confess to being an enabler. :) I rather enjoy feeling like I have helped my team/corp and I don't ever mind hauling things about or shipping into something I'd rather leave in the hangar if it's what we need. I believe that the rest of the quote entails "We put these people through a lot of painful, unnecessary work" and that would be entirely correct. You can save a ship fitting, but not a build order. Getting the right people set up with the right roles to run the POS' assembly arrays and research lab is a pain. If the corp decides to run reactions, someone needs to manage it... and it needs to be someone trusted, since they get access to such a bit chunk of the POS functionality as well. This doesn't even touch on the raw volume of clicking it takes to get a full array's worth of production lines supplied, BP's loaded, and orders set.

Logistics for a wormhole are certainly complicated - we can't just bring in a jump freighter whenever we want, after all - but for me part of the fun of doing it is overcoming those complications and challenges. It's not the rush of PvP, but there is definitely a feeling of accomplishment that comes with keeping the logistics side going, with keeping the POS fueled and ammo in the member's use bins, and with seeing a production line pay off after you've nursed it along from start to finish. For the stuff that I don't like... well, those would be the challenges imposed by the game interface, as opposed to the actual game itself. Managing POS roles, POS permissions, and all of the repetitive clicking it takes to get things up and running. Part of what makes games enjoyable is being able to pick a challenge and then compete against it; painful UI just gets in the way of that.

3) A lot of that goes back to the first question. The tutorials certainly have their problems, but they do get players started out with missioning, mining, and exploration. They don't cover some of the finer points like how to make a good fit (over just a fit that works), or double clicking for manual piloting, but a rookie can only process so much information in at once.

When it comes to further reading, though, they fall short; a new player needs to be inquisitive and look into things for themselves, because they game doesn't do anything to explicitly encourage them to, for example, go poke about on the E-Uni wiki.

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

Lanctharus Onzo
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#22 - 2014-03-25 01:10:02 UTC
CSM9 Candidate Interview: Karen Galeo

Executive Editor, CSM Watch || Writer, Co-host of the Cap Stable Podcast || Twitter: @Lanctharus

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#23 - 2014-03-31 00:55:27 UTC
Hi there,

I've started doing the rounds on checking out WH CSM candidates and you're on that list.

Firstly, let me start by saying that yes, I do have pretty serious concerns about anyone who has been playing EVE for less than 6 months running for any CSM position, especially to represent an area as unique as WHs.
That said, I'm willing to give you my consideration and base my votes on your views rather than experience.

In that light, I have a few questions that I feel are of high importance for the near future of wspace.

1. What are your views on the proposed probing delay for newly spawned K162 WHs?

2. What kinds of changes, if any, do you think need to be made to Tech 3 cruisers when they get their rebalance pass? How do you view their current role in wspace and where would you like it to go post rebalance?

3. Do you feel there is an issue with dreadnaught proliferation in WHs? What changes, if any, do you feel are needed regarding capitals in WHs?


There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#24 - 2014-04-01 02:05:35 UTC
Hi Jack! Thank you for the consideration; that is the most I ask of anyone.

To answer your questions:
1) A delay to *probing* a new K162 is too much. I am all for the removal of new signatures from the overview and for removing the auto-refresh from the discovery scanner, but the new K162's need to remain findable through some means.

2) I love my tengu, and the adaptability brought around through the various subsystems, but I can freely admit it's a pain in the butt to properly rig it out. Since I am yet as space rich as some other wormholers who might have a half dozen of the same T3, with different rig set ups, I ended up settling on one rig configuration that I think would be the most useful to all of my tengu builds. It's not optimal, but it works - and I think it takes away a bit from the modular feel of the Tengu. I think that the T3 hulls should either allow the players to swap out the rigs with less hassle (IE, not having to bring in a stack of a dozen rigs of each type if you want to be able to swap) - like making them removable, or tieing the rig slot on the hull to a subsystem - or remove the rig slots and take that into account when the hulls and subsystems are rebalanced.

From talking with other wormholers, I also hear that the other T3's have subsystems that do not see much use. Again, having only a small handful of viable fits for a T3 erodes their modular feel. I don't think that *every* combination of subsystems needs to be great, but each subsystem should certainly be viable in regular use cases.

As for their current role, they are certainly a top tier, 'goal' ship for anyone who wants to have a competitive gang in the larger meta. My corp made it work with T1 cruisers, battlecruisers, and a couple of command ships while we were in a C2 and dealing with other small corps passing through, or people diving from high sec, but the larger established corps/alliances in C5 and C6 space can afford to field masses of T3's. They pack some of the best effectiveness per mass, and I think that is perfectly acceptable for a ship built from w-space.

3) Not particularly. Yes, it makes evictions difficult if someone has a hundred or so dreads in their home system, but anyone will fall eventually if you grind away at them long enough. Dreadnaught proliferation is an issue in the same way as Titan and Supercarrier proliferation is in null; limiting someone's ability to get them will only give an advantage to the people that already have them, and there is not really a practical way to limit their deployment without putting in systems to remove them entirely. Even though it is still a significant investment, small corps can acquire dreadnaughts easily enough that I don't think there's an issue.

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#25 - 2014-04-03 20:55:00 UTC
I have removed a rule breaking post and those quoting them.

The Rules:
10. Discussion of warnings and bans is prohibited.

Such matters shall remain private between CCP and the involved user. Questions or comments concerning warnings and bans will be conveyed through email or private messaging. CCP respect the right of our players to privacy and as such you are not permitted to publicize private correspondence (including petition responses and emails) received from any of the aforementioned parties.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Abla Tive
#26 - 2014-04-05 15:17:14 UTC
Karen Galeo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#27 - 2014-04-08 08:33:58 UTC
I have added a post on the CSM campaign to my blog.

It is long, and somewhat rambling, but it voices a number of long-form thoughts I wanted to get out. Have fun with it.

Author of the Karen 162 blog.

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