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Faction Warfare Plexing

First post
BigDaddy Toothbrush
Rapid Withdrawal
Pen Is Out
#1 - 2014-04-07 21:03:35 UTC
I searched, but found nothing satisfactory on this topic, so I'd like to pose a concern/solution-option here.

I have been in FW in Galmil for almost a year. It's been a fantastic experience and I very much enjoy the pvp.

On thing I do not like, however, is when I'm sitting in a plex and a neutral warps in. This pilot has chosen not to participate in FW, but can still take advantage of the pvp. That's fine.

What is not fine is that FW pilots are required to engage this pilot to defend the plex and receive a sec status hit for the engagement (or alternatively have to wait for this person to engage the pilot, putting the FW pilot at a disadvantage), or give up the plex entirely. If FW gives you a side and you're a participant it in, why should FW pilots be forced to take negative status hits to satisfy a FW requirement.

I would offer that if you want to warp into a plex, you want to fight, therefore, you should have some kind of limited engagement timer either for 1 minute upon entering the plex, or if you are within X distance of the plex beacon. (I prefer the second option)

Anyway, just a thought that I hadn't seen discussed elsewhere. I hope others will take this for what it is, trying to offer a solution, not just bitching with no solution offered.

Fly well.

Cooper Gribbles
Forgot to repair
#2 - 2014-05-24 20:22:06 UTC
I have now been on both sides of the coin. I had about 9 months in FW and the last 3 in Nullsec. I have been the defender of Plexes taking part in FW and I have been the pirate looking for PvP. Having taken action on both sides I agree with you 100%. Pirating should definitely be allowed but a person in FW shouldn't take the hit in sec status. I have posted this on several occasions as well.

Another topic I repeatedly bring up is that of LP farmers. Takes the PvP out of FW. My understanding is that FW is for PvP, so why do they allow stabs and cloaks (now not within 30k, extremely small step in the right direction) in a Plex. Check those at the door please I want to PvP, not chase farmers taking advantage of a supposed PvP portion of the game.

A good leader's men fight with him, not for him

DJ FunkyBacon
Rabid Ninja Space Monkey Inc.
Monkeys with Guns.
#3 - 2014-05-24 22:17:41 UTC
Neutrals do not affect the timer at all, only a person from the opposite faction would stop the timer from ticking, so to complete a plex, there is no requirement to shoot the neutral. Technically, by shooting at a law abiding citizen, you are engaging in piracy, and there is nothing wrong with that, but yes, you do take a small security hit... alternatively you can opt not to take the sec hit and wait for the other guy to shoot first and take the hit instead. It's a 2 way street here.

I would certainly like to see people who enter plexes get a suspect flag, but let's not blow this situation out of proportion. you do have a choice, and shooting first is not forced on you.

Radio Host, Blogger, Lowsec Resident, PvP Afficionado. - Blog

FunkyBacon on Twitter

#4 - 2014-05-28 12:23:41 UTC
DJ FunkyBacon wrote:
... shooting first is not forced on you.

Yes, I will definitely let that navy slicer shoot my blaster ship first next time. Thank you for your help.
Ice Fire Warriors
#5 - 2014-05-29 08:16:03 UTC
marcel72 wrote:
DJ FunkyBacon wrote:
... shooting first is not forced on you.

Yes, I will definitely let that navy slicer shoot my blaster ship first next time. Thank you for your help.

That's *your* problem.

The "normal" rules of engagement still apply as you are technically considered a privateer (in the most classical sense) and not a soldier. So the "normal" rules of engagement still apply... as do the penalties.

Just suck it up and use the tags for security status when you eventually want to return to high-sec (I still haven't found a reason to do so in 4 years though). Using FW LP to buy 20 POCO bpcs should cover the cost.