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CSM Campaigns

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Azami Nevinyrall for CSM9!

First post
Azami Nevinyrall
#41 - 2014-03-11 14:04:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
King of Warcraft wrote:
I listened to your interview on Cap Stable.

When you were asked what your strengths are, you said, "I don't see myself having a particular strength."

When you were asked what you liked about EVE Online, you said, "With the game itself, not much."

When you were asked about what distinguishes you from other candidates, you said, "Nothing, in my mind, sets me out differently."

When you were asked if there was anything you would like to say, you said, "Uh, off the top of my head, not really."

So you have no strengths, don't like the game, there is nothing special about you, and you have nothing to say.

This is your first ever forum post on this character.

This is then time where you should've asked questions regarding my campaign. "Get to know me more." Did you? No, no you did not. You came off as if you were attacking me and never asked me anything. Of course I'm going to defend myself!

Next time, if your going to point out what you view as the short comings of others. Try to give advice on how that particular individual can improve himself in the future.


King of Warcraft
#42 - 2014-03-11 14:57:35 UTC

How would you like me to say how I'm a better candidate then the rest? Should I give an opinion and compare myself to everyone that's running? Should I make snap decisions and give opinions to people I don't know?

This is the language barrier that I was talking about. Your statement is basically nonsense. You are somehow equating promoting yourself as a candidate with making false statements about the other candidates. I am not sure how you came to this conclusion, but you need to have an earnest discussion with a native English speaker that you trust. There is a serious gap in your understanding of the English language that needs to be corrected.
Azami Nevinyrall
#43 - 2014-03-11 16:05:52 UTC
King of Warcraft wrote:

How would you like me to say how I'm a better candidate then the rest? Should I give an opinion and compare myself to everyone that's running? Should I make snap decisions and give opinions to people I don't know?

This is the language barrier that I was talking about. Your statement is basically nonsense. You are somehow equating promoting yourself as a candidate with making false statements about the other candidates. I am not sure how you came to this conclusion, but you need to have an earnest discussion with a native English speaker that you trust. There is a serious gap in your understanding of the English language that needs to be corrected.

Well, that's your opinion.

It seems that my answer to the question you keep on dragging up. You have a big issue with, and nothing to do with my actual platform. Like you've previously claim!

I've not made any false statements, please, point them out? Me asking you what you'd like me to say since my answer isn't good enough for you. Only to not get an answer but for you to question my language skills.

In my opinion, I've answered your questions. If you don't like my answers, then that's your problem.

So, in conclusion, I do not know enough of the other candidates to form an opinion. My refusing to judge someone whom I don't know. Is in my mind, correct and polite. If you have an issue with this still. Then you can voice yourself on the ballot, and I have nothing further to say to you.


King of Warcraft
#44 - 2014-03-11 16:14:10 UTC

So, in conclusion, I do not know enough of the other candidates to form an opinion. My refusing to judge someone whom I don't know. Is in my mind, correct and polite.

Can someone that speaks French set this guy straight? He needs to understand the difference between talking himself up (promoting himself as a candidate) and talking badly about others. He has some strange concept in his mind that by saying good things about himself, he is forced to also say bad things about other people.
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#45 - 2014-03-19 12:36:41 UTC
Congrats on the decision to run for CSM.

How do you feel about the constant calls for nerf'ing high sec by newer risk averse players? [ex - high sec should be total sec]

What is your stance on corporations being able to insta-dodge an incoming wardec by dropping corp and reforming?

Best of luck! o/
Azami Nevinyrall
#46 - 2014-03-19 14:02:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley wrote:
Congrats on the decision to run for CSM.

How do you feel about the constant calls for nerf'ing high sec by newer risk averse players? [ex - high sec should be total sec]

What is your stance on corporations being able to insta-dodge an incoming wardec by dropping corp and reforming?

Best of luck! o/


Can you expand on that question? I don't understand why the risk adverse would want highsec nerfed?

I'll address "Nerfing highsec" and "risk adverse players." Separately.

In my view, highsec doesn't need a nerf, what it needs is more things for the casual players to do. I.E. More missions, variety, challenges... Etc etc

For the risk adverse, its their play style, telling someone how to play EVE completely removes the sandbox aspect of the game. I'm 100% for allowing players to play how they want to, not how others want them to.

That, Insta dodge wardec and reform a new corp I'm against. Currently its a viable mechanic. How it should be addressed is currently beyond me. There's a lot of opinions on how it should be addressed. And I will look into that more further!


Jaun Pacht-Feng
#47 - 2014-03-20 10:18:20 UTC
Going along with King of Lalaland here. Why should people vote for you when you gave a weak interview?

Your stance with Cloaking has been a hot topic here. I would suggest putting your money where your mouth is an no one seems to be buying that argument!

"Go Goon or Go Home"

Perfect description of the biggest problem with Eve. 

Azami Nevinyrall
#48 - 2014-03-20 16:05:55 UTC
Jaun Pacht-Feng wrote:
Going along with King of Lalaland here. Why should people vote for you when you gave a weak interview?

*sigh* That morning I had to say goodbye to someone, so I wasn't 100% there and did the interview more of a distraction then anything. I should've rescheduled it, but whatever. What's done is done!

Jaun Pacht-Feng wrote:
Your stance with Cloaking has been a hot topic here. I would suggest putting your money where your mouth is an no one seems to be buying that argument!

That's a much heated debate, with mutilple suggestions on how to handle it. But, you're right, I you put it..."Put my money where my mouth it!" And, you know what? I will!


Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2014-03-20 21:56:31 UTC  |  Edited by: corbexx
I've just read your ideas on cloaky scouts. How do you think this will affect wormhole space. You also mentioned bombs would they work in wormhole space as well?
Azami Nevinyrall
#50 - 2014-03-20 22:20:47 UTC
corbexx wrote:
I've just read your ideas on cloaky scouts. How do you think this will affect wormhole space. You also mentioned bombs would they work in wormhole space as well?

The debate on cloaks will go on forever! Keep in mind that my ideas are just an idea. There's a lot of conversations going around about what to do about it.

This would affect wormhole space in a number of ways.

It would add greater security to those who live in wormholes. Now you'll have some idea if there's anyone floating around. Thus would make scouting harder aswell.

I've thought of a way to balance it. If (big IF here) my idea was to be tossed into the game, then there should be a scale of difficulty on scanning cloaked ships. For example, a non-covert ops ship with a cloak would be relatively easy to scan down. Covert/Black ops would be much harder to scan down. T3 ships would gain an immunity to this new system if it was implemented. How exactly this would work, would be up for debate and theory crafting so nothing is OP.

If you would like to discuss this, please, feel free to do so! I'd love the conversation with a wormhole resident to make sure it would work with them aswell!


Lanctharus Onzo
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#51 - 2014-03-25 01:11:50 UTC
CSM9 Candidate Interview: Azami Nevinyrall

Executive Editor, CSM Watch || Writer, Co-host of the Cap Stable Podcast || Twitter: @Lanctharus

Ssabat Thraxx
DUST Expeditionary Team
Good Sax
#52 - 2014-04-02 17:24:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Ssabat Thraxx
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Or less gameplay for the cloak ships.

Making Cloaky pilots more active and on their toes forces them to play more and be less "AFK".

Why do you want to force anyone to do anything? An AFK pilot poses absolutely zero threat to anyone, so why does there need to be a counter to it? "Because you don't know if they're AFK or not!" you might say, to which I say, "so?" It adds an element of risk, or the perception of risk, to the game.

I don't know if there's a big nasty gatecamp on the other side of the gate I'm about to jump through either, should there be a counter to that? What's wrong with the element of the unknown? I believe bringing an element of the unknown to an area is a fundamental and "intended" role of cloaky ships. If you disagree, what exactly do you feel are the roles of cloaky ships?

EDIT: As someone who's playstyle focuses heavily on covops, I'm very concerned about your ideas on it, and I'm interested in your response to my above questions. That said, I'm very happy to hear and in agreement with your above post. You may yet win my vote.

\m/ O.o \m/

"You're a freak ..." - Solecist Project

Azami Nevinyrall
#53 - 2014-04-02 18:59:43 UTC
Ssabat Thraxx wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Or less gameplay for the cloak ships.

Making Cloaky pilots more active and on their toes forces them to play more and be less "AFK".

Why do you want to force anyone to do anything? An AFK pilot poses absolutely zero threat to anyone, so why does there need to be a counter to it? "Because you don't know if they're AFK or not!" you might say, to which I say, "so?" It adds an element of risk, or the perception of risk, to the game.

I don't know if there's a big nasty gatecamp on the other side of the gate I'm about to jump through either, should there be a counter to that? What's wrong with the element of the unknown? I believe bringing an element of the unknown to an area is a fundamental and "intended" role of cloaky ships. If you disagree, what exactly do you feel are the roles of cloaky ships?

EDIT: As someone who's playstyle focuses heavily on covops, I'm very concerned about your ideas on it, and I'm interested in your response to my above questions. That said, I'm very happy to hear and in agreement with your above post. You may yet win my vote.

I know and understand that a "AFK" cloaky presents no threat. But, the other pilots don't know that!

My idea that I have is merely a suggestion. It's really up for debate and consideration. Cloaking hasn't been touched since it's been introduced, and I'd really like the role to be spiced up a little. Instead of people constantly saying "nerf covert ops' Cap!" or "Make Cloaking Devices use fuel." I don't want to ruin the role altogether, I want it to be looked at again. And whatever changes are made....if any are....that it's balanced. So, both sides of this discussion can be happy with whats done!

Be it, introduce skill(s) to "Enhance" your cloak to make it harder to detect. Along with...hopefully... a new ship role to defend against cloaked ships in some way.

I hope I answered your question! If not, feel free to reply! Or if you have any ideas/suggestions to "spice up" that role, feel free to reply with it! I'd really like to hear what others think and what they'd like!


Azami Nevinyrall
#54 - 2014-04-03 15:58:41 UTC
You're welcome!


ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#55 - 2014-04-03 20:49:53 UTC
I have removed a rule breaking post and those quoting them.

The Rules:
10. Discussion of warnings and bans is prohibited.

Such matters shall remain private between CCP and the involved user. Questions or comments concerning warnings and bans will be conveyed through email or private messaging. CCP respect the right of our players to privacy and as such you are not permitted to publicize private correspondence (including petition responses and emails) received from any of the aforementioned parties.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Azami Nevinyrall
#56 - 2014-04-04 16:05:06 UTC
ISD Ezwal wrote:
I have removed a rule breaking post and those quoting them.

The Rules:
10. Discussion of warnings and bans is prohibited.

Such matters shall remain private between CCP and the involved user. Questions or comments concerning warnings and bans will be conveyed through email or private messaging. CCP respect the right of our players to privacy and as such you are not permitted to publicize private correspondence (including petition responses and emails) received from any of the aforementioned parties.

I am sad, that was a good question...


March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#57 - 2014-04-05 10:48:41 UTC
Sephira Galamore wrote:

From the example above, you have the regular cyno = teleportation.
And you have the gang warpin.. and that means you have a gang moving around and intel channels where they will be reported. AND you have the afk drone boat.. People that don't pay attention to intel or are even afk won't be affected by your idea.

the problem here is: with titan bridging you have no warping gangs. You have one scout which suddenly transforms to whole gang right on top of you. And these pilots could sit there 10 jumps away and never be reported in intel channels.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Abla Tive
#58 - 2014-04-05 14:59:17 UTC
Thank you for responding to my question about mining.

I am very curious to see how many candidates are active participants in this foundational part of the EVE experience.
Azami Nevinyrall
#59 - 2014-04-05 16:00:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Azami Nevinyrall
Abla Tive wrote:
Thank you for responding to my question about mining.

I am very curious to see how many candidates are active participants in this foundational part of the EVE experience.

You're welcome!

But, keep in mind that because I never mined recently doesn't mean I never mined at all.

I have 2 accounts, and 2 "Main" characters, 1 high SP character on each. Both these characters, Azami and a unnamed alt, have Exhumers trained to lvl 5 with max mining skills.

With high SP dedicated to this profession, I obviously spent a lot of time mining.


Kasumi 'Goto
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2014-04-05 17:13:22 UTC
Can you go into further detail on the kinds of changes you would like to see made to pve, Jove space, FW, Incarna and carriers in highsec. These have been of great interest to me for a long time so i am really curious to hear your ideas.
