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EMPs and warp bubble warfare

Benjamin Firestorm
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-04-02 00:29:27 UTC
So I was thinking, what if we could have real EMPs? I mean, not like bombs that do EM damage, I mean electronic warfare modules that truely disable all ships within range! When used, it emits an electromagnetic pulse that completely disables all ships within range. Disabling includes warp disruption, targeting disabled, movement disabled, etc. Now to make this so that not only one party gets hurt, you could do the same thing to the person who set off the EMP, but not as bad. So perhaps effects would last for a minute for the vicitm, but only maybe 30 seconds for the one who set it off. You could also even make modules that protect against this, like how warp core stabilizers protect against warp scrams.

So now onto warp bubble warfare. I was also thinking of implementing a way for certain ships to follow another ship through warp AND be able to target them in warp. Only certain ships would be able to do this, and to be able to have this ability you would need to fit a certain module on your ship. The ship would have to have a fairly high warp speed to be able to catch up to ships in warp, say 3-4 AU per second? To protect against this you could do one of to things: 1) fit a module that prevents the attacking ship from locking onto your warp or 2) (my personal favorite) be able to break their warp while they're in the same warp bubble as you. Target them, activate the module and they begin to drop out of warp. Anyway please send feedback on what you think about my idea(s). Thanks!
Ice Fire Warriors
#2 - 2014-04-02 02:08:27 UTC
For your first point... it already exists in some form. It's called ECM and it comes in AoE versions (ECM Burst, Remote ECM Burst).

For your second point... I'm not even sure that is technically feasible. And if it is, I'm not quite sure what to think of it. It would be interesting... but it would also be annoying as hell.
Egravant Alduin
Ascendance Rising
#3 - 2014-04-02 11:23:18 UTC
I don't know if ECM burst is area of effect but I like the idea of the op.Imagine a system like that and the ship start to fall to the nearest planet which will pull it from gravity.And then you wake up in a planet with aliens and plantation. Anyway +1 from me

Feel the wrath of the GECKO!

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-04-02 11:27:50 UTC
Wouldn't this be waaaay OP? Cheap ships runs in fitted with emp and disables everything for 1 minute, fleet of gank fit ships follows and wipes out everything that's defenceless...

Targeting in warp wouldn't make sense, you are in your own little warp buble being hurled through space in isolation (although other bubbles may be nearby). As soon as you fired anything out of the warp field it would exit warp. Besides you can just use an ninty to warp ahead of your target and hit them as they exit warp.
WouldYouEver HaveSexWith aGoat
#5 - 2014-04-02 11:33:34 UTC  |  Edited by: WouldYouEver HaveSexWith aGoat
If you are moving faster than the speed of light it would make absolutely no sense that you would also have the ability to shoot other successfully from your ship.

For one your weapons are moving slower than the speed of light, which makes firing them at a ship moving faster than the speed of light completely irrelevant. At these speeds our ships are passing through solid objects thus would logically pass through any sub-lightspeed attacks projected towards the vessel.

It's actually completely idiotic that we can see our ships in warp. I'm not saying they should change it - because who cares - but technically our ships would have to be some sort of energy beam/field in order to safely travel at such speeds. Kind of like how it is in Stargate/trek; a device breaks you down into nothing but pure energy patterns, transfers you to a second device, and rebuilds you. Even that is completely theoretical and most likely a simple fantasy.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2014-04-02 11:40:00 UTC
One theory is to create a warp bubble that creates a wave of disruption in the fabric of time and space, the ship then surfs this wave. I'm happy to disattend that this bubble puts you outside of normal space and can therefore fly 'through' structures Weapons fire would be impossible though.
Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#7 - 2014-04-02 11:53:50 UTC
The in warp targeting is not so strange, I was in sync warp with an Orca alt and I was able to access the fleet hangar and change modules using the Orca's fitting service all before I dropped out of warp, so if a friendly can access a ship in warp, why not target it, the rarity of getting in sync during warp makes the chances low but the consequences high.

Additionally I think it would be funny to go into warp, gank or get ganked in high sec, then drop out of warp to an awaiting Concord response. (Since Concord would not be able to match the warp after it was initiated)

Interesting ideas but possibly to complex for the game, and the EM pulse idea is great but it would be Really OP.

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

Zansha Expansion
#8 - 2014-04-02 12:17:19 UTC
Egravant Alduin wrote:
I don't know if ECM burst is area of effect but I like the idea of the op.Imagine a system like that and the ship start to fall to the nearest planet which will pull it from gravity.And then you wake up in a planet with aliens and plantation. Anyway +1 from me

The ECM burst is area of effect, yes and if you want an EMP weapon, fly to the next star - you all the emp you want and possible more.

Just imagine that our boat have an emp shield and that they aren't affected by emp.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

seth Hendar
I love you miners
#9 - 2014-04-02 12:28:13 UTC
Egravant Alduin wrote:
I don't know if ECM burst is area of effect but I like the idea of the op.Imagine a system like that and the ship start to fall to the nearest planet which will pull it from gravity.And then you wake up in a planet with aliens and plantation. Anyway +1 from me

i do like the idea, but there are AT LEAST 2 issues with this.

1- it'll be way too OP

2- it doesn't fit, in space you already are subject to massive interferences that are similar to what an EMP does, meaning the electronic is shielded to sustain such conditions.

for example take a look at all the micropocessor used in current satellites, rovers etc... all are shielded because of that.

now, we already also know how to protect sensitive material against EMP, thanks to Faraday's work (from 1800).

so it is not hard to state that in the futuristic eve word, where spaceships are as common as a bicycle is today, every single ship is protected against such things (in fact, it would be impossible for them not to be)

tldr: it doesn't make sense
seth Hendar
I love you miners
#10 - 2014-04-02 12:30:59 UTC
WouldYouEver HaveSexWith aGoat wrote:
If you are moving faster than the speed of light it would make absolutely no sense that you would also have the ability to shoot other successfully from your ship.

For one your weapons are moving slower than the speed of light, which makes firing them at a ship moving faster than the speed of light completely irrelevant. At these speeds our ships are passing through solid objects thus would logically pass through any sub-lightspeed attacks projected towards the vessel.

It's actually completely idiotic that we can see our ships in warp. I'm not saying they should change it - because who cares - but technically our ships would have to be some sort of energy beam/field in order to safely travel at such speeds. Kind of like how it is in Stargate/trek; a device breaks you down into nothing but pure energy patterns, transfers you to a second device, and rebuilds you. Even that is completely theoretical and most likely a simple fantasy.

well, technically, a warp drive bend space so in fact you never actually move FTL
Benjamin Firestorm
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-04-02 20:37:09 UTC
Thanks everybody for the feedback. Yes I am fully aware of ECM drones, ECM bursts and such, but they don't really have that powerful of an effect. To make the EMP not as op, the same effects would happen on the person who set it off. It could even be modified as to create a long lasting bubble (similar to warp disruption bubbles), but only last for a certain amount of time. To add to that even after the bubble disappears, some effects will still linger for a short amount of time, kinda like when you get out of cloak and not able to recloak. Also about the in-warp weapons problem. I did do some research into this and have concluded that only pure energy can move FTL (for example, protons!). So a new type of weapon/ammo could be added that allows it to be fired in warp, or just make a fancy new version of standard ammo that can fire in-warp (T3 ammo perahps?). Thank you for the feedback guys!
Benjamin Firestorm
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2014-04-02 20:43:28 UTC
Also, to make sure that just not any small ship can fit the EMP, make it so fitting requires bc or bs powergrid/cpu/capacitor
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2014-04-02 21:03:34 UTC
I still think it would be OP. A gank fleet would happily throw away a BC hull in return for stopping a multi-billion freighter in it's tracks with absolutely no chance of escape.