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EVE General Discussion

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First post
The Greater Goon
#401 - 2011-11-30 16:23:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Morganta
make all text scalable
its simple

90% UI makes no difference when everything scales but the chat tabs

this is the problem, you can't get ALL OF IT looking good

you can tweek till you're blue in the face, but the scaling is useless unless you can adjust point size globally
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#402 - 2011-11-30 16:25:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Fenlx
Actually, i like the new font much more.

Edit: Also, I would prefer CCP to have their Developers assigned to more important things than changing fonts as we please.
Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#403 - 2011-11-30 16:27:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Astrid Stjerna
Dinta Zembo wrote:
Blnukem 192 wrote:
this new font is terrible...


Don't care if possible or not I want an option for the old font. This hurts my eyes. Evil

It's simply not possible -- there is no 'old font'. It wouldn't display correctly in Crucible's UI, so they removed it entirely.

:Edit: The new font doesn't hurt my eyes -- what gave me eyestrain was squinting to see the old one.

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

Cord Binchiette
Kzinti Confederation
#404 - 2011-11-30 16:28:58 UTC
The new font is a big improvement. It's much easier to read. Don't change it back.
#405 - 2011-11-30 16:29:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Shkolnica
Fenlx wrote:
Actually, i like the new font much more.

New font is not a problem, problem is how this font was integrated to client ui.
Veriasse Valence
Axitek Consortium
#406 - 2011-11-30 16:32:02 UTC
Shkolnica wrote:

Oh how I miss it...
#407 - 2011-11-30 17:12:24 UTC
Shkolnica wrote:

as we can see the new UI is inferior thanks to this.

North Korea is Best Korea

Mal Darkrunner
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#408 - 2011-11-30 17:15:13 UTC
I still find the old font much more legible ... not an expert on Typography so I can't put my finger on exactly what the problem is, but something about the size/shape/spacing of the new font just makes all the letters blur together when there are multiple lines.

Maybe it's something to do with the narrow width of the letters in relation to their height?

Unfortunately I don't have the screen space to increase the font size so I'll just have to put up with it (or not log in) until CCP fixes it or until some clever person finds a way around the problem Sad
#409 - 2011-11-30 17:19:08 UTC
Mal Darkrunner wrote:
I still find the old font much more legible ... not an expert on Typography so I can't put my finger on exactly what the problem is, but something about the size/shape/spacing of the new font just makes all the letters blur together when there are multiple lines.

Maybe it's something to do with the narrow width of the letters in relation to their height?

Unfortunately I don't have the screen space to increase the font size so I'll just have to put up with it (or not log in) until CCP fixes it or until some clever person finds a way around the problem Sad

CCP have once again listned to the crying extremely vocal tiny minority and ignored the majority. The Majority is always right. Always.

North Korea is Best Korea

Evalisa Tsero
Dread Caldari
#410 - 2011-11-30 17:27:06 UTC
I'm surprised that no one noticed yet that when you set-up the UI to 90%, the Can are all grey in the overview.
Billy Colorado
Evasion Gaming
#411 - 2011-11-30 17:35:06 UTC
Ohanka wrote:
Shkolnica wrote:

as we can see the new UI is inferior thanks to this.

That's exactly why the new UI is much much better. The letterforms aren't an embarrassment to every other alphabet in existence.
#412 - 2011-11-30 18:26:21 UTC
I can not play eve more than 15 minutes with this new ui.
Because my eyes hurts.
I'm now in skill switching mode till ui improvements.
If there will be no improvements I will have to stop playing eve.
#413 - 2011-11-30 18:34:57 UTC
Shkolnica wrote:
I can not play eve more than 15 minutes with this new ui.
Because my eyes hurts.
I'm now in skill switching mode till ui improvements.
If there will be no improvements I will have to stop playing eve.

yes the new font makes the game unplayable

North Korea is Best Korea

XS Tech
#414 - 2011-11-30 18:46:31 UTC
you know things are good when the only whines are about the FONT

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

William Loire
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#415 - 2011-11-30 18:54:32 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
you know things are good when the only whines are about the FONT

I have to agree with this, but the font is pretty bad.

Supporters: "I can finally read it!"
Detractors: "It's ugly, amateurish, not scifi, wraps poorly, giving headaches and clashes with the EVE art style."

Again why the old font couldn't have been optimized for clarity* rather then scrapping it entirely for a rush job is beyond me.

(* Seriously? People had troubles reading it? Playing since 2005 no problem. If your upset because you need your glasses to read it: thats exactly what your glasses are for. We have poor vision, deal with it.)
Lex Xero
Caldari State
#416 - 2011-11-30 19:01:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Lex Xero
I have to say that I really like the new font too compared to the old one. I think it's ridiculous to get worked up over it. The readability is great, and it I can now comfortably play on my big screen TV when I feel like couch slouching over sitting in the captain's seat.

I have perfect eyesight, but the old font definitely gave me headaches trying to read it, especially on said big screen TV at 1920x1080.

People will have their opinions obviously, that is their right, but for disliking a lot of what CCP has been doing lately, I have to say good job for this one :)
Pavel Bidermann
Gallente Federation
#417 - 2011-11-30 19:02:22 UTC
Speaking from an old guy who wears glasses perspective, I'm good with the new font. I can read it!
Trainwreck McGee
#418 - 2011-11-30 19:10:29 UTC
The new font for me is a DRASTIC improvement when it comes to reading lists.

Its worse for reading numbers and its certainly uglier.

but just for being able to read lists without my eyes hating me is worth it to me

CCP Trainwreck - Weekend Custodial Engineer / CCP Necrogoats foot stool

StillBorn CrackBaby
#419 - 2011-11-30 19:14:56 UTC
Shkolnica wrote:
I can not play eve more than 15 minutes with this new ui.
Because my eyes hurts.
I'm now in skill switching mode till ui improvements.
If there will be no improvements I will have to stop playing eve.

Goodbye.....Geez, what facking next...
arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#420 - 2011-11-30 19:21:11 UTC
even with binoculars i still can't see a period, font aside, a larger period would be nice