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Wierd red flashy texture mess

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Valeroth Kyarmentari
Verdant Rampart
#1 - 2011-11-29 22:08:34 UTC
Not sure what to do about this... I'm getting a very wierd red flashing on top of Ships, Stations and sometimes planets. Top of the line Radeon 6900 here with 4GB of Video Ram, with up to date drivers (I updated them about 2 weeks ago).

I can't even show you though... because it doesn't show up in a screenshot (they look normal). When I alt-tab and come back it goes away... but then when I change systems it comes back.

Any ideas?
Valeroth Kyarmentari
Verdant Rampart
#2 - 2011-11-29 22:12:31 UTC
If it helps the wierd red flash ovedrlay on textures even goes over every other window... Even this browser I have open.
#3 - 2011-11-29 22:25:07 UTC
Yup, Im getting this using 2X5770's crossfire.
Valeroth Kyarmentari
Verdant Rampart
#4 - 2011-11-29 22:30:52 UTC
Okay good to know it's not just me... I guess. I found that alt-tabbing and coming back fixes it 100% of the time. Until I dock/undock, or jump to another system.
The Monkey Island Cannibals
#5 - 2011-11-29 22:31:58 UTC
I've got this too

5870 crossfire

It doesn't show up in screenshots and it used to do it to the old login background when you pressed esc. Now the problem is it isn't doing it in the new login background but it's all in game and it makes it unplayable.

This is obviously a game issue and not a PC one and it done it after I installed a fresh copy of windows 7 too.
#6 - 2011-11-29 22:39:08 UTC
GAJY wrote:
I've got this too

5870 crossfire

It doesn't show up in screenshots and it used to do it to the old login background when you pressed esc. Now the problem is it isn't doing it in the new login background but it's all in game and it makes it unplayable.

This is obviously a game issue and not a PC one and it done it after I installed a fresh copy of windows 7 too.

Yeah it did used to do it on the old login, when I pressed escape.
Kat Robspierre
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2011-11-30 01:24:56 UTC
Got this too. Dual 1GB 5670 cards. Used to do on old login too, now only doing it in game.

Game's pretty much unplayable like this.

Bug report filed.

Zenjin Vonavi
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2011-11-30 01:34:17 UTC
ditto, dual 6770s
Zenjin Vonavi
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2011-11-30 01:43:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Zenjin Vonavi
As a note as well... doesn't happen in CQ while docked, only ship spinny mode.

setting shaders to medium or low also fixes the problem... cept i love my shaders on high :(
Valeroth Kyarmentari
Verdant Rampart
#10 - 2011-11-30 02:35:16 UTC
Well I guess I'll set shaders to medium for now, thanks for the tip.
Isis DarkLight
Neve Negra
#11 - 2011-11-30 03:25:22 UTC
Same problem here 6990 AMD
Valeroth Kyarmentari
Verdant Rampart
#12 - 2011-11-30 04:09:41 UTC
Setting shaders to medium did make it playable for me.

Interesting that only people with the very high end graphics cards have this problem.
Kat Robspierre
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2011-11-30 04:48:07 UTC
Aye, shaders to Med worked.

And agreed, top-of-the-line cards and can't run maxed out!

#14 - 2011-11-30 17:13:08 UTC
Cant believe only us five are using crossfire and trying to use max shader setting.
Anybody else using crossfire and max shader quality without the red mess problem?
Like give us some details, catalyst version and stuff.
Zircon Tech
#15 - 2011-11-30 17:48:01 UTC
I had this problem with my 6770's. Fixed mine by downloading the newest drivers. I can't remember the version number off hand doto being at work right now.
#16 - 2011-11-30 18:00:58 UTC
Shakira21 wrote:
I had this problem with my 6770's. Fixed mine by downloading the newest drivers. I can't remember the version number off hand doto being at work right now.

Well the current version is catalyst 11.11 which I am using.
If your using 11.10 or something and ther working please report back, not really in the mood for trawling through different driver versions to find one that works.
Kat Robspierre
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2011-11-30 18:07:45 UTC
Installed the latest drivers right from ATI last night after this happened, had zero effect fixing it. Only items that worked are ALT-TAB out and back in, or switch Shaders to Medium.

Valeroth Kyarmentari
Verdant Rampart
#18 - 2011-11-30 18:54:53 UTC
i5L4NDOF5T4BiLiTY wrote:
Cant believe only us five are using crossfire and trying to use max shader setting.
Anybody else using crossfire and max shader quality without the red mess problem?
Like give us some details, catalyst version and stuff.

I saw a few posts about this in other forums, but they got locked because Moderators said people were duplicate reporting an issue... Not sure exactly where we should report this. I filed a bug, and they would like me to attach a dxdiag to it.. so I'll do that when i get home I guess. I'd suggest everyone file a petition or bug about it.
The Monkey Island Cannibals
#19 - 2011-11-30 20:27:08 UTC  |  Edited by: GAJY
Even though SOE suck their community guy over on Planetside always responded to every thread and passed it on to the developers and then came back with a response. CCP on the other hand never responded to the old login screen issue and they wont to this. People say how great they are and they listen but do they ****, as worse as blizzard, Activision and EAs customer service.

Like yeh I'm making a new thread because the one you linked me to, the issue will get drowned out by all the other peoples issues. I'm going to keep making threads until the problem is fixed or my now cancelled subscription runs out because I paid to be able to play the frigging game.

What it looks like (taken via my phone)
Uncle Enzo's Cosa Nostra Pizza
#20 - 2011-11-30 23:42:46 UTC

I have a similar issue as well with 6970s in crossfire using 11.11 drivers. It looks a little different though; same colour but everything is centered around my ship (which makes it worse). It almost looks like the light rays as viewed from my ship are red and opaque.

Hopefully there will be a fix soon; I'll try setting my textures at medium in the mean time.
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