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An Announcement Regarding Real Life Harassment

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Salvos Rhoska
#221 - 2014-03-28 15:43:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
H aVo K wrote:
Yet you spent a large portion of your time throwing around words like "torture" and crying out for some form of retribution... any form of retribution... and trying your damnedest to twist logic around in order to support those cries.

My use of the term "torture" was informed by the provided Amnesty International definition.
I did not at any point cry out for "any form of retribution".
Pointing out that I think what was happening constituted abuse at the least, does not equal that.
If you wish to argue the contents of the post in which I elaborated on that, we can do so.
I feel and think that it was consistent, coherent and fit the definition.

I made an addition to the post you quoted, for the purpose of elaborating on the subjective nature of morality.
The original text is unchanged, but there is an added paragraph below it.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#222 - 2014-03-28 15:43:34 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
what an utterly terrible response. Guess its time to GTFO.

There is no way this will ever stop unless scamming is banned, people will just hide it better. Dont think I can associate myself with a company or community that endorses this type of behavior.

Called it

When you started to play EVE online, did you do NO research beforehand? They just named it EVE online because EVIL Online was probably taken lol.

This is one of my pet peeves about you types of people: you come into something that's well established (and notorious), you ignore what it's well establish for then you claim you are leaving because of something that has existed well before you decided to play. The real problem was your poor decision to play EVE Online, not anything CCP did.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#223 - 2014-03-28 15:43:56 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
Lady Areola Fappington wrote:
Hi Falcon!

I have a question for you. I brought this one up specifically in the megathread, so here we go:

Will CCP be applying it's EULA with regards to off-EVE systems. Example: Teamspeak, blogs, Skype, things of that nature.

I'm asking not so much due to the current case, but out of concern that nefarious people may decide to pretend to be someone they wish banned, off of CCP system.

Again, example. Person who hates LAF registers the blog "". Proceeds to write awful things, violate EULA, and other assorted bad things. Joins random voice comms under my name and spews RL harassment. Would I need to worry about that when it comes to my own account?
Thanks in advance!

Hi, Lady Areola Fappington

The EULA has always affected external content to a degree, when that content is shared using our systems. For example when you post a link that contains inappropriate content, even though that content is hosted somewhere outside EVE Online, there's always been potential for disciplinary action. We haven't changed any policies but we do reserve the right, as we always have, to revoke access to our services if they are being used to facilitate something, or share something, that violates our terms of service.

Quite understandable.

What is interesting is that this means that E1 might or might not be banned, depending on if the involved party consider it harassment (and apparently he doesn't.. although CCP could consider it to be so regardless of what sohkar thinks I suppose).

It also means the author of the blog that started this whole mess going could also be banned for harassment, considering that no one's permission was asked and even the "victim" suffered because if it.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Ryann Padecain
#224 - 2014-03-28 15:44:15 UTC
ChickenPox wrote:
Oh please. This game has a reputation for much worse. Months or years of work can go up in smoke in a single night because of one person. We've all heard the stories about this game. That's one of this game's major selling points. For the people whose time/money is lost, it's real life. THIS GAME ALWAYS CROSSES OVER INTO REAL some degree, we all accept that. And this isn't even the worst behavior our players can or have produced. You guys are up in arms over this because you were able to put a human voice to the harshness of the game. It seems you're all perfectly happy to ignore "harassment" when it's text based, but as soon as you hear the emotion in a fool's voice, your heart strings are all a-tug, and you melt like butter. And the best part is: Sohkar was extremely offensive, bigoted, and threatened physical violence, while the Bonus Room guys were extremely calm and professional.

So I guess the question is, is this virtual or real life harassment. I don't think Team Speak suddenly makes this real life. It was virtual, and as such, it is perfectly acceptable....and funny.

Well said, couldn't agree more. Bunch of whiners sticking up for some crazy guy who literally cries over EVE and is too stupid to give his **** away.. holy damn.
Mr R4nd0m
#225 - 2014-03-28 15:45:19 UTC
ChickenPox wrote:
Oh please. This game has a reputation for much worse. Months or years of work can go up in smoke in a single night because of one person. We've all heard the stories about this game. That's one of this game's major selling points. For the people whose time/money is lost, it's real life. THIS GAME ALWAYS CROSSES OVER INTO REAL some degree, we all accept that. And this isn't even the worst behavior our players can or have produced. You guys are up in arms over this because you were able to put a human voice to the harshness of the game. It seems you're all perfectly happy to ignore "harassment" when it's text based, but as soon as you hear the emotion in a fool's voice, your heart strings are all a-tug, and you melt like butter. And the best part is: Sohkar was extremely offensive, bigoted, and threatened physical violence, while the Bonus Room guys were extremely calm and professional.

So I guess the question is, is this virtual or real life harassment. I don't think Team Speak suddenly makes this real life. It was virtual, and as such, it is perfectly acceptable....and funny.

this is exactly why i dont feel like being associated with this game and sad losers like yourself
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#226 - 2014-03-28 15:45:20 UTC
Celes Tialn wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
what an utterly terrible response. Guess its time to GTFO.

There is no way this will ever stop unless scamming is banned, people will just hide it better. Dont think I can associate myself with a company or community that endorses this type of behavior.

I have no idea how you ended up playing a game that advertises itself as a betrayal simulator.

The same way they all do, by ignoring reality in favor of their fantasies.
Bethan Le Troix
Krusual Investigation Agency
#227 - 2014-03-28 15:45:35 UTC
I don't think this has to be discussed much more now that CCP has clarified their position on the issue which should be all of our viewpoint on this issue.

In short feel free to advertise ISK scams, organise and do small or large scale suicide ganks, be devious and try to destroy or AWOX corporations from the inside out, ransom, extort, and bump other peoples ships to the far end of asteroid belts etc.

But DON'T use in-game or out of game based voice software to harass and humiliate other players after you have achieved one of the above types of devious gameplay that we know and love (or hate.) . Blink Be thankful and happy that your scam or whatever was successful and you are richer or have achieved your objective.

If they send you 'QQ' by EVE mail or type 'QQ' in chat channels then feel free to quote it accurately in your bio if that is your thing. But don't take it any further than that.
Korhaka Mirunas
#228 - 2014-03-28 15:45:53 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
what an utterly terrible response. Guess its time to GTFO.

There is no way this will ever stop unless scamming is banned, people will just hide it better. Dont think I can associate myself with a company or community that endorses this type of behavior.

*Snip* Please refrain from personal attacks. ISD Ezwal.
If scamming was banned, that would also bring about banning of suicide ganking, piracy and similar activities, or even completely disabling PvP.

We need T3 Shuttles!!

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#229 - 2014-03-28 15:47:28 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
ChickenPox wrote:
Oh please. This game has a reputation for much worse. Months or years of work can go up in smoke in a single night because of one person. We've all heard the stories about this game. That's one of this game's major selling points. For the people whose time/money is lost, it's real life. THIS GAME ALWAYS CROSSES OVER INTO REAL some degree, we all accept that. And this isn't even the worst behavior our players can or have produced. You guys are up in arms over this because you were able to put a human voice to the harshness of the game. It seems you're all perfectly happy to ignore "harassment" when it's text based, but as soon as you hear the emotion in a fool's voice, your heart strings are all a-tug, and you melt like butter. And the best part is: Sohkar was extremely offensive, bigoted, and threatened physical violence, while the Bonus Room guys were extremely calm and professional.

So I guess the question is, is this virtual or real life harassment. I don't think Team Speak suddenly makes this real life. It was virtual, and as such, it is perfectly acceptable....and funny.

this is exactly why i dont feel like being associated with this game and sad losers like yourself

So wait (my new catch phrase there).

You complain about scamming in EVE, something that EVE has been known for since 2003, yet some how the guy who gets how the game is is somehow the sad loser.

I think you got it backwards bro...
Nick Bete
Highsec Haulers Inc.
#230 - 2014-03-28 15:47:40 UTC
I fail to see how this "clarification" clears up anything. Looks like the status quo continues.
Ryann Padecain
#231 - 2014-03-28 15:48:43 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
ChickenPox wrote:
Oh please. This game has a reputation for much worse. Months or years of work can go up in smoke in a single night because of one person. We've all heard the stories about this game. That's one of this game's major selling points. For the people whose time/money is lost, it's real life. THIS GAME ALWAYS CROSSES OVER INTO REAL some degree, we all accept that. And this isn't even the worst behavior our players can or have produced. You guys are up in arms over this because you were able to put a human voice to the harshness of the game. It seems you're all perfectly happy to ignore "harassment" when it's text based, but as soon as you hear the emotion in a fool's voice, your heart strings are all a-tug, and you melt like butter. And the best part is: Sohkar was extremely offensive, bigoted, and threatened physical violence, while the Bonus Room guys were extremely calm and professional.

So I guess the question is, is this virtual or real life harassment. I don't think Team Speak suddenly makes this real life. It was virtual, and as such, it is perfectly acceptable....and funny.

this is exactly why i dont feel like being associated with this game and sad losers like yourself

Close the door on the way out Big smileBig smile
All Web Investigations
#232 - 2014-03-28 15:49:36 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:

Hi Trebor. What are your thoughts on trivialising real human suffering, such as ****, torture, etc

Curious aside;

Does RPing these things in game count as trivialising them?

I suppose that'd be a case by case basis judgement. I believe it would be possible to roleplay those incredibly awful subjects while also maintaining the sensitivity and gravitas of the subjects - it could even be possible to do it in a way that was commentary on the subjects or awareness raising, which is good.

Wandering off-track here, but some years ago I did quite a lot of LARPing (yeah, laugh it up), and there was a very strict rule that expressly forbid roleplaying those subjects, since although two participants, engaging in a scripted RP could probably handle the subject with sensitivity and gravitas, there was potential for it to go very wrong if someone came upon the "event" without being a scripted participant, and it was safer for all concerned that such subjects were handled abstractly (in fact, my character was involved in an "interrogation", but it was not fully RP'ed, after we successfully captured the target and removed him to a remote location, a GM adjudicated the result after an out-of-game discussion between the participants).

Cool just so we know where the in-game line is too.

I wouldn't find it acceptible without gravitas either (assuming you mean "being serious" about it), however neither is it particularly plausable to frame onself as a member of certain organisations in New Eden without udertaking at least lipservice to these activities.

Indeed, there's slavery and murder and all sorts of things in the lore of the game. All in all, I don't think roleplaying as a character that has been involved in those kinds of things - on either side - is inherently too worrisome, if it's part of a narrative and handled responsibly, it's fine. If it's done for a cheap laugh, or to deliberately evoke an emotional response out of someone else, or something like that, then I think it's pretty awful
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#233 - 2014-03-28 15:49:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
Korhaka Mirunas wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
what an utterly terrible response. Guess its time to GTFO.

There is no way this will ever stop unless scamming is banned, people will just hide it better. Dont think I can associate myself with a company or community that endorses this type of behavior.

If you find EVE Online to be too hardcore for your tastes, I would like to suggest you try something like hello kitty online. If scamming was banned, that would also bring about banning of suicide ganking, piracy and similar activities, or even completely disabling PvP.

you know what &*(#$

Hey CCP, this guy is having a melt down, Is it alright if we laugh at this one or is that against the EULA? Big smile
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#234 - 2014-03-28 15:50:07 UTC
Korhaka Mirunas wrote:
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
what an utterly terrible response. Guess its time to GTFO.

There is no way this will ever stop unless scamming is banned, people will just hide it better. Dont think I can associate myself with a company or community that endorses this type of behavior.

If you find EVE Online to be too hardcore for your tastes, I would like to suggest you try something like hello kitty online. If scamming was banned, that would also bring about banning of suicide ganking, piracy and similar activities, or even completely disabling PvP.

Out of curiousity, has any space game ONLY concentrated on allowing you to mine and manufacture and nothing else?

In the X series, you could be anything, and were encouraged to choose empires to be friendly with

I suppose you could avoid combat and any NPCs but... well I guess I didnt see that as being fun but others might.

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

BamBam Inc.
#235 - 2014-03-28 15:51:40 UTC
Danalee wrote:

People in your position should be a lot more carefull in calling other players real-life scumbags for things they clearly don't understand... I feel.


Ah yeah the righteous indignation of Kristalll, who I think to remember, admitted to running a channel called Kristallnacht...
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#236 - 2014-03-28 15:53:13 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:

Indeed, there's slavery and murder and all sorts of things in the lore of the game. All in all, I don't think roleplaying as a character that has been involved in those kinds of things - on either side - is inherently too worrisome, if it's part of a narrative and handled responsibly, it's fine. If it's done for a cheap laugh, or to deliberately evoke an emotional response out of someone else, or something like that, then I think it's pretty awful

I wouldnt really see the advantage to be had in doing it for a cheap laugh

In fact if someone was usin the lore of the Blood Raider Covenant in that way, I would consider it my Holy Duty to make them suffer for it, but that could be treading a fine line too.

And New Order? A player organisation, with set goals and structure (Even if "borrowed" from a few previous groups), and reasonably rich RP tradition, hated by some, liked and understood by others. I would consider them the same way.

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Salvos Rhoska
#237 - 2014-03-28 15:53:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Nick Bete wrote:
I fail to see how this "clarification" clears up anything. Looks like the status quo continues.

My reading and understanding of events and the statement, would indicate that what Erotica1 was doing has constituted some incident which atleast give cause to question that they might be "extraordinary levels of real life harassment against our players in the outside world." Else this statement would not have been necessary in the first place.

But retro-active action has many problems associated with it.
I wont and cant speculate on what action CCP has taken aside from the statement, nor frankly, do I really even want to know. Its none of my business. Its between CCP and whatever parties are involved (or not).

Now the statement has been made, any future actions by players that constitute ""extraordinary levels of real life harassment against our players in the outside world." has been reinforced as something that CCP will act upon.

Whether some aspects or incidents of the Bonus Room constitute that, remains unclear.
But I, for one, wouldn't attempt to test the seriousness of this statement by doing anything that even remotely could be construed to fulfill what it delineates against.

It is important, for the game, and for everyone (even those who dont recognise it) that CCP keeps things as lax as possible. This allows play room both for us, and them, on what we can and cannot do, and for them, on what they will and will not allow. This statement allows them to keep the status quo, but reserve the clearly stated right to intervene if they deem necessary, if things get out of whack, and ONLY if they do. Rest of the time, its business as usual for all of us.

I dont think at all this means you cant ransom someone to sing for their ship. But if you make him sing 20songs and drive him and his wife to the point of destroying furniture IRL, that is to me, problematic and taking things too far on the part of the antagonists.
#238 - 2014-03-28 15:56:36 UTC
Mr R4nd0m wrote:
this is exactly why i dont feel like being associated with this game and sad losers like yourself

You're rage quitting because you don't like hearing violent racists get angry about losing their space bucks, and I am perfectly okay with that?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#239 - 2014-03-28 15:58:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
embrel wrote:
Danalee wrote:

People in your position should be a lot more carefull in calling other players real-life scumbags for things they clearly don't understand... I feel.


Ah yeah the righteous indignation of Kristalll, who I think to remember, admitted to running a channel called Kristallnacht...

Don't speak in riddles man/woman!
What do you mean?
Do take care, I'm allmost feeling harassed.



Edit: the united states holocaust museum would like to have a word with you by the way Blink

Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Erica Dusette
Division 13
#240 - 2014-03-28 16:05:27 UTC
Nick Bete wrote:
I fail to see how this "clarification" clears up anything. Looks like the status quo continues.

I'm sure they'd love nothing more than to vent their own personal feelings on the matter for us. But they're not going to break their own rules. The exact "clarification" people want would involve them discussing the case at hand and/or answering 3000 hypothetical questions.

Personally I don't believe this has or will result in any bans. I think if it did then the announcement would have a tone more like a reminder to the community about standards, rather than an attempt to clarify their own position. But who knows.

I think that's beside the point though overall. If anything it's obvious this whole issue raised quite a high level of community concern. CCP have at least taken that concern seriously and looked at it. I'd bet they'll be a little more vigilant with this type of issue in the future as a result so regardless of bans it should still send a strong signal to the community that people need to be careful with this stuff as there are indeed lines that can be crossed, despite their blurriness, and that if they are crossed they will take action.

I feel a post I quoted earlier really identified perfectly the point in which we should consider things becoming "harassment". Now whether or not CCP mirrors the same interpretation as that guy? Well who knows. Blink

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss