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CTRL-Q - Minmatar FW - Low Sec PvP - EU Timezone

New Eden Alliance 99013733
#121 - 2014-03-10 18:31:55 UTC
Then two epic fights with Sex Panthers in Huola, involving Guards and BS and both times we had to drop a carrier to turn the battle for us. Frankly they were the better team, but both battles were drawn out Logi stalemates and ended with remarkably few losses. We lost 2 Brutix in the first battle and they lost a Vexor Navy Issue. In the second they lost a solitary Guard.

We enjoy fighting you bros
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#122 - 2014-03-11 14:07:45 UTC
Monday 10th March 2014

I was off work today and got online around midday. Started out really well with a nice little fight off a gate where four of us in AFs and Dessies took on 6 WTs, killing three dessies and a frigate for two losses, then it was broadsided by two neutral Navy Omens and we killed one of them too.

I got in a Caracal for round 2 as the Omen pilot reshipped into a Stabber and several cruisers from another gang came into system. I warped down to the Kourm gate while looking to catch one of these gangs and then someone reported a large neutral frigate gang on the other side. A Stiletto had jumped in and he tackled me. I engaged him and drove him off and randomly warped to the first thing I could find on my overview. I landed on the I-Hub and in short order the Stiletto followed, but conscious of my new found leetness in a Caracal I engaged rather than trying to bale. I drove him off again but other were landing and frankly I just screwed everything up, didn't warp off, didn't get to range, couldn't decide on which target to stay on. The main blob landed and I was almost alphaed off field and then in the surprise didn't get my pod out fast enough. Lost a LG Crystal set. Pride comes before a fall and all that, yes I was a bit miffed.

In the new freedom of an empty pod, I took a Crow to null sec and ran the Angels Epic mission arc, it took me almost exactly 90 minutes from leaving Huola station to getting back. The mission rewards were around 30M Isk, a Domination Target Painter (100M) and a Cynabal BPC, I put it straight into the cooker and it came out around 2.5 hours later.

Ended the day 7 kills (1 pod) for 2 losses (1 pod).
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#123 - 2014-03-17 11:35:20 UTC
Weekend, March 15th/16th 2014

I know I like a target rich environment, but Huola/Kourm is getting ridiculous. I hope it's not you lot reading this thread?

A lot of fights happened, but a lot were being broadsided by third parties and things got messy. Other times when our numbers were down, you just couldn't afford to commit to a fight. But it did lead to some nice coups.

On one occasion, I was in a novice plex in Huola in a Breacher, when a neutral Firetail came in. I caught him at range and proceeded to kite him and was doing very nicely when another neutral Firetail came in. I don't know if they were together, but the second Firetail went for me and I had to burn away, dropping point. The first Firetail baled in structure, but then I tackled and killed the second Firetail. If they were together his mate didn't come back for him and he certainly had time to go, rep and get back.

On a second occasion, again in a Breacher, I tackled a neutral Incursus on the outside of a plex. Again I was doing nicely when a neutral blob landed, but this time I was able to hand the Incursus off to them to finish off. They killed it and I got top damage. Then after they gave up trying to catch me I was able to burn back in and catch a Tristan as they warped off.

On Sunday evening we managed to pull a 15 man fleet together to take on Sex Panthers who had dropped a Moros on one of our POCOs in Roushzar. We lost a HIC and the Moros got out, but we took down 2 Guardians and a Legion. Then we tried some payback and shipped into ABCs to take on their POCOs. I got into an Oracle, the first time I'd ever flown one having only just completed Large Energy Turrets V + the specialisations. I was very impressed I have to say. Didn't have to keep reloading, which becomes a real chore on a structure bash and even with T1 crystals I was managing close to 1000 DPS.

A neutral BC gang came in and tried to broadside us. They sent in a Navy Brutix first which was a bit stupid, cause the best it could have done was tackle one of us. The rest of them massed on the Roushzar gate in Labapi but we had eyes on them before the Brutix landed. We were aligned and burning away while trying to gank down the Brutix before the blob landed. We failed but got out without loss. Then reshipped into Guards and Sacs as they passed through Huola. We caught up with them in Kourm on the Huola gate and a great fight was had, ending after we took down 3 Myrmidons, a Vigilent and 2 Oneiros without loss.

I have to say now that the 3 Myrmidons pilots threw the battle for them. Initially we couldn't break the Onerios reps, we tried them, then one of the navy BCs before switching to the Myrms, the Myrms melted and then clearly panic set in. They tried to deagress, but it would appear that one of the Onerious didn't pull his drones and stayed aggroed. We killed the Vigilent and then the other DPS jumped out. But both Onerios stayed on field on gate at zero and we took both down. Looking at the Myrmidon fits though, they were atrocious, one was all T1 without rigs, another was Triple local rep and the third was gank fit. Appalling fleet fits.

Ended the weekend 55 kills for 5 losses (4 Breachers and a Stabber)
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#124 - 2014-03-18 12:51:17 UTC
Monday 17th March 2014

I lost another low grade crystal set last night. After losing my Algos in Kourm I warped to the sun and got caught by a well known smarty. Santo Trafficano. To be frank I actually quite admire the guy for his patience. I didn't find the loss anywhere near as irritating as last weeks loss when I just fumbled everything.

I'm giving up buying new pirate sets, I've been running in them for the last 6 months and it just isn't cost effective for me, I have a LG Slave set and LG Halo set left, but once gone I'm just going to fit cheap. A couple of +4 learning attributes and Zor's Custom Hyper-link of which I have a shed full, waiting for the market to catch on how under priced they are.

Anyway later in the evening I joined a Guard/Sac fleet (myself in a Sac) being run by Annah in response to a blingy fleet that Predator Elite had shown us. After a lot of hanging around and scouting we finally warped onto them 100 km off a small plex gate in Kourm and a lovely punch up occurred. A drawn out logi stalemate affair, but gradually we overcame them. Eventually we took down 16 ships which included 2 Proteus, 2 Guards, 2 Ishtars, Zealot, Sacrilege and some navy Cruisers. We also killed a neutral solo Deimos on one of the gates while waiting for the fight to kick off. We lost a Harbinger, Omen and Celestis.

Ended the night 17 kills for 2 losses.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#125 - 2014-03-19 11:22:20 UTC
Tuesday 17th March 2014

We'd put two POCOs belonging to Sex Panthers into reinforced mode on Sunday night in Roushzar, they were due to come out tonight at around 2130. We were expecting a big fight with them and had been advertising the form up since Sunday. Around 40 people initially joined the fleet and we set up way in advance. Going initially with Guards and HACs, which of course are totally inappropriate for shooting POCOs. I was in a Guard.

We had spies out watching all the likely suspects, Shadow Cartel, Suddenly Spaceships, Preds lot (Death by Design) and the Amarr in general as well as Sex Panthers in Roushzar. The latter's numbers climbed as the appointed time approached and we were sure a good fight was going to be had.

The first movement came from Suddenly Spaceships, they brought out a similar Guard and HAC gang and slow boated their way towards Huola. It was decided to interdict them early and we moved to the Kourm gate in Huola, arriving and setting up just in time. They jumped in and a good logi stalemate punch up was had. Reps were strained on both sides but eventually we broke theirs and they deaggressed and jumped out. Losing 3 Sacs against one of ours.

SS never came back to the fight, but Sex Panthers had warped to the Huola gate in Roushzar in a load of T3s and Guards. We warped over to the other side and set up. They never came in, so we jumped to them. Another good punchup occurred, reps were struggling to hold, but this time they called in Death By Design and the Amarr to help them. They arrived in BS and BCs. We deaggressed and jumped back to Huola. We lost 2 Sacs, 2 SFIs and a Stabber while killing a Zealot and a couple of Griffins.

Our DPS reshipped into BS, but it took a couple of minutes and in that time Death by Design and the Amarr passed through Huola into Kourm on their way home. We chased after them, jumped in and engaged. At this stage we had 6 Guards and at least 20 BS on field and probably greater than 50 in fleet. The enemy quickly rallied a larger force.

The biggest punch up of all then occurred. 5 minutes into the fight we dropped two Archons and they adopted Rooks & Kings paired Archon tactic. Pred counter dropped with 3 or 4 Moros and several Archons, but amazingly our two Archons tanked the damage. The Guards were sent back to reship into DPS and this time I jumped into an Abbadon, the first time I'd ever been in one. Arriving back on field we were primarying one of the Moros while neuting down the others. The first Moros popped and we switched to the second and we must have been 80% of the way through Armor when they called their final batphone - Black Legion. At that point we baled. They ended up with 4 Moros, 4 Naglfar, 1 Revelation, 7 Archon, 3 Nidhogger, 1 Thanatos, 15 BS, 16 T3s and loads of smaller stuff on field.

The butchers bill is hard to read. Eve-Kill shows we lost both Carriers, an Armageddon and a Bhaalgorn, plus smaller stuff totaling 5.45B. Our opponents lost a Moros, Hyperion, 3 Armageddons, 2 Tempest and a load of smaller stuff. Eve-kill is showing their losses at 8.36B, but that seems too high to me. Going manually through the ships I listed gave me a figure of about 4.5B.

Damn good fight, even the carrier pilots were singing it's virtues, between them they had soaked up 2.45M HP damage before they went down. Pro work guys.

Ended the night 11 kills for no loss. Which is an anticlimactic result for what really happened and most of those kills occurred outside of the main battles. I only got on one Armageddon and the Moros in the big battle.

POCOs? What you on about?
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#126 - 2014-03-20 20:42:46 UTC
I want to take a moment to clarify two things that occured that night which had two very fun fights.

The first fight, we had about 24 against 39+ on your side, you guys brought 7 guards and pred convo'd me and asked if we wanted 10 BS or so. Hard to say no when taking so little dps against 7 guards, but before many of them arrived we ended up killing stuff anyways. Once the bulk of their fleet arrived you guys were mostly deaggressed.

During the second fight we in fact did not batphone BL, nor did DBD. We happen to have friends in BL, who were in fleet with us (you can see them on mails in the first fight), who did not communicate to us that they were bringing a fleet (one of our friends is an FC in BL). It surprised us as much as it surprised you guys to see them cyno in (they used their own cyno and not ours). Two really quality fights though, would still gladly do it again and again and again.

Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#127 - 2014-03-21 12:18:48 UTC
Thursday 20th March 2014

Spent most of the night trying to get a major fleet fight, but when it came we were just hot dropped and had to bale, losing 4 Sacs and a BS on the Roushzar gate in Huola.

With the fight over I warped back in a Salvaging Catalyst equipped with 4 tractor beams and 4 salvagers. I locked up the four Elite Cruiser wreaks and tractored them in. However, I had cloaky eyes on the other side of the gate and witnessed a Cormorant from our enemy, land and jump. I'm convinced he was also a salvager, but I approached gate ready to jump just in case he was gun fit. He locked me up and then chased me around the gate, one by one the wreaks vanished in rapid order. He may have tried activating a salvaging module but the quantity of T2 salvage I got is consistent with 4 wreaks. Lol.

Ended the night 2 kills for 1 loss.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#128 - 2014-03-26 11:17:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
Monday 24th March 2014

Lory was running his rail Moa gang tonight, we had a good turn out, initially around 20, but it gradually grew to about 30 as the night wore on. While we were still forming up I sent my alt out scouting and found a pirate gang coming into Kourmonen from Kamela, about 12 of them which included 3 Guards, some BS, Recons and HACs. I reported them and Lory immediately ordered we undock and stack on the Kourm gate in Huola.

Some people were slow and in particular we had to wait for the full logi complement of 4 Scythes. In that time the pirate gang moved to Auga and then Amamake. We followed one jump behind waiting for stragglers to catch up and then finally engaged them on the Amamake gate in Gulmorogod. We dissimated them, taking down 2 Guards, Curse, Megathron, Omen, Blackbird and a couple of pods.

We came back to Huola and as we jumped in, a Megathron was reported off one of the plex gates. We warped to the gate, killed it and found the most comedy noob fit. Mixed guns, small pulse and large beam, triple tank, half the lows empty and no rigs, all T1.

Straight away we reshipped to frigates to run an Amarr plexing gang out of a Novice plex, we killed 3 and podded 2. Then straight back into the Moa comp to take on another blingy pirate gang in Kourm. We killed a Proteus, 2 Onerios, Sacrilege, Ishtar, Zealot and Thrasher. Still we were only 30 minutes into the roam.

We were back into frigates for another plexing bash, then back in Moas we fought 2 battles on the bounce off a plex gate in Kourm, killing another load of blingy stuff, which included a Guard, Cane, Cane Fleet Issue, 2 Augoror Navy Issues, Falcon and Ishtar. But this time we lost something, my Moa, I quickly fitted a new one up.

Another frigate spell, then back to the Moas for another blingy fight in Huola. This time we killed a Scorpion, Rokh, Drake, Maller and Caracal.

I had to take a break at that point for RL reasons. I came back half an hour later to find I'd missed the biggest fight of the night. But it hadn't gone well. We had teamed up with Shadow Cartel to take on various entities which included the Amarr, Death by Design and Sex Panthers and we had been overwhelmed. CTRL-Q lost 2 Abaddons in that fight, while we took down a solitary Guard. I believe Weazls lost a couple of BSs too, while SC lost a load of Damnations. The SC FC donated 1B Isk to our FC to cover the 4 BS losses, which I have to say drew a lot of respect from us.

I took a salvaging Catalyst to the battle site off a plex gate. The plex had been shut down by this stage and was no longer on the overview, thus was relatively safe. However, a pirate Merlin landed on grid while I was there and I nearly missed him because there were so many wreaks and drones of various colours filling my overview. Fortunately he took me for a gun dessie and kept his distance until I noticed him and warped off. I came back with 55M Isk of drones and salvage.

Biohazard (now in the Amarr Militia) had a large gang in Huola and were filling local with a load of crap relating to the last fight and spewing claims that Huola was going to burn. Most of our fleet had logged by this stage and Biohazard were running the plexes on the bounce uncontested. I logged off with the system at about 5% contested and it was looking a little worrying that they were going to get a free run all through the night.

Ended the night 39 Kills for 1 loss.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#129 - 2014-03-26 12:10:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
Tuesday 25th March 2014

Fweddit... I keep wanting to call them Fweddit... Biohazard I mean, had been spewing their propaganda on various forums about Huola burning. The Minmatar are down to just 3 systems remaining and the campaign has been expected for a while now.

I log on shortly after DT as I had a day off work, expecting to find Huola at 30% or 40% contested. Instead I find it stable. The worst it had reached was about 9.5% and then LNA (US alliance based in Huola) had kicked ass, killing several hundred Amarr ships (mostly frigates and dessies) for very little loss, even though they had fought outnumbered.

There were still a lot of Amarr in system, they have set up a POS, which is going to have to be removed at some point, and they were still trying to run the plexes. The campaign is all but dead, however they have got nowhere else to go and at least they are getting fights I guess. Fights that they are getting stomped on over and over. I ran with 6-8 others through the afternoon and we pushed small gangs and individuals out of plexes in Huola repeatedly, taking down quite a few while also running a few offensive plexes in neighbouring systems.

After a break I came back in the evening to run an advertised spider tanking Bantam fleet. However, before we had finished forming up, Shadow Cartel come into system looking for a fight. They were in 4 Augorors and a load of T1 Cruisers, mostly Vexors, about 15-20 in total. After last night though, when they proved themselves the only major entity willing to back us up and that 1B Isk donation for our losses, we are a little reluctant to want to fight them. However, they are keen, so we try to ship fairly and take 4 Augorors of our own, 1 of whom is a first timer and T1 Cruisers. However, there are far more of us, 30-35 and quite a few bring SFIs which is pretty much our default cruiser in the Minmatar Militia.

SC though had set up inside a medium plex and they were reported to be in kiting fits. That offset some of our numbers advantage, but when it came down to it we slaughtered them. Killing all 4 Augorors and 6 other cruisers without loss. Unfortunately, I didn't get on a single kill, I was the logi commander and my drones refused to assist the guy I had them assigned to. That I believe is because SC weren't wartargets and I was never fired upon, so didn't get an aggression flag with them. They were all flashy though, but that apparantly isn't enough.

Afterwards we went out in the original comp, spider tanking bantams, which are usually a lot of fun, but this time we did half a circuit of the warzone and ganked a couple of things then rushed back to Huola to chase off a plexing gang who then refused to engage. After a bit of mincing around I called an end to the roam.

I came back later and ran around the plexes in Huola with Jusforkix and SERIFOS and we kicked ass. Taking down a good dozen ships for 3 losses, which included a 6 v 3 fight where we killed 5 for the loss of 2.

Couple of memorable fights from this time. I was in one plex in a Caracal against a Stabber and Heretic, both kity. SERIFOS was also there in a Stabber. They knew their stuff, we had already engaged them once and had to bale, with Jusforkix losing a Stabber, I had been in an SFI at the time. This time, I initially engaged the Stabber as the Heretic was at range. SERIFOS got a long point on him, but wasn't able to hold it and couldn't hit him. They primaried me and I burned away, the Heretic came in and I switched fire getting him into half armor, then my RLMLs needed to reload. The Heretic burned back in and I was going down. I had an ASB and was running that, but eventually it ran out of charges. My launchers finally reloaded and I started firing at the Heretic, it was a race that could have gone either way, both of us were in deep structure and then he popped. The point dropped and I realised that the Stabber was too far off to either hit or point me. I warped out with 48 Structure remaining.

Shortly after this I was running a novice plex in a Slicer when an Incursus came in. I long pointed him and proceeded to kite him. He couldn't do anything but rep himself. Turned out he had two T2 Reppers and it was a case of waiting for him to run out of cap boosters. Trouble was, lately I had been running in a Breacher which has a slight cap issue. I'm used to having to pulse the MWD off for a few seconds now and again. So when the low cap alarms started, I wasn't concerned. I pulsed the MWD off, but instead of the cap bouncing back after a couple of seconds, it stayed flat. In fact both my point and guns shut down temporarily. He burned in and scrambled me while I was still spamming the MWD button to restart it. I started crying for help like a little girl and Jus came over in a Firetail to help out. Surprisingly the Incursus couldn't actually hit me very well and he was now out of cap and couldn't run his reppers anymore. His damage climbed rapidly and if I'd actually thought to swap out my Scorch crystals for MultiFreq I would have probably killed him before Jus arrived. Anyway Jus arrived, helped push him over and saved my pride.

Real fun end to the night. Finally logged far later than I should have done at 2am. Huola was still stable at that point.

Ended the night 28 kills for 3 losses.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#130 - 2014-03-27 10:19:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
Wednesday 26th March 2014

No advertised fleets up tonight. I logged on and see that the Amarr seem to have given up on Huola (Stable) and moved over to Lulm which was at about 14% contested. I jumped into a Slicer and made my way over to Lulm to see if they (White Lotus) needed a hand. As I entered system, I see a Novice plex up and warp to it. I land and find 4 friendlies on the gate including S5family, although they are not on TLF comms. 4 WTs are in the plex and moments later the friendlies activate the gate, I follow and we kill the 4 WTs for 2 losses.

That cleared out Lulm of WTs so I head back to Huola. A few other people from corp are logging on, we form a fleet and eventually about a dozen people join. We have a really laid back night losely plexing Kourm, occassionally Kamela and Roushzar, while keeping the Amarr suppressed in Huola. Two particular persistent WTs in cloaky ships spent the best part of 6 hours in Huola trying to run plexes, baling or cloaking whenever we came to the plex. One in a triple stabbed and cloaked Corax we do eventually kill, but he is back within minutes in an identical ship. Eventually they run about 3 plexes out from under us (over 6 hours). We deplex the system back to stable within 10 or 15 minutes each time.

Little skirmishing fights happen constantly, which sees us kill a Megathron, a couple of faction Cruisers and several AFs as well as a load of dessies and frigates. The most memorable fight occurred at the end of the night. Most of our fleet had logged by then and I was alone in a small plex in Huola. There was less than a minute on the clock and that would put Huola back at stable. I'd already decided that I was going to bin it then.

A neutral Enyo comes into the plex, I was in a Slicer and tackle and kite him. I call for help and Savesti Krysst responds in a Breacher. She lands on the gate and finds a second neutral Enyo just going in. She follows it in and tackles it, but then a third Enyo follows her in.

It doesn't look feasible, 3 Enyos against a Slicer and Breacher. But the first one is in half armour, I decide to try and hold on long enough to kill it and then think about baling. Eventually, the first one pops, but by this stage it is pretty obvious the others haven't got a clue what they are doing. One of them bales at that point and we finish the final one. We loot the wreaks, then notice that the plex has completed and Huola is stable again.

End the night 30 kills for 2 losses (Slicer and Slasher)
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#131 - 2014-03-28 12:16:23 UTC
Thursday 27th March 2014

I've never known a low sec area so busy as Huola/Kourm is at the moment. I log on to find Lory running an Ad-Hoc fleet. He is a very popular FC and numbers climb rapidly. We kill some stuff and then he has to log for a bit, just as Annah joins fleet and takes over FCing. We get a nice cruiser fight on a plex gate in Kourm, then ship down into intercepters myself in a crow. We head out a few jumps towards Anka for a change of scenary. Gank a couple of things in Sosala and then turn back to Kamela.

Annah asks me to plus one. I jump in and scan the nearby plexes, then warp to a distant one, finally I warp to a static site and land on a neutral Legion ratting. I'm so excited that I can barely explain what is happening, but I get tackle on and Annah gets the gist, enough to jump everyone in and warp to me. We kill it, cheap, poor fit, but still a good trophy kill.

We continue into Kourm and I detour into Huola to drop off loot. As I'm undocking I hear Annah ordering the fleet to the Auga gate in Kourm. But I do a scan of the plexes in Huola and sight an Ishkur inside the small plex. Uncertain whether it is friendly or not, I simple warp over and enter the plex for a look.

It is a neutral, I get to range and start to kite him when an Astero decloaks and engages. I'm screaming for help and Annah turns the fleet around, while I switch my point onto the Astero. Eventually the fleet lands and kill both the Ishkur and Astero. A friendly intercepter goes down in the fight but still a good result.

A neutral Drake gang with logi support turn up in Kourm and come to Huola. We reship into Sacs and Guards and are just undocking when Shadow Cartel hotdrop a similar Drake and Osprey comp. We dock up. The neutrals scatter and eventually RV on Huola top station. SC warp to bottom station and the neutrals take their chance to warp to Kourm and are last seen running out through Kamela.

SC start to warp after them. Annah siezes the chance and we warp down to the Kourm gate and engage SC. In short order we kill 3 Ospreys, a Rapier, Bellicose and at least one Drake, then SC bale, I think we lose one or two SFIs.

We ship back into intercepters and then get another blingy fight off a plex gate in Huola which see us kill a Huggin and two Omen Navy Issues among others.

Lory is back online and he takes over the FC baton as Annah logs. We skirmish around Kourm and get a few kills and then end the night with a blingy kiting fight off the Kourm gate in Huola. There is about 18 of us in fleet at that point and the enemy are in 4 Sacrileges, an Onerios and a Vengeance, but they are very fast. I warp in from a plex and join the battle in a Breacher. Others arrive in cruisers, but are unable to keep up and some reship into faster ships or long range BCs and warp back to me. I'm keeping point on the primary, the Onerios, but can we kill it? It turns out he has a local repper and the Sacs each carry a remote rep. I'm able to keep point on, but others just can't keep up, they are having to warp to me fire a few salvos and then burn back before warping again. Eventually though we kill the Onerios and then equally slowly two of the Sacs as well as the Vengeance. But it comes at a cost, we lose a Vagabond, Talos and Cynabal totaling 705M vs 884M in kills. Good fun fight though.

Ended the night 25 kills for no loss.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#132 - 2014-03-31 13:41:00 UTC
Friday / Saturday / Sunday 28th-30 March 2014

The Minmatar are down to two system, Lulm and Huola. After trying to take Huola last weekend and getting their arses stompted, the Amarr have switched to Lulm, perceiving it to be the softer target. They might be right, but how they expect to take Huola after it is the last system and we are all concentrated in it, is beyond me. I believe biohazard are behind the strategic plan and it is totally flawed.

There were no advertised fleet for the weekend and turnout was generally low, particularly on Sunday. It was a nice weekend outside in RL and of course Mother's Sunday in the UK at least.

When online we were skirmishing around the plexes in Huola and the surrounding area. I had a generally good weekend, but soured a bit losing 4 Slicers on the trot on Sunday evening for next to no gain. Just wasn't firing on all cylinders.

Ended the Weekend 64 Kills for 8 losses
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#133 - 2014-04-01 00:06:20 UTC
Monday 31st March 2014

I logged on and immediately heard that 2 WT Vagabonds had jumped into system and warped to one of the stations, where of course they can't dock. We tackled and killed both. Moments later, we learnt that 2 neutral Drakes had followed them into Huola, now things were a bit dodgy engaging them on a gate without reps and while we were still debating whether to aggress they obligingly warped to a planet where we blobbed and ganked them down. Monday's seem to be muppet night around here.

I pulled out a Slicer and checked the plexes. I found a Punisher in a Novice, but on entering it was gone. Cloaky I guessed, sure enough it appeared on scan almost as soon as I warped out. I reshipped into an Astero with a pair of Warp Scramblers. Warped to the plex gate uncloaked, activated and then cloaked as I went to warp. I landed more than 3 Kms from the warp in beacon and burned away still cloaked. Two minutes past and then the Punisher decloaked. Lol. I burned towards him, bump decloacked, tackled and killed him, most satisfying.

Hectic night, we drove Kourmonen to vulnerable and then went about flipping the system. However, other people had different ideas. The Amarr repeatedly welped fleets into us, both in the plexes and on the bunker and some good fights were had. Sex Panthers, Death By Design and Balex all turned up and tried to interfere. We engaged DBD a couple of times, lost a few ships and took a few down. Twice we were driven off the bunker, once the Amarr plexed the system back to below vulnerable while we were bashing the I-Hub. However, it was envitable that we would get it and sure enough around 2300 hrs it flipped.

Meanwhile over in Metro, fellow Minmatar Militia flipped Evita back to us. The warzone is starting to turn again. The Amarr are still pushing Lulm hard and it might flip, but the Amarr plan to take the whole warzone is dead. We've all been there as the warzone starts to turn, dozens of Amarr systems are getting into a heavy contestation state and it's like sand slipping through your fingers, just can't be stopped.

Ended the night 32 kills for 1 loss (Slicer).

End of month round up: 488 Kills, which includes 1 Moros, 48 solo and 169 Top Damage, for the loss of 34.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#134 - 2014-04-02 16:37:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
Tuesday 1st April 2014

Logged on and was told that a cloaked WT Incursus was running a large plex in Huola. Easy solution that, out came the Astero again and this time I didn't even have a gate to traverse. Warped from the station Insta-Out directly into the plex cloaked. I landed though just as a Smile and Wave Cruiser warped in and forced the WT to cloak. So had to wait a bit, eventually the cruiser left, the WT decloaked and bam. Nice start to the night.

A large fleet of neutral Ventures appeared on the Kourm/Houla gate. I shipped into a Caracal and warped to a pounce. They jumped into Huola and I warped to 70 off the gate. I don't really know what happened tbh. Maybe I miss clicked, but I landed a lot closer than 70 and they swamped me. Dead Caracal. Later I lost a Slicer fighting another Slicer in another derp.

Gave up and did some logistics on various alts, buying stuff in Jita, freightering it to Amarr, then Jump Freightering it into Huola. Tried one more time and went out in a Breacher, helped kill an Executioner in a plex in Huola. So ended the night 2 kills for 2 losses.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#135 - 2014-04-04 09:17:14 UTC
Thursday 3rd April 2014

Another cloaky, stabbed Punisher was running the plexes in Houla, someone I'd already killed actually so you would think he would be expecting it. Other than him though, local was friendly and we had about 10 in fleet running plexes loosely around the general area, which in turn brought in Intel from the surrounding system.

So out came the Astero again, this time I had some trouble getting into the plex undetected, twice I warped in and got decloaked by the warp in beacon, I acted like I was just bouncing between plexes and warped straight to another each time. Third time was the charm and then it was just a two minute wait before the Punisher decloaked. I burned towards him, checked short scan, local and called for intel one more time, then bump decloaked and bam. Forth one in about a week.

The Amarr flipped Lulm the previous day and have been pressing hard in Kourm. After taking it on Monday, we sat on our heels a bit, with most choosing not to log for a couple of days or taking it easy. The system had reached over 30% contested, which is not uncommon in that situation with some Amarr still thinking the whole warzone was up for grabs.

However it clearly isn't, systems are now coming back to us in increasing numbers, we are now up to 8 systems even without Lulm and the Kourm counter attack appears to be petering out. For the first time since Monday we got decent numbers into Kourm and we had some great little fights and 1 v 1s, but it was mostly with neutrals. Ended the night a very satisfying 19 kills for 1 loss. Kourm was at 14% contested at that point and still falling.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#136 - 2014-04-07 11:04:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
Friday/Saturday 4th-5th April 2014

I came on late Friday night just in time to hear Annah calling for Armor Cruisers. I jumped in an SFI and chased after them catching up on the Auga gate in Kourm. I don't know what we were chasing after but we lost them after reaching Amamake. Then a scout reported having a Cyclone tackled off a plex gate in Egmar. We raced over and killed the Cyclone and a Gnosis.

We headed back to Huola. On the way we killed a loan Augoror then noticed an SC gang positioning themselves to intercept us. They were using our Rail Moa comp with Ospreys that Lory had been so successful with of late. There was some ducking and diving on our part as boosts were brought into position, but eventually we jumped into them on the Siseide gate in Auga.

The fight was a bit of a struggle to start with, we lost one cruiser, then took down an Osprey. After that we started to work through them and they started to deagress. We killed two Moa's and an Omen and then they jumped out.

Saturday saw a lot of small fights, skirmishing in the plexes of Huola and Kourm and a couple of fleet fights. The first saw us chasing after a blingy cruiser gang. There were about 15 of us with 2 Augorors, I was in one of the Augorors and the other (Samilian) was on his first outing in a Logi ship.

We jumped from Kourm into Auga, our targets were about 10 strong on the Amamake gate. Annah warped over in a Legion and jumped through them into Amamake, some of them followed and tackled him. We warped to the Amamake gate, found half the enemy still in Auga, ignored them and jumped in. The rest of the enemy followed us in and they primaried me on the other side.

I burned away from gate as best I could while scrammed and webbed. I capped Samilian, repped Annah and various other targets as their DPS wasn't too focused. Enough of them did follow primaries though and my damaged climbed alarmingly. Hitting close to three quarters armor. But they had no reps themselves and were losing ships, gradually Samilian pulled me back with the help of a little heat and we ended up killing at least 4 Deimos and a Cynabal for no loss.

Annah had a major op planned for Saturday night. He asked Iron Oxide and LNA to back Weazls up as usual, stating it was going to involve BS and would be a bit special. I didn't want to fly logi again, but eventually I stepped up and took over logi commander. There was a good turn out and over 50 joined fleet. We started the form up a good 30-40 minutes before the undock and 8 Guards joined the logi channel. There was a shortage of ECCM caster ships though and no serious attempt to correct that.

About 20 seconds before the undock I was informed that we were keeping people back hidden and I was to divide the logi into two 4 Guard groups and only undock the first group initially. For security reasons, this message was passed via the logi chat channel and almost in the next second the undock order was given.

Total confusion reigned among the Logi as I was trying to split them while undocking and following the fleet commands. Then Annah got pissy with me for using fleet comms to clear up the confusing, which potentially gave the game away to any spy in fleet.

We warped to Roushzar, jumped in and killed a Sex Panther POCO that had just come out of reinforced mode. We went back to the Huola gate and Shadow Cartel dropped on the other side. The rest of our fleet in Huola warped down to them with the sub group of Guards going to range. Those of us in Roushzar which included my sub group of Guards jumped into SC.

TBH I don't really have much of a clue as to what happened. The Guards in my sub group were primaried, scramed and webbed and two of them went down. I was primaried but reps held on me. However, I spent most of the battle just burning to range with a huge cloud of ECM drones on me. Jams dropped now and again, but I'd hardly get anything locked before I was jammed again. In the wider battle SC dropped 3 Archons and other 'stuff'. Annah's batphone counter dropped. Stuff was killed including 1 of SC's Archon and then the other two simply warped out. None of our Abbadons had tackle and the little we had on field had been told to spread tackle, but nobody had coordinated it.

We held the field, then warped back to station. Annah partially stood the fleet down and gave permission for people to go back in cheap ships to loot the field. I jumped into a Thrasher and complied. But almost immediately Annah started talking about going after a 2nd POCO which was just coming out of reinforced mode in Roushzar. He asked how many Guards were left? Four people X'd up, I didn't.

I was on the field looting drones and then realised that the SC Carrier wreak was still full of cap mods. I reported this. Someone announced he was 'omw' in a hauler. At that point a Sex Panther Rupture jumped into us. He had a go at me and I got out in Structure, then he popped the hauler.

Annah was bringing the fleet back to Roushzar and this scared the Rupture off. I returned in a Bestower and scooped the Carrier loot, it took two trips and then a third in a salvaging catalyst to salvage the wreak. I made off with over 300M Isk worth of mods, but I donated the cap mods (254M) to the corp as we had lost one of the Guards and then sent the other Guard pilot 100M Isk. Which actually left me about 45M out of pocket, but I felt guilty that I'd let my fellow logi down and hadn't personally suffered an expensive loss mail.

Over Friday and Saturday, I managed 49 kills for 2 losses. I was not on the Carrier kill btw.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#137 - 2014-04-07 11:09:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
Sunday 6th April 2014

Sunday saw a return to plex skirmishing. For the second time in 2 days I caught and killed a WT Purifier on the Huola gate in Kourm as I traversed systems. I also killed another cloaky and stabbed farmer using a double scram Astero and a bit of patience.

I helped kill an Iteron V on the Huola gate in Kourm and then brought out a Bestower to scoop the wreak which included 3 Merlins and 3 Cormorants. I immediately fitted up one of the Merlins and used it for several subsequent kills.

A Sex Panather Hyperion jumps into Kourm from Huola he hangs around the gate for an age, slowly burning away, then warps to the Auga gate and does the same. I tell the guys 'bait' confidently and advise them not to aggress. But a couple just can't resist, I'm sitting in a plex in Kourm expecting the hammer blow to fall, when suddenly a large cruiser gang from Smile and Wave arrive on the scene and in short order not only is the Hyperion down, but they catch a 1.1B Low Grade Slave pod too. Famous last words on my part, I of course miss it all.

Once again the Huola gate in Kourm was the subject of another amusing incident as I was passing through. 4 flashies landed on the gate. 2 Brutix, a Myrmidon at zero and a Talwar at range. I reported this to the gang and locked up the 3 BCs. We had about 10 in gang at that point, some were stacking up the gate on the other side, a couple said they were reshipping into something bigger. A couple of people already in Kourm warped down to join me.

I suddenly lost lock on one of the Brutix, I initially assumed it had jumped, but I looked at the screen and realised they were going to warp. The first Brutix accelerated away towards Auga. I stab F1 which I map to my tackle, a long point in this case, just as the Myrm and Talwar vanish in the same direction. I hear the aggression alarm and I've caught the last Brutix. Auga is a long warp, it is going to take a couple of minutes for the rest of them to get there and back.

I call point and the three of us engage the Brutix, others jump in and then we realise he is at zero and likely to jump. Others hold in Huola. He waits for ages and is in half armor before jumping and sure enough he is caught again. As those of us in Kourm are deaggressing the other two BCs and the Talwar come back. We jump through, I lock up the Brutix to see it is in deep structure. Instead of firing I burn back to gate, the Brutix pops, I reach gate and jump but only find the Talwar on the other side. He is just aligning out and another second would have been gone. I tackle him, but now I'm the only one, with the rest of the gang aggressed on the otherside.

I'm in a Breacher with dual ASBs. I shoot him, he shoots me. It looks like I'm getting the best of him as I get him to deep armor, but then I reach the last charge on my second ASB. Friendlies jump in, including a Griffin. The Talwar is jammed and I finish him. Most satisfying, only marred by the thought that if I'd stayed in Kourm I might have snagged another BC, but then with the Talwar there and a minute before anyone else could assist me, it was more likely that I would have died.

Several tough small gang fights were had in and around plexes. The most memorable was the taking down of an SC Ferox. He was double X-Large ASB fit with small guns, there were 7 of us mostly in frigate and he took down several. A couple reshipped into cruisers and he took down one of them too, a Rupture. The fight went on for ages, but eventually, I assume, he ran out of cap booster charges and died after taking 93,020 HP damage. As he was finally going down an SC Ishtar warped in and we switched to that, but it was too fast and only myself in a Breacher and a Tristan could keep up with him. Nobody could warp to us because we were on grid with a plex gate. After a long drawn out chase which must have lasted 1000Kms and which saw us shoot down all his drones, he finally broke free of tackle (or gave up trying to kill us) and warped off.

Finished the night 29 Kills for 6 losses.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#138 - 2014-04-13 03:14:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
Quick round up, been a relaxing week, very small gang stuff mostly. A few cruiser fights and several ganks. Killboard is showing that I've made 87 kills over the last 6 days for 6 losses, all Breachers. Memorable events?

I fought a 7 v 2, that turned into a 6 v 1, which saw me kill 5 Breachers and pod 6. It wasn't quite as good as it sounds, one guys was running all 7 characters (apparantly). He kept coming into a Huola plex in 7 Identical fitted and named Breachers, the characters names were all regular girls names. Their fits were crap, under 2M each. He was crap. We slaughtered them each time. The final one I tried to run on my own, arriving in a Firetail. However, another friendly Firetail was already there, it killed one as I landed, shot at another and then baled. I killed another 5 Breachers and all the pods, the final one ran.

Ran a Crimson Hand Supply Depot 6/10 complex with Savesti and we dropped 1.2B Isk worth of loot.

The alliance has been running a Frigate of the fortnight contest. The first frigate randomly selected was the Slicer. The requirement was to achieve kills with a Slicer doing more than 50% of the damage. A lot of people went for it. I managed 4th place with 31 qualify kills for 9 Slicer losses. All in all, our Slicers managed 321 kills (5.91B Isk) for 67 losses (2.15B Isk). Quite eye watering stats.

We are well into the second Frigate of the Fortnight now. I'm not going to name what it is until it is over, but it isn't as popular as the the Slicer. More to follow.

Warzone is well on the turn, we are up to 13 systems with another 4 flipped tonight (which will come back to us tomorrow after downtime). Another week or two and we will be into the farming cycle.
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#139 - 2014-04-14 10:01:28 UTC
Sunday 13th April 2014

The Minmatar came out of downtime owning 20 systems and there is clear movement to galvanise the farmers. Tier 2 was pushed for and reached. The Amarr Tier is falling and is close to dropping to Tier 1.

Another day of small ship and gang skirmishing around the plexes, or so it seemed, when suddenly an organised response from the Amarr hit us in Kourm. We had about 10 in fleet and lost a few frigate in the first clash outside a medium plex in Kourm. They were about 8 strong in AFs, Dessies and 3 Inquisitors. We reshipped into 2 logi (myself in an Inquisitor) and armoured frigates. But the second clash saw us lose both logi and we baled shortly afterwards losing a couple more frigates.

Next we shipped into a bit heavier with Dessies and 3 logi. I took an Algos and FC'd. The Amarr Inquisitors were missing from the plex though and this time we slaughtered them, but as we were looting the wreaks, a second Amarr AF wave stormed in with the 3 Inquisitors. This fight was much closer, both sides lost all their logi and then it was a war of attrition. My Algos finally went down, but as I warped out I switched overviews and saw we were winning and called for people to reship.

I shipped into an SFI, but as I undocked heard that the battle was over and we were holding the field. I still warped to the gate. Then heard that the first Amarr group had reshipped and were landing on the gate in Navy Cruisers. I landed just as they were activating the gate, I called bale, but stayed on the gate as they disappeared inside. An Omen landed late and I tackled it, calling for the rest of the gang to bounce to me. We ganked it down painfully slowly as I was aware that the Amarr were bouncing out. I ordered people to align out, the Amarr started to land, the Omen popped and we baled.

I tried to rally people into cruisers, but we could only muster about 7 cruisers (5 DPS and 2 Augorors) and some smaller stuff. The Amarr had about 10 cruisers in the plex, only 1 logi mind, but they had 25 in local and scans identified 3 Augorors among them. I stood the fleet down instead.

About 10 minutes later I heard Annah on comms, he was responding to my calls for bodies and he took over as FC. However, the Amarr fleet had disappeared after running down the plex. We shipped into AFs and logi, myself in another Inquisitor. We roamed and got another good fight in Kamela against a few HACs and ABCs, and ganked down several other ships.

The fleet was stood down and I took a long break. I came back and did some admin and then noticed the multi boxer come into Huola with his 7 Breachers. I took a Breacher myself and warped into their Novice plex alone. A great fight was had (for me at least), I think another friendly came in towards the end and shared a couple of the kills, but I got the first 4 or 5 on my own, albeit with everything nearly burnt out and most of my ASB charges gone.

More admin and then the Multi boxer came back. This time I shipped into the Frigate of the Fortnight, a Punisher and tried to solo them again. The engagement took place on the outside of the plex and I got my arse handed to me. I managed to damage 2 of them before going down. I reshipped back into a Breacher, but before I landed a pirate gang landed on the plex and slaughtered the Breachers. However, I had my cyno alt in position cloaked up off the plex and noticed a Stealth bomber among the pirates sniping away.

I warped Trant over while the Breachers were being finished off. Located the SB, burned over and ganked it down in front of his mates. An Atron burned out and got me webbed and scramed, I targetted him and overheated everything. The rest of the pirate gang burned out to us. It looked like I was going to kill the Atron and it would be close whether his mates would arrive in time to tackle me, I aligned to the bunker and started spamming the warp to button waiting for the Atron to pop. With the Atron in deep structure I capped out and dropped my point. The Atron warped out and next second I was in warp too (phew).

I spent some time trying to recover the loot and salvage from the field. It was mostly crap, but that is my thing. Eventually, I was left alone and cleaned the field. Then the multiboxer came back. This time he got into the novice plex, I reshipped into a Breacher and went in. No friendlies came to help, it was a straight 1 v 7. A real tough battle, the guy is learning, but eventually with everything almost burnt out again, the last couple of them baled. I killed 5 Breachers and 2 pods. Which incidentally totalled less than 10M Isk.

Nonetheless, I was feeling pretty chuffed with myself and went about looting the field. This required me to warp back and forth to the station. On about the third trip I landed on the gate (still in a Breacher) and found a neutral Punisher there and so began what turned out to be the best fight of the night...
Major Trant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#140 - 2014-04-14 10:02:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Major Trant
...I was taking it down nicely when a Retribution landed. He targetted me and clearly they were together. I wouldn't let go though and threaded my way around him, staying out of scram range, while finishing off the Punisher. The Punisher popped and I tackled the Retri, then an Algos landed, also with them. I switched to the Algos, then they brought in a Griffin. The Griffin jammed me out, I burnt away and pulled my drones. I was thinking of baling at this point, but stayed on grid watching what was going on. At 100Km the Griffin lock dropped and the Retri warped out. I burned back in. At 60 Kms I dropped my drones, in the next second the Griffin jammed me, perfect timing, my drones aggro'd straight onto him. I orbited at 30 Kms, eventually the Griffin had to warp out.

I tackled the Algos and was working my way through him when the Retri came back. Another dance around, but the Algos damage crept higher and higher. The Griffin came back, the Algos popped, the Griffin jammed me and my drones switched straight onto him. I burned away.

A pirate landed, I wasn't sure whether he was with them, until he popped the Griffin, then he warped off. I tackled the Retri, but now a Comet arrived and engaged me. His drones actually hit me and caused some damage, but I was able to tank it. I switched fire to the Comet, got him to half armor and it was looking like I had him nailed. Then they brought in a Corex, that hurt. I burned away dropping point and the 3 of them baled.

I started to burn in to loot the field, I'd lost both my drones in the final exchange, but they had left some T1 Hobgoblins on field, I was just able to scoop them to my drone bay, when a Merlin warped in. I dropped the drones and engaged. He must have fitted up especially for me, for he burned at me at over 4000m/s, got web and scram on me, then the Retri and Comet came back. I overloaded everything again and aligned out. The Merlin was hurting, but I had two ASB and emptied both of them. The Merlin popped, but just too late, the Retri was on me and I went down moments later. 6 pilots were on my loss mail.

We exchanged gf and some nice comments in local, thanks guys. Then they warped off, leaving both mine and the Merlin wreak unlooted. I decloacked my cyno alt and scooped the wreaks getting almost 12M in loot, almost the cost of my loss.

Ended the night 55 Kills for 5 losses.