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So, who "graduated" to EVE Online from Elite on the C-64???

First post
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#61 - 2014-03-27 00:58:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
I have a C64-in-a-joystick that I bought many years back for about $12. It is basically a C64 implemented in a single ASIC.

It has about 20 or so built-in games. I only wanted Impossible Mission... "Another visitor! Come! Stay a while! Stay Forever!!" One of the earliest speech synths.

I never played Elite.

I used to create electronic projects for the C64. My RAM Expansion Unit (REU) mod was the most popular. My online name at the time was Recursion. I think I paid >$1000 for 2 MB of RAM. My 2400 BPS modem was about $800.

EDIT: And I was on the Quantum Link (Q-Link) service, and I really hated Club Caribe (I sucked at it).
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#62 - 2014-03-27 01:08:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Loving the old platform snobbery Lol

ZX Spectrum 16k rubber beermat, BBC 'B's at school, Amiga 500, then onto a 386/66 with a turbo button.

The Lobsters wrote:
C-64. ***** please!

I first played it on my mate's Acorn Electron. Then Santa gave me a Spectrum 48k. I then got an Acorn Archimedes where Elite had shaded sides! Then a dos based PC where I played Frontier. I still have that box set.

Spawn in Cobra-Sell Cobra-Buy Asp Explorer-Buy 50mw Pulse laser-PWN

Then Wing Commander came, I found my old box this christmas. I'm thinking of getting the ship blueprint posters framed.

Then Conflict Freespace, great game.

Then several years outdoors enjoying sex, drugs and loud music until my renal system failed.

....and back indoors where I came across Eve.
Are you me? change a few details and you just described the last 30 years of my life

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

KarmaFleet University
#63 - 2014-03-27 01:24:50 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Loving the old platform snobbery Lol

ZX Spectrum 16k rubber beermat, BBC 'B's at school, Amiga 500, then onto a 386/66 with a turbo button.

The Lobsters wrote:
C-64. ***** please!

I first played it on my mate's Acorn Electron. Then Santa gave me a Spectrum 48k. I then got an Acorn Archimedes where Elite had shaded sides! Then a dos based PC where I played Frontier. I still have that box set.

Spawn in Cobra-Sell Cobra-Buy Asp Explorer-Buy 50mw Pulse laser-PWN

Then Wing Commander came, I found my old box this christmas. I'm thinking of getting the ship blueprint posters framed.

Then Conflict Freespace, great game.

Then several years outdoors enjoying sex, drugs and loud music until my renal system failed.

....and back indoors where I came across Eve.
Are you me? change a few details and you just described the last 30 years of my life

see? can't even trust your own alt in eve
ashley Eoner
#64 - 2014-03-27 02:31:05 UTC
Frankly it's more of a downgraded from Elite II to eve..
Dark Nexxus
#65 - 2014-03-27 02:39:14 UTC
Atari 800XL Elite checking in. I liked having to spin into the station hangar entrance to actually dock. And missiles where OP in the Cobra Mk III.
Tavin Aikisen
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#66 - 2014-03-27 02:52:22 UTC
First introduced to Frontier: Elite 2 back in the mid 90's. Absolutely loved it. It reminded me of what I enjoyed with Privateer with a more dynamics and larger scope and freedom. I quickly looked into Elite and First Encounters and loved them to.

There is no denying it was the same familiar aspects of EVE that attracted me. Looking forward to Elite: Dangerous too. :)

"Remember this. Trust your eyes, you will kill each other. Trust your veins, you can all go home."

-Cold Wind

Bertrand Butler
Cras es Noster
#67 - 2014-03-27 03:14:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Bertrand Butler
First played Elite on an Amstrad CPC 6128. Moved to Frontier on an Amiga 500, and finally FFE on a 486 DX4@100.

Still Remember some nasty systems like Riedquat or Phekda.

Looking forward to E:D...C:
Pew Terror
All of it
#68 - 2014-03-27 03:38:40 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Harrison Tato wrote:
Pew Terror wrote:
ST1024 son, accept no substitutes! C64 were for people who couldnt afford a real machine.

LOL wannabe Amiga.

Oh how fun it was in the early '90s to see the Amiga owners laughs turn into frowns when PCs started outdoing them on the video front, and how ST owners despaired as they no longer held MIDI supremacy. Lol

Fact: Amiga had better hardware, but Atari had smarter programmers. See 16color horizontal scrolling and how the sound chip was made into something amazing out of trash. Thats the only reason the games ran about equally on both platforms.

True story: When my grandfather wanted to make a book we tried to get him into a modern PC (this was 5 years ago, but he couldnt do word). Set up Signum on teh old ST for him and he made professional typesetting for his book like a pro.

Also: It years for the pc to get the STs out of the studio.

Atari vs Amiga vs C64 = the god of "console wars"
Harrison Tato
Yamato Holdings
#69 - 2014-03-27 03:51:10 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Harrison Tato wrote:
Pew Terror wrote:
ST1024 son, accept no substitutes! C64 were for people who couldnt afford a real machine.

LOL wannabe Amiga.

Oh how fun it was in the early '90s to see the Amiga owners laughs turn into frowns when PCs started outdoing them on the video front, and how ST owners despaired as they no longer held MIDI supremacy. Lol

I bet you don't get invited to parties much.
Minions LLC
#70 - 2014-03-27 05:00:52 UTC
Pew Terror wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Harrison Tato wrote:
Pew Terror wrote:
ST1024 son, accept no substitutes! C64 were for people who couldnt afford a real machine.

LOL wannabe Amiga.

Oh how fun it was in the early '90s to see the Amiga owners laughs turn into frowns when PCs started outdoing them on the video front, and how ST owners despaired as they no longer held MIDI supremacy. Lol

Fact: Amiga had better hardware, but Atari had smarter programmers. See 16color horizontal scrolling and how the sound chip was made into something amazing out of trash. Thats the only reason the games ran about equally on both platforms.

True story: When my grandfather wanted to make a book we tried to get him into a modern PC (this was 5 years ago, but he couldnt do word). Set up Signum on teh old ST for him and he made professional typesetting for his book like a pro.

Also: It years for the pc to get the STs out of the studio.

Atari vs Amiga vs C64 = the god of "console wars"

I'm still much better with Word Perfect than word. I really can't remember my c64 wordprocessor. I'm sure I had one because I remember borrowing the club daisy ywheel printer loaner to pound out resumes for my dad for high tech foreign ball bearing manufacturers.

What were the c64 word processors? My minds failing me. My real joy was scoring a copy of the PAL assembler though. Had to go to a big conference to get it. Blew out retreads on the 65 Ford Galaxy to get there. Pulled PAL out of there and the machine code to half track index those floppies.
Harrison Tato
Yamato Holdings
#71 - 2014-03-27 05:36:31 UTC
Muestereate wrote:
Pew Terror wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Harrison Tato wrote:
Pew Terror wrote:
ST1024 son, accept no substitutes! C64 were for people who couldnt afford a real machine.

LOL wannabe Amiga.

Oh how fun it was in the early '90s to see the Amiga owners laughs turn into frowns when PCs started outdoing them on the video front, and how ST owners despaired as they no longer held MIDI supremacy. Lol

Fact: Amiga had better hardware, but Atari had smarter programmers. See 16color horizontal scrolling and how the sound chip was made into something amazing out of trash. Thats the only reason the games ran about equally on both platforms.

True story: When my grandfather wanted to make a book we tried to get him into a modern PC (this was 5 years ago, but he couldnt do word). Set up Signum on teh old ST for him and he made professional typesetting for his book like a pro.

Also: It years for the pc to get the STs out of the studio.

Atari vs Amiga vs C64 = the god of "console wars"

I'm still much better with Word Perfect than word. I really can't remember my c64 wordprocessor. I'm sure I had one because I remember borrowing the club daisy ywheel printer loaner to pound out resumes for my dad for high tech foreign ball bearing manufacturers.

What were the c64 word processors? My minds failing me. My real joy was scoring a copy of the PAL assembler though. Had to go to a big conference to get it. Blew out retreads on the 65 Ford Galaxy to get there. Pulled PAL out of there and the machine code to half track index those floppies.

I am pretty sure I had Wordstar on the C-64 and later the GEOS word processor.
Bruce Kemp
Best Kept Dunked
#72 - 2014-03-27 13:49:01 UTC
Played Elite on spectrum and C64, played Elite 2 on Amiga,

Subbed to play eve as soon as i had a pc to play. circa: 2004, oh happy days. Big smile
Sunshine and Lollipops
#73 - 2014-03-27 14:48:38 UTC
Harrison Tato wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Oh how fun it was in the early '90s to see the Amiga owners laughs turn into frowns when PCs started outdoing them on the video front, and how ST owners despaired as they no longer held MIDI supremacy. Lol

I bet you don't get invited to parties much.

Pff. You just had to keep an eye out on the BBSes for the inviteros, and upload the signup.txt and and transfer the cash before all spots were taken. P
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#74 - 2014-03-27 15:03:23 UTC
Tippia wrote:
how ST owners despaired as they no longer held MIDI supremacy. Lol

I just upgraded my 1040STE to a 4mb and I have my Midi Controller in the post, and currently rocking Cubase.

When did this happen?

Oh because of FALCON

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Nyjil Lizaru
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#75 - 2014-03-27 15:13:15 UTC
Elite (on C64) ...years go by... Master of Orion (on w/e) ...years go by... EVE!

Nyjil's corollary to Malcanis' Law:   "Any attempt by CCP to smooth the learning curve of EVE Online will be carried out via the addition of extra factors and 'features' such that there is a net increase in complexity."

Pew Terror
All of it
#76 - 2014-03-27 15:55:32 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Tippia wrote:
how ST owners despaired as they no longer held MIDI supremacy. Lol

I just upgraded my 1040STE to a 4mb and I have my Midi Controller in the post, and currently rocking Cubase.

When did this happen?

Oh because of FALCON


I always wanted a falcon... I went ST1024->Mega STE->TT030
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#77 - 2014-03-27 15:59:04 UTC
Pew Terror wrote:


I always wanted a falcon... I went ST1024->Mega STE->TT030

Id still like a TT someday. Loved how they looked, so minimalist and all

The Amigos can have their big Commodore cake and I have to say the A600 is a very cute machine, but Im afraid Im Atari 4 Evah

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#78 - 2014-03-29 03:16:50 UTC
I remember me and a buddy coding an Asteroids type game on an Apple II. I was so confused by Basic as the only language I knew at the time was FORTRAN (that dates me).

Mr Epeen Cool
Karl Jerr
Herzack Unit
#79 - 2014-03-29 03:49:21 UTC
Played so much on my Amstrad 464 and later on my Amiga with Frontier: Elite 2.

Waiting patiently for E:D
Rhatar Khurin
#80 - 2014-03-29 04:59:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhatar Khurin
I played the C64 5 1/4" Elite first then Elite+ on the Amiga. Followed by Frontier.

Jint Hikaru wrote:
Spectrum then Amiga.

Played Elite, then Elite Frontier. Still have the original box, instructions, galaxy map and game disk for frontier (and a disk with my saved game on).

One day i will find a good emulator and boot that up again.

WIN UAE Is a good amiga emulator