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New dev blog: Ship-troduction: The Caldari Naga

First post
Brave Collective
#221 - 2011-11-18 02:22:45 UTC
Please dear god keep the torps on the Naga
it would be nice to actually see torps as a viable weapon on other than bombers.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#222 - 2011-11-18 11:02:43 UTC
Keep 8 launcher slots, give it fitting bonuses only to torps and rails, and dps/range bonuses only to rails. In this way,

- it doesn't step on the talos toes with blasters
- it is still viable as a very short range bs ganker
- it becomes not viable as a missile fleet ship, because of range issues
- it is a very viable fleet ship with rails

Removing the speed bonus on torps is fine, after all when you are maximising your transversal your torps don't need to go too far ;)

On the other hand, bonuses on blasters aren't that good without a tracking bonus: if you are maximizing your transversal, you break your tracking too.

So keeping the launcher slots gives it a short range possibility without any drawbacks.

My solo pvp video: Yankunytjude... That attitude! Solo/small gang proposal: Ship Velocity Vectors

The Fork
Clever Use of Neutral Toons
#223 - 2011-11-18 14:27:57 UTC
Yankunytjatjara wrote:
Keep 8 launcher slots, give it fitting bonuses only to torps and rails, and dps/range bonuses only to rails. In this way,

- it doesn't step on the talos toes with blasters
- it is still viable as a very short range bs ganker
- it becomes not viable as a missile fleet ship, because of range issues
- it is a very viable fleet ship with rails

Removing the speed bonus on torps is fine, after all when you are maximising your transversal your torps don't need to go too far ;)

On the other hand, bonuses on blasters aren't that good without a tracking bonus: if you are maximizing your transversal, you break your tracking too.

So keeping the launcher slots gives it a short range possibility without any drawbacks.

Actually, increase the missile velocity bonus/level but add a corresponding missile flight time penalty/level. Call 'em "Hyper-velocity Torpedoes". Faster damage application, same range.
Rip Minner
ARMITAGE Logistics Salvage and Industries
#224 - 2011-11-22 07:12:38 UTC
Just thought I would stop by and give my condolances to the new Hybird only Naga. A fair number of Gallente's feel the same way about are new ship too.

You could have used a 8xBS Missile boat that was not a Marauder and we could have realy used another Drone ships.

But we both got what we got. So good luck with yours and we will do are best over here too.Pirate

Is it a rock point a lazer at it and profit. Is it a ship point a lazer at it and profit. I dont see any problems here.

Goonswarm Federation
#225 - 2011-11-26 10:10:47 UTC
If it's gonna be a condoleances too, ccp. great improvement, deep tought, brilliant imbalance of things. where did i hear last time 'sandbox'?Big smile
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#226 - 2011-11-29 20:40:29 UTC
I love how CCP did what CCP does

Promised Tier 3, as it sounds almost as Tech 3
Pretty good marketing trick, however also a pretty cheap trick, and i lost my respect towards the crowd with this bullshit.

Then launched Tier 3 which wasn't part of the deal, namely given caldari a bc that uses blasters only.
It's like equiping a boat with air bags, or an race car with a lifeboat. Very useful indeed.
Kae Bee
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#227 - 2011-11-29 20:48:01 UTC


Crucible here, but its Naga ad in the 4th paragragh still shows torps CAN be fitted!

I hope no1 resubscribed to EvE because of this ad showing a Torp Naga!

....could get ugly! Twisted
Goonswarm Federation
#228 - 2011-11-30 11:59:23 UTC
Shure, you can also fit rails on a Scorp, and use it for ratting.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#229 - 2011-11-30 12:00:50 UTC  |  Edited by: M4NOS theGREEK
well im a new player.and new to eve gate also...i play only some months
..the truth is that i liked most of the crucible features and it seems you ccp guys have done a very good job..
i play caldari ships and i love my i feel a little betrayed...
i think you gave all the other races their correct guns but you gave us a turrets only ship...please reconsider your decision or give us
a second kind of naga like (hawk-harpy) with the proper bonuses..thnx in advance...
Tanaka Sekigahara
United Space Marine Corp
#230 - 2011-11-30 12:56:05 UTC
For those who cant figure out how to use a ship that does over 500 DPS at 110K then shame on them....
Goonswarm Federation
#231 - 2011-11-30 13:24:05 UTC
Maybe some of us hoped to do that dmg with torps...? Or some other kind of missile? If Caldari still won't use Hybrids, means you force them into those, by giving just gunboats out? Once again, what sandbox?Big smile
Tanaka Sekigahara
United Space Marine Corp
#232 - 2011-11-30 13:51:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Tanaka Sekigahara
I am a caldari pilot, with 500 kills in a SB so I love torps as much as the next guy . I was also loathe to train gunnery and large railgun spec as well, but, once you have it is well worth it.Not to mention if you train the support skills ( as well you should) you pretty much opened up a lot of other ships as well, and it will now take minimal time to get into other ships of other races, like, say, a tornado, or most other minmatar (or gallente) ships.

I took the plunge and dont regret it.I still fly mostly Caldari but it's nice to have other options instead of being pissed off all the time I cant use guns.

Yes, was basically forced to do it, initially resented it, and am a better,more effective well rounded pilot for it.

Break free of the soft welcoming teat that is missiles. Is time for Caldari pilots to put their Big Boy pants on.
Tanaka Sekigahara
United Space Marine Corp
#233 - 2011-11-30 14:09:15 UTC
Torps on a glass tank BC that cant take any damage,with a huge sig, that has to get in close,with no drones to defend against tackle, and a weapon system that wont do squat against small targets would have left you very disappointed after a brief period I am sure.

Yes, you have to invest time to fly it but you will find it is a viable ship, with strongpoints no other ship has, and I have no doubt will quickly become the best Caldari gunboat, and probably one of the best long range gunboats in game.

Instant heavy DPS from long range in a maneuverable platform is something Caldari hasnt had, and you dont have to lay out 130 mil isk for it like a Rokh.
Goonswarm Federation
#234 - 2011-11-30 14:29:24 UTC
Point was not the performance of it. Point was that they should do also a pvp-able missile boat. Is just like doing a uber-minnie-boat with torps. They can use missiles, but they basically ALL projectyle weapons. Shure, this won't happen to minmatar even if they have ot close the game for not doing it. But, once again. "Imbalance". Big Word.