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Yong Shin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-03-24 21:21:46 UTC

I was hoping someone can help me with a few questions I can't seem to find the answer for.


I solely L4 combat missions in highsec. Usually in a navy megathron. Never leave highsec (after being shot down 10x trying) and avoid pvp. Every once in a while, a little frigate will come start looting my wrecks trying to bait me into shooting. Because I fit a very very expensive omnitank, this usually leads to a situation where I shoot and miss the frigate, he comes super close to me and kites/drones/shoots/webs/warp disrupts me. This goes on for AT LEAST 30 minutes each time, before he gives up trying to kill me and all my hobgoblins are shot down. Sometimes, they have one of those logi ship things come repair the frigate, and my corp mates tell me never shoot the logi because he'll ECM me or something that will make my ship useless and open to death from the frigate.

This happens to me fairly often, and before I finish training for a vindicator, i was wondering:


1) With the web bonus, would a vindicator with 2 good webs be able to practically immobilize a frigate and thus 1 shot it with blasters?
2) Can repair ships give damage bonuses to frigates? I don't understand how my tank very very slowly goes down (sometimes over an hour) from hobgoblin ii's on a Tristan when I have 80% armor resists.

Sorry for the long post, would appreciate any help!
Ayeshah Volfield
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2014-03-24 21:24:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Ayeshah Volfield
Then don't shoot him. He won't be able to do anything to you without CONCORD intervening.

EVE is what happens when the rule of law does not apply and Darwinism is allowed to run freely.

Yong Shin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2014-03-24 21:30:18 UTC
I completely agree. I stopped shooting them. But I was just wondering, if I do decide to shoot them, whether 2 webs would be enough for my Vindicator to kill them.

And I get robbed all the time for some reason! It's strange. Doesn't happen to others very often, but I'd say 30% of my missions get robbed.
Yong Shin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-03-24 21:36:03 UTC
Ayeshah Volfield wrote:
Then don't shoot him. He won't be able to do anything to you without CONCORD intervening.

I completely agree. I stopped shooting them. But I was just wondering, if I do decide to shoot them, whether 2 webs would be enough for my Vindicator to kill them.

And I get robbed all the time for some reason! It's strange. Doesn't happen to others very often, but I'd say 30% of my missions get robbed. Half the time, by the same people.
Damien White
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5 - 2014-03-24 21:37:04 UTC
Yes, 2 webs will most likely stop him.

You can test this in EFT, simply create a frigate fitting and pull your webs in the "Projected effects" window at the bottom.

A stock Rifter with overheated MWD ends up with 96 m/s with "All V".

But be aware, once you agressed him he might come back in something more capable of killing your ship.

97% of girls would die if Justin Bieber were about to jump off a cliff. Post this in your sig if you`re part of the 3% yelling,


Yong Shin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2014-03-24 21:47:45 UTC
Damien White wrote:
Yes, 2 webs will most likely stop him.

You can test this in EFT, simply create a frigate fitting and pull your webs in the "Projected effects" window at the bottom.

A stock Rifter with overheated MWD ends up with 96 m/s with "All V".

But be aware, once you agressed him he might come back in something more capable of killing your ship.

Thank you that very was informative. It's sort of sad. I'm 10 months in and have no clue how to work/get EFT. Will figure it out though :).

If a frigate is going 80m/s or so, would blasters be able to shoot him down in your opinion? And more importantly, the point you made about him coming back in something big and scary to kill me, for orange colored suspect people, I thought they can't shoot me if I don't do anything hostile for 1 minute? Or am I wrong?

Thank you for the help. Teach me how I can *Like* so I can like you. First time on the forums.
Ayeshah Volfield
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2014-03-24 21:49:53 UTC
Yong Shin wrote:
And I get robbed all the time for some reason! It's strange. Doesn't happen to others very often, but I'd say 30% of my missions get robbed. Half the time, by the same people.

They found a target in an expensive ship that shoots back and it doesn't seem like you've done it only once. I assume this is why this is happening so often.

EVE is what happens when the rule of law does not apply and Darwinism is allowed to run freely.

Damien White
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8 - 2014-03-24 21:53:45 UTC
Yong Shin wrote:

Thank you that very was informative. It's sort of sad. I'm 10 months in and have no clue how to work/get EFT. Will figure it out though :).

Might actually help

97% of girls would die if Justin Bieber were about to jump off a cliff. Post this in your sig if you`re part of the 3% yelling,


Yong Shin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-03-24 21:58:55 UTC
Ayeshah Volfield wrote:
Yong Shin wrote:
And I get robbed all the time for some reason! It's strange. Doesn't happen to others very often, but I'd say 30% of my missions get robbed. Half the time, by the same people.

They found a target in an expensive ship that shoots back and it doesn't seem like you've done it only once. I assume this is why this is happening so often.

Haha. That's a very good point. I stopped shooting back a while ago though, so hopefully it will happen less.
Moonlit Raid
#10 - 2014-03-24 22:04:01 UTC

That is all.

If brute force isn't working, you're just not using enough.

Please Note: Any advice given comes with the caveat that nothing will be suitable for every situation.

Yong Shin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2014-03-24 22:18:27 UTC
Damien White wrote:
Yong Shin wrote:

Thank you that very was informative. It's sort of sad. I'm 10 months in and have no clue how to work/get EFT. Will figure it out though :).

Might actually help

Thank you :D
Yong Shin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2014-03-24 22:25:58 UTC
Moonlit Raid wrote:

That is all.

Thank you for the video. That was very satisfying to watch :D

I don't quite understand what happened though. He equipped 8 smartbombs or something?
Moonlit Raid
#13 - 2014-03-24 22:29:18 UTC
8 smartbombs, usually a mission baiter doesn't have much ehp. That particular one had so little he lost his pod too.

If brute force isn't working, you're just not using enough.

Please Note: Any advice given comes with the caveat that nothing will be suitable for every situation.

Yong Shin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2014-03-24 22:40:51 UTC
Moonlit Raid wrote:
8 smartbombs, usually a mission baiter doesn't have much ehp. That particular one had so little he lost his pod too.

I am SOO going to try this. Revenge time. Thanks :)
Loraine Gess
Confedeferate Union of Tax Legalists
#15 - 2014-03-24 22:49:26 UTC
This is the best thread I've read in a while
Nalelmir Ahashion
Industrial Management and Engineering
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#16 - 2014-03-24 23:00:34 UTC
Posting in Stealth "Raven Officer Fit" thread.
#17 - 2014-03-24 23:37:41 UTC
Yong Shin wrote:
Moonlit Raid wrote:
8 smartbombs, usually a mission baiter doesn't have much ehp. That particular one had so little he lost his pod too.

I am SOO going to try this. Revenge time. Thanks :)

after which you'll have a cooldown where he can aggress you freely, and if you pod in highsec, I suggest you check the killrights mechanics very carefully, lest you make a mistake and give up a killright (because if you are near a gate or station in a vindicator with a killright on you, that's a good way to lose that vindicator), and also if using smartbombs you have to be aware of the potential that the person has their scout close to you, cloaked, in which case if you smartbomb an unaggressed player entity, you'll be concorded.

ie yes you can do this, but realistically there are many traps for you doing it.
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#18 - 2014-03-25 00:14:01 UTC
Thread title in all caps = not taking thread serious, let the trolling commence.
Ginger Barbarella
#19 - 2014-03-25 00:40:10 UTC
Yong Shin wrote:
I completely agree. I stopped shooting them. But I was just wondering, if I do decide to shoot them, whether 2 webs would be enough for my Vindicator to kill them.

And I get robbed all the time for some reason! It's strange. Doesn't happen to others very often, but I'd say 30% of my missions get robbed.

Relocate. Sounds like you pissed someone off recently (30%).

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

RaVeN Alliance
#20 - 2014-03-25 01:00:26 UTC  |  Edited by: RavenPaine
First thought:
Do you have a corp spy? Someone that knows when you mission?

Second thought:
Shoot your wrecks before the bait frig gets them.

Third thought:
Risk a Vindicator for a frigate kill?

Edit here:
The smart bomb thing. Some ninja's will set in your mission cloaked and let you smart bomb them on accident, then you get Concorded. Be careful.
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