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EVE General Discussion

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First post
Lina Miaoke
The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#341 - 2011-11-30 07:10:28 UTC
Give CCP a break...

We bitched and demanded no Pay to Win items... So instead of Pay to Win items on the NEX market, we are to buy fonts packs for 5,000 to 10,000 AUR depending on the quality of font.

This is reasonable, as it is still cheaper than CCP Soundwave's pant.
thoth rothschild
Gallente Federation
#342 - 2011-11-30 07:31:59 UTC  |  Edited by: thoth rothschild
I'm really sorry but for me the new font is more eye relaxing :(
Yes you will troll me and i'm sorry for not hating it but it really helps me telling the difference between 0 and o, s and 5.
I have to admit scamming people is harder with the new font.
Technodyne Ltd.
#343 - 2011-11-30 07:36:26 UTC
I really love the new font Big smile

It is very clear and so much more readable then the old font. The old font was extremly bad at high resolutions and in many cases numbers were hard to distinguish. With the new font it is fine.
I admit that it needs some getting used to it, but after a while I could read the new font as fluent as any other text.

The only thing that needs some adjustment are the conter numbers of stacked items at the icon. They seem a bit small and squeezed and are not that easy to read.

Keep up with the good UI work and do not listen to the crybabies in this thread. It was soooo predictable that even with a great expansion like this the bitter vets would find something to complain about Roll...
#344 - 2011-11-30 07:39:44 UTC
Arcathra wrote:

It is very clear and so much more readable then the old font

They seem a bit small and squeezed and are not that easy to read.

would find something to complain about Roll...

Vachir Khan
Rugged Ruff and Ready
#345 - 2011-11-30 07:40:35 UTC
thoth rothschild wrote:
I'm really sorry but for me the new font is more eye relaxing :(
Yes you will troll me and i'm sorry for liking it but it really helps me telling the difference between 0 and o, s and 5.
I have to admit scamming people is harder with the new font.

I have no problems with people liking the new font but i see it differently, and more problematic it interferes with gameplay due to using up more screen size while giving me a headache at the same time. This opinion/feedback (in various forms as not everyone is the same) was voiced in the font feedback thread on the test server but not given any attention.

I'm happy for you that you like it, but for me it makes the game annoying to play (which is a shame as all the other changes are fantastic so far).
Technodyne Ltd.
#346 - 2011-11-30 07:48:24 UTC
Psychophantic wrote:
Arcathra wrote:

It is very clear and so much more readable then the old font

They seem a bit small and squeezed and are not that easy to read.

would find something to complain about Roll...


Oh my! YOu have found a hole in my statement... or not.

The new font is overall much more clear and readable, but there is a minor case where it is not that good (but still better than the old one). Just pointing it out, no complaining here. There is always some room for improvement.
#347 - 2011-11-30 08:20:34 UTC
After messing around with UI on 90% :

No way I'm using 100%, I like to see what I'm flying and where I'm going.

Text in overview is fine, nearly the same size as the old font.

Fix the font in the item stacks, ammo counts, and speedo.

Fix the icons in space and in the overview.

Then we'll be getting somewhere.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#348 - 2011-11-30 08:22:25 UTC
I like the new font :)
Kehro Urgus
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#349 - 2011-11-30 08:28:26 UTC
I happen to like the new font. The old one was very hard to look at especially in the market screen. My vision isn't great so I welcome this!!! Smile


Thaylon Sen
The Boondock Saints
#350 - 2011-11-30 08:48:03 UTC
I like the new font (although ammo count could be a little bigger).
Mr Barbeque
Mayhem and Ruin
#351 - 2011-11-30 08:48:34 UTC
This may have been posted earlier but im not about to sift through this entire thread so.............

It should be an option. There's no reason to force players one way or the other. Ive seen no evidence to suggest that the old font couldn't scale or work with the other ui changes. Simply give players the option to choose for themselves.

Diana Valenti
Disposable Spies
#352 - 2011-11-30 08:56:32 UTC
Mr Barbeque wrote:
This may have been posted earlier but im not about to sift through this entire thread so.............

It should be an option. There's no reason to force players one way or the other. tIve seen no evidence to suggest that the old font couldn't scale or work with the other ui changes. Simply give players the option to choose for themselves.


This. CCP, Y U dont let us choose font in game?
#353 - 2011-11-30 08:58:21 UTC
New font is terrible but so was the old one...... no change as far as i can see.
dr vonVettet
Amarr Empire
#354 - 2011-11-30 09:05:08 UTC
The new font is slightly more readable, but that is mainly because it is much larger than the old one, hogging a lot of screen real-estate. Setting UI scaling to minimum and it is a little bit better, but then window decs and window font gets a bit smaller as well.
How about allowing scaling of fonts separately from ui, like you do with context menu font size under the "general settings" tab.
That would be nice, and please allow for smaller scaling than 90% as well.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#355 - 2011-11-30 09:06:36 UTC
Barakkus wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Wow I have rarely seen more idiocy in a single topic.

The new font went on Sisi a LONG time ago. You choosing now to complain about it now instead of after CCP asked for FEEDBACK when it went on the test server instantly invalidates your arguement.

CCP keep the new font. It is fine.

Couple weeks =/= a LONG time.

It's plenty of time. Booster changes were discovered by players on the server, and the feedback was almost unanimously against them. They pulled the changes in time for Crucible release. Again, all of these changes font included were blogged about, available on SiSi, and CCP listens and responds to criticism. If everyone had spoke out against the new font, it wouldn't have gotten implemented. Next time, everyone needs to test features out if they're going to have such strong reaction to them.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Vachir Khan
Rugged Ruff and Ready
#356 - 2011-11-30 09:20:59 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Barakkus wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Wow I have rarely seen more idiocy in a single topic.

The new font went on Sisi a LONG time ago. You choosing now to complain about it now instead of after CCP asked for FEEDBACK when it went on the test server instantly invalidates your arguement.

CCP keep the new font. It is fine.

Couple weeks =/= a LONG time.

It's plenty of time. Booster changes were discovered by players on the server, and the feedback was almost unanimously against them. They pulled the changes in time for Crucible release. Again, all of these changes font included were blogged about, available on SiSi, and CCP listens and responds to criticism. If everyone had spoke out against the new font, it wouldn't have gotten implemented. Next time, everyone needs to test features out if they're going to have such strong reaction to them.

If you didn't have so much goop in your eyes you might have noticed the font thread on the feedback forum, tons of people were not happy with the changes.
The Greatest Corp in the Universe
#357 - 2011-11-30 10:11:43 UTC
CCP Navigator wrote:
It is currently not possible to toggle between the new font and the old one. While we appreciate that this is something a lot of people are asking for, it simply cannot be done in the current font rendering system.

The font is way better WAY better, I can actually read it now!!!

Every day in every way I improve my skills and get better.

Slowly but Surely
#358 - 2011-11-30 10:16:56 UTC
The new font is horrid and in most places it doesnt even fit inside its container as its too big. The new zeros also make it hard to read numbers. How hard can it be to get this right, just get one of those most used fonts and thats it...

I have a feeling that the person that let this go into production is the same that let the previous turret icon go live as well. If this is indeed the person then PLEASE take your great design ideas and go back to deviantart.
Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#359 - 2011-11-30 10:17:10 UTC
New font is good, this discussion has already been had extensively, you guys are all late to the party.

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

Archetype 66
Caldari State
#360 - 2011-11-30 10:18:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Archetype 66
So we have two sides : lovers and haters. Lovers, you're wrong, you convince yourself in bad faith.

Old font was nice, well scaled and pretty sci-fi oriented but have one major problem that we all know ( So we all wanted CCP to fix it. What we've get : a new font developed in a hurry, ugly and not properly scaled. Ok, it fixes the old problem but bring a lot more !

Lovers, you don't like the new font, you just like the fact you can recognize an 5 to an S...Wowww Shocked

CCP fix it ! Bring us something smooth, sci-fi related and pretty (or not so ugly as actual one).



Fix it !