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EVE Online: Crucible Feedback thread

First post
Wedge Reskanor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#121 - 2011-11-30 03:50:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Wedge Reskanor
Kor'el Izia wrote:

I think so, they changed the the base price for P4 to 1,350,000 ISK, the Concord Customs Office says that the tax rate should be 10% ergo 135,000 ISK. So somewhere is the value set to 100% instead of 10%, but then again the tariff size should be smaller than the base price so some bright CCP'er should have a look at that...

Edit:Just tested in game, a P4 product with 10% taxrate(from Concord Customs Office) gets a export tax of 135,000 ISK. Tax used to be 50,000 ISK but since they doubled the tax and increased base price I guess it's fairly safe to say it's working as intended.

However if someone puts a POCO with 100% taxrate, it should land at 1,350,000 ISK Twisted

Tested this as well, seems to now be working for P4 with 10% tax rate for concord CO to 135,000 isk.

Edit: This is the factor by which the new concord tax rates have been increased over the old tax rates:

p4 2.7
p3 11.67
p2 100.
p1 65.79
p0 5.
Helen Grapes
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#122 - 2011-11-30 03:59:48 UTC
Great! I've relogged and all my UNPINNED but toggled windows are closed...
That's the only patch in 2 years that I can call fail.
MicroCon Enterprises
#123 - 2011-11-30 04:13:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tazmikella
Interbus taxes in lo-sec is ****. 5 planets cost over 30 mil to withdraw ... thanks for increasing again the cost of POS fuel. Those of us not in mega-alliances or using bots to sell Plexes appreciate squeezing us out of another aspect of the game.

And Customs Office Gantry cost of 153 million are fething kidding me?!? Do you think we all spend RL money to sell plexes and have gobs of trillion of ISK to play with in the game. Seriously, be more realistic.
Helen Grapes
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#124 - 2011-11-30 04:19:20 UTC
Compare Good, strict, nice old font and new rubbish.
Rer Eirikr
The Scope
#125 - 2011-11-30 04:19:22 UTC
Best Expansion Ever
Celtic Cartage And Hauling
#126 - 2011-11-30 04:23:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Yandrosia
WOW PI Tax is crazy

I only produce water (so P1 i think) and what used to cost me around 11k in tax to export just popped up at 475k for a lower volume. Ugh
2S25 Sprut-SD
Born Imperialism
#127 - 2011-11-30 04:25:09 UTC
Since the release of the expansion I have been unable to undock to experience the additional content that the cruicible has to offer, simply due to the fact that my mechanic seems to have gotten so drunk that he has smeared poo all over what used to be every caldari ship in my possession. (I think the time he has spent redesigning the raven has really gone to his head.)

I honestly cannot imagine ever flying the floating space turds that are now caldari boats. (Considering the possibly of setting the zoom out on max and tactical overview to distract me... while I wait for my minmitar training to complete….). Because at this point I wished I flew minmitar boats because let’s face it, even space wrecks look much better than an entire caldari fleet.

PS: great job on navy hookbill, the camo really brings back the two year old finger painting memories back....
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#128 - 2011-11-30 04:37:10 UTC
Yes nice expansion, pretty pictures and swooshing engine trails, new ships to go bang-bang.

Now about the money:

Who came up with this new PI tax scheme? HOLY CRAP.

Do you guys realize what that is going to do to POS fuel costs? Hello? People get ready for some serious t2 cost increases. These taxes are at the base of the t2 production supply chain. So their multiplier by the end of the chain - the product - is going to be severe.

And, by the way, is there a list somewhere of the new taxes and a list of the new t2 modules? not obvious in dev notes.

#129 - 2011-11-30 04:37:50 UTC
After the CQ debacle, Crucible sets CCP back into my good graces. Very, very good looking stuff. Still working through the functionality changes. As for the font, it's fine for old dudes like me who have crappy eyesight. As for it being an improvement? Hard to say. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm good with it, but other may see it otherwise. So the feedback is 99% good. 1% feh for the font. Nonetheless, Crucible lets CCP continue to earn it's keep from my wallet, and isn't that really the bottom line?


Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#130 - 2011-11-30 04:38:35 UTC
Yandrosia wrote:
WOW PI Tax is crazy

I only produce water (so P1 i think) and what used to cost me around 11k in tax to export just popped up at 475k for a lower volume. Ugh

The PI tax changes are the result of reference values being increased significantly, and rates themselves being doubled. See:
for more information.

It's a really good long-term economic change -- just give market prices some time to adjust and don't sell your goods for less profit than you were making pre-crucible. || || Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#131 - 2011-11-30 04:41:13 UTC
also, crucible owns so far, nice work. looking forward to flying a new tier 3 BC! || || Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#132 - 2011-11-30 04:52:57 UTC
Jihzma Mei wrote:

You live in crappy space. Just take over a better one if you're unhappy. Where is the fun if all space is equal.

Well, ideally, what is rich space this year would become poor space next year due to over-use, which would promote migration and movement on a 6-9 month basis.
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#133 - 2011-11-30 04:57:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Scrapyard Bob
Jamie77 wrote:
what is the person Bm limit at ? As i haven't looked yet at most i believe you would need is 200-300 person Bm and then the Pos ane Jb can justed use the corp Bookmarks

Personal bookmark limit is now somewhere under 13000 - we have a member who has 13000 and is having issues. They need to restore the old limit, because it wasn't an issue prior to this patch.

Personally - I have a few thousand, and I don't think the limit should be any lower then about 25,000. Once you start setting up 2 perch points on every gate, an off-grid for every gate, perches for stations, 4-5 safe-spots in every system, it gets up to a few thousand very quickly.
Katy Ling
Crimnson Concept Flame
#134 - 2011-11-30 05:07:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Katy Ling
awwww sweeett ! drones get an order to return to drone bay when you disconnect ! this expansion is worth already Big smile

great jobs guys, you fixed a lot of small things that where bugging people for a long time. maybe there's still a bit more tunings, but you're in the right track of improving the game as a better on-line experience and overhaul satisfaction.

sometimes we don't need major things in the game to make it a exciting experience ... we just need the small things working out properly ... Big smile



in the test server, you added a new tool for submitting bug reports, it is a very nice tool. why isn't that on the live server too ?
Henricus Gaufridus
Angry Spaceships
#135 - 2011-11-30 05:09:55 UTC
Haven't run into any issues yet, and everything looks fairly sexy. The "Enter CQ" button is a good addition that I didn't notice on SiSi. New warp tunnels are sexy, the warp-jump button is sexy, new nebulae are sexy... Haven't tried the new BC yet, but I'll assume they're also "sexy".

Oh, and of course the RETURN OF THE ENGINE TRAILS

Good jorb there, CCP. This is a great new expansion. I'm sure there's a few kinks to work out, but so far most things look fairly clean. Also: Team Papercut in Atlanta, great job on all the "little" features you guys cranked out so quickly. I'm liking it.
Callic Veratar
#136 - 2011-11-30 05:35:06 UTC
I have a few small problems that annoy me:

- Cargo containers from wrecks don't seem to remember their position like they used to. They seem to be all opening middle, tiny, and tabbed.
- Loot All should automatically close the window for unanchore cans.
- Bookmark folders have been reversed alphabetically (I'm getting S, 2, 1 instead of 1, 2 S).
- Drones don't have engine trails!
- Some ships' engine trails don't work right: my Machariel has the old engine effects when it's moving, when it warps they apper for a second and then disappear. (Compared to a much slower Megathron that does have engine trails).
- Opening and closing the ESC menu makes space go greyscale for a second bit.
- 100% mode is a bit too big and 90% mode is a bit too small (95% mode?)
- In 90% mode, the icons and brackets are all smudged, like they're only being half rendered.
- In 90% mode, ammo count is almost unreadable.
Brego Tralowski
Tralowski Independent Traders.
#137 - 2011-11-30 05:47:39 UTC
Loving the new editions to our game guys. Really like the new warp tunnel effects, looking forward to flying the new BCs (when the crazy prices come down) and even the Ferox looks good in the new colours/skin.

See what you can achieve in a short space of time? Looking forward to what you bring us over the next few years.

Kind regards - Brego.

Supplying Quality goods to the masses.

See 'T1 Module supplies' for all your T1 needs or in game chat.

Blast Incorporated
#138 - 2011-11-30 05:53:53 UTC
regarding the new font:
I can kinda agree with both points being argued here.
Yes, the new font is clearer and easier to read, but it doesnt really look very good.
I feel kinda like i'm reading off a computer made in the 80's.
Maybe an option for those who want readability and another option for those who want things to look good?

Also, was it really necessary to remove the separators from numbers?
For me at least its somewhat harder to read numbers with just spaces for separators.

The new texture for the Gallente Comet doesnt really fit all that well.
I realize you guys are going for consistency with the factions, but its kinda like you took a really nice car an dipped it in a vat of camo-paint. The original model obviously wasnt designed for that.

Apart from this though.. everything else looks pretty good.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#139 - 2011-11-30 05:58:25 UTC
Corrupted patch file, asks me if I want to download and run the repair tool, I tell it to do so.

Repair tool downloads, pops up a "waiting" mouse icon for a couple seconds, then exits out having done NOTHING.

Trying to run the repair tool again does NOTHING.

Why do you even include this "repair tool" when it has NEVER EVER FIXED ANYTHING in all the times I've had to try to use it?

Crucible for me so far is 100% FAIL - and I don't have the damned bandwidth cap available to download the entire game. If this borked repair tool isn't fixed, this is a GAME BREAKING ISSUE.
d'Arma Edd
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#140 - 2011-11-30 06:03:30 UTC
Nice patch, require a bit of fix-ups for new features, but I hope it will be fixed in Crucible 1.1 in a few days.
Only annoying thing I already found - windows pinning removed. :(