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Crime & Punishment

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The price of heresy

First post First post
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#21 - 2014-03-18 15:34:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
These Forums are social media.

8. Posting of personal information is prohibited.

The posting of personal information including but not limited to contact numbers, email addresses, account names and passwords, home addresses and real life names is strictly prohibited. CCP respect the right of our players to privacy, and will not tolerate the divulging of real life personal details.
-Removed an instance of this. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

For everyone that has mentioned "ganking" I would urge you to update your understanding of the word; as a matter of fact CONCORD was nowhere to be found, mainly because noone was ganked.

Of all the things I learned while in the Marine Corps, "Adapt and Overcome/HTFU,' has served me better than any other. This lesson seems to resonate particularly well within New Eden.


Oh yeah, I posted the link to this particular entry of Feyd's Blog on my Facebook Wall yesterday ... vOv
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#22 - 2014-03-18 19:47:12 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley wrote:
These Forums are social media.

8. Posting of personal information is prohibited.

The posting of personal information including but not limited to contact numbers, email addresses, account names and passwords, home addresses and real life names is strictly prohibited. CCP respect the right of our players to privacy, and will not tolerate the divulging of real life personal details.
-Removed an instance of this. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Dude your nuts. Now you are going to have some crazed comrade who's pimp-vindicator you popped, show up at your home in a panda suit with a stun gun and try and insert a model Ishkur up your azz, while the stale smell of cigarettes and Stolichnaya vodka wafts across the back of your neck....
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#23 - 2014-03-18 21:11:58 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley wrote:
These Forums are social media.

8. Posting of personal information is prohibited.

The posting of personal information including but not limited to contact numbers, email addresses, account names and passwords, home addresses and real life names is strictly prohibited. CCP respect the right of our players to privacy, and will not tolerate the divulging of real life personal details.
-Removed an instance of this. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Dude your nuts. Now you are going to have some crazed comrade who's pimp-vindicator you popped, show up at your home in a panda suit with a stun gun and try and insert a model Ishkur up your azz, while the stale smell of cigarettes and Stolichnaya vodka wafts across the back of your neck....
In some places that's a good night out, or a quiet night in, depending on how you roll Twisted

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#24 - 2014-03-18 21:31:04 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley wrote:
These Forums are social media.

8. Posting of personal information is prohibited.

The posting of personal information including but not limited to contact numbers, email addresses, account names and passwords, home addresses and real life names is strictly prohibited. CCP respect the right of our players to privacy, and will not tolerate the divulging of real life personal details.
-Removed an instance of this. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Dude your nuts. Now you are going to have some crazed comrade who's pimp-vindicator you popped, show up at your home in a panda suit with a stun gun and try and insert a model Ishkur up your azz, while the stale smell of cigarettes and Stolichnaya vodka wafts across the back of your neck....
In some places that's a good night out Twisted

Props to ISD Dorrim Barstorlode ... shocked it wasn't ISD Ezwal though, that guy is everywhere. Bear +1 for the ISD and CCP Dev community as a whole though; they make this level of manipulation, treachery, non-consensual PvP possible and I swear I'll make it to a Fan Fest one of these years to buy them a nice cold round of brew in exchange for the chance to redefine, rediscover and recoil in horror at the things my electronic self has done. Sadly, 2014 is not that year.

I'm not sure that all of us will have the same opportunity for introspection or basking in the glory of YC114 from their deathbeds ... a bit late for existential musings such as "If only I'd had the cajones to stand up for myself," or "You know, those nasty piwates were on to something: fun." Those of us lucky and brave enough to have cut the cord that binds real life morality to virtual choices, so to speak, those of us brave enough to embrace the darker sides of ourselves and push the limits of what one can accomplish, solo or in a group, are the ones who will not wonder when Death comes knocking. They will rest assured knowing that they shat upon the windshield of that poorly flown Kronos with wreckless abandon.

Redefining the current meta at the expense of those around us ... purely for the lulz ... should be celebrated by everyone, not condemned. This is Eve Online, not Tetris.

While it is completely true that we play a merry band of blood-thirsty pirates in Eve it doesn't [necessarily] mean that we aren't semi-normal well adjusted contributors to society. This, after all, is only a game. Quite an epic game and the one I would choose over all other choices... but a game nonetheless. Treat it like one.

Everything is fair game. [except for posting personal information, even if it's your own] Blink
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#25 - 2014-03-19 17:33:18 UTC
Im thinking of doing a step by step 'how to' guide of f#ckery, so the effects of Kill-It-Forward can perhaps become more widespread across hisec. We just can't keep up with the amount of heretical calls for hisec nerfs without help, and need to rapidly expand (without taking an awox in the face)...

Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2014-03-19 18:31:53 UTC
Never not shoot noobs is my motto. The noob you shoot today is tomorrows newbro in the life. The noob you let go is one that will unsub out of boredom in a few months.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Winchester Steele
#27 - 2014-03-19 19:04:58 UTC
Wulfgar WarHammer wrote:
Yeah, ganging up on newbs who don't understand game mechanics.

such wow

so skills

much impressed

also, darklord?

much emo

so dark and edgy

Feyd has created more content for our community in this one post than you will ever contribute in your entire eve career (if you can call being an NPC a career).


Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#28 - 2014-03-19 19:50:11 UTC
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Never not shoot noobs is my motto. The noob you shoot today is tomorrows newbro in the life. The noob you let go is one that will unsub out of boredom in a few months.
Personally I'd like to see more C&P residents posting in NCQA, there's always questions about the more nefarious side of Eve and PvP in general.

Get 'em young, before the NPC "lowsec is teh evil, gankers are teh sociopath" brigade get their claws in.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#29 - 2014-03-19 21:48:32 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Never not shoot noobs is my motto. The noob you shoot today is tomorrows newbro in the life. The noob you let go is one that will unsub out of boredom in a few months.
Personally I'd like to see more C&P residents posting in NCQA, there's always questions about the more nefarious side of Eve and PvP in general.

Get 'em young, before the NPC "lowsec is teh evil, gankers are teh sociopath" brigade get their claws in.

The in-game help channel and assorted anti "griefing" channels are good for this, too.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#30 - 2014-03-19 22:28:59 UTC

Came expecting some tale of retribution, intrigue, or theft, only to find someone bragging about winning the Special Olympics.

#31 - 2014-03-20 01:16:37 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Never not shoot noobs is my motto. The noob you shoot today is tomorrows newbro in the life. The noob you let go is one that will unsub out of boredom in a few months.
Personally I'd like to see more C&P residents posting in NCQA, there's always questions about the more nefarious side of Eve and PvP in general.

Get 'em young, before the NPC "lowsec is teh evil, gankers are teh sociopath" brigade get their claws in.

Nobody cares about how many miners you gank, what people laugh at is these fellows claiming that makes them somehow good at anything related to combat.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#32 - 2014-03-20 01:42:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Kyperion wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Never not shoot noobs is my motto. The noob you shoot today is tomorrows newbro in the life. The noob you let go is one that will unsub out of boredom in a few months.
Personally I'd like to see more C&P residents posting in NCQA, there's always questions about the more nefarious side of Eve and PvP in general.

Get 'em young, before the NPC "lowsec is teh evil, gankers are teh sociopath" brigade get their claws in.

Nobody cares about how many miners you gank, what people laugh at is these fellows claiming that makes them somehow good at anything related to combat.

People who gank miners are good at their particular niche, which is a form of combat, one sided perhaps, but still combat.

Personally I don't gank miners, or anybody else, I haven't done so in over a year. It's fun, but I do other things that I find more rewarding.

My concern is that CCP might, in a moment of madness, listen to the likes of you. You and your ilk will be the death of this game, all of the stuff you hate, is what gives Eve some of its flavour.

Way to ignore the pertinent part of the post BTW, which was to encourage people skilled in the darker side of Eve to help newbies by informing them of how they work, and how to either get involved with them or avoid being caught by them. The same people also tend to know a fair bit about ship fitting and PvP in general, knowledge that newbies generally lack.

A well informed newbie is far more likely to become a long term player, than one who is completely confused as to the how and why of his ship exploding.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#33 - 2014-03-20 02:05:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiryen O'Bannon
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Matogg wrote:

This sort of action would help to quell the calls for hi-sec nerfs and people wouldn't have to feel that they had to swing the sword of God just because people wouldn't "HTFU"
You wish. People would still be calling for nerfs to highsec ganking even if only one ship a day died to a gank in highsec, because they assume that high security means total security.

This is the "problem" from which almost all the crying about this game stems. Because EVE shatters people's stupid assumptions.

Including the unbelievably stupid assumption that nerfs to certain playstyles are caused by simple "forum whining" in the absence of actual assessments of balance.

Or the common nonsequiter that because a playstyle was nerfed repeatedly, that somehow it is not presently balanced. Sometimes things take a lot of nerfing to get under control.

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#34 - 2014-03-20 02:43:50 UTC
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Matogg wrote:

This sort of action would help to quell the calls for hi-sec nerfs and people wouldn't have to feel that they had to swing the sword of God just because people wouldn't "HTFU"
You wish. People would still be calling for nerfs to highsec ganking even if only one ship a day died to a gank in highsec, because they assume that high security means total security.

This is the "problem" from which almost all the crying about this game stems. Because EVE shatters people's stupid assumptions.

Including the unbelievably stupid assumption that nerfs to certain playstyles are caused by simple "forum whining" in the absence of actual assessments of balance.

Or the common nonsequiter that because a playstyle was nerfed repeatedly, that somehow it is not presently balanced. Sometimes things take a lot of nerfing to get under control.

The recent MTU change exemplifies that perfectly, actually. That, and the barge EHP buff. Both were motived exclusively by forum whining.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

#35 - 2014-03-20 04:15:53 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Matogg wrote:

This sort of action would help to quell the calls for hi-sec nerfs and people wouldn't have to feel that they had to swing the sword of God just because people wouldn't "HTFU"
You wish. People would still be calling for nerfs to highsec ganking even if only one ship a day died to a gank in highsec, because they assume that high security means total security.

This is the "problem" from which almost all the crying about this game stems. Because EVE shatters people's stupid assumptions.

Including the unbelievably stupid assumption that nerfs to certain playstyles are caused by simple "forum whining" in the absence of actual assessments of balance.

Or the common nonsequiter that because a playstyle was nerfed repeatedly, that somehow it is not presently balanced. Sometimes things take a lot of nerfing to get under control.

The recent MTU change exemplifies that perfectly, actually. That, and the barge EHP buff. Both were motived exclusively by forum whining.

Yes, because MTU's would never have been thought of while they were adding all these deployables to the game.... idiot

And let's have MOAR 'elite pvp champion' tears about mining barges being capable of tanking more than a solitary NPC frigate....
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#36 - 2014-03-20 04:25:16 UTC
Kyperion wrote:

Yes, because MTU's would never have been thought of while they were adding all these deployables to the game.... idiot

And let's have MOAR 'elite pvp champion' tears about mining barges being capable of tanking more than a solitary NPC frigate....

MTU's would never have been...? What?

Do you even know what change I'm talking about?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

#37 - 2014-03-20 04:43:25 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Yes, because MTU's would never have been thought of while they were adding all these deployables to the game.... idiot

And let's have MOAR 'elite pvp champion' tears about mining barges being capable of tanking more than a solitary NPC frigate....

MTU's would never have been...? What?

Do you even know what change I'm talking about?

Misread the sentence on MTU, but yeah, that change was definitely good for overall gameplay, and the fact that your whining about it says more about you than anyone who posted to the forums advocating for change.

And nobody in their right mind has any complaints about the EHP buff to barges.
#38 - 2014-03-20 04:52:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Malcolm Shinhwa wrote:
Never not shoot noobs is my motto. The noob you shoot today is tomorrows newbro in the life. The noob you let go is one that will unsub out of boredom in a few months.
Personally I'd like to see more C&P residents posting in NCQA, there's always questions about the more nefarious side of Eve and PvP in general.

Get 'em young, before the NPC "lowsec is teh evil, gankers are teh sociopath" brigade get their claws in.

Nobody cares about how many miners you gank, what people laugh at is these fellows claiming that makes them somehow good at anything related to combat.

People who gank miners are good at their particular niche, which is a form of combat, one sided perhaps, but still combat.

Personally I don't gank miners, or anybody else, I haven't in over a year. It's fun, but I do other things that I find more rewarding.

My concern is that CCP might, in a moment of madness, listen to the likes of you. You and your ilk will be the death of this game, all of the stuff you hate, is what gives Eve its flavour.

Way to ignore the pertinent part of the post btw which was to encourage people skilled in the darker side of Eve to help newbies by informing them of how they work, and how to either get involved with them or avoid being caught by them. The same people also tend to know a fair bit about ship fitting and PvP in general, knowledge that newbies generally lack.

A well informed newbie is far more likely to become a long term player, than one who is completely confused as to the how and why of his ship exploding.

If all the stuff myself and people who think like me hated was the only 'flavor' unique to EVE, the gankers would have no targets. There is a helluva lot more uniqueness to EVE besides being able to shoot unarmed ships.

So no, neither side is going to 'ruin' EVE. You can stop bitching about forums changing the game too, because if CCP did actually listen to the forums the goons would own all of empire space, probably run a newbie slave trade, there would be no highsecurity space, and Concord would be the name of a salvaging service for pirates!
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#39 - 2014-03-20 04:59:40 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Yes, because MTU's would never have been thought of while they were adding all these deployables to the game.... idiot

And let's have MOAR 'elite pvp champion' tears about mining barges being capable of tanking more than a solitary NPC frigate....

MTU's would never have been...? What?

Do you even know what change I'm talking about?

Misread the sentence on MTU, but yeah, that change was definitely good for overall gameplay, and the fact that your whining about it says more about you than anyone who posted to the forums advocating for change.

And nobody in their right mind has any complaints about the EHP buff to barges.

Anyone arguing for the MTU change was merely arguing to hold onto their golden goose of AFK missioning with drones set to aggressive. No one who played the game correctly in the first place ever died to the MTU aggro "exploit".

And yes, actually, plenty of people had and continue to have a problem with them basically adding a zero to the end of the numbers for EHP of barges. Between that and the Ore Hold introduction, it encourages AFK gameplay, which is a bad thing. It doesn't keep people interested in the game, it specifically encourages them to NOT play the game. And I believe there was either a dev post or a CSM post in regards to the statement being made that CCP believes that the barge buff was too much.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

#40 - 2014-03-20 05:11:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Yes, because MTU's would never have been thought of while they were adding all these deployables to the game.... idiot

And let's have MOAR 'elite pvp champion' tears about mining barges being capable of tanking more than a solitary NPC frigate....

MTU's would never have been...? What?

Do you even know what change I'm talking about?

Misread the sentence on MTU, but yeah, that change was definitely good for overall gameplay, and the fact that your whining about it says more about you than anyone who posted to the forums advocating for change.

And nobody in their right mind has any complaints about the EHP buff to barges.

Anyone arguing for the MTU change was merely arguing to hold onto their golden goose of AFK missioning with drones set to aggressive. No one who played the game correctly in the first place ever died to the MTU aggro "exploit".

And yes, actually, plenty of people had and continue to have a problem with them basically adding a zero to the end of the numbers for EHP of barges. Between that and the Ore Hold introduction, it encourages AFK gameplay, which is a bad thing. It doesn't keep people interested in the game, it specifically encourages them to NOT play the game. And I believe there was either a dev post or a CSM post in regards to the statement being made that CCP believes that the barge buff was too much.

As someone who has essentially been a 'new' player multiple times... and as someone who has walked away from eve in frustration, I can garundamntee that No newbie walks away from the game because of afk mining... if anything its what kept them IN the ******* game (not AFK mining, but mining in general) .... because mining is a pretty damn good fall back income if you lose your ship that you where noobish enough to not be prepared to lose.

My primary frustration with the game has also been my primary attraction to the game... real time character skill gain. and I ******* garuntee thats what walks most newbies out the door, the frustration of having to wait 90 days or more to fly that marauder... and then not knowing how in the hell its possible to earn that much isk. But once you come around to it, or have a life that won't let you play the game to advance your character... it becomes really attractive.

Nobody quits out of boredom with in game activities (at least no one that would skill for mining in the first place)... they quit out of boredom waiting to do the next thing.