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EVE General Discussion

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First post
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#201 - 2011-11-30 02:18:51 UTC
CCP Navigator wrote:
It is currently not possible to toggle between the new font and the old one. While we appreciate that this is something a lot of people are asking for, it simply cannot be done in the current font rendering system.

Then start working on a new font tbh. Scaled back to 90% it looks OK'ish (though terrible in window tabs as shrinks beyond readability and all CAPITALS was much better there). But scaling the font back to 90% leaves the icons in the overview AND SPACE all distorted.
The final straw for me was looking at how many torps i had in my bomber only to see "1 132".
I mean guys, start with the OLD FONT and rectify the couple of issues that people (other than me) had with it rather than introducing possibly the ugliest font in any game for the last 2 decades. Thanks.

On a different note, the nice anti-aliased map in system view looks absolutely ******* horrific.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#202 - 2011-11-30 02:19:29 UTC
Vachir Khan wrote:
You can give it any name you like but that doesn't change the fact that it looks out of place in EVE.
Fact? No. It is not a fact.
It doesn't change your opinion that it doesn't fit EVE.

I think it looks retrofuturistic, and thus fit the EVE universe very nicely.
It also focuses on numerical clarity, which meshes well with the spreadsheet part.

The old font had a number of issues that were inherent in the font and did not change with the resolution or the monitor — it was just poorly designed to follow a logic of consistency. Consistency is not a good logic to use for things you need to distinguish from each other. It scores some aesthetic points, but loses at least as many points in functionality in the process. The old font was particularly horrid for numbers (again, see spreadsheet), which this new font solves nicely.
Amber Green Thorn wrote:
Agree - It's not slick like what was the point of the old font.
…and that was why the old font was such a bad choice for the various uses it was assigned to. What the font needs to do is be clear, at a large number of different sizes and resolutions. The new one is; the old one was not.
Mymh Heretache
#203 - 2011-11-30 02:23:43 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:
Salpun wrote:
E Wan wrote:
CCP Punkturis wrote:
Vaaron Remar wrote:
I have great problems using the new UI/Font (screen resolution 1680 x 1050). Evil

The new font ist way better readable than the old one, yes BUT !!!:

Setting UI scale to 100% and any icon looks good and everything ist scaled okay except the font in the menus, it's way too big.
If I want to see more than 4 columns the overview-window takes easily 1/3 to 1/2 of the screen (font-size in settings changes as usual only context menu font size). Changing UI-size to 90% makes the overview-font more tolerable (but not good!) but buttons and column headers are so tiny you have to guess what's written there. The relation between UI-scale and font-size doesn't seem to fit. It's possible to change the font-size in chat-windows and in the context-menu why is it not possible in overview ??? It's one, if not THE most important window in the game. It has lots of useful columns you want to have at hand in fight but showing them in a reasonable way without blocking the whole screen isn't possible anymore.

Hope there will be some fix soon Cry

There's an option in the overview settings to use small font Blink

Is there such an option for all UI windows?

Not yet but might be added later.
keep asking for itTwisted

Nope, just added for the overview because as that fine man said, it's one of the most important window in the game and some people display more columns than others there Smile

That doesn't help the problem. Look at my UI for example:

* The rightclick menu in space is too small
* The name of players, locations and distances/velocity is too big, in overview, scanner and local
* Market and drone text is way too big
* The Route-text is MASSIVE and blocking a big chunk of the window
* tab-names (chatbox names, tabs in market, overview, scanner etc) is always small

I scaled down UI to 90% just so my overview could fit the colums I "must have". There's even two colums outside visibility that I regulary use there, I pull my overview further right when I need transversal + tag colums. With 90% UI there's a bunch of things that gets too small, like rightclick menu etc, while other things *still* are big, like scanner, market, overview, etc.

TL;DR you guys need to make sure texts are more consistent in size. If players like or dislike the font doesn't really matter at this point, since you have completely broke the game for everyone that utilizes the overview, scanner and/or market. It only really works for running missions right now. When you have sorted the wide/spacing font, and scaled the sizes to be more consistent, then we can discuss whether the new font is aesteticly correct or not.. but right now it's completely gamebreaking.

Until this gets fixed it'll be zero PvP, either in space or on market, for me/alts, and my corp members. We'll just have to focus on shooting NPC's for now.
#204 - 2011-11-30 02:25:56 UTC
Tippia wrote:
What the font needs to do is be clear, at a large number of different sizes and resolutions. The new one is; the old one was not.

Old font + UI scaling = ?

All I want is the OPTION to use the old font.

You like the new font, fine, good for you, keep on arguing as to why it's so much better than the old one.

I like the old font. I don't want the new font removed. I don't want the old font removed. Give me a choice.

Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#205 - 2011-11-30 02:27:39 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Vachir Khan wrote:
You can give it any name you like but that doesn't change the fact that it looks out of place in EVE.
Fact? No. It is not a fact.
It doesn't change your opinion that it doesn't fit EVE.

I think it looks retrofuturistic, and thus fit the EVE universe very nicely.
It also focuses on numerical clarity, which meshes well with the spreadsheet part.

The old font had a number of issues that were inherent in the font and did not change with the resolution or the monitor — it was just poorly designed to follow a logic of consistency. Consistency is not a good logic to use for things you need to distinguish from each other. It scores some aesthetic points, but loses at least as many points in functionality in the process. The old font was particularly horrid for numbers (again, see spreadsheet), which this new font solves nicely.
Amber Green Thorn wrote:
Agree - It's not slick like what was the point of the old font.
…and that was why the old font was such a bad choice for the various uses it was assigned to. What the font needs to do is be clear, at a large number of different sizes and resolutions. The new one is; the old one was not.

I know you dont ever get bored of stating the same thing over and over again. The new font is not as good as the old one, even if the old one wasnt perfect it didnt break thinks like icons in space and on overview to be half-decent (90% scaled). Fact.

Your opinion that this isnt a fact isnt even remotely interesting, and the first 10 times you said it were enough.
Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#206 - 2011-11-30 02:30:26 UTC
Down with slashes through our zeros!
Vachir Khan
Rugged Ruff and Ready
#207 - 2011-11-30 02:30:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Vachir Khan
Tippia wrote:
Vachir Khan wrote:
You can give it any name you like but that doesn't change the fact that it looks out of place in EVE.
Fact? No. It is not a fact.
It doesn't change your opinion that it doesn't fit EVE.

I think it looks retrofuturistic, and thus fit the EVE universe very nicely.

So you tell me it's not a fact but an opinion and then you use your own opinion as a basis to say I'm wrong? The font looks looks out of place; it's too big, draws way too much attention to itself and stands out like a sore thumb.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#208 - 2011-11-30 02:31:10 UTC
Templar Dane wrote:
Down with slashes through our zeros!

Oh yes... I thought they were 8's lol. Nvm.
Koku Uchu Industries
#209 - 2011-11-30 02:39:30 UTC
Oh look, another case where CCP listened to all the whiners on the forums and changed something to what they wanted, only to discover "OH GEE GOLLY GEE, NOT EVERYBODY THAT PLAYS EVE IS A WHINER ON THE FORUMS." and most people were perfectly happy with what we had. But, now those people that were happy are on the forums whining about the change.

Nothing ever changes with you folks. Stay classy you bunch of manchildren :/
Amber Green Thorn
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#210 - 2011-11-30 02:40:47 UTC
…and that was why the old font was such a bad choice for the various uses it was assigned to. What the font needs to do is be clear, at a large number of different sizes and resolutions. The new one is; the old one was not.

So wrong - using multiple similarly sized fonts together in any form of media, whether in print or on a computer screen is a fundamental mistake. Adding bold and normal to the mix makes it worse. I once studied typography and that was one of 'the rules'. Go look at some crap websites and you'll soon get the drift.

I'm sure CCP will fix this - the font itself I think looks too girly but scaled to 90% and made more readable (fixing also the headers) then sweet!Attention
Miss President
#211 - 2011-11-30 02:41:26 UTC
After my first post, I have to say that the new font makes me not want to play eve. It's such a turn away.

It make me dizzy, because it's hard to read and requires constant refocusing. What took a fraction of second to read before now takes a full second to just start reading. Reading is completely counter intuitive. Now takes into mind that each area of interface is at different font size, different scale and different spacing - making it seem like you're reading 10 different fonts - all of which suck.

Our mind can briefly glance at something with normal fonts and get the message, with new font I don't find it possible.

Vera Godspiel
The Perfect Harvesting Experience
#212 - 2011-11-30 02:42:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Vera Godspiel
Tippia, From what i've read you are one of the few that simply knows what she's talking about.

To the opposers of this new font; I've yet to hear an actual valid argument why it is bad. The only one that makes a little bit of sense is that it doesn't (really) fit the game. I do prefer to be able to read easy over a cool scifi font that is unreadable. And there isn't really an option that does both.

For as far as it goes, the new font is very readable and for something that has to be readable on small sizes too, it's rather science-fictiony.

If you really want to compare it to other things I've heard... just check this link.

EDIT: Oh .... Amber Green Thorn seems to know what she's talking about too :D, posts go fast.....
Sunshine and Lollipops
#213 - 2011-11-30 02:42:55 UTC
Psychophantic wrote:
Old font + UI scaling = ?
…it would have been the same horrid result, only at a different size. The problem with the old font was that it tried to reuse shapes for similarly-shaped glyphs, which is actually the exact opposite of what you want to do if you're aiming for good readability. It's one way of creating a mechanistic consistency and symmetry, but while “pretty”, neither of those are good things give you a good text flow.

What it does is generate the exact problems the old font had: glyphs that share the same basic form, with only a gap or a single hairline separating them become indistinguishable. The difference between an ‘8’ and a ‘B’ is that the left-hand side of the B is straight, whereas it is bubbly on the 8. A good font will enhance and accentuate these differences. The old font, by going for the “consistent form” style did the opposite and instead wiped those differences out. Same with 5 and S; 1, I, and l; 6 and G; O and 0; and then there was the very tiny difference between capitals and lower-case letters that added even more similar glyphs to the mix.
All I want is the OPTION to use the old font.

You like the new font, fine, good for you, keep on arguing as to why it's so much better than the old one.
I will, seeing as how people keep arguing that it's worse. The problem with giving you the choice is that they most likely have to completely rewrite the windowing and UI element system to account for the different text flows and UI element positioning such an option will create. I would very much like them to do this as well, since that would potentially solve (as in “stop dead in its tracks”) the bloating of the assets window that happens with every patch, but when I see people argue that the old font had no readability issues, I quite honestly have to question their visual acuity…
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
The new font is not as good as the old one, even if the old one wasnt perfect it didnt break thinks like icons in space and on overview to be half-decent (90% scaled).
Neither does the new one. Just as much fact.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#214 - 2011-11-30 02:44:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Oylmpia
Old font was all kinds of terrible. I stopped playing EVE because of it.. made my eyes hurt at 2560x1600.

New one with scaling is much better.

I don't really care how the game looks like. If I was able to choose I would pick something like Tahoma and in general make the game look more like Office 2010 :P
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#215 - 2011-11-30 02:46:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Crosi Wesdo
Tippia wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
The new font is not as good as the old one, even if the old one wasnt perfect it didnt break thinks like icons in space and on overview to be half-decent (90% scaled).
Neither does the new one. Just as much fact.

Thats where you are wrong again. Scaling the font to 90% to make it look better and give me space back on my screen makes the icons for gates, stations, and everything else on the overview scale too. To repeat, scaling this font DISTORTS icons in space AND on overview. I spend 20 seconds trying to find some ammo i dropped in a can for my alt and practically couldnt see the can in space because it was small and faint.

The old fond didnt do that. Fact.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#216 - 2011-11-30 02:47:30 UTC
Vachir Khan wrote:
So you tell me it's not a fact but an opinion and then you use your own opinion as a basis to say I'm wrong?
The font looks looks out of place; it's too big, draws way too much attention to itself and stands out like a sore thumb.
…and the fact of the matter is that I think it's a good size; that it fits the theme quite nicely; and that it is no more or less subtle than any other font.
Rhaegor Stormborn
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#217 - 2011-11-30 02:48:51 UTC
Tippia wrote:
[The problem with giving you the choice is that they most likely have to completely rewrite the windowing and UI element system to account for the different text flows and UI element positioning such an option will create.

And this is what I am paying them to do. If they can't do it right, then they should not have done it at all.

The new font is terrible.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#218 - 2011-11-30 02:50:09 UTC
Tippia wrote:
The font looks looks out of place; it's too big, draws way too much attention to itself and stands out like a sore thumb.
…and the fact of the matter is that I think it's a good size; that it fits the theme quite nicely; and that it is no more or less subtle than any other font.

So you think this font is just as subtle as say the font from the title of the simpsons, or some spooky halloween gimmick font? Just using your style of literal interpretation against you here. But taking what you said literally like you do for others, you just lost the negligible credibility you had on this subject.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#219 - 2011-11-30 02:51:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Thats where you are wrong again.

Scaling the font to 90% to make it look better and give me space back on my screen makes the icons for gates, stations, and everything else on the overview scale too. To repeat, scaling this font DISTORTS icons in space AND on overview.
No. What you're describing is the UI scaling, not the font. The scaling affects more than just the font size. Your problem is that you're mixing the two up. What you're saying is not “fact”.
The old fond didnt do that. Fact.
Neither does the new one. Fact.
You're barking up the wrong tree.
So you think this font is just as subtle as say the font from the title of the simpsons, or some spooky halloween gimmick font?
That's a pretty laughable strawman argument. Can you come up with a proper one instead?
Rhaegor Stormborn wrote:
And this is what I am paying them to do. If they can't do it right, then they should not have done it at all.

The new font is terrible.
The new font is functional, unlike the old one, and it was needed regardless of what other things they wanted to do with the UI. They are already doing exactly what you're telling them to do: not changing something until they can do it right — that's why we're not getting a selectable font at this time.
Crosi Wesdo
War and Order
#220 - 2011-11-30 02:55:07 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
Tippia wrote:
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
Thats where you are wrong again.

Scaling the font to 90% to make it look better and give me space back on my screen makes the icons for gates, stations, and everything else on the overview scale too. To repeat, scaling this font DISTORTS icons in space AND on overview.
No. What you're describing is the UI scaling, not the font. The scaling affects more than just the font size. Your problem is that you're mixing the two up. What you're saying is not “fact”.
The old fond didnt do that. Fact.
Neither does the new one. Fact.
You're barking up the wrong tree.

The fact is that the overall appearance of the font, to get it looking reasonable, as in, scaling the ui to cut the font down to size, results in the distortion of very important markers in the game.

As a pvp'er i probably need more information on screen than you do to buy things from the nex store for example.

I realise that you never undock, so it always surprises me how active you are rallying against people legitimate concerns.

Edit: Inappropriate part removed, CCP Phantom.