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Crime & Punishment

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Ganking is PVP

First post
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#281 - 2014-03-18 01:06:56 UTC
Kyperion wrote:

Reaching for another jar with which to collect New Order tears.

No, I'm serious. You aren't even trying very hard anymore, you're really reaching at this point.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

#282 - 2014-03-18 01:07:56 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Reaching for another jar with which to collect New Order tears.

No, I'm serious. You aren't even trying very hard anymore, you're really reaching at this point.

Your mistake is to think I was ever trying hard at all Pirate
The Conference Elite
#283 - 2014-03-18 01:24:36 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Reaching for another jar with which to collect New Order tears.

No, I'm serious. You aren't even trying very hard anymore, you're really reaching at this point.

Your mistake is to think I was ever trying hard at all Pirate

haha crying on the forums.

why do we upset you so much if your only a pubbie casual gamer?

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#284 - 2014-03-18 01:36:21 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Reaching for another jar with which to collect New Order tears.

No, I'm serious. You aren't even trying very hard anymore, you're really reaching at this point.

Your mistake is to think I was ever trying hard at all Pirate

Oh, I beg to differ. Your entitled little rant about how mining ships should have 8 racks of missile launchers and battleship hitpoints really smacked of effort.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Jared Lennox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#285 - 2014-03-18 01:36:23 UTC
loyalanon wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Reaching for another jar with which to collect New Order tears.

No, I'm serious. You aren't even trying very hard anymore, you're really reaching at this point.

Your mistake is to think I was ever trying hard at all Pirate

haha crying on the forums.

why do we upset you so much if your only a pubbie casual gamer?

Because he is like "AWMIGOD I need some attention because I'm unsucessful at everything."

"Let's try some pvp, ok here we go! I will try this fit INCURSUS PRO FIT to pvp and I will be invincible" *dies miserably * *also loses his pod*

"AWMIGOD *pukes hatred on his keyboard* * BLEURGHH* but on the guide they said you will be invincible they said, you will kill everyone they said..."

From that day on, He crawled back to his deep hole from which he somehow manage to come out and do some pew pew in low sec. He swore himself to never go back or interact with any other people in this game until DAT they comes and he can finally fit every slot on his ship with PURPLE mods because that's how the high end bears who stay in 1 man corps for 9 years do.

*Insert the carebear themesong here*


#286 - 2014-03-18 01:51:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
loyalanon wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Reaching for another jar with which to collect New Order tears.

No, I'm serious. You aren't even trying very hard anymore, you're really reaching at this point.

Your mistake is to think I was ever trying hard at all Pirate

haha crying on the forums.

why do we upset you so much if your only a pubbie casual gamer?

You are confusing ridicule and laughter with anger my friend

Continue on you carebear ways

I have another gift for you -------> Bear

Hug the bear for me will you?
#287 - 2014-03-18 01:56:27 UTC
Jared Lennox wrote:
loyalanon wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Reaching for another jar with which to collect New Order tears.

No, I'm serious. You aren't even trying very hard anymore, you're really reaching at this point.

Your mistake is to think I was ever trying hard at all Pirate

haha crying on the forums.

why do we upset you so much if your only a pubbie casual gamer?

Because he is like "AWMIGOD I need some attention because I'm unsucessful at everything."

"Let's try some pvp, ok here we go! I will try this fit INCURSUS PRO FIT to pvp and I will be invincible" *dies miserably * *also loses his pod*

"AWMIGOD *pukes hatred on his keyboard* * BLEURGHH* but on the guide they said you will be invincible they said, you will kill everyone they said..."

From that day on, He crawled back to his deep hole from which he somehow manage to come out and do some pew pew in low sec. He swore himself to never go back or interact with any other people in this game until DAT they comes and he can finally fit every slot on his ship with PURPLE mods because that's how the high end bears who stay in 1 man corps for 9 years do.

*Insert the carebear themesong here*


Lol Reference to Killboard as if I care about epeen

And I can confirm I will probably never be able to afford purple modules in EVE

"only fly what you can afford to lose" and whatnot.

Your tryhard rage is gratifying though.

THE BEGINNING (of your continued raging tears and gnashing of teeth)

.... Next?
Jared Lennox
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#288 - 2014-03-18 02:13:17 UTC
Kyperion wrote:


You know, you have to fit modules on your ship for them to be useful. Dat Autotargeter on your ship clearly shows your playstyle champ, but guess what it's not going to auto-kill your opponents as you have imagined. Ok let's start this again,

Kyperion ---- fit----- modules----- on-------your----ship

Oops that last sentence was too long for you to process in your brain. Whew what a day Kyperion, you've learned a lot of PVP experience by staying offline and aversing any shiet which could be thrown at you in game that you wouldn't be able to counterattack with your pro fit incursus. Because you know your attitude won the hearts of many who reads the forums.

Once more, thank you for making my day. While it was funny and all that good stuff, I have to go now. Keep entertaining us here from time to time.

Oh and hate the game brah, not the player... Cool

#289 - 2014-03-18 02:48:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyperion
Jared Lennox wrote:
Kyperion wrote:


You know, you have to fit modules on your ship for them to be useful. Dat Autotargeter on your ship clearly shows your playstyle champ, but guess what it's not going to auto-kill your opponents as you have imagined. Ok let's start this again,

Kyperion ---- fit----- modules----- on-------your----ship

Oops that last sentence was too long for you to process in your brain. Whew what a day Kyperion, you've learned a lot of PVP experience by staying offline and aversing any shiet which could be thrown at you in game that you wouldn't be able to counterattack with your pro fit incursus. Because you know your attitude won the hearts of many who reads the forums.

Once more, thank you for making my day. While it was funny and all that good stuff, I have to go now. Keep entertaining us here from time to time.

Oh and hate the game brah, not the player... Cool

I love your obsession with a killmail from 4 years ago. Roll

I couldn't possibly hate a player as cute, cuddly and carebearish as yourselfBlink

It takes talent, to be as deluded as yourself

BearBearBearBear <--------- These are for you, perhaps they can massage your epeen.
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#290 - 2014-03-18 06:36:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Still talking crap on the forums?

No wonder all these White Knight corps fail so much. They never leave the forums to do what it is they believe they can do.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#291 - 2014-03-18 06:43:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Still talking crap on the forums?

No wonder all these White Knight corps fail so much. They never leave the forums to do what it is they believe they can do.

The forums are their weapons, the problem is that they keep forgetting the ammo.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Don Purple
Snuggle Society
Snuggle Society.
#292 - 2014-03-18 07:27:14 UTC
The white knights are just jealous. They never want to snuggle.

I am just here to snuggle and do spy stuff.

Alyth Nerun
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#293 - 2014-03-18 08:35:09 UTC
hello I am back and.. oh my.. looks like Kyperion got ganked on the forums
Asia Leigh
#294 - 2014-03-18 09:14:10 UTC
The one thing I don't understand is why pay $15.00 a month to play a game you actually aren't playing. 8 man multi-boxing fleets that do nothing but mine ice all day, I'm looking at you.

What I find worse is people who defend these idiots when they get ganked with a bunch of bullshit throwing big words around like "defenseless" and "griefing". The only problem is they aren't defenseless, because you know... if they were at the keyboard.... and actually paying attention... they would have seen the gank coming from a mile away, and already be docked when the gank fleet arrives.

Another thing I like how the "carebears" are "standing up for themselves" by bitching and crying like 6 year old girls on the forums. Hey you don't like the fact you just got ganked, you know you can do something about it other then whine here. War decs are there for a reason. Use it. You may win, you may lose, but in the end you will get respect for standing up for yourself instead of bitching. But im guessing that most of the people whining in this thread about "greifing" would dock up and never log in for the duration of a war so...

2nd observation I have is I'm surprised that "carebears" don't use suicide ganking for their own advantage. A couple of examples I use myself on my indy alt...

1st. To establish your own place for mining. That neut retriever or coverter being a pain in the ass? Shove a catalyst up their ass.

2nd. Production. You manufacture a ton of mining ships and mining modules haul them to some out of the way system where miners congregate then get on your ganker and have some fun. You get 2 sources of income, drops from the gank itself and off the market when the gankee goes back to station to buy a new mining ship.

My last observation I will make based on what I read in this thread and it goes back to my first sentence on this post. This is an MMO meaning its meant to be played with other players. You cant sit here and tell me you are actually having fun sitting in your 8 man corp with nothing but your own alts in it, mining by yourself with no one to talk to while your watching TV or something. You want to mine? That's great. I'm not going to sit here and degrade mining. But I guarantee that you'll have a much better experience if you mine in a fleet with a mining corp. Having people to actually talk to in another wise boring activity can make all the world. Plus it guarantees that you are at least at the keyboard and semi-paying attention on whats going on arou
Apply the damn rules equally >.>
The Conference Elite
#295 - 2014-03-18 10:45:04 UTC
Asia Leigh wrote:
The one thing I don't understand is why pay $15.00 a month to play a game you actually aren't playing. 8 man multi-boxing fleets that do nothing but mine ice all day, I'm looking at you.

What I find worse is people who defend these idiots when they get ganked with a bunch of bullshit throwing big words around like "defenseless" and "griefing". The only problem is they aren't defenseless, because you know... if they were at the keyboard.... and actually paying attention... they would have seen the gank coming from a mile away, and already be docked when the gank fleet arrives.

Another thing I like how the "carebears" are "standing up for themselves" by bitching and crying like 6 year old girls on the forums. Hey you don't like the fact you just got ganked, you know you can do something about it other then whine here. War decs are there for a reason. Use it. You may win, you may lose, but in the end you will get respect for standing up for yourself instead of bitching. But im guessing that most of the people whining in this thread about "greifing" would dock up and never log in for the duration of a war so...

2nd observation I have is I'm surprised that "carebears" don't use suicide ganking for their own advantage. A couple of examples I use myself on my indy alt...

1st. To establish your own place for mining. That neut retriever or coverter being a pain in the ass? Shove a catalyst up their ass.

2nd. Production. You manufacture a ton of mining ships and mining modules haul them to some out of the way system where miners congregate then get on your ganker and have some fun. You get 2 sources of income, drops from the gank itself and off the market when the gankee goes back to station to buy a new mining ship.

My last observation I will make based on what I read in this thread and it goes back to my first sentence on this post. This is an MMO meaning its meant to be played with other players. You cant sit here and tell me you are actually having fun sitting in your 8 man corp with nothing but your own alts in it, mining by yourself with no one to talk to while your watching TV or something. You want to mine? That's great. I'm not going to sit here and degrade mining. But I guarantee that you'll have a much better experience if you mine in a fleet with a mining corp. Having people to actually talk to in another wise boring activity can make all the world. Plus it guarantees that you are at least at the keyboard and semi-paying attention on whats going on arou

All of the above^^
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#296 - 2014-03-18 11:02:20 UTC
Alyth Nerun wrote:
hello I am back and.. oh my.. looks like Kyperion got ganked on the forums

Not sure if gank or just public self-destruct.

Asia Leigh wrote:
2nd observation I have is I'm surprised that "carebears" don't use suicide ganking for their own advantage.

That's because you don't understand the mindset. Suicide ganking is morally reprehensible, even when it's to their benefit. If it weren't, they're have to admit that it's really just about having to grind their sec status back up, or the trivial cost of the ships to do the ganking, or it's raining today or...

Asia Leigh wrote:
1st. To establish your own place for mining. That neut retriever or coverter being a pain in the ass? Shove a catalyst up their ass.

But if they all stand together and impotently rage at us on the forum they'll eventually get CCP to remove all non-consenual combat in highsec and they can spend their days mining in peace. OTOH, sit in the latest anti-ganking channel and watch them "gank" anyone who has a slightly different opinion than them, rather than engage in rational discussion, which is the path to the dark side of actually accepting Eve for what it is.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Buck Futz
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#297 - 2014-03-18 11:45:02 UTC

I love your obsession with a killmail from 4 years ago. Roll

Haha, this is pretty common with some of them.

Just look at Krixtol Icefluxor.
Think I randomly ganked him with an insured Tempest back in 2009 and he was pissed off about it for years.
When ever ganking came up, he would make such a stink about it on the forums it finally it got the Goons' attention and they reinforced his POS.

The tearful, self-martyring "I QUIT" thread that followed was for the ages...
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#298 - 2014-03-18 12:09:35 UTC
Buck Futz wrote:

I love your obsession with a killmail from 4 years ago. Roll

Haha, this is pretty common with some of them.

Just look at Krixtol Icefluxor.
Think I randomly ganked him with an insured Tempest back in 2009 and he was pissed off about it for years.
When ever ganking came up, he would make such a stink about it on the forums it finally it got the Goons' attention and they reinforced his POS.

The tearful, self-martyring "I QUIT" thread that followed was for the ages...

Oh, please have a link.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

#299 - 2014-03-18 13:48:54 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Still talking crap on the forums?

No wonder all these White Knight corps fail so much. They never leave the forums to do what it is they believe they can do.

Confirming that your pathetic little war is not affecting my gameplay at all Big smile

And Keep your ganker Raging tears coming

The amount of rage from you and your fellows is hilarious

...Keep em coming,

Oh, have some More BearBearBear

I can also confirm you haven't shot anything with weapons for quite some time

I've even done a few missions during our little war.

#300 - 2014-03-18 13:51:58 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Alyth Nerun wrote:
hello I am back and.. oh my.. looks like Kyperion got ganked on the forums

Not sure if gank or just public self-destruct.

Asia Leigh wrote:
2nd observation I have is I'm surprised that "carebears" don't use suicide ganking for their own advantage.

That's because you don't understand the mindset. Suicide ganking is morally reprehensible, even when it's to their benefit. If it weren't, they're have to admit that it's really just about having to grind their sec status back up, or the trivial cost of the ships to do the ganking, or it's raining today or...

Asia Leigh wrote:
1st. To establish your own place for mining. That neut retriever or coverter being a pain in the ass? Shove a catalyst up their ass.

But if they all stand together and impotently rage at us on the forum they'll eventually get CCP to remove all non-consenual combat in highsec and they can spend their days mining in peace. OTOH, sit in the latest anti-ganking channel and watch them "gank" anyone who has a slightly different opinion than them, rather than engage in rational discussion, which is the path to the dark side of actually accepting Eve for what it is.

RollYes, I'm totally raging at your... that's why so many of your New Order folks have to come post how 'pathetic' I am, among other various insults.

All while participating in an activity that has been conclusively proven less of a risk than PVE in WoW

As always, fly safe and have a Bear