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#141 - 2011-11-29 23:36:24 UTC
Shalia Ripper wrote:
I love the readable font.

Sure, it isnt pretty, but it is a hell of a lot more easy on the fact I can reduce the font size and it is far more legible than the old one.

liar. Its not as readable as the old font.

North Korea is Best Korea

Amarr Empire
#142 - 2011-11-29 23:37:19 UTC
Just found the only thing I don't like about the entire font/scalability things. My main screen has a smaller resolution than my TV's (naturally)... and as such when I open up eve clients they open on that screen which drops the scale down to 100% instead of staying at 110%.

This being the case, every time i login all my windows will be reset. That is really the only thing I dislike about the whole new font/scalability features. but even with that, its more of a minor inconvenience than a hatred of it.
Rhaegor Stormborn
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#143 - 2011-11-29 23:40:25 UTC
New font is terrible.
Senorita putatita
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#144 - 2011-11-29 23:42:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Senorita putatita
New font gave me a headache. Had to turn game off. Please put it back thank you. Cry
The White Mantle
#145 - 2011-11-29 23:43:26 UTC
The new font is awesome it's crisp clean and easy to read but I'm running at 110% ui on a 1080 monitor if I drop it down to 90% it's horrible but its okay at 100% but looks a little off or rough
Mila Iijima
Distilled Malice
#146 - 2011-11-29 23:44:18 UTC
Mostly i don't complain about a thing, because mostly i will adapt. But serious, give us options, i really hate this font, i tried scaling ui to 90% but thats terrible for me, and font size to 9 well it still hurts.

Isn't there any solution to change the font back ? or make a new system for multiple fonts ? old and new one.
About the rest, it looks so much cooler so keep up the good work Pirate

[Mariah carey - all i want for christmas] All i want for christmas is, seriously a new font. Pirate

Any change if we go on with complaining about the font, you will change it ? i really don't care if you make a new system with both, but i want the old back.

I'l trade you the old font for a box of Smirnoff ? Pirate

- Mila
Rhaegor Stormborn
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#147 - 2011-11-29 23:48:09 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:
Vaaron Remar wrote:
I have great problems using the new UI/Font (screen resolution 1680 x 1050). Evil

The new font ist way better readable than the old one, yes BUT !!!:

Setting UI scale to 100% and any icon looks good and everything ist scaled okay except the font in the menus, it's way too big.
If I want to see more than 4 columns the overview-window takes easily 1/3 to 1/2 of the screen (font-size in settings changes as usual only context menu font size). Changing UI-size to 90% makes the overview-font more tolerable (but not good!) but buttons and column headers are so tiny you have to guess what's written there. The relation between UI-scale and font-size doesn't seem to fit. It's possible to change the font-size in chat-windows and in the context-menu why is it not possible in overview ??? It's one, if not THE most important window in the game. It has lots of useful columns you want to have at hand in fight but showing them in a reasonable way without blocking the whole screen isn't possible anymore.

Hope there will be some fix soon Cry

There's an option in the overview settings to use small font Blink

Just want to tell you I told you so. Your new font sucks. Are you trying to convince us, or yourself, or your boss, that your font is okay? It is garbage.
Space Olympics LLC
#148 - 2011-11-29 23:55:52 UTC
New font sucks.

Why do you fix things that arent broken?

Rellik B00n
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#149 - 2011-11-29 23:56:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Rellik B00n
running EvE on a 43 inch HDTV and a 40 inch HDTV, res on both is 1776 x 1000 (would be higher but the 40 inch doesnt like it!).

Under the old EvE I had to run at 1152 x 648 AND i had to adjust the font to widened 13.

New EvE I hit fullscreen, run at 100% and its perfectly readable.

Dont underestimate how nice it is to sit on my comfortable sofa at the other side of the room whilst dual boxing EvE on my TVs.

As far as im concerned job well done CCP.

ps: get out of the basement and loose the tiny little monitors, its 2011 ffs - the days of little towers parked next to desks with 20 odd inch monitors on them while you sit 50cm away are behind us.

Front Room HD EvE ftw.
[Of a request for change ask: Who Benefits?](
Jodis Talvanen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#150 - 2011-11-30 00:00:26 UTC
Rellik B00n wrote:
running EvE on a 43 inch HDTV and a 40 inch HDTV, res on both is 1776 x 1000 (would be higher but the 40 inch doesnt like it!).

Under the old EvE I had to run at 1152 x 648 AND i had to adjust the font to widened 13.

New EvE I hit fullscreen, run at 100% and its perfectly readable.

Dont underestimate how nice it is to sit on my comfortable sofa at the other side of the room whilst dual boxing EvE on my TVs.

As far as im concerned job well done CCP.

ps: get out of the basement and loose the tiny little monitors, its 2011 ffs - the days of little towers parked next to desks with 20 odd inch monitors on them while you sit 50cm away are behind us.

Front Room HD EvE ftw.

The problem is not everyone plays on big screens, and that they don't want to have the font sized up to take up more pixels.

At the same pixel sizes, the new font is actually worse than the old font with expanded width.

CCP please put in the option of "USE LEGACY FONT"
Herio Mortis
#151 - 2011-11-30 00:00:41 UTC
Nothing really wrong with the new font as a typeface, but the kerning looks to be a bit off in some places. Good example would be the balance numbers in the wallet interface. The bold version also looks a bit blurred out. The space character could also be cut down a pixel or two I think, it feels just a tad too wide.

Kerning is also a rather hard thing to implement properly which is why most people would tend to use a typeface rendering library for it. Not sure how CCP has done it.

For me personally I consider it an improvement even though my first reaction was "urgh!", I think that is down to being so used to the old font in the game that anything else just looks weird and strange.

Good job at keeping it fairly compact horizontally without sacrificing readability too much.
Louis deGuerre
The Dark Tribe
#152 - 2011-11-30 00:06:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Louis deGuerre
While I agree the font is not the prettiest one it is MUCH better than the old one and with 125% scaling on I can actually read it Shocked without my eyes falling out of my head due to squinting.

Protip : You can select 'use small fonts' in appearance under overview settings, for some reasons the resulting font is better.

The changes to the windows on the other hand...I still haven't figured it out What?
Blood Fart
Rock Hard Productions
#153 - 2011-11-30 00:08:10 UTC
CCP Navigator wrote:
It is currently not possible to toggle between the new font and the old one. While we appreciate that this is something a lot of people are asking for, it simply cannot be done in the current font rendering system.

OK, I can deal with not being able to toggle....any chance ya can just change the one we have to not look like the text from my first Commodore 64?
#154 - 2011-11-30 00:11:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Shkolnica
Little Delicious wrote:
E Wan wrote:

As a graphic designer you should take care of each and every customer.

first of all as a graphic designer you should know your audience, and if the audience you're delivering information to is 300,000+ individuals who play a graphically intensive video game in 2011, you're not going to be designing for a 15'' macbook. This font solution has immensly fewer legibility issues for a far larger portion of the people playing this game.

Go to steam and see the most common screen resolutions.
I see this:
1920 x 1080 23.73%
1680 x 1050 18.08%
1280 x 1024 11.39%
#155 - 2011-11-30 00:17:04 UTC
We were complaining about this font over a month ago.

There was a font specialist who made the font. I didn't make it myself

We will of course do our best to address all issues that have been raised here (other than the "OMG THE FONT IS UGLY" and other alike).

Ugly font was not an issue.
There won't be a way to use the old font and there won't be a way to select fontsize. That's because it's hard to maintain that in a UI window, if you make the font larger, it's not going to fit there anymore. UI Scaling would be a better way to sort issues with the fontsize, but that's another project.

It's ok. I get it. You hired a professional to come in and design this font so you don't want us to use the old one. Funny how the UI window were fixed to handle font sizing though.
Phoebus Raszamar
Valkyria Epsilon
#156 - 2011-11-30 00:31:28 UTC
Sadly, I'd have to agree..
I find all these new additions that came with the patch as super, but this font truly is unbearable.

RiotRick wrote:
The spacing of text in certain areas -- In some elements there is just too little room around the text. See for example the augmentations tab in the character sheet . Or the number of people in a chat channel: Corp [123]. The spacing looks goofy there. Just like the numbers of stacked items in the hangar. And there are a lot more places where this weird look exists.

Nalia White wrote:
now i live also in the philosophy "function before looks" but i find this new font to be both: bad looking AND worse to read...

Vin Ott wrote:
the old one was perfect no problems reading of any kind, if you did you should've bought reading glasses or what ever.

Although, as much as we whine, nothing will probably be done to cater to our (the minority's) needs.
What I've suspected from my initial weeks of playing this game (and from my participation within the forums) manifested with the introduction of this change: this game is directed towards the blind - old and pretentious - geezers.

Not as futuristic as I envisioned this game to be, sorry.

[i]One thing that intimidates me is not being able to understand what I should be able to understand - or at least, people telling me what I can or cannot understand. [/i]

Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#157 - 2011-11-30 00:34:42 UTC
Reading this original feedback thread through should give rather good picture about the font / UI development stages for this expansion.

It is quite clear that the workload was way much greater than they expected in the start. Entire UI scaling project and optional font sizes came as a surprise and I'm sure that the localization effort didn't help any either.

UI department did wonderful job with the time they had. It is clear that UI/font is not yet polished to the maximum quality, there as some missing options like windows pinning and some texts may look bit odd (like in manufacturing/science quota window).

However the effort they did to push the UI to this current stage from the 1st preview version has been huge. The 1st version was really horrible and the current one is quite usable already. There are things which could be better, but for now - knowing all the difficulties they had - I'm happy.

So... enjoy the game and feel free to expect so finishing touches in near future... They just didn't have the time.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Elite War Squad
#158 - 2011-11-30 00:36:38 UTC
Vin Ott wrote:
How come ccp decided to change the font?

I never really got that, the old one was perfect no problems reading of any kind, if you did you should've bought reading classes or what ever.

This just doesn't make much sense screwing up Eve online even more!

Because they wanted to make it close to "UI Size Change", but for some reason ended up changing just the font.
It could be the best option since basically the font is the UI size in EvE, but could have done/changing it to something a little better.

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#159 - 2011-11-30 00:38:10 UTC
Posted it in the other thread, this is the font they should have used, but I know too many people would QQ over it...

I use this for every part of windows whenever I set up a new machine, have for the last 10 years or so. I love it.

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#160 - 2011-11-30 00:38:42 UTC
Rengerel en Distel wrote:
flank steak wrote:
wow you have known this was coming out for about a month and you choose today to complain about it? Seriously forum warriors?

Agreed. People have had the option to see the new font for a long time. They asked for feedback before it went live for a reason.

QFT. From both of you.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary