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Issues, Workarounds & Localization

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.
Lord Battlestar
Atrox Urbanis Respublique Abundatia
#461 - 2014-03-15 05:29:32 UTC
I have found my doing a flush dns command and a renew ip command it seems to help with the socket close problems

I once podded myself by blowing a huge fart.

#462 - 2014-03-15 09:31:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Sturmwolke
I'm skeptical with the flush DNS and renew IP suggestion tbh. This socket closed issue seems to be pointing out to be a NAT traversal issue, or at least related to it, judging from some of the posts.
Some folks that bridged their connection seemed to resolve their issues, but bridging has its own set of problems, foremost is the security isssue. Furthermore, it's a workaround, not a PERMANENT FIX.

The packet lost/congestion theory is certainly a contributing factor, but I don't think it's the main root cause.
A short test with a lossy route showed that the EVE client can handle packet losses .... up to a point.

The root issue, imo, I think something in CCP's client code isn't handling NAT traversal as elegantly as the ubiquitous BitTorrent clients (i.e. you can learn from them)
Maybe CCP should look up this avenue if they aren't already aware of it. (that's assuming they're still reading this thread.)
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#463 - 2014-03-15 11:56:39 UTC
Lord Battlestar wrote:
I have found my doing a flush dns command and a renew ip command it seems to help with the socket close problems

how do i do that.. can u explain a little plz..]
step by step will be awsome
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#464 - 2014-03-15 15:24:18 UTC
Well I woke up this morning wanting to play Eve, tried to log in but the authentication through the launcher is not working for me. So, tried to log in through the Eve Client and it's extremely slow.

I checked my trace route and oh look, no surprise, CCP is routing us through the crappy Verisign network again.

Qal Reith
Caldari State
#465 - 2014-03-15 16:59:18 UTC

And the problem is back again after todays downtime.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#466 - 2014-03-15 17:00:00 UTC

This is second day i have black screen log in. Non of my client are working.
After i pick which toon i want to play it goes to a black screen.
And if my web browser (Mozilla Firefox) is active it also goes to a black screen until i close eve and restart Mozilla
Also launcher is very slow.
Any fix soon ?
#467 - 2014-03-15 18:02:22 UTC
Yeah, they re-routed through * (Verisign), presumably after that 15th Mar extended DT.
Packet loss is even worse than what was (* previously.
BIG DON hardergamer
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#468 - 2014-03-15 22:26:53 UTC
Year im geting the same thing, black screen, after loading,
Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#469 - 2014-03-15 23:07:46 UTC
And yet again, CCP sidesteps any real troubleshooting and responsibility and hands ppl a debatable temp fix to this situation. The fact they locked that thread without explaining the how/why themselves as the 'experts' doesn't bode well for me to trust the 'i know what i'm doing' self proclaimed expert.

And no, i cannot just plug my modem straight into my PC as i have multiple (several PC's and gaming consoles) devices in my home.

CCP, man up and take responsibility. This is not caused by being alt-tabbed out or simply not interacting with the client. This happens more often when i am actively trying to use the client, and oddly, less often when i am AFK for hours at a time.
Hadrian Blackstone
Yamato Holdings
#470 - 2014-03-16 00:04:37 UTC
asteroidjas wrote:
And yet again, CCP sidesteps any real troubleshooting and responsibility and hands ppl a debatable temp fix to this situation. The fact they locked that thread without explaining the how/why themselves as the 'experts' doesn't bode well for me to trust the 'i know what i'm doing' self proclaimed expert.

And no, i cannot just plug my modem straight into my PC as i have multiple (several PC's and gaming consoles) devices in my home.

CCP, man up and take responsibility. This is not caused by being alt-tabbed out or simply not interacting with the client. This happens more often when i am actively trying to use the client, and oddly, less often when i am AFK for hours at a time.

Hey look over there, a new battleship! Isn't it cool??
Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#471 - 2014-03-16 03:03:03 UTC
Hadrian Blackstone wrote:

Hey look over there, a new battleship! Isn't it cool??


*tries to look at it, but mouse click isn't rotating the screen.....3 minutes later the client realizes it had a socket DC*
Lord Battlestar
Atrox Urbanis Respublique Abundatia
#472 - 2014-03-16 03:51:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Battlestar
Sturmwolke wrote:
I'm skeptical with the flush DNS and renew IP suggestion tbh. This socket closed issue seems to be pointing out to be a NAT traversal issue, or at least related to it, judging from some of the posts.
Some folks that bridged their connection seemed to resolve their issues, but bridging has its own set of problems, foremost is the security isssue. Furthermore, it's a workaround, not a PERMANENT FIX.

The packet lost/congestion theory is certainly a contributing factor, but I don't think it's the main root cause.
A short test with a lossy route showed that the EVE client can handle packet losses .... up to a point.

The root issue, imo, I think something in CCP's client code isn't handling NAT traversal as elegantly as the ubiquitous BitTorrent clients (i.e. you can learn from them)
Maybe CCP should look up this avenue if they aren't already aware of it. (that's assuming they're still reading this thread.)

It worked for me when my characters kept socket closing on login.

As for anyone else I cannot say for sure if it will work.

As for the other person just google flushing dns for your operating system.

I once podded myself by blowing a huge fart.

Jein Mai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#473 - 2014-03-17 15:30:02 UTC
Has CCP acknowledge this to be an issue on their end?
Syrix Death
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#474 - 2014-03-17 17:39:00 UTC
Jein Mai wrote:
Has CCP acknowledge this to be an issue on their end?

Yes they are. I received a response to my ticket stating that they are analyzing that problem currently. However they mentioned the possiblity about compensating lost play time,
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#475 - 2014-03-17 22:38:45 UTC
And to no surprise, all of my Eve connectivity problems are gone now that we're not routed through Verisign anymore. Damn CCP and their re-route for the tournament.
Rivirin alMandumah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#476 - 2014-03-18 05:07:05 UTC
I believe i am having this problem, NAT Traversal issue..., so I routed ALL my traffic through a vpn, the problem went away. I would like to route only the traffic to EVE through the VPN. What is eve's ip addresses/range?
Yun Kuai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#477 - 2014-03-18 08:19:39 UTC
At first it started with 1 toon staying logged in while the other DC'ed to often to count; this happened for a couple days. Then it progressed to having one toon be able to log on, but the other just DC'ing on a black screen after selecting a character. Now, going on over a week, I've not been able to log on either character.

I can open the launcher and it loads just fine. It says that tranquility is online and the server is running. I log in and the game loads up slowly to the character selection page. I select my character and get a loading icon. The screen goes black and I get a socket closed message after 2 mins of being on a blacks screen.

To add some more information, I lived in China (I'm not Chinese so no I won't play on Serenity servers) for 3 years now and this is the first time I've had this issue. I get the occasional DC to the stupidly slow internet speeds, but this is the first time I've not been able to actually log on. Also, the whole contact your ISP and get them to come out isn't plausible (you think customer service is bad back home....) considering the network requirements and language barrier.

Please help, I'm having EvE withdrawls....


Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#478 - 2014-03-19 04:22:03 UTC
Yun Kuai wrote:
At first it started with 1 toon staying logged in while the other DC'ed to often to count; this happened for a couple days. Then it progressed to having one toon be able to log on, but the other just DC'ing on a black screen after selecting a character. Now, going on over a week, I've not been able to log on either character.

I can open the launcher and it loads just fine. It says that tranquility is online and the server is running. I log in and the game loads up slowly to the character selection page. I select my character and get a loading icon. The screen goes black and I get a socket closed message after 2 mins of being on a blacks screen.

To add some more information, I lived in China (I'm not Chinese so no I won't play on Serenity servers) for 3 years now and this is the first time I've had this issue. I get the occasional DC to the stupidly slow internet speeds, but this is the first time I've not been able to actually log on. Also, the whole contact your ISP and get them to come out isn't plausible (you think customer service is bad back home....) considering the network requirements and language barrier.

Please help, I'm having EvE withdrawls....

man i have exectly the same problem .. i have to use VPN to get into eve.. which is super slow .. havnt seen CCP reply anything yet... sigh...
Treasure Hunter Enterprises
#479 - 2014-03-19 06:54:06 UTC
Every single person in my corp, and many people in my alliance are also having this problem.

the adhoc work around is not a solution to this problem, this leaves your computer vulnerable to attacks. NOT ACCEPTABLE CCP.

this issue is CCP's fault, and since I can no longer play EVE reliably, My corp and I will be "taking a break" to go play something else until they get these issues fixed.
Yun Kuai
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#480 - 2014-03-19 14:38:49 UTC
Yun Kuai wrote:
At first it started with 1 toon staying logged in while the other DC'ed to often to count; this happened for a couple days. Then it progressed to having one toon be able to log on, but the other just DC'ing on a black screen after selecting a character. Now, going on over a week, I've not been able to log on either character.

I can open the launcher and it loads just fine. It says that tranquility is online and the server is running. I log in and the game loads up slowly to the character selection page. I select my character and get a loading icon. The screen goes black and I get a socket closed message after 2 mins of being on a blacks screen.

To add some more information, I lived in China (I'm not Chinese so no I won't play on Serenity servers) for 3 years now and this is the first time I've had this issue. I get the occasional DC to the stupidly slow internet speeds, but this is the first time I've not been able to actually log on. Also, the whole contact your ISP and get them to come out isn't plausible (you think customer service is bad back home....) considering the network requirements and language barrier.

Please help, I'm having EvE withdrawls....

Well update time:
I've multiple times throughout each day to connect. This evening I attempted to log in, same thing showing as above showing that everything should be working fine, except now it's gotten even worse.

Now, I open the launcher and log in (says Tranquility server is online and doing well), the game client opens but I'm DC'ing before the character selection screen now Shocked

