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I have 186 days to i can fly a titan.How should i prepare?

deeks87 deacon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2014-03-11 20:23:55 UTC
OK, i have got 186 days total to I'm able to fly a Levi. First i want to know what kind of money(ISK) am i going to need and is the time scale sufficient to reach that goal? My current balance is around 10b and i think the time i have i can save to get one.

What is the process of buying one or getting one built? and what training precautions should i take before i just jump in it?
I know that's it is a fleet ship and i should probs join a corp or alliance who will make use of it ,also was thinking of kitting it out with all officer mods to maximize defense and what not but would it be better for me to save up and just buy a levi pilot from character bazaar or grind and skill for it.

Those who forget the past, are destined to revisit it! use us for all your insurance needs @

Dorian Wylde
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2014-03-11 20:37:41 UTC
deeks87 deacon wrote:

What is the process of buying one or getting one built? .

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'll probably say it a lot nicer than most people on this forum. This is a question you need to answer before deciding to train for a supercap. If you don't have a means of acquiring one, training for it is pointless. And these ships are not like subcaps or even carriers. They don't get tossed around like nothing. The major alliances keep very close tabs on titans in this game.

But if you must insist, there is a way. You'll need a lot more than 10 billion. You'll need to make friends with a large alliance, and convince them you're worth it. This means putting in a least a couple years as a member to prove they should trust you.

Alternately, for a much heftier price, you can theoretically buy one. Chribba is commonly used as an exchanger for super-cap sales.

You also need to answer what you plan on doing with it. Titan's can't dock in stations, or enter hi sec. Which means you're restricted to low and null, where you can be attacked at any time. You can build a PoS to house the ship, but starbases are still easy to take down. A titan isn't something you get just to have, it needs to have a purpose. And unless you're in an alliance that has a need for one, which you are not if you're asking these questions here, I really can't see any reason why you would want one other than just to have it, which is a very bad idea for something worth that much isk.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2014-03-11 20:38:38 UTC
We just happen to be looking for titan pilots, give one of our recruiters a call about our titan programme.
Federal Navy Academy
#4 - 2014-03-11 20:45:07 UTC
The only relevant question is, how many thousands of dollars of RL cash are you willing to spend?

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Lady Naween
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2014-03-11 21:10:11 UTC
oh dear.

well I will be nice.

First of all, yes you need an alliance to help defend it or people like me will hunt you down. Second you are aware that you cant dock a titan right? So you will need a pos to hide it in, and since you can't dock it you are kinda stuck in that ship unless you have a second character (a so called sitter) that can just sit in the titan when you are not in it. NEVER leave a super of any kind unpiloted in a pos. NEVER EVER! Like.. no!!! dont ever do it, dont think about doing it, dont even think about perhaps one day think about doing it!

Second, what do you want to use the titan for? Just bridging? Or do you want to use it in combat.

If it is just for bridging well then you can get away with a lot less skills, note I am not saying you shouldnt have reaaaally good skills anyway but you can get away with not having guns etc. You do have max shield, max navigation, max core skills right? RIGHT? Including all the jump skills (jump drive operation, jump fuel conservation and jump calibration). Right?

And third, officer mods are nice. But everything doesnt have to be officer, the new a-type invuls along with a set of each specific invul (pith x type of course) etc. ask your alliance (you did join one right?) how they prefer their supers fitted, us lowsec people fit our supers differently from the big 0.0 alliances due to the nature of lowsec combat.

And you do know that all supers are low and 0.0 only right? And that they cant use gates? Just checking as most who come here to ask about supers are.. well.. so not ready for one. WHy the usual answer is, if you have to ask you are not ready.

There is a reason titans are described as a giant space penis and not just for their looks, they are useful yes. but as you know in EVE (and in RL sorry boys) bigger isnt always better.

So when you say.. 186 days.. i am worried that is just until you can actually just sit in it, and that is NO WHERE NEAR CLOSE TO USING IT.

Anyway for how to get one.

Simplest is look at the sellers forums, titans are for sale now and then. Around 100 to 120 bill is a fair price to assume. It fluctuates a little. You contact the seller, then through a third party, chribba, darkness. or.. some other ones.. NEVER NOT USE A THIRD PARTY. And no, dont allow mittani to be third party as amusing as the tale for the rest of us would be ^^

Then he will put up a tower, the titan will be left there. you pay the third party all the isk, and when you are in the ship and have jumped out you let the third party know and he will pay the seller. And then you better know how jump drives work, cynos and all that. If you dont, google. and.. fly regular capital ships for a year or so to really learn the ropes while you train your skills.

That is a brief overview of it. Hope it helped you somewhat.
Yami Badasaz
The Black Widow Company.
#6 - 2014-03-11 22:48:42 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
We just happen to be looking for titan pilots, give one of our recruiters a call about our titan programme.

I wouldn't trust this guy as far as i can throw him, just saying.

To the OP sorry to be downer but if you don't already know all the stuff your asking in the OP you don't have much business getting into a Titan. Just save yourself the time can train for something else.
Jacob Holland
Weyland-Vulcan Industries
#7 - 2014-03-12 00:01:59 UTC
I'd suggest you start off with this:

So you want to fly a Titan?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2014-03-12 00:12:53 UTC
If you are really interested in flying a titan (it's honestly not very fun from what I've heard) then I suggest finding a corporation in need of a titan pilot. If you have all the proper skills for one, even if you can't afford it or build it yourself, the corporation might have a use for you.

If you are not interested in the boring world of Titan flying, then you can either stop training it or alternatively, train it and start a new character. Sell the character with the titan skills for a hefty amount of isk and you will have a ton of money to do whatever you feel like doing.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Hatsumi Kobayashi
Caldari State
#9 - 2014-03-12 01:58:06 UTC
deeks87 deacon wrote:
OK, i have got 186 days total to I'm able to fly a Levi. First i want to know what kind of money(ISK) am i going to need and is the time scale sufficient to reach that goal? My current balance is around 10b and i think the time i have i can save to get one.

What is the process of buying one or getting one built? and what training precautions should i take before i just jump in it?
I know that's it is a fleet ship and i should probs join a corp or alliance who will make use of it ,also was thinking of kitting it out with all officer mods to maximize defense and what not but would it be better for me to save up and just buy a levi pilot from character bazaar or grind and skill for it.

A titan currently runs for over 100b on the market, probably close to 120b after you get the essentials. To acquire one if you're not in an alliance with capital shipyards you can check the sell orders subforum, some occasionally pop up there for sale. If you buy from someone and use a trusted third party (f.ex. darknesss, chribba, grendel) it's a safe and easy transaction. Keep in mind though that Leviathans aren't built as much as other titans so it might be tougher to find one for sale

I'm not too good with character prices, but given a supercarrier pilot is usually is the 15-25b area I'd say a titan pilot would be at least as much if not more.

For a Leviathan specifically, officer mods are not worth it. The difference in cost-effectiveness ratio for officer invulnerability fields versus that of Pithum A-types really favors the latter. When it comes to PDS for your lows, the best option is actually the Caldari Navy ones since they give the highest shield HP of all metalevels. Your only really decent options for officer mods would be damage mods, smartbombs and neuts, of which smartbombs are the most generally useful - higher metalevel smartbombers have a bigger range and can more easily clear dictor bubbles around you. Neuts are generally useful but are mainly to neut out HICs and only meta13 and 14 have the range to neut HICs out at their longest focused point range. Still just the 29km of faction neuts is often good enough for general use. Damage mods just suffer from them being for capital missiles. Citadel Torps are pretty garbage because of their awful range and application, but Cruises can actually do okay when supported with TPs. Your main source of damage is still your DD though, and that isn't buffed by shiny ballistic controls. Besides more often than not you'll be in a tank fit and not a dps fit.

For skills you'll definitely want all the following at 5: racial Titan, Citadel Cruises and Torps, all missile supports, all navigation and jump skills, Doomsday Operation, all passive shield tank skills including passive resists and Jump Portal Generation, Anchoring and Propulsion Jamming. Capacitor skills and other generic core skills are implied too. Leadership skills are useful but definitely not required.

Titans have a big cargo hold and fleet hangar, so have the following thing either fitted or carried:

  1. an X-type 100mn MWD
  2. 3 invulns, 3 of each active and passive hardeners, meta14 prefered
  3. Full set of capacitor rechargers and capacitor power relays, t2 are fine but faction CPRs are worth it. Don't bother with officer grade
  4. one set of both long range and short weapon hardpoints, metalevel
  5. 2-3 meta12 or better heavy capacitor boosters with a healthy stack (100-120) navy 800s
  6. a full rack of faction or better EMP smartbombs
  7. a full rack of faction or better heavy neutralizers
  8. 1-2 faction or better sensor boosters with scripts
  9. 2-3 faction target painters
  10. 1-2 faction point or better
  11. 1-2 faction web or better
  12. 1-2 faction scram or better
  13. a cloak, faction or better
  14. a cynosural field generator
  15. a jump bridge
  16. your doomsday mod
  17. 2-3 large t2 anchorable bubbles
  18. a depot, scan inhibitor and cynojammer deployables
  19. 3-4 disposable cyno frigates
  20. plenty of stront, isotopes and liquid ozone - 2k stront, 200k topes and 2k ozone last you for a while before needing to refuel
  21. ammo for your weapons, both normal and faction

No sig.

RaVeN Alliance
#10 - 2014-03-12 02:30:21 UTC  |  Edited by: RavenPaine
Join a corporation of Capital pilots. Get to know them for at least a year.
It should be almost impossible to join them because... if they don't know you, they flat out shouldn't accept you, and give you access to their Cap fleet.

Use Carriers and Dreads with them for a long while. Get used to big fights, and big losses.

Move up to a Super Carrier for around 20 billion. (twice what you currently have)
At this point you will feel like you're in a prison, because Supers cannot dock. You will need a second account if you actually want daily PvP or PvE.

In 5 years or so, re-think if you want a Titan.
If you do...don't announce it in a public forum...
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2014-03-12 09:15:01 UTC
if u r already in an alliance which have a use in titan, then u should ask them. if not, think about it again 187 days later Twisted

RIP Iron Lady

Danny John-Peter
Blue Canary
Watch This
#12 - 2014-03-12 11:43:19 UTC
For a neat sum of 9.5 Billion Isk I can have construction on your Leviathan immediately, the faster you send the initial Isk the faster we can work out the remaining cost and over what period.
deeks87 deacon
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2014-03-12 12:58:02 UTC
Jacob Holland wrote:
I'd suggest you start off with this:

So you want to fly a Titan?

Thanks for the info guys, i have saw that vid before lol. I'm not just wanting to fly a titan for the sake of flying one i want tit to have a purpose and i know anyone with a titan is a major target. I might just go for phoenix as I'm only 45 days away and they are very cheap to replace.

Those who forget the past, are destined to revisit it! use us for all your insurance needs @

Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#14 - 2014-03-12 12:59:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Caitlyn Tufy
deeks87 deacon wrote:
I might just go for phoenix as I'm only 45 days away and they are very cheap to replace.

Ok, that's it, if anyone's falling for this one, I'm personally whooping their ass.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2014-03-12 13:06:12 UTC
Caitlyn Tufy wrote:
Ok, that's it, if anyone's falling for this one, I'm personally whooping their ass.

Yep this was troll thread from beginning. Only reasonable response was from the goon hoping for a scam.

You're young, you'll adjust. I'm old, I'll get used to it.

Markku Laaksonen
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#16 - 2014-03-12 15:24:46 UTC
It's probably best to prepare by asking about titans, and having people answer that if you have to ask, you're not ready. To get around that, simply don't ask. By not asking, you must be ready.

The first rule of Cap Club is to not helpfully answer questions about Cap Club.

DUST 514 Recruit Code -

EVE Buddy Invite -

Lady Naween
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2014-03-12 22:05:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Naween
350125GO wrote:
Caitlyn Tufy wrote:
Ok, that's it, if anyone's falling for this one, I'm personally whooping their ass.

Yep this was troll thread from beginning. Only reasonable response was from the goon hoping for a scam.

Perhaps so, but if even one newbie saw this thread and realized what a pain it is to be a titan pilot and not waste time dreaming of being in one the typing was worth it.

edit: Because lets face it, a lot of new players look at the titan and go.. omg want! without realizing what a titan really is. And we got an influx of new players after the recent titan massacre and titans where the ship that was mentioned so many times so of course they want one too
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#18 - 2014-03-12 22:26:32 UTC
deeks87 deacon wrote:
OK, i have got 186 days total to I'm able to fly a Levi. First i want to know what kind of money(ISK) am i going to need and is the time scale sufficient to reach that goal? My current balance is around 10b and i think the time i have i can save to get one.

What is the process of buying one or getting one built? and what training precautions should i take before i just jump in it?
I know that's it is a fleet ship and i should probs join a corp or alliance who will make use of it ,also was thinking of kitting it out with all officer mods to maximize defense and what not but would it be better for me to save up and just buy a levi pilot from character bazaar or grind and skill for it.

Isk: You'll want to have about 150b isk to spend. 100b for the titan and modules, and the other 50b for POS's operation costs, fuel costs, and other things that my come up.

Buy one using the Bazaar section. Use a trustworthy 3rd party to make sure you don't get scammed. Chribba has a decent reputation. Be VERY careful who you trust to do this.

You'll want multiple characters (probably on multiple accounts). You need another character to light cyno's for you to move about, setup POS's, provide eyes, and more. It is honestly better to have the titan pilot on an alt, as it cannot leave the titan (safely) once it gets in one.

Good luck. Hope your not the subject of an ALOD article!
SFM Hobb3s
Caldari State
#19 - 2014-03-14 17:43:23 UTC
Yami Badasaz wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
We just happen to be looking for titan pilots, give one of our recruiters a call about our titan programme.

I wouldn't trust this guy as far as i can throw him, just saying.

To the OP sorry to be downer but if you don't already know all the stuff your asking in the OP you don't have much business getting into a Titan. Just save yourself the time can train for something else.

Yeah but the proper use of the word programme gets at least one like by my books.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#20 - 2014-03-14 20:18:30 UTC
350125GO wrote:
Caitlyn Tufy wrote:
Ok, that's it, if anyone's falling for this one, I'm personally whooping their ass.

Yep this was troll thread from beginning. Only reasonable response was from the goon hoping for a scam.

A pretty good troll because so many people fell for it!... P
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