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Idea: New Deployable - Wormhole Generator

Crowd Control
#1 - 2014-03-13 18:00:08 UTC
Seeing as CCP are pushing the new deployable structures, I've been thinking about a wormhole generator structure.

Firstly, No, this should not be able to generate wormhole after wormhole until you get the one you want.
My idea is to have a structure that can generate a wormhole and has a cooldown period equal to the lifetime of the wormhole it has generated (more on this below).

Only one Wormhole Generator can be active in a system, and the wormhole generator needs to be loaded with 3 different types of charges:

Charge 1: Destination Schematic.
This is an item that specifies where you want the new wormhole to go. Hisec, Losec, Nullsec, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 or C6.
Using any of these does NOT guarantee you will get a wormhole to that place. It should give a base chance (maybe 25% or something) of giving you what you wanted. Possibly introduce a new skill to increase your chances at getting what you asked for.

Charge 2: Stability Schematic.
This is an item that specifies how long you want to wormhole to remain open.
Different schematics would be available for different amounts of time the wh would remain open.
This could be skill based, so you can only use schematics based on your skill lvl.
At [New Skill] lvl 1, you can use a schematic to create a 24 hr hole.
lvl2 = 18, or 24hr hole.
lvl3 = 12, 18 or 24 hr hole.
lvl4 = 8, 12, 18 or 24 hr hole.
lvl5 = 4, 8, 12, 18 or 24 hr hole.
The system would not allow this, or another wormhole generator to be used again in this period of time. So at best you could make a wormhole last only 4 hours to cycle through looking for something specific, but doing it this way would mean when you find what you want, you only have it for 4 hours.

Charge 3: Magnitude Schematic (or some better name)
This is an item that specifes what mass limits you want on the wormhole. For ease of explaination, let's assume this item controls both jumpable mass, and total allowable mass.

So, how do you make these 3 charges, or schematics?

Charge 1: Destination Schematic.
Thematically, using Ancient Database Coordinates to construct the Destination Schematics (which type of space you want your wh to go to) makes sense to me, and gives them an alternative to just being sold to NPC orders. A combination of ADC's, and the other blue loot could determine what the destination is for your generated wormhole.
Some thought would be needed here to figure out the cost of each type of wh, but I imagine a Highsec hole would be the most expensive.

Charge 2: Stability Schematic.
Controlling the duration of the wh's life could be made from Thermoelectric Catalysts, and other sleeper salvage components.

Charge 3: Magnitude Schematic (or some better name)
Thematically, I want to link this somehow to incursions, as the Sansha seem pretty good at opening wormholes, however I'm not sure giving incursion runners another way of making isk is the way to go.

The construction of these three schematics needed to open a wormhole should not be so expensive that they stop smaller groups from using them, but expensive enough that after the initial fascination has worn off, we don't have newly generated wormholes popping up all over the galaxy.

Another thought that I've not really fleshed out yet would be to possilbly use Capacitor Transfers to 'power up' the wormhole generator. This could affect the duration of the hole, or maybe the mass limit. Maybe it would just be needed in additition to the schematics to actually provide the power to generate the hole. Different types of hole would require different amounts of power, which would require ships to be sitting on the generator for x amount of time feeding it cap. Possibly have the structure pop straight up on the overview like a FW beacon, or a cyno, so there is some risk at feeding it power to open a hole.

Anyway, I'm sure there is more that could be imagined here, but this is a start.
Whaddya think?
#2 - 2014-03-13 18:15:54 UTC
Wait for it.........
#3 - 2014-03-13 18:22:27 UTC
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2014-03-13 18:47:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
People get slammed when they suggest this mate, so you are not the first the open yourself up to the upcoming flaming.

Here is what i want:

Rek Seven wrote:

Wormhole Generator (WG)

A lot of people seem to be asking CCP to add duel statics to some wormholes that currently only have one. Instead of CCP forcing this change, why not put the choice in the players hands?

Here's a feature list describing how it could work:

1. The WG is manufactured using sleeper salvage
2. Can only be deployed in wormhole space
3. Can only be deployed at the sun
4. One WG allowed per system
5. 15 minuet spool up and shutdown time
6. Can be activated by someone in the owning corp that has required roles (anyone can pass through it)
7. System wide notification when new wormhole generation in initiated
8. 23 hour reinforce time
9. Hit points: Shield= 5,000,000 - Armor= 1,250,000 - Structure= 1,000,000
10. Drops sleeper salvage if destroyed

Crowd Control
#5 - 2014-03-13 19:06:21 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
People get slammed when they suggest this mate, so you are not the first the open yourself up to the upcoming flaming.

Slamming I can take, It just makes those people look like typical internet morons.

On the other hand, Intelligent discussion either furthering the idea, or explaining why this isn't a good idea is welcome, and funnilly enough, the point of a forum.

I for one would appreciate the ability to open a hole (even a random one) when there is nothing happening in the chain, but we didn't want to close the static.
Nightingale Actault
Borderland Dynamics
#6 - 2014-03-13 19:31:24 UTC
The reason we all love wormholes is because they're unpredictable and "dangerous". Being able to create a new wormhole at will is largely defeating the reason most people live in wormhole space.

There are ideas being thrown about of increased wandering wormholes that I feel is more akin to what the community is actually reaching towards. Ones that have differing mass and time variables than the existing connections so as to increase the unpredictability without making them completely random.
Crowd Control
#7 - 2014-03-13 20:55:32 UTC
Nightingale Actault wrote:
The reason we all love wormholes is because they're unpredictable and "dangerous".

I agree with you there, re-reading my OP I probably made it sound a bit too easy to get what you want when you want it.

The idea was supposed to be more, "we don't want to close the static (maybe cos people are moving ships in/out), but there is nothing else happening in the chain at all.... I wish we could open another wormhole to have another option of looking for pew.

Maybe I got a little carried away with the details... it's not supposed to be about controlling what you get, more like just having another option, and with a SP investement, making that option slightly less than completely random.
#8 - 2014-03-13 20:59:45 UTC
Squelch wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
People get slammed when they suggest this mate, so you are not the first the open yourself up to the upcoming flaming.

Slamming I can take, It just makes those people look like typical internet morons.

On the other hand, Intelligent discussion either furthering the idea, or explaining why this isn't a good idea is welcome, and funnilly enough, the point of a forum.

I for one would appreciate the ability to open a hole (even a random one) when there is nothing happening in the chain, but we didn't want to close the static.

The problem is this has been debated to death and yours is nothing new at all. The problem you dont get is you already possess a WH generator, you have ships that can make you a new WH at will (you wanting to keep that perfect chain to Jita isnt CCP's problem its the choices you as players and a corp must make). You also have a WH generator module you can fit to your ship and even load it with probes to expand that perfect Jita chain. (Unless you live in a C4/C4 it is impossible to have a dead end chain you simply have to use the WH generator module in that high slot next to your covops cloak to male them magically appear onto your mapper)

Poasting in WH generator thread #36332775.

Next week its WH stabalizer thread #75;3/6675
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2014-03-13 21:15:30 UTC
Squelch wrote:
Slamming I can take, It just makes those people look like typical internet morons.

Well no, not always. In some cases the OP gets to look like a moron for posting what is the same idea that has been done before over, and over, and over.

Squelch wrote:
On the other hand, Intelligent discussion either furthering the idea, or explaining why this isn't a good idea is welcome, and funnilly enough, the point of a forum.

Use the search/google/ whatever floats your boat to find all of the intelligent discussion that has already been done to death.

Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#10 - 2014-03-13 21:18:48 UTC
While I like the idea of more wormholes, I don't think a player influenced approach is the way to go. Maybe CCP can allow the wormhole environment to produce more random connections to random wormholes. This would still allow more options as far as where to go, while still leaving the randomness of wormholes intact.

No trolling please

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#11 - 2014-03-13 21:56:21 UTC
Get out

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Tyrant Scorn
#12 - 2014-03-13 22:02:32 UTC
For once I have to agree with the rest of the people here... WH's should stay random and if you want a new chain or a new empire connection, jam a couple of orca's up your hole.
Rolled Out
#13 - 2014-03-13 23:12:13 UTC
Tyrant Scorn wrote:
For once I have to agree with the rest of the people here... WH's should stay random and if you want a new chain or a new empire connection, jam a couple of orca's up your hole.

Your choice of phrasing....replete with innuendo

I approve

Post #13 in the new and improved Sky Fighter forum.

I'm right behind you

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#14 - 2014-03-13 23:57:25 UTC
Do people just come up with this **** when they're drunk and think, "oh hey, wormholers will love this ****! I've never posted in this forum before because I obviously don't know that it's been suggested to death, but they'll ******* love it. And if they don't, they're wrong"?

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Proclus Diadochu
Mar Sarrim
Red Coat Conspiracy
#15 - 2014-03-14 00:26:16 UTC
Andrew Jester wrote:
Do people just come up with this **** when they're drunk and think, "oh hey, wormholers will love this ****! I've never posted in this forum before because I obviously don't know that it's been suggested to death, but they'll ******* love it. And if they don't, they're wrong"?

Yes. It doesn't matter what you've accomplished, what you know, or anything. Nothing matters except the opinion of the guy that disagrees with you... I mean fact, not opinion. It's his fact, and yours is just a biased opinion and you were born wrong. Sorry, Andrew, it's a shame that you can't be right. It's a shame that I can't be right. I'm wrong, and you are wrong, but the other guy is correct because he has thought this idea through, and through his limited knowledgebase and ignorance finds ZERO flaw in this, his brilliant idea.

Wormholes are already generatable, OP. Although your commitment to your idea could be admired, the fact is that wormhole generators already exist. They are hardwired into the code and all you have to do is roll the hole to generate another. It's a perfect mechanic and with the exception of the occasional wobble, works splendidly.

Thanks for sharing though.

Minister of High Society | Twitter: @autoritare


My Blog:

The Diogenes Club | Join W-Space | Down The Pipe

Bane Nucleus
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#16 - 2014-03-14 00:35:20 UTC
Bane Nucleus wrote:
While I like the idea of more wormholes, I don't think a player influenced approach is the way to go. Maybe CCP can allow the wormhole environment to produce more random connections to random wormholes. This would still allow more options as far as where to go, while still leaving the randomness of wormholes intact.

This guy has it right Lol

No trolling please

Proclus Diadochu
Mar Sarrim
Red Coat Conspiracy
#17 - 2014-03-14 00:39:56 UTC
Bane Nucleus wrote:
Bane Nucleus wrote:
While I like the idea of more wormholes, I don't think a player influenced approach is the way to go. Maybe CCP can allow the wormhole environment to produce more random connections to random wormholes. This would still allow more options as far as where to go, while still leaving the randomness of wormholes intact.

This guy has it right Lol

It's called wandering wormholes, champ.

And... agreed.

Minister of High Society | Twitter: @autoritare


My Blog:

The Diogenes Club | Join W-Space | Down The Pipe

Haseo Antares
Production N Destruction INC.
#18 - 2014-03-14 01:27:46 UTC

I would however like to see a deployable structure that generates a pseudo WH and signature. It should look and act like a WH until someone attempts to activate it. Upon activation it will nuet, web, smartbomb, even ransom and trash talk its target (in local) until either it is destroyed or the target is dead or out of range.

No need to thank me, I have terrible ideas on a regular basis. I just had an uncontrollable urge to share that one.

We currently have the world's greatest linguists and scientists trying to decode what you just said.

If we die it's lag
#19 - 2014-03-14 03:13:36 UTC
Haseo Antares wrote:

I would however like to see a deployable structure that generates a pseudo WH and signature. It should look and act like a WH until someone attempts to activate it. Upon activation it will nuet, web, smartbomb, even ransom and trash talk its target (in local) until either it is destroyed or the target is dead or out of range.

No need to thank me, I have terrible ideas on a regular basis. I just had an uncontrollable urge to share that one.

^This is what WH space REALLY needs
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#20 - 2014-03-14 04:32:22 UTC
I think what EVE really needs is a new ship called Icicle. It would go around selling ice cream to little kids around the solar systems.

It would be a specialized ship designed by the Prompt Delivery Corporation because lets be real, ice cream needs to be delivered yesterday.

Ship: Icicle
Hull: Bantam (in faded light blue with ice cream images on the side)

Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):

5% bonus to cargo capacity amount
5% bonus to ship agility

Role Bonus: Can fit Festival Launchers and use them without the need of firework ammo

Structure Hitpoints: 310 HP
Cargo Capacity: 400 m3
Drone Capacity: 10 m3
Drone Bandwidth: 10 Mbit/sec
Mass: 1,480,000 kg
Volume: 20,000.0 m3 (2,500.0 m3 Packaged)
Inertia Modifier: 4.1 x
Armor Hitpoints: 260 HP
Shield Capacity: 670 HP
Shield recharge time: 550.00 s
Capacitor Capacity: 450 GJ
Recharge time: 200.00s
Maximum Targeting Range: 20.00 km
Max Locked Targets: 15
Signature Radius: 30 m
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 14 points
Max Velocity: 320 m/s
Ship Warp Speed 5.25 AU/s
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