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Why is eve being full of scamers gankers bumpers and liars?

First post
Aih-Li Tahn
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#181 - 2014-03-14 01:19:10 UTC
Kais Klip wrote:
Aih-Li Tahn wrote:
Blodhgarm Dethahal wrote:
Do gankers lose when they strike a prime target?

the ppl who tried to awox my freighter and sucide gank my empty orca had zero to gain and something to lose. thats my question. why are there ppl who will go to any length to ruin other ppls game? or realy why so many, and im starting to beleive eve is full of very loud evil people.... sorry divine entervention i tried to stay positive Sad but this thread shows i was wrong to try

You misunderstand, for some your upset is the reward, this doesn't mean you should stop playing the game, rather stop being upset; have a laugh at your own misfortune and suddenly both parties are being entertained. Don't get me wrong, I play to have my own fun first and foremost, but a person turning around and saying they enjoyed the fight, that they learned from the loss or had more fun from it than they would have if they had won adds a sweet cherry on op of another cake.

'They' will keep having fun, why not join them in laughing?

Now some cannot play with such legalised trolls, for lack of a better phrase, and they will have more fun in another game. If you fail to take heed to my advice, but still want to stick with eve, think of it this way; don't give them tears and they'll move on to find another watering hole.

isnt that called stockhulm syndrome and its a bad thing?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#182 - 2014-03-14 01:23:00 UTC
Divine Entervention wrote:
This is like textbook trolling right here.
Explaining why your position and argument is incoherent and inconsistent is not trolling — it is only what it is.

Let me find the psychological report about those who troll.
Does it explain that they often try to avoid responding directly to questions or arguments directed at them and instead attempt to inject all manner of diversions and fallacies in the hope that it will hide the fact that they have no concrete argument to begin with? We have already established fairly well what category you fall into, so the results in that article should hardly come as a surprise to you.

Considering that your post is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting me
His post is deliberately designed to point out that your playing the victim makes only exposes the hypocrisy of your argumentation.

Yea, i know.
You know something that is completely made up and devoid of any kind of basis in reality? Interesting…
#183 - 2014-03-14 01:23:19 UTC
Aih-Li Tahn wrote:
Kais Klip wrote:
Aih-Li Tahn wrote:
Blodhgarm Dethahal wrote:
Do gankers lose when they strike a prime target?

the ppl who tried to awox my freighter and sucide gank my empty orca had zero to gain and something to lose. thats my question. why are there ppl who will go to any length to ruin other ppls game? or realy why so many, and im starting to beleive eve is full of very loud evil people.... sorry divine entervention i tried to stay positive Sad but this thread shows i was wrong to try

You misunderstand, for some your upset is the reward, this doesn't mean you should stop playing the game, rather stop being upset; have a laugh at your own misfortune and suddenly both parties are being entertained. Don't get me wrong, I play to have my own fun first and foremost, but a person turning around and saying they enjoyed the fight, that they learned from the loss or had more fun from it than they would have if they had won adds a sweet cherry on op of another cake.

'They' will keep having fun, why not join them in laughing?

Now some cannot play with such legalised trolls, for lack of a better phrase, and they will have more fun in another game. If you fail to take heed to my advice, but still want to stick with eve, think of it this way; don't give them tears and they'll move on to find another watering hole.

isnt that called stockhulm syndrome and its a bad thing?

No, Stockholm syndrome when you feel sympathy for the people holding you hostage.

Things are only impossible until they are not.

Kais Klip
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#184 - 2014-03-14 01:23:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Kais Klip
Aih-Li Tahn wrote:
Kais Klip wrote:
Aih-Li Tahn wrote:
Blodhgarm Dethahal wrote:
Do gankers lose when they strike a prime target?

the ppl who tried to awox my freighter and sucide gank my empty orca had zero to gain and something to lose. thats my question. why are there ppl who will go to any length to ruin other ppls game? or realy why so many, and im starting to beleive eve is full of very loud evil people.... sorry divine entervention i tried to stay positive Sad but this thread shows i was wrong to try

You misunderstand, for some your upset is the reward, this doesn't mean you should stop playing the game, rather stop being upset; have a laugh at your own misfortune and suddenly both parties are being entertained. Don't get me wrong, I play to have my own fun first and foremost, but a person turning around and saying they enjoyed the fight, that they learned from the loss or had more fun from it than they would have if they had won adds a sweet cherry on op of another cake.

'They' will keep having fun, why not join them in laughing?

Now some cannot play with such legalised trolls, for lack of a better phrase, and they will have more fun in another game. If you fail to take heed to my advice, but still want to stick with eve, think of it this way; don't give them tears and they'll move on to find another watering hole.

isnt that called stockhulm syndrome and its a bad thing?

Only if you take my advice as "laugh at yourself along with the bullies". I'm not saying that, what I'm proposing is that he is being targeted soley because of his response; in short if he stops crying (by going "lol gf") the bullies go away. If the problem persists, they are not bullies on the strictest sense; they are not removing more fun from him than they are gaining themselves. That means they're on a simple business venture, and in that case it's only bullying if the food chain is bullying.

"It's not personal." Is my message; he's being mugged in a sidestreet, not bullied on the playground. The former is logical and understandable for me, the latter is too but uncodonable for me.

At the end though, if you can't laugh at your misfortune eve will end up hurting you every time you lose; it's a zero sum game meaning if someone wins the other loses. But you don't get emotionaly upset when your kindergarten football team loses a goal, sure you'd rather it not happen, but at the end of the day you still enjoyed playing the game did you not?
Divine Entervention
#185 - 2014-03-14 01:31:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Divine Entervention
Kais Klip wrote:

"It's not personal." Is my message; he's being mugged in a sidestreet, not bullied on the playground. The former is logical and understandable for me, the latter is too but incodonable for me.

Well I dunno man, that's actually really personal. Like if I were mugged on a side street I'd take it incredibly personally since it was my person being mugged.

The mugger might not mean it personally, but that's because he's deficient in moral character and takes actions against people without regard of their personal situation solely for his own benefit.

That's wrong.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#186 - 2014-03-14 01:32:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Aih-Li Tahn wrote:
the ppl who tried to awox my freighter and sucide gank my empty orca had zero to gain and something to lose. thats my question. why are there ppl who will go to any length to ruin other ppls game? or realy why so many, and im starting to beleive eve is full of very loud evil people.... sorry divine entervention i tried to stay positive Sad but this thread shows i was wrong to try

Your idea of gain and loss is different to theirs, which is also perfectly fine in our society.

Different people can have different goals and they can sometimes compete. Someone is going to win and someone is going to lose.

It's not wrong in EvE for people to shoot at you. It's not wrong for them to blow up your ship, just as it's not wrong if you are adequately tanked and Concord gets them first in highsec.

It's totally wrong if they attacked you in real life.

In a single shard sandbox game, what is wrong is expecting that you have the right to play the way you want, but others don't have that same right.

PS. Coming back to my previous question. Your reference to Eve Australia. You do see how that could be interpreted as racist right? Are you Australian or is this a judgement you are making about all Australians in real life?
Kais Klip
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#187 - 2014-03-14 01:37:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Kais Klip
See I avoid trying to understand what's "right" or "wrong", to me they're just opinions and what's more important is that myself and those closest too me (thereby again, myself) benefit. So I don't take account of anything from a moral point of view, especially something as inconsequential as a spaceship internet game.

My main message is much of our entertainment is rooted in zero sum competition, be it football or chess. When you lose, you still enjoyed playing the game, and would rather play it again and lose than sit out, would you not? Now when I was little I had friends that went against that, but as we all grew up we realised that having fun does not need to necettate with winning. I'm not saying some of you never grew up, only that you are treating Eve differently than you do any other competitive game, which I'm sure you play and enjoy.
Angelica Dreamstar
Gallente Federation
#188 - 2014-03-14 01:38:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Angelica Dreamstar
EVE is real. The real world would be the same if there weren't laws protecting the stupid. Well... the killing might be an issue, but that would regulate itself, because people would flock together in groups protecting each other. If you leave your group or can't actually provide any benefits for yours, though... then natural selection happens.

bingo, his pig not being a goat doesn't make the pig wrong, just him an idiot for shouting at his pig "WHY ARENT YOU A GOAT!" (Source)

-- Ralph King-Griffin, about deranged people playing EVE ONLINE

Divine Entervention
#189 - 2014-03-14 01:38:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Divine Entervention
Scipio Artelius wrote:

In a single shard sandbox game, what is wrong is expecting that you have the right to play the way you want, but others don't have that same right.

This statement sums it up nicely. It's wrong for people to expect that they have the right to play the way they want, but others don't have that right.

So since I have the same right to play the game in a manner where all I want to do all day is mine in high security, then since it's how I want to play EVE since it's a valid way to play the game, that people who wish to enforce their way to play upon me by attacking and blowing me up are wrong.

Thanks for clearing it up for everyone with your exact quote.

O wait! Except for you it only applies to how you want to play and not how others do.

Salvos Rhoska
#190 - 2014-03-14 01:40:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Divine Entervention, did you at any point consider that the following actions your part where offensive to me:

A) Refusal to answer my neutral query whether you look in person, as does your avatar ingame
B) Adding further insult ontop of that by throwing aspersions and wild speculations at me for asking a neutral query.

These where both extremely offensive to me.

My post you quote is not meant to ellicit any kind of response.
You mean very little to me, as I perceive you, as you turned out to be.
A very small and insignificant person who goes around telling other people they are bad, without analysing his own behavior first or applying the same standards to himself.

Those are my observations of you. Those are my conclusions of you. Those are my judgements of you. They are a result of your own behavior. You are responsible for those. I HOLD you responsible for them.

Just as you presume to judge others here, I do so onto you, and have found you a pitiable person and very wanting in moral fortitude or direction.

And now you whine that I am a sociopath/sadist for doing exactly the same thing you have?
That is ironic, and ultimately reinforces and confirms my position in regards to you.

I have not done here, or said, anything that you have yourself already not done. To me, others and the entire board at large.
How do you like your own medicine? Is it bitter? Does it stick in your craw?

The difference between us, and what makes me better than you, is that I can see and recognise that, whereas you lack the introspection, honesty, moral integrity and ultimately the ackonwledgement of responsibility to do so.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#191 - 2014-03-14 01:40:18 UTC
Eve Online is actually a great argument against gun control. It's one of the things I find fascinating about Eve Online because it delves farther into human nature. There's a reason even CCP needs Concord.

Removing the argument of likely-hood, can you imagine how humanity would treat one another if there was no law enforcement in a post apoc world? Sure eventually small towns would sprout up and common justice would be around, but anyone not under the direct protection of such a safety net would most likely be raped, pilfered and murdered within a small time frame.

Even in today's world it happens every single day.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#192 - 2014-03-14 01:42:38 UTC
Divine Entervention wrote:
The mugger might not mean it personally, but that's because he's deficient in moral character and takes actions against people without regard of their personal situation solely for his own benefit.
No, it's because it's not personal. You, as a person, had nothing to do with it, nor was morality a factor in going after you rather than someone else.

Sure, you will probably develop a trauma centered on the question “why me?”, but that's just it: the healing process will entail the realisation that it's not a relevant question because it was never personal — that it was just an irrational projection of your emotions onto his motives and motivations.

So since I have the same right to play the game in a manner where all I want to do all day is mine in high security, then since it's how I want to play EVE since it's a valid way to play the game, that people who wish to enforce their way to play upon me by attacking and blowing me up are wrong.
No, they're not. You are wrong in thinking that you have any “right” to play the game the way you like without intervention from others. Just like everyone else, you have to enforce your way on others to get what you want, and they have to do the same to you to get what they want.

It's simply how a multiplayer sandbox works.

O wait! Except for you it only applies to how you want to play and not how others do.
No, it applies equally to everyone.
Kais Klip
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#193 - 2014-03-14 01:44:43 UTC
Divine Entervention wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:

In a single shard sandbox game, what is wrong is expecting that you have the right to play the way you want, but others don't have that same right.

This statement sums it up nicely. It's wrong for people to expect that they have the right to play the way they want, but others don't have that right.

So since I have the same right to play the game in a manner where all I want to do all day is mine in high security, then since it's how I want to play EVE since it's a valid way to play the game, that people who wish to enforce their way to play upon me by attacking and blowing me up are wrong.

Thanks for clearing it up for everyone with your exact quote.

O wait! Except for you it only applies to how you want to play and not how others do.


But to them, and the system as a whole blowing you up is no different than you mining an asteroid, a finite resource, thus taking the opportunity away from someone wanting to mine it as much. It's proven economics.

I'm saying you are just as bad as they are, and given that you consider yourself good, the best thing to do is discard the whole terminology altogether since it is perspective, as demonstrated. Now good or bad might exist, I might be the colourblind man claiming the Green Apple is red, but if you find yourself in a room with armed colourblind men and they say the Green Apple is red...

Oh for **** sake, who took the apple?
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#194 - 2014-03-14 01:44:56 UTC
Malrikk wrote:
Removing the argument of likely-hood, can you imagine how humanity would treat one another if there was no law enforcement in a post apoc world? Sure eventually small towns would sprout up and common justice would be around, but anyone not under the direct protection of such a safety net would most likely be raped, pilfered and murdered within a small time frame.

You only need to look at history to see how humanity would act.

Just removing law and order wouldn't cause a mass shift in peoples basic needs and wants. Order would emerge out of the chaos, not because we are intelligent beings, but because at a basic level, survival is an aim for all species, even those that have no cognitive thought.

The need to survive would result in a form of order emerging, just as in the past.
Kais Klip
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#195 - 2014-03-14 01:47:19 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Malrikk wrote:
Removing the argument of likely-hood, can you imagine how humanity would treat one another if there was no law enforcement in a post apoc world? Sure eventually small towns would sprout up and common justice would be around, but anyone not under the direct protection of such a safety net would most likely be raped, pilfered and murdered within a small time frame.

You only need to look at history to see how humanity would act.

Just removing law and order wouldn't cause a mass shift in peoples basic needs and wants. Order would emerge out of the chaos, not because we are intelligent beings, but because at a basic level, survival is an aim for all species, even those that have no cognitive thought.

The need to survive would result in a form of order emerging, just as in the past.

Both of you are assuming you are not typing this out in the Highsec part of the world :D

Both worlds are the same, except one has spaceships and the other nipples.
Divine Entervention
#196 - 2014-03-14 01:52:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Divine Entervention
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Divine Entervention, did you at any point consider that the following actions your part where offensive to me:

A) Refusal to answer my neutral query whether you look in person, as does your avatar ingame
B) Adding further insult ontop of that by throwing aspersions and wild speculations at me for asking a neutral query.

These where both extremely offensive to me.

My post you quote is not meant to ellicit any kind of response.
You mean very little to me, as I perceive you, as you turned out to be.
A very small and insignificant person who goes around telling other people they are bad, without analysing his own behavior first or applying the same standards to himself.

Those are my observations of you. Those are my conclusions of you. Those are my judgements of you. They are a result of your own behavior. You are responsible for those. I HOLD you responsible for them.

Just as you presume to judge others here, I do so onto you, and have found you a pitiable person and very wanting in moral fortitude or direction.

And now you whine that I am a sociopath/sadist for doing exactly the same thing you have?
That is ironic, and ultimately reinforces and confirms my position in regards to you.

Upon making an offensive request to me for my personal information, the protection of my privacy ranks higher than your obsessive focus on my physical appearance IRL.

I'm sorry you're the type of person that feels it necessary to become emotionally upset because I do not care to share with you my personal information that is no business of yours, but I cannot hold myself accountable for your irrational thought process.

I'm sorry you're upset, and I hope you get over the fact that I wont indulge you with my private information.

If you seriously wish to know what it is I look like, well maybe throughout the course of time we may develop a friendship where I feel comfortable with sharing my self with you. Until then though, all you've demonstrated to me is a severe disrespect.

Because of this demonstration, I have the right to label you as someone who's opinions and irrational desires of me should be regarded as such and ignored.

Divine Entervention
#197 - 2014-03-14 01:54:12 UTC
Kais Klip wrote:
Divine Entervention wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:

In a single shard sandbox game, what is wrong is expecting that you have the right to play the way you want, but others don't have that same right.

This statement sums it up nicely. It's wrong for people to expect that they have the right to play the way they want, but others don't have that right.

So since I have the same right to play the game in a manner where all I want to do all day is mine in high security, then since it's how I want to play EVE since it's a valid way to play the game, that people who wish to enforce their way to play upon me by attacking and blowing me up are wrong.

Thanks for clearing it up for everyone with your exact quote.

O wait! Except for you it only applies to how you want to play and not how others do.


But to them, and the system as a whole blowing you up is no different than you mining an asteroid, a finite resource, thus taking the opportunity away from someone wanting to mine it as much. It's proven economics.

I'm saying you are just as bad as they are, and given that you consider yourself good, the best thing to do is discard the whole terminology altogether since it is perspective, as demonstrated. Now good or bad might exist, I might be the colourblind man claiming the Green Apple is red, but if you find yourself in a room with armed colourblind men and they say the Green Apple is red...

Oh for **** sake, who took the apple?

Except the asteroid is not controlled on the other end by a sentient being investing it's time.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#198 - 2014-03-14 01:55:05 UTC
Kais Klip wrote:
Both of you are assuming you are not typing this out in the Highsec part of the world :D
Not quite. I think we are both assuming that in a post apocalypse World, there would be no highsec, or if there is, we aren't referring to that part of, but only to a lawless component with no order.

That's my take on what he meant by his post anyway.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#199 - 2014-03-14 01:58:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Divine Entervention wrote:
Upon making an offensive request to me for my personal information, the protection of my privacy ranks higher than your obsessive focus on my physical appearance IRL.
…except that none of those actually happened. That's just you making a massive strawman argument to cover for the fact that you knew where his argument was going and knew that it was going to end up in a place that would further expose your prejudice.

Because of this demonstration, I have the right to label you as someone who's opinions and irrational desires of me should be regarded as such and ignored.
Sure, you have the right to do that, but it would be no less prejudiced or hypocritical than the other arbitrary declarations of character you've made.

And again, just because you choose to play the victim doesn't mean that his initial argument was incorrect — only that you couldn't respond to it.

Except the asteroid is not controlled on the other end by a sentient being investing it's time.
…but the competition is, and by mining that asteroid, you've just forced your gameplay decisions on them, which obviously makes you a very nasty and evil person.
Divine Entervention
#200 - 2014-03-14 01:59:06 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Divine Entervention wrote:
The mugger might not mean it personally, but that's because he's deficient in moral character and takes actions against people without regard of their personal situation solely for his own benefit.
No, it's because it's not personal. You, as a person, had nothing to do with it, nor was morality a factor in going after you rather than someone else.

Sure, you will probably develop a trauma centered on the question “why me?”, but that's just it: the healing process will entail the realisation that it's not a relevant question because it was never personal — that it was just an irrational projection of your emotions onto his motives and motivations.

So since I have the same right to play the game in a manner where all I want to do all day is mine in high security, then since it's how I want to play EVE since it's a valid way to play the game, that people who wish to enforce their way to play upon me by attacking and blowing me up are wrong.
No, they're not. You are wrong in thinking that you have any “right” to play the game the way you like without intervention from others. Just like everyone else, you have to enforce your way on others to get what you want, and they have to do the same to you to get what they want.

It's simply how a multiplayer sandbox works.

O wait! Except for you it only applies to how you want to play and not how others do.
No, it applies equally to everyone.

You are justifying robbing someone of their personal belongings to further an internet argument. You're proclaiming that there is no morality surrounding stealing.

I'm not stating that people who scam/gank/bump in EvE shouldn't be allowed to do so. In fact I enjoy it being a possibility. But I am allowed within the confines of human interaction to label such people who do so as those who engage in actions designed towards benefiting themselves at another's expense without concern for their desired way to play the game.

Considering that we all have the right to play the game how we wish, those who enact their right to impede my desired play style are liable to be thought of as people who perform actions solely for their own benefit at the expense of others regardless of their desired way to play the game.