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Ganking is PVP

First post
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#121 - 2014-03-13 13:55:08 UTC
This thread started badly, then descended into hashtags. I guess drummers can happen even in the best families.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#122 - 2014-03-13 14:18:54 UTC
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:

The problem with you guys isn't that you gank miners, or incursioners, or bling mission battleships, or freighters, or whatever prey floats your boat. It's that you think you're upholding some standards of gameplay. This is a sandbox. As soon as you complained that they were "playing the game wrong", you rendered your opinion irrelevant. The same goes for all this CODE nonsense; if people get a kick out of enforcing their "code" and splurging about it on the forms (even those that can't find the "undock" button), fine and dandy. The stupidity comes when they start talking about AFKing and botting. Botting is bannable; report it. If you don't and gank instead, you are just ganking; the other person botting is irrelevant. Same with AFKing; if people play AFK, that's their business. You have neither the power, ability, or right to enforce any (nonexistant) rule about AFKing; the only thing you have the right to do is gank tht target. Their presence or absence at the keyboard is irrelevant. IF people wanted to actually FIX AFKing they would advocate for a more interesting mining experience, but then, what would the CODEies do for forum attention?

If you want to add me to your silly list, go right ahead. Our headquarters is in Sendaya. If you find me, you just go for it; my ratting ships are all PVP fit. Bring some friends if you like; we love good fights and we'll be happy to scramble Pocket Rockets.

Hai Kiryen,

I would actually refer you to a licensed representative from CODE to respond to your complaints, as my department only handles heretical violations to HTFU from nerf-hisec, anti-pvp and woe-is-me-petition-bears.

In short, a carebear's activities are not my concern, until that fall from grace whereupon they renounce HTFU and rail against non-consensual mechanics, in a manner that attempts to promote further nerfing of the holy landscape of EvE.


Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#123 - 2014-03-13 16:04:07 UTC
So, I just thought of a good one.

If someone is trying to say that ganking doesn't count as PvP, then they're basically admitting that miners count as NPCs...

Because they're mostly bots anyway. *Bah-dum-ting*

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Sarah Flynt
Red Cross Mercenaries
Silent Infinity
#124 - 2014-03-13 18:38:45 UTC
Capt Starfox wrote:
Sarah xCalibre wrote:

Couldnt help laugh about this, "It needs a lot of preparation and knowledge about game mechanics", if you think that you are clueless. Move alt, find a miner, jump into your small ganking destroyer, warp gate to gate, warp to your alt, target press F1, how is this a lot of preparation and knowledge of game mechanics? Cause really thats all it takes. Dont come here thinking you are some leet pvper cause you can gank a few miners cause its really really easy to do and anyone can do it.

Sarah Flynt wrote:
Sarah xCalibre wrote:
Move alt, find a miner, jump into your small ganking destroyer, warp gate to gate, warp to your alt, target press F1, how is this a lot of preparation and knowledge of game mechanics?

There are also people who are unable to hammer a nail into a wall. I hope this answers your question.

We should be glad hat these people found an activity that matches their abilities.

Oh you guys! Ganking can go either/or. There are times when ganking is stupid easy; an AFK miner, an AFK mission runner, ect. [...]

And that is exactly, what I was talking about. Sarah xCalibre talked about miners, the post she was referring to comes from someone who exclusively ganks miners (and you know that as he's one of your own), even the OP solely mentions miners, so I really don't know what there is to misunderstand.

I'm very well aware of the fact that certain types of ganks require much more preparation but that's not what this thread is about, or may I say, was about, as it's very clear by now, that the OP is only desperatly seeking for attention.

If there is anything left that you want to discuss seriously, chat me up in game, as I won't see your answer here. I've unblocked you for the time being.


Sick of High-Sec gankers? Join the public channel Anti-ganking and the dedicated intel channel Gank-Intel !

State War Academy
Caldari State
#125 - 2014-03-13 18:49:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Xolve
loyalanon wrote:
Jealousy isn't an attractive quality friend.

But I do find it hard to stay humble being a true high sec champion and all. I could see why people would hate on a champion who has embraced the code and accepted James 315 as his savior and is happy.

James315 is a pubbie that writes long winded articles nobody reads.

Ganking miners, again, is what it is, calling yourself a champion is a laughable prospect but, whatever makes you feel important.

The 'CODE' is roleplaying faggotry at it's core.

True Pirates don't live in Highsec.

Kristopher Rocancourt
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#126 - 2014-03-13 18:53:09 UTC
Kazumi Amaterasu wrote:
Ganking is PVP - but what you did, killing that miner, is a form of PVP called griefing, which is a bannable offence. Unfortunately CCP chooses not to enforce their own rules in this regard. You had nothing to gain from destroying that miners ship except for the pleasure of causing him headache and lost time, which is griefing.

you could not be further from the truth.
Nice beartears tho.

Kristopher Rocancourt
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#127 - 2014-03-13 18:58:32 UTC
Xolve wrote:
loyalanon wrote:
Jealousy isn't an attractive quality friend.

But I do find it hard to stay humble being a true high sec champion and all. I could see why people would hate on a champion who has embraced the code and accepted James 315 as his savior and is happy.

James315 is a pubbie that writes long winded articles nobody reads.

Ganking miners, again, is what it is, calling yourself a champion is a laughable prospect but, whatever makes you feel important.

The 'CODE' is roleplaying faggotry at it's core.

True Pirates don't live in Highsec.


Highly ironic this guy is calling 'faggotry' on someone.

Bing Bangboom
DAMAG Safety Commission
#128 - 2014-03-13 19:12:53 UTC
Having loyalanon and his rather numerous friends show up in Kino is always a treat for both myself and the Code compliant miners. Seeing a loud, foul mouthed rebel miner suddenly surrounded by red flashing ships and reduced to gas and podded 16 jumps away always raises moral (and silences dissent).

In any case, I'm pretty sure nobody is actually claiming that they are paragons of Eve PvP because they've destroyed dozen, hundreds or even thousands of miners. My opinion is that ganking IS PvP by definition. But elite PvP?

No. Elite PvP is controlling the activities of thousands of highsec miners who have bought permits or mine in Procurers despite that being the definition of surrendering to the reality of the New Order as the rightful authority of Highsec or the, now literally, thousands of complaints, insults, petitions, illogical rationalizations and down right real world threats that our activities have generated.

How many miners who formerly believed they could safely AFK mine in highsec now know different? How many ships have been tanked because the last one they had had been confiscated by New Order Knights? How many players who formerly thought they HAD to mine in highsec to start their Eve careers said, "Screw this!", strapped on guns instead of mining lasers and went out and shot somebody in the face.... all because a New Order ganker showed them there was a better way to play?

Some of the posters here have hit the truth very close, although they didn't mean to. The point of ganking isn't to destroy a mining ship, say "Yay, look at me!" and point to a nice kill board. No, the point, which is what the carebears HATE most about it, IS the meta. The "We control you", "No, you don't", BLAP! "Yes, we do...." If being ganked was what bothered people (and to tell the truth, it is what some people just want to avoid, hence the "tank your ships" comments) then we wouldn't see all the complaints about whether the Code was legitimate, whether we had "the right" to do what we do and oh, God! NOT THE ROLEPLAYING!

We sell hundreds of permits a month. We destroy thousands of ships. We make players change what they want to do, sometimes to what we tell them to do, sometimes to protect themselves while they fool themselves into thinking they are still in control of their game play. The angriest are the one who actually DO understand what we are doing. Because they know that despite all that has been said and done about it, we still enforce the Code every day.

I'm always very glad to hear that a particular miner who claims to have never been ganked or bumped by us is still very aware of our existence and what we require of them. Its one thing for someone who has personally been compelled by our Agents to go read . Its a demonstration of our real influence when those who haven't show they care about who we are and what we do.

Don't worry. Your turn will come.

Highsec is worth fighting for.

Bing Bangboom
Agent of the New Order of Highsec
Belligerent Undesirable

Highsec is worth fighting for.

By choosing to mine in New Order systems, highsec miners have agreed to follow the New Halaima Code of Conduct.

The Conference Elite
#129 - 2014-03-13 19:14:36 UTC
Xolve wrote:
loyalanon wrote:
Jealousy isn't an attractive quality friend.

But I do find it hard to stay humble being a true high sec champion and all. I could see why people would hate on a champion who has embraced the code and accepted James 315 as his savior and is happy.

James315 is a pubbie that writes long winded articles nobody reads.

Ganking miners, again, is what it is, calling yourself a champion is a laughable prospect but, whatever makes you feel important.

The 'CODE' is roleplaying faggotry at it's core.

True Pirates don't live in Highsec.


Trying to tell someone that role playing in a role playing game is faggotry.

Considering I have a better killboard then you, I can say I am the better pirate.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#130 - 2014-03-13 19:15:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Xolve
Kristopher Rocancourt wrote:
Highly ironic this guy is calling 'faggotry' on someone.

I cannot be brought down by someone who literally has their personal kb link in their signature... Lol

loyalanon wrote:

Trying to tell someone that role playing in a role playing game is faggotry.

Considering I have a better killboard then you, I can say I am the better pirate.


Nothing that happens in Highsec matters.

Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#131 - 2014-03-13 19:29:20 UTC
loyalanon wrote:
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:

Try some reading comprehension next time. iI have never said theres anything wrong with ganking. Its solely the self-aggrandizing meta I criticize. As for getting upset, if you dont like my responses, don't post.

If you haven't noticed I've been responding all night. It must get upsetting that if you were a champion like me you wouldn't be crying it up on the forums

Obviously you've been responding. None of it with an indication that you read or understood what you responded to.

I have no reason to be upset because I am #winning while everyone is #admiringmaskillzyo


Pretty much no one outside your little community admires your playstyle. I'll take my lowsec/nullsec Deimos and Proteus LOSSES over 1200 mining barge kills any day

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

Kristopher Rocancourt
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#132 - 2014-03-13 19:29:44 UTC
Xolve wrote:

I cannot be brought down by someone who literally has their personal kb link in their signature... Lol


you just GOT brought down

State War Academy
Caldari State
#133 - 2014-03-13 19:35:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Xolve
Kristopher Rocancourt wrote:
you just GOT brought down


Flying higher than Jesus with a personal detachment of waffles as my disciples.

Come get blown son.

Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#134 - 2014-03-13 19:38:57 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
Going to start a crusade against multiple accounts, too? Good luck with that. Your video game elitism is ridiculous.

Oh, God no, I'm not a hypocrite, you see. I have like 5 accounts.

And as for your "come fight us!" thing, I was in Sendaya just the other day, doing the Angel Arc in a (completely shitfit) Malediction. When I did actually see you guys, none of you even yellowboxed me. Fucks sake I saw someone with a T1 Hauler out there.

So don't act like you guys always bring the pain, you try to fight when you're ready to do so, just like everyone else.

The Angel epic arc involves going to Sendaya for like 30 seconds to one of the starter agents.. and seriously, a malediction? Our newbies have been told over and over not to chase interceptors because they're always off-grid boosted and just try to separate their atrons and such from the pack and pick them off while doing 7000+ m/s. You see, we don't all have off-grid boosters, and many of the newbies have, at most, a few million skill points and can't even T2 fit their frigates. They know better than to even try interceptors becuase they simply can't catch up, and if they do, they can't stay close enough to hold point or get a web.

If you actually ENGAGE one of them, that's when the swarms of angry newbies arrive, but obviously you didn't do that. No worries; just passing through. If you actually WANTED a fight, you'd have gotten one. Hell, we formed 68 people to fend off a 15 man BL fleet the other day while we had a major op out in null. We got our asses handed to us since we were kitchen sink and had a 'volunteer' FC, but we still had fun and we definitely fought. I could have done without the Hyperion loss.. but that's what it was for, so I don't feel too bad. Yes, we blob. It works, especially when so many of your pilots basically just have no idea what they're doing.

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#135 - 2014-03-13 19:40:45 UTC
Danalee wrote:
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
self-aggrandizing meta

Hilarious... It's hardly self inflicted when you and your nullbear ilk spoon feed it to them.




I've been telling them they're ridiculous this entire time, and live in low-sec, not null sec, so what you could possibly be talking about is a mystery to everyone but you. It seems to be the habit in here to imagine what someone said, and respond to that.

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

The Conference Elite
#136 - 2014-03-13 19:53:53 UTC
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:

The Angel epic arc involves going to Sendaya for like 30 seconds to one of the starter agents.. and seriously, a malediction? Our newbies have been told over and over not to chase interceptors because they're always off-grid boosted and just try to separate their atrons and such from the pack and pick them off while doing 7000+ m/s. You see, we don't all have off-grid boosters, and many of the newbies have, at most, a few million skill points and can't even T2 fit their frigates. They know better than to even try interceptors becuase they simply can't catch up, and if they do, they can't stay close enough to hold point or get a web.

If you actually ENGAGE one of them, that's when the swarms of angry newbies arrive, but obviously you didn't do that. No worries; just passing through. If you actually WANTED a fight, you'd have gotten one. Hell, we formed 68 people to fend off a 15 man BL fleet the other day while we had a major op out in null. We got our asses handed to us since we were kitchen sink and had a 'volunteer' FC, but we still had fun and we definitely fought. I could have done without the Hyperion loss.. but that's what it was for, so I don't feel too bad. Yes, we blob. It works, especially when so many of your pilots basically just have no idea what they're doing.

What does this have to do to with the fact that high security space ganking is pvp?

We have no interest in you or the BRAVE collective. Even brave collective guys jump in on our fleets for some pvp.


and @sarahflynt

last time you came across one of our fleets you stopped a grand total of 0 out of the 6 freighters we ganked, however we embraced the challenge 2 fail fit falcons provided and adjusted accordingly and still came out #winning
The Conference Elite
#137 - 2014-03-13 19:56:42 UTC
Xolve wrote:

Nothing that happens in Highsec matters.


this made me laugh out loud.

Ive said it before and will say it again. Jealousy is not an attractive quality friend.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#138 - 2014-03-13 20:21:06 UTC
loyalanon wrote:
Ive said it before and will say it again. Jealousy is not an attractive quality friend.

Why would I ever be jealous of someone I didn't know existed until a few hours ago, and probably won't remember tomorrow?

One day you might be known, but today isn't that day.
Alyth Nerun
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#139 - 2014-03-13 20:50:40 UTC
Xolve wrote:

Nothing that happens in Highsec matters.


Highsec is the most populated area in the game. It's where the industry is. It's where the market is and trillions of ISK are moved around day after day. I am sure something happens in a place like this that matters.

Are you sure it does not matter who controls this place? Or do you think it can't be controlled and that capsuleers are only supposed to project power out there in nullsec where CCP created some game mechanic for it? Do you think the "endgame" is out there in some XYZ system and not in Jita because everyone tells you it has to be this way?

If you look at recent EVE trailers from CCP, they always have some kind of element about how the capsuleers influence in empire space is rising. So even CCP seams to acknowledge that we are taking over. I wait for the trailer where the CONCORD guy gets knocked down and James 315 takes over the mic.
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#140 - 2014-03-13 20:53:24 UTC
Xolve wrote:

True Pirates don't live in Highsec.

Sure they do, they just dress better and have more panache'.