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Dual sovereignty for Luminaire solar system Gallente/Caldari

Aohi Noh
#101 - 2014-03-12 19:57:04 UTC

Revered Kim Genocide-Taisho!


Honored Matriarch informs me that you require tea!

Please accept humble presentation of tea cup along with necessary steamed water dispenser and vibrating cruiser model beside spring cherry blossom arrangement on black lacquer tray!



The Scope
Gallente Federation
#102 - 2014-03-12 20:14:12 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:

They were more like exploiting, not exploring. They tried to exploit us as well, didn't succeed. Unfortunately, they did succeed in exploiting other nations. But the day will come, when the Federation will fall apart, gallenteans will be either exterminated or quaranteed, and those federation members, who are opressed by Federation, will finally be able to live as Humans, and not livestock as gallentean electorate.

Your opinions on the matter are irrelevant to the topic I addressed. We developed the system of Luminaire very early on. It is as Gallente as Gallente Prime.

Diana Kim wrote:
Oh, about "indisputable"... hah, operating such words. But you know what, I will easily dispute this one: I DON'T BELIEVE IT.
Easy like that. No, really...
Maybe after I will see how those gallenteans, who attacked CN Shiigeru, well, I mean more like those, who staged it and gave orders, will be judged, and that includes your lovely president and senate, then I will... probably... believe that this happened.
But while you are telling me about some sort of gallentean trials of the past, current gallentean criminals walk around without being apprehended.
Maybe, if we assume, that these trials indeed happened, gallenteans became way worse than they were back then?
That would be a sign of their degradation.

Again, you've completely ignored my point. You called Gallenteans hypocrites for bombing Caldari Prime, I presented you evidence that shows the Gallente population were not in favor of these heinous attacks and therefore, not hypocrites. The atrocities you condemn an entire population for were committed by a small and virtually extinct political party.

Diana Kim wrote:

]Look, gallentean, I am not stupid.
I am NOT going to give you anything of that.
You said, that I wasn't commander, and I poked you right into your ignorance and provided with enough information, that anyone with a working eye would understand that you were saying straightforward lies. I don't need to provide any other arguments on this, especially containing sensitive data.
Oh, and now peoples can laugh about

If security is a concern of yours then you can contact me privately. I don't see how this information can be used against you, but I simply don't have the intent or the time to do harm to you, nor hire someone else to do it for me. Im not an active combatant in the proxy war and really have no desire to hurt you or the State Protectorate as a whole. All I want is an answer, nothing more, nothing less.

Think about it, wouldn't it prove me wrong? Don't you love seeing Gallenteans get defeated?

You may be a "Strike Commander" by name, but what about by practice? That's all I ask Ms. Kim. No dirty Gallentean tricks. No politics. Just an honest question.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

#103 - 2014-03-12 21:21:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Wendrika
Diana Kim wrote:

1. Open your neocom panel, it should be easily accessible even from your capsule
2. Open "People & Places" menu
3. Search for name "Diana Kim"
4. Show info of pilot "Diana Kim"
5. Open Decorations tab, and then Rank tab.
6. [redacted]
7. Moitte

Wow, you have so many medals! And they are all so shinny!

You must be a great pilot. I'm lucky if I manage to undock my Venture without bumping it on the station.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#104 - 2014-03-12 23:18:52 UTC
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

Your opinions on the matter are irrelevant to the topic I addressed. We developed the system of Luminaire very early on. It is as Gallente as Gallente Prime.

Okay, let me put it straight.
Gallentean kakkus have no right to claim whole system at all as their own for poking other planets, while other civilizations can develop there. This system belongs to Caldari as well.
And if gallentean greedlords assume system is wholly theirs, we should show them otherwise - right, by taking it away from them completely.
Gallenteans have shown already, they can't coexist peacefully with other nations without trying to seize them. It's time to end gallentean reign in occupied systems once and forever.

Fredfredbug4 wrote:

Again, you've completely ignored my point. You called Gallenteans hypocrites for bombing Caldari Prime, I presented you evidence that shows the Gallente population were not in favor of these heinous attacks and therefore, not hypocrites. The atrocities you condemn an entire population for were committed by a small and virtually extinct political party.

And you didn't get my point:
it was, that I don't trust your evidence.

And yes, maybe not all population supports these atrocities, but despite all these trials, gallentes are doing them again and again. Let's just forget far past and look at nearest, that will be more than enough:
1. defacing Caldari relics and provoking racial unrest on Caldari Prime
2. ramming peaceful conference station with nyx
3. attacking our ship on an orbit of our planet to drop in on Caldari peoples.
I get you will never catch those in (1), besides, it was just general gallentean population, that you try to defend.
Responsible for (2) is dead already, since it was a gallentean suicide attack.
But those, who did (3) are still out there, still in their positions, and there are still no trials.

Diana Kim wrote:

If security is a concern of yours then you can contact me privately. I don't see how this information can be used against you, but I simply don't have the intent or the time to do harm to you, nor hire someone else to do it for me. Im not an active combatant in the proxy war and really have no desire to hurt you or the State Protectorate as a whole. All I want is an answer, nothing more, nothing less.

Think about it, wouldn't it prove me wrong? Don't you love seeing Gallenteans get defeated?

You may be a "Strike Commander" by name, but what about by practice? That's all I ask Ms. Kim. No dirty Gallentean tricks. No politics. Just an honest question.

YOU are a gallentean, if I would tell this information to someone privately, it 100% won't be you.
Get used to the fact, that not all your questions will be answered.
And I have already shown you wrong.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Saya Ishikari
Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#105 - 2014-03-13 00:00:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Saya Ishikari
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

You may be a "Strike Commander" by name, but what about by practice? That's all I ask Ms. Kim. No dirty Gallentean tricks. No politics. Just an honest question.

If memory serves, Tuulinen-haan holds the same rank. He's been flying for perhaps a year. Ask yourself how she hasn't moved on to something more with a great deal more invested time, Fred, bearing in mind the repeated attacks on fellow Protectorate members, and you'll have every answer you need in regards to the pilot in question. Militia ranks are, as said by more than one member of the militia, something of an anachronistic joke, and entirely removed from the actual Navy chain of command.

"At the end of it all, we have only what we've left in our wake to be remembered by." -Kyoko Ishikari, YC 95 - YC 117

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2014-03-13 01:44:37 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:

This system belongs to Caldari as well.

It really doesn't. In the same way the Caldari's cultural history is heavily tied to Caldari Prime, Gallentean culture is tied to Luminaire possibly even more so than our own homeworld. The romance of traveling off our planet into Luminaire above is practically what united the Gallente people.

Diana Kim wrote:
And yes, maybe not all population supports these atrocities, but despite all these trials, gallentes are doing them again and again. Let's just forget far past and look at nearest, that will be more than enough:
1. defacing Caldari relics and provoking racial unrest on Caldari Prime
2. ramming peaceful conference station with nyx
3. attacking our ship on an orbit of our planet to drop in on Caldari peoples.
I get you will never catch those in (1), besides, it was just general gallentean population, that you try to defend.
Responsible for (2) is dead already, since it was a gallentean suicide attack.
But those, who did (3) are still out there, still in their positions, and there are still no trials.

1. Relics were defaced by those displeased with the Provist occupation. While the vandalism and rioting is something I do not condone you cannot deny that the Provist forcibly relocated Gallenteans living on the planet, shot peaceful protesters, and imposed martial law.
2. That was one deranged man. A man who was stripped of all honors for an act that was murderous to the Caldari and treacherous for the Gallente. People seem to overlook this, but Gallenteans died on that day too. Admiral Noir has been completely disgraced.
3. The goal was not to drop the Shiigeru on Caldari people (we have people down there that we don't want a giant ship falling on either, you know). The goal was to remove a significant military threat in our territory. You and I both know that any nation would of done the same. If the intent was to butcher Caldari citizens, then it would be very obvious to both of us.

Diana Kim wrote:

YOU are a gallentean, if I would tell this information to someone privately, it 100% won't be you.
Get used to the fact, that not all your questions will be answered.
And I have already shown you wrong.

I'll take that as a "no, I don't command anything" then.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#107 - 2014-03-13 01:46:46 UTC
Saya Ishikari wrote:
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

You may be a "Strike Commander" by name, but what about by practice? That's all I ask Ms. Kim. No dirty Gallentean tricks. No politics. Just an honest question.

If memory serves, Tuulinen-haan holds the same rank. He's been flying for perhaps a year. Ask yourself how she hasn't moved on to something more with a great deal more invested time, Fred, bearing in mind the repeated attacks on fellow Protectorate members, and you'll have every answer you need in regards to the pilot in question. Militia ranks are, as said by more than one member of the militia, something of an anachronistic joke, and entirely removed from the actual Navy chain of command.

I wholeheartedly agree Ms.Ishikari. Though when I'm bored, poking holes into Diana's ramblings can be amusing. She believes she actually has control over people. If she wasn't so nasty I would let her live in her fantasy world, but alas, better mess with it a bit.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Saya Ishikari
Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#108 - 2014-03-13 01:57:22 UTC
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
Saya Ishikari wrote:
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

You may be a "Strike Commander" by name, but what about by practice? That's all I ask Ms. Kim. No dirty Gallentean tricks. No politics. Just an honest question.

If memory serves, Tuulinen-haan holds the same rank. He's been flying for perhaps a year. Ask yourself how she hasn't moved on to something more with a great deal more invested time, Fred, bearing in mind the repeated attacks on fellow Protectorate members, and you'll have every answer you need in regards to the pilot in question. Militia ranks are, as said by more than one member of the militia, something of an anachronistic joke, and entirely removed from the actual Navy chain of command.

I wholeheartedly agree Ms.Ishikari. Though when I'm bored, poking holes into Diana's ramblings can be amusing. She believes she actually has control over people. If she wasn't so nasty I would let her live in her fantasy world, but alas, better mess with it a bit.

I'm an engineer by nature, Fred. What can't be fixed, I feel should be recycled into something useful. That which can't be recycled, should be disposed of properly. Fortunately, Delusions Inc. is still useful in her own right, but still pedantic and boring in her repetitive ranting (most of the reason I've removed her feed from my selection, again). From that standpoint, that particular machine is best left to work on its own, after sufficient sound insulation has been installed, until it breaks for good. If I want to hear nonsense, I can look up more interesting noises from a variety of sources, and find conversations of comparative substance quite easily, so rattling a cage lacks any appeal to me.

"At the end of it all, we have only what we've left in our wake to be remembered by." -Kyoko Ishikari, YC 95 - YC 117

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2014-03-13 02:39:40 UTC
Saya Ishikari wrote:
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
Saya Ishikari wrote:
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

You may be a "Strike Commander" by name, but what about by practice? That's all I ask Ms. Kim. No dirty Gallentean tricks. No politics. Just an honest question.

If memory serves, Tuulinen-haan holds the same rank. He's been flying for perhaps a year. Ask yourself how she hasn't moved on to something more with a great deal more invested time, Fred, bearing in mind the repeated attacks on fellow Protectorate members, and you'll have every answer you need in regards to the pilot in question. Militia ranks are, as said by more than one member of the militia, something of an anachronistic joke, and entirely removed from the actual Navy chain of command.

I wholeheartedly agree Ms.Ishikari. Though when I'm bored, poking holes into Diana's ramblings can be amusing. She believes she actually has control over people. If she wasn't so nasty I would let her live in her fantasy world, but alas, better mess with it a bit.

I'm an engineer by nature, Fred. What can't be fixed, I feel should be recycled into something useful. That which can't be recycled, should be disposed of properly. Fortunately, Delusions Inc. is still useful in her own right, but still pedantic and boring in her repetitive ranting (most of the reason I've removed her feed from my selection, again). From that standpoint, that particular machine is best left to work on its own, after sufficient sound insulation has been installed, until it breaks for good. If I want to hear nonsense, I can look up more interesting noises from a variety of sources, and find conversations of comparative substance quite easily, so rattling a cage lacks any appeal to me.

Engineering is great, but have you ever considered taking up writing part time? I must say that's probably the most poetic way someone has described the Kim dilemma.

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Saya Ishikari
Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#110 - 2014-03-13 02:49:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Saya Ishikari
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

Engineering is great, but have you ever considered taking up writing part time? I must say that's probably the most poetic way someone has described the Kim dilemma.

Not really. The vast majority of my thoughts fall under what those who know me consider to be "sense". If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the average capsuleer is more interested in drama, than sense. Though I suppose the drabble I put here in the IGS might qualify in some minor way.

"At the end of it all, we have only what we've left in our wake to be remembered by." -Kyoko Ishikari, YC 95 - YC 117

Horn Brothers Holdings Inc.
#111 - 2014-03-13 03:43:25 UTC
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

Your opinions on the matter are irrelevant to the topic I addressed. We developed the system of Luminaire very early on. It is as Gallente as Gallente Prime.

I dont think its as simple as that. I think one day the sovereignty of Luminaire may come to play apart in the bigger picture. The reason why Luminaire is special is that both our homeworlds are in the same system.

Whats important to the Caldari, automony and security of our homeworld. When you talk about security of the planet, you have to talk about the solar system.

At the moment we have shared automony on the planet, they're hired mercenaries Mordus Legion keeping the peace on the ground, between the Gallente and Caldari citizens. Its kinda stable at the moment, but its like sitting on a box of fireworks, something could go boom.

We have half automony, no real security, two sets of people who might start killing each other if the peace keepers left. Two goverments that mistrust each other. So i agree that it is very unlikely that the current Federation goverment are going agree to share sovereignty. Will it play apart in the future i think it might. If the Gallente and Caldari were ever to sit down and talk seriously about the security of the homeworld, the solar system would have to come up.
Erys Charantes
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#112 - 2014-03-13 04:09:05 UTC
No, I actually could see this working, with the following provisions...

Any CAPSULEER, which is all that this is really about, in the end, must have sufficient standings with both empires to enter 1.0 sovereign space belonging to both the State and Federation.

Both empires are obliged to defend the sovereignty of the entire system, not just their own planet, with sufficient military forces deployed to ensure security proactively (meaning that threats that are determined to be bound for Luminaire are to be engaged beforehand), with sufficient CONCORD monitoring to prevent any military adventurism with immediate effect (this goes for both sides).

Citizens of both powers (baseline) may move freely throughout the system, but are subject to the laws of the INDIVIDUAL empire in question, when on the planets or stations themselves. No protections or considerations are given to those who willfully violate these laws while on sovereign holdings, and trials are to be held by the governing body. The records of the crime, trial, and punishment are available to the other party at all times, however, for the sake of clarity and review.

At no time will known supporters of extremist organizations be allowed safe passage, support, or harborage, with any and all suspected incidents to be disclosed to the other party IMMEDIATELY, and dealt with accordingly by the respective and prudent use of available assets (Federal police on Gallente Prime, State forces on Caldari Prime, et cetera) with attached observation from the other party to ensure compliance. The organizations in question include all known pirate, terrorist, and cult groups, with enforcement and monitoring an unnegotiably mutual responsibility. Any effort to support such groups or their operations within Luminaire results in immediate nullification of the treaty, the body of which being submitted to CONCORD for review. No excuses, no tolerance. It's plain as day.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#113 - 2014-03-13 06:27:07 UTC
Saya Ishikari wrote:
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

You may be a "Strike Commander" by name, but what about by practice? That's all I ask Ms. Kim. No dirty Gallentean tricks. No politics. Just an honest question.

If memory serves, Tuulinen-haan holds the same rank. He's been flying for perhaps a year. Ask yourself how she hasn't moved on to something more with a great deal more invested time, Fred, bearing in mind the repeated attacks on fellow Protectorate members, and you'll have every answer you need in regards to the pilot in question. Militia ranks are, as said by more than one member of the militia, something of an anachronistic joke, and entirely removed from the actual Navy chain of command.

I see this traitor Saya runs out of insults and simply spits some lies.
Anyone with a couple of hands and working brain inside skull can easily check both Tuulinen-haan profiles and mine, to find out that
Ishikari-hnolku is lying.
Please take into account time of this message though, as for current date and time I outrank Tuulinen-haan.
And please take a note to not trust any of Saya's word when she speaks about anything Caldari.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Bryen Verrisai
Gallente Federation
#114 - 2014-03-13 06:42:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Bryen Verrisai
Erys Charantes wrote:

Both empires are obliged to defend the sovereignty of the entire system, not just their own planet,

While I can certainly appreciate the sentiment behind this suggestion, I think the most reasonable response to the notion of sharing the entire system was mentioned earlier in the thread: if the State should ever be so interested in having a say in the operation and defense of Federation territories, they are free to try and rejoin the Federation.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#115 - 2014-03-13 06:51:40 UTC
Fredfredbug4 wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:

This system belongs to Caldari as well.

It really doesn't. In the same way the Caldari's cultural history is heavily tied to Caldari Prime, Gallentean culture is tied to Luminaire possibly even more so than our own homeworld. The romance of traveling off our planet into Luminaire above is practically what united the Gallente people.

Fine example of Gallentean hypocrisy.
Here they forgot that we developed the system together.
And they simply tend to forget about our presence at all, taking everything they can because they feel that stupid "romance".
Gallentean greedlords simply can't admit that system with our ancestral home belongs to us as well.
Since they are unable to share it, they must be purged out of it with fire.

Fredfredbug4 wrote:

Diana Kim wrote:
And yes, maybe not all population supports these atrocities, but despite all these trials, gallentes are doing them again and again. Let's just forget far past and look at nearest, that will be more than enough:
1. defacing Caldari relics and provoking racial unrest on Caldari Prime
2. ramming peaceful conference station with nyx
3. attacking our ship on an orbit of our planet to drop in on Caldari peoples.
I get you will never catch those in (1), besides, it was just general gallentean population, that you try to defend.
Responsible for (2) is dead already, since it was a gallentean suicide attack.
But those, who did (3) are still out there, still in their positions, and there are still no trials.

1. Relics were defaced by those displeased with the Provist occupation. While the vandalism and rioting is something I do not condone you cannot deny that the Provist forcibly relocated Gallenteans living on the planet, shot peaceful protesters, and imposed martial law.
2. That was one deranged man. A man who was stripped of all honors for an act that was murderous to the Caldari and treacherous for the Gallente. People seem to overlook this, but Gallenteans died on that day too. Admiral Noir has been completely disgraced.
3. The goal was not to drop the Shiigeru on Caldari people (we have people down there that we don't want a giant ship falling on either, you know). The goal was to remove a significant military threat in our territory. You and I both know that any nation would of done the same. If the intent was to butcher Caldari citizens, then it would be very obvious to both of us.

Thanks for another portion of gallentean ignorance. Anyone saturated with it yet? Maybe we should just continue killing them instead of talking or give another chance?... okay, lets see
1. This happened before the war started, and, actually, gallentean unrest and attack on Caldari citizens made us to get home back.
Besides, about what happened next... naming it "Provist occupation" is one of the most ignorant phrases I heard. Real occupants on Caldari Prime were Gallentes, and Provists, may their names will always be honored, removed gallentean opressors away from our home.

2. He was that gallentean, who was 'looking for peace', just to strike Caldari where it hurts, simply for killing innocents and preventing peace between our peoples, at expense of his own life and his loyal crewmembers, who, being military personnel, were supposed to die anyway.

3. And again, you show utter ignorance. Just prior to attack on CN Shiigeru, gallenteans launched armed invasion on our planet, that lured the Leviathan on lower orbit to support our ground forces. It was well staged operation with only intent of killing Caldari peoples.

Fredfredbug4 wrote:

I'll take that as a "no, I don't command anything" then.

It is really better when you will think so, gallentean.
And you may even act as a clown again, if you say that I m not a "commander".

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#116 - 2014-03-13 06:54:35 UTC
Saya Ishikari wrote:
Fredfredbug4 wrote:

Engineering is great, but have you ever considered taking up writing part time? I must say that's probably the most poetic way someone has described the Kim dilemma.

Not really. The vast majority of my thoughts fall under what those who know me consider to be "sense". If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the average capsuleer is more interested in drama, than sense. Though I suppose the drabble I put here in the IGS might qualify in some minor way.

Your "sense" are only rants and insults, traitor.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Jace Sarice
#117 - 2014-03-13 07:04:46 UTC
Erys Charantes wrote:
No, I actually could see this working, with the following provisions...

Any CAPSULEER, which is all that this is really about, in the end, must have sufficient standings with both empires to enter 1.0 sovereign space belonging to both the State and Federation.

Both empires are obliged to defend the sovereignty of the entire system, not just their own planet, with sufficient military forces deployed to ensure security proactively (meaning that threats that are determined to be bound for Luminaire are to be engaged beforehand), with sufficient CONCORD monitoring to prevent any military adventurism with immediate effect (this goes for both sides).

Citizens of both powers (baseline) may move freely throughout the system, but are subject to the laws of the INDIVIDUAL empire in question, when on the planets or stations themselves. No protections or considerations are given to those who willfully violate these laws while on sovereign holdings, and trials are to be held by the governing body. The records of the crime, trial, and punishment are available to the other party at all times, however, for the sake of clarity and review.

At no time will known supporters of extremist organizations be allowed safe passage, support, or harborage, with any and all suspected incidents to be disclosed to the other party IMMEDIATELY, and dealt with accordingly by the respective and prudent use of available assets (Federal police on Gallente Prime, State forces on Caldari Prime, et cetera) with attached observation from the other party to ensure compliance. The organizations in question include all known pirate, terrorist, and cult groups, with enforcement and monitoring an unnegotiably mutual responsibility. Any effort to support such groups or their operations within Luminaire results in immediate nullification of the treaty, the body of which being submitted to CONCORD for review. No excuses, no tolerance. It's plain as day.

Besides the sheer improbability of that kind of arrangement, it leaves the door open for a wide variety of international incidents and blaming of issues on the other party. It isn't literally impossible, but unlikely and would be very complicated.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#118 - 2014-03-13 07:16:36 UTC
Erys Charantes wrote:
No, I actually could see this working, with the following provisions...

Any CAPSULEER, which is all that this is really about, in the end, must have sufficient standings with both empires to enter 1.0 sovereign space belonging to both the State and Federation.

Well, Ms. Charantes, that's oversight of Caldari merits. Not a single loyal Caldari citizen would agree to stain hands with disgrace by working on Federation.
Sufficient standings must be to only one, either the State or the Federation, not both. But Federation enforces requirement only to Federal standings, that Caldari wouldn't gain, unless covering their names and ancestors in shame.

Erys Charantes wrote:

Both empires are obliged to defend the sovereignty of the entire system, not just their own planet, with sufficient military forces deployed to ensure security proactively (meaning that threats that are determined to be bound for Luminaire are to be engaged beforehand), with sufficient CONCORD monitoring to prevent any military adventurism with immediate effect (this goes for both sides).

It is obvious gallenteans can't do this. They have attacked our planet, attacked our ship in orbit on our planet.
Gallenteans shouldn't be trusted with this.

Erys Charantes wrote:

Citizens of both powers (baseline) may move freely throughout the system, but are subject to the laws of the INDIVIDUAL empire in question, when on the planets or stations themselves. No protections or considerations are given to those who willfully violate these laws while on sovereign holdings, and trials are to be held by the governing body. The records of the crime, trial, and punishment are available to the other party at all times, however, for the sake of clarity and review.

Ms. Charantes, don't you think, that gallentean laws should stay only in territories, directly controlled by gallenteans themselves?
You see, we don't need any of gallentean filth on our worlds. Including gallentean laws.

Erys Charantes wrote:

At no time will known supporters of extremist organizations be allowed safe passage, support, or harborage, with any and all suspected incidents to be disclosed to the other party IMMEDIATELY, and dealt with accordingly by the respective and prudent use of available assets (Federal police on Gallente Prime, State forces on Caldari Prime, et cetera) with attached observation from the other party to ensure compliance. The organizations in question include all known pirate, terrorist, and cult groups, with enforcement and monitoring an unnegotiably mutual responsibility. Any effort to support such groups or their operations within Luminaire results in immediate nullification of the treaty, the body of which being submitted to CONCORD for review.

For this to work, first thing to do must be for everyone to admit organizations like Templis Dragonaurs are just Caldari guerilla fighters and patriots, and not 'extremists' or 'terrorists'. While gallenteans and their bootlickers in the State will be using such labels against them, peaceful conversation about it is simply impossible.

Erys Charantes wrote:

No excuses, no tolerance. It's plain as day.

As for no excuses and no tolerance, first, gallentean occupants must be removed from our homeworld completely, and second, those gallenteans, who staged attack on CN Shiigeru, should be put under Caldari military trial.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Erys Charantes
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2014-03-13 07:16:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Erys Charantes
Jace Sarice wrote:
Erys Charantes wrote:
No, I actually could see this working, with the following provisions...

Any CAPSULEER, which is all that this is really about, in the end, must have sufficient standings with both empires to enter 1.0 sovereign space belonging to both the State and Federation.

Both empires are obliged to defend the sovereignty of the entire system, not just their own planet, with sufficient military forces deployed to ensure security proactively (meaning that threats that are determined to be bound for Luminaire are to be engaged beforehand), with sufficient CONCORD monitoring to prevent any military adventurism with immediate effect (this goes for both sides).

Citizens of both powers (baseline) may move freely throughout the system, but are subject to the laws of the INDIVIDUAL empire in question, when on the planets or stations themselves. No protections or considerations are given to those who willfully violate these laws while on sovereign holdings, and trials are to be held by the governing body. The records of the crime, trial, and punishment are available to the other party at all times, however, for the sake of clarity and review.

At no time will known supporters of extremist organizations be allowed safe passage, support, or harborage, with any and all suspected incidents to be disclosed to the other party IMMEDIATELY, and dealt with accordingly by the respective and prudent use of available assets (Federal police on Gallente Prime, State forces on Caldari Prime, et cetera) with attached observation from the other party to ensure compliance. The organizations in question include all known pirate, terrorist, and cult groups, with enforcement and monitoring an unnegotiably mutual responsibility. Any effort to support such groups or their operations within Luminaire results in immediate nullification of the treaty, the body of which being submitted to CONCORD for review. No excuses, no tolerance. It's plain as day.

Besides the sheer improbability of that kind of arrangement, it leaves the door open for a wide variety of international incidents and blaming of issues on the other party. It isn't literally impossible, but unlikely and would be very complicated.

At no point did I claim it would be easy, without massive headaches, or a great deal of need for both sides to step up and take ownership for their responsibilities. Complicated is a mild term, really. The first time either side lets hubris or ego get in the way, it would become a nightmare. I personally don't think anyone here could ever make it work, including myself, given the utter lack of consequence which a capsuleers actions engender.

The real question is, how badly do the parties involve want a lasting peace? And are they prepared to make the necessary compromises to get there? With a few exceptions, the answer seems to be 'no', barring further developments, of course. Mostly, I'm just pointing out that, despite the source, the model isn't impossible, but highly unlikely without a lot of quid pro quo that none of us entitled sorts have any reason to consider.
Jace Sarice
#120 - 2014-03-13 07:36:08 UTC
Erys Charantes wrote:

At no point did I claim it would be easy, without massive headaches, or a great deal of need for both sides to step up and take ownership for their responsibilities. Complicated is a mild term, really. The first time either side lets hubris or ego get in the way, it would become a nightmare. I personally don't think anyone here could ever make it work, including myself, given the utter lack of consequence which a capsuleers actions engender.

The real question is, how badly do the parties involve want a lasting peace? And are they prepared to make the necessary compromises to get there? With a few exceptions, the answer seems to be 'no', barring further developments, of course. Mostly, I'm just pointing out that, despite the source, the model isn't impossible, but highly unlikely without a lot of quid pro quo that none of us entitled sorts have any reason to consider.

The more likely model for relative peace, it seems to me, is becoming accustomed to the status quo. It is entirely possible that the current situation on Caldari Prime becomes the new norm for quite an extended period of time and stops being considered a lack of peace.