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EVE Online: Crucible Feedback thread

First post
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#41 - 2011-11-29 21:21:22 UTC  |  Edited by: okst666
cannot help it.. engine trails look wrong... they are turning with the ship... make a u-turn in a pod and you will see what I mean.

[X] < Nail here for new monitor

Captain Dreadshadow
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2011-11-29 21:23:46 UTC
awesome patch!
Wyke Mossari
Staner Industries
#43 - 2011-11-29 21:25:31 UTC

1) foreground disappears

2) The firefox flex plugin on the home page crashes and prevents Eve clients running. Killing the plug-in-comtainer using the task manager allows Eve to run.
Ducky Love
Royal One Piece Corporation
#44 - 2011-11-29 21:26:43 UTC
I for one am very happy with what iam looking at.

If my fire needed igniting you just lit a blowtorch at my behind.

Dependable Delinquents
#45 - 2011-11-29 21:33:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Jamie77
Today i logged on too Eve after downloading the massive patch was happy too see the new tier 3 Bc also too see that the server was back online around on time not sure was at work so an massive sucess for ccp and i see they kept posting with updates with how it was coming so are an customer of ccp i was happy with the service.
So i logged on too my high sec jita alt mainly too see if the new tier 3 Bc was on sale it was not people was justed getting the BPO and as i'm writing this the first are hitting the market, the game look great all the new stuff seem too be working in the way it was ment to ofc an few bugs have happen but nothing massive. So after see the the 3 Bc was not on sale i logged off and when on my main char and i was reading the shadow of xXDEATHXx allaince chat and seen an few people talking about an nerf too horde so i logged on too my carrier and scan the horde site and the nerf is too the time it takes too run/ salvage the site ( loot all button give me massive lag and old method is faster much) now takes on average 3 time are long too run and salvage an site which creates massive boreddom so far manged too run 2 site since server is up, also with the decrease in isk per an hour one can make mean that people and corp will do what is best for them and the corp so possible with the drone region nerf you see an odd corp jump into high sec too farm the incursion still nice to see them stay the same also something the new 10/10 drone drop for the location is it justed by killing an random drone as the bunker no longer take damage so not sure how the region gets 10/10

Also Region should be different but the scope seem to be unbalanced if CCp would post the extract about the research show for each region makes as per an hour using the same ship type as i would like too know justed how big the gap is
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2011-11-29 21:33:47 UTC
I have discovered one extremely serious issue.

This expansion is too awesome.

My mind is blown and I demand compensation.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

BlackWatch Industrial Group
Memento Moriendo
#47 - 2011-11-29 21:35:44 UTC
All in all, an awesome patch CCP!! All your new shiny gives me wood!

Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone.

Lina Miaoke
The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#48 - 2011-11-29 21:36:27 UTC
I'm practically half blind and playing this game at 1920x1080 on a 40" LCD sitting 2 feet away. The previous font was so tiny that I get headache reading anything in EVE.... No more! It's so easy to read now that I want to lower the UI scale below 90%. Shocked

Font change is something I've been wanting for YEARS... Everything else is a bonus.

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#49 - 2011-11-29 21:39:17 UTC
Completely screwed up PI with the excessive taxes. Way to blow it. Instead of doing it right you half-ass rush it into place based on a calendar.

Used to cost a couple K isk to export a load of P2 items... now? 617K to export 5000 precious metals.

What the hell are you all thinking? Setting the tax rate to 5% on a PCO won't be the same as it was before... just on this one product I'm seeing over 200x the cost.

Wow, you failed this big time and are really screwing the market. There needs to be some serious adjustments to taxes for PI.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Mamy Pepite
Osiris Entreprises
#50 - 2011-11-29 21:45:05 UTC
Are you insane CCP ?

On a gas planet, monday a full launch (500 m3) cost me 4495 credits. Tonight the same launch will cost me 449500 credits !
Taxes have been multiplied by 100. If that's the way you want to drive PI, we are going to have a major crash on POS fuel charges.
Dave Holewka
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#51 - 2011-11-29 21:45:16 UTC
I use a dual monitor setup, and I notice that when I resize my window after changing the location of my locked targets in the UI, the locked targets go back to the original location, which happens to be off-screen of my second monitor. In order to move them, I have to resize the window, and when I do that, the target location changes again... it's an endless cycle. I also notice that after resizing the window, the location information appears on the right side of the screen (F11 hotkey to make it happen otherwise).

I notice this isn't an issue if you simply move the window, but still, it's a bug. I thought I should let ya know.
Liberty Naval Fleet
#52 - 2011-11-29 21:49:09 UTC
Please change the fonts...the game looks so cheap and crappy now. Much harder to read.
Seekers of a Silent Paradise
#53 - 2011-11-29 21:50:09 UTC
Severely disliking the tendency of the Items/ships windows default-opening into the cargo window when it's open instead of staying where they last put.

SASPR Amir al-Mu'minin

Destination SkillQueue
#54 - 2011-11-29 21:55:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Destination SkillQueue
I knew this expansion provided loads of convenience alterations, but I was still amazed how much difference some of the changes actually made in my playing experience. I'm not going to go over all of them and the visual improvements are also certainly amazing, but special mention has to go the the change where once you press a button your ship automaticly moves in space to do it. That one little thing just made so many things much more convenient and allows me to focus on important things, instead of having to micromanage ten little things at the same time to achieve the same result.

Thank you, you all did a great job with this expansion.
Izzy Solette
Intergalactic Gravity Waves
#55 - 2011-11-29 21:57:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Izzy Solette
I am very disappointed in the new nebulae, they make the game look cheesy.

The whole point of a universe simulation game is that it is supposed to be dark with stars that you can travel to, like Star Trek or Star Wars. The nebulae you've added in Crucible are background wallpapers that we are forced to look at and cannot travel to.

Why implement something that players cannot interact with? At least give me the ability to disable it.

And please give players the ability to customize their font, the default font with Crucible looks disgusting.

Not an impressive expansion. A step backwards actually.
mate teahupoo
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#56 - 2011-11-29 21:58:49 UTC
I think that the Naga should have a torp option added to it:
1)It would make taking down Pos's in smaller Wh's much faster and thus fueling the
marketplace and making for a much better "sand box" experience.
2) Bombers with torps, cheap and massive alpha... Naga with torps cheap( soon to be once market inflation dies) and massive alpha! Tell me this does not sound like fun Twisted
MR rockafella
Santa's Factory
#57 - 2011-11-29 22:00:16 UTC
You still haven't fixed the ******* ram issue.

Why do i need 2200 ram in my hanger if i only need 220, Fix the damn rounding up error on ram's.
Why do i need 2200 ram in my hanger if i only need 220, Fix the damn rounding up error on ram's.
Why do i need 2200 ram in my hanger if i only need 220, Fix the damn rounding up error on ram's.

Why do i need 2200 ram in my hanger if i only need 220, Fix the damn rounding up error on ram's.

Why do i need 2200 ram in my hanger if i only need 220, Fix the damn rounding up error on ram's.

Why do i need 2200 ram in my hanger if i only need 220, Fix the damn rounding up error on ram's.

Why do i need 2200 ram in my hanger if i only need 220, Fix the damn rounding up error on ram's.

Why do i need 2200 ram in my hanger if i only need 220, Fix the damn rounding up error on ram's.

Why do i need 2200 ram in my hanger if i only need 220, Fix the damn rounding up error on ram's.

Why do i need 2200 ram in my hanger if i only need 220, Fix the damn rounding up error on ram's.

Why do i need 2200 ram in my hanger if i only need 220, Fix the damn rounding up error on ram's.
Tanya Powers
#58 - 2011-11-29 22:02:47 UTC
Loving every piece of it.

Keep the good job, thank you girls and guys Blink
State War Academy
Caldari State
#59 - 2011-11-29 22:03:22 UTC
A lot of good changes, but one bad undocumented stealth nerf:-

Very disappointed in the new limited amount of personal bookmarks players can have.

While the number now allowed is fine for people living in empire with npc stations everywhere, for 0.0 pvp'ers who roam hostile space and especially fleet commanders who need a lot of tactical bookmarks it's nowhere near enough.

Without the ability to have a large number of bookmarks then there will be less 0.0 roaming and less pvp there as a result.
Tanith First and Only
#60 - 2011-11-29 22:09:31 UTC
I like the increased link capacity in PI but am upset by the drastic increase in custom office export tax rates in hisec. Looks like a 100x increase! That is flat too much! Suggest meeting on the pier in Boston tonight. Instead of tea we can dump chiral structures.