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Crime & Punishment

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Ganking is PVP

First post
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#81 - 2014-03-12 17:40:28 UTC
this doesn't adhere to my arbitrary concept of what is and is not pvp

soloing a mining barge armed with deadly attack drones and backed up by an invincible omniscient omnipotent magic police force is cowardly, but a fleet attacking an unfitted moa in nullsec is true brave pvp o7
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#82 - 2014-03-12 17:43:11 UTC
loyalanon wrote:
I proceeded to explain that as I was versing a player, and the person I killed was a player, therefore I was "versing" another player which qualifies to fall under player versus player.

'versus' means 'against' or 'opposed' and this makes me madder than i like to admit
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#83 - 2014-03-12 17:56:19 UTC
Didn't this thread pretty much end when Gizznitt explained it in post 2?

It's PvP in the sense that it's against another player, but it's much like how beating the crap out of a 5 year old is technically fighting. I don't really understand the appeal of ganking to be honest. I've done it when it's needed, but it's hardly entertaining. If I ran out of stuff to do so much that I resorted to ganking for fun, I think my time in this game would be done. But each to his own and all that.

Clearly though, saying "GF" and "I love to PvP" to people you are ganking is trolling, and based on the way your OP is structured, you know this. Is this just a thread so you can post up your KB and rub your epeen?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Wulfgar WarHammer
#84 - 2014-03-12 18:11:04 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
That's why we kill you freaking people, at the core of it. Because you're playing the game wrong, and you keep lobbying to have it changed to suit you, rather than change yourself to play the game how it works.

This is such a crock of BS. EvE is a sandbox. Get off your high-horse. No one can 'play the game wrong'. You CODE scrubs attack miners because you are fail low-sec pilots, and would have your asses handed to you if you ever attacked anyone else.

Kinda reminds me of the dudes at school who always wanted to become cops, but I always end up seeing them at the mall or the hospital working security.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#85 - 2014-03-12 18:27:02 UTC
Wulfgar WarHammer wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
That's why we kill you freaking people, at the core of it. Because you're playing the game wrong, and you keep lobbying to have it changed to suit you, rather than change yourself to play the game how it works.

This is such a crock of BS. EvE is a sandbox. Get off your high-horse. No one can 'play the game wrong'. You CODE scrubs attack miners because you are fail low-sec pilots, and would have your asses handed to you if you ever attacked anyone else.

Kinda reminds me of the dudes at school who always wanted to become cops, but I always end up seeing them at the mall or the hospital working security.

What about the cops who also hire themselves out to do security at events, concerts, school dances etc on 'paid duties', to make a little extra cash in fun risk-free ways? Are they still not ultimately cops?

Many of us do both.

For your insulting carebear heresy a +1 has been added to my kill-it-forward queue.

Subject 4927
Probably Up to No Good
#86 - 2014-03-12 18:40:24 UTC
Ganking is pvp.

What does someone do when they jump into a camped gate? They burn to gate. He doesn't shoot but is killed before he reaches 2k of gate.

Is it pvp? Yes.

Properly fit your mining ship with defensive mods. We are here to remind you that just because it's highsec doesn't mean that you can parade in it naked.

More miners are not ganked then those who are. So what does that tell you? I think we need more gankers.

Join the CODE today!

Wulfgar WarHammer
#87 - 2014-03-12 19:24:21 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
stuff ...

I mine 8 hours a day in high-sec, all AFK, while I'm alt-tabbed doing work. EvE-Mail me, and I'll tell you which bountiful system I do it in. I'd love for you clowns to come try and 'bump' me.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#88 - 2014-03-12 20:15:43 UTC
Wulfgar WarHammer wrote:
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
stuff ...

I mine 8 hours a day in high-sec, all AFK, while I'm alt-tabbed doing work. EvE-Mail me, and I'll tell you which bountiful system I do it in. I'd love for you clowns to come try and 'bump' me.

I don't think you understood how the Killing-It-Forward concept works...

Let me explain!

Step 1: A nerf-hisec or anti-pvp carebear spergs in the forums (i.e. you)
Step 2: I (or my highly skilled minions) shoot an innocent carebear in the head
Step 3: Post-detonation, we inform the victim whom he can thank for his murder (i.e. you)
Step 4: You bear the guilt of causing an innocents death, due to your wanton heresy

My hands remain clean, for I am just an instrument of God's will...

Nothing but quality terrorism here.

The Conference Elite
#89 - 2014-03-12 20:36:52 UTC  |  Edited by: loyalanon
Just to let you all know.

Ganking (pvp) is still a valid form of PVP.

And it gets alot of good fights.

If we didn't have an endless supply of targets do you think we would still be doing this? If everyone tanked there ships to kingdom come would we still be doing this?

Yes and Yes, because it gets us good fights and we love to PVP and keep high sec honest. If we aren't doing it then noone is.

I just love good fights and being a champion of high sec, whats so wrong with that?
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#90 - 2014-03-12 23:22:22 UTC
Subject 4927 wrote:
Ganking is pvp.

What does someone do when they jump into a camped gate? They burn to gate. He doesn't shoot but is killed before he reaches 2k of gate.

Is it pvp? Yes.

Properly fit your mining ship with defensive mods. We are here to remind you that just because it's highsec doesn't mean that you can parade in it naked.

More miners are not ganked then those who are. So what does that tell you? I think we need more gankers.

Join the CODE today!

You, sir, have the most awesome corp name ever.

Can I join? You look like you need a missioning director. :)

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#91 - 2014-03-13 00:29:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Capt Starfox
Sarah xCalibre wrote:

Couldnt help laugh about this, "It needs a lot of preparation and knowledge about game mechanics", if you think that you are clueless. Move alt, find a miner, jump into your small ganking destroyer, warp gate to gate, warp to your alt, target press F1, how is this a lot of preparation and knowledge of game mechanics? Cause really thats all it takes. Dont come here thinking you are some leet pvper cause you can gank a few miners cause its really really easy to do and anyone can do it.

Sarah Flynt wrote:
Sarah xCalibre wrote:
Move alt, find a miner, jump into your small ganking destroyer, warp gate to gate, warp to your alt, target press F1, how is this a lot of preparation and knowledge of game mechanics?

There are also people who are unable to hammer a nail into a wall. I hope this answers your question.

We should be glad hat these people found an activity that matches their abilities.

Oh you guys! Ganking can go either/or. There are times when ganking is stupid easy; an AFK miner, an AFK mission runner, ect. There are times when ganking can be much more difficult; outrageously expensive mission runner, Freighter that typically hauls expensive cargo, etc. I would like to draw a line here and express that, as I see it, there are two different types of ganking. Ganking for fun and ganking for profit. Ganking for fun typically is a small group of people getting together and ganking whatever they can find. This is significantly easier to perform and organize; think of kitchensink. However, ganking for profit means you, as the ganker, are putting much more at risk. You will need multiple different ships to fit any occasion/target. You will need to have at the very least a couple staging systems with said ships and fittings. You will need dedicated scouts and haulers, you will need to document potential targets and have locators available, you need to have an understanding of your fleet comp (more of SP), among other things. Ultimately, this takes much more planning, time, effort and organization.

Let's assume you're ganking for profit. You need to make sure you have the right multiple ship types and multiple fittings, dps, scouts, and the right number of people before you begin. Let's say one of your targets was added to a watchlist a month ago because they were in a 5b/isk mission ship, and they just decided to log on. You need to run locators and get scouts to the system he/she is in and the surrounding systems as well in case they leave/left. Now, you're moving the entire op, 10, 15 people to kill this very expensive mission boat. If you're using catalysts it's easy, if you're not it's extremely difficult. If the target is in a Tengu, Catalysts are a joke and it goes without saying that if the target is in a mission boat, Catalysts are a joke if the target is active. You would want to bring Nados. So you're switching everyone into Nado's as fast as possible and accommodating skills/fittings per person. While you're getting ready to move and while you're moving you will need to get some questions answered and run EFT/maths. Where is the target? What security system? What are the neighboring systems? Can you get a scan? Can you get a warp in? Probes? What's the resists? What's the EHP? What's the DPS/Alpha? How much time do you have? Is it enough time? And you're multitasking, hell you're probably doing 4 other things. Needless to say the target could switch systems, or log, thus changing everything. Time is not on your side and if you make one mistake, odds are the gank is ruined and your target will most likely switch their fitting and/or log off.

This is just an example, but I've been in fleets like this. I've FC'd fleets like this. Sometimes ganking is extremely easy, sometimes it's not, but to assume that ganking is easy across the board just because you don't like it means you really don't know enough about it yet and/or don't appreciate it, that or immature. I'm going to go with the former though in respect to Flynt as Flynt is one of the few capable anti-gankers.

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Robbie Robot
Exiled Kings
Pain And Compliance
#92 - 2014-03-13 01:28:57 UTC
loyalanon wrote:
Just to let you all know.

Ganking (pvp) is still a valid form of PVP.

And it gets alot of good fights.

If we didn't have an endless supply of targets do you think we would still be doing this? If everyone tanked there ships to kingdom come would we still be doing this?

Yes and Yes, because it gets us good fights and we love to PVP and keep high sec honest. If we aren't doing it then noone is.

I just love good fights and being a champion of high sec, whats so wrong with that?

Don't forget the other benefits. Miners who have been ganked usually won't make the mistake of flying an all purple BS around, or DED space tengus. They learn that EVE is a harsh environment. They learn some PvP mechanics. Some of them need to learn more, like the pointlessness of making killrights available to everyone when their service representative is nearly -10, or the uselessness of bounties. Seriously, the miners should be grateful that they are being taught the gank lesson for the low low price of 38M for a retriever. I wasn't so lucky. I lost 100M in a gank and the expensive loot for my service representative didn't drop for him.

Anyway, the only thing better is getting an expensive pod kill too.
Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#93 - 2014-03-13 02:40:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiryen O'Bannon
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Wulfgar WarHammer wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
That's why we kill you freaking people, at the core of it. Because you're playing the game wrong, and you keep lobbying to have it changed to suit you, rather than change yourself to play the game how it works.

This is such a crock of BS. EvE is a sandbox. Get off your high-horse. No one can 'play the game wrong'. You CODE scrubs attack miners because you are fail low-sec pilots, and would have your asses handed to you if you ever attacked anyone else.

Kinda reminds me of the dudes at school who always wanted to become cops, but I always end up seeing them at the mall or the hospital working security.

What about the cops who also hire themselves out to do security at events, concerts, school dances etc on 'paid duties', to make a little extra cash in fun risk-free ways? Are they still not ultimately cops?

Many of us do both.

What about them? That still does not change the fact that regular security personnel are not actual law enforcement officers, and do not have actual arrest power beyond that of the everyday citizen. His point stands.

For your insulting carebear heresy a +1 has been added to my kill-it-forward queue.


The problem with you guys isn't that you gank miners, or incursioners, or bling mission battleships, or freighters, or whatever prey floats your boat. It's that you think you're upholding some standards of gameplay. This is a sandbox. As soon as you complained that they were "playing the game wrong", you rendered your opinion irrelevant. The same goes for all this CODE nonsense; if people get a kick out of enforcing their "code" and splurging about it on the forms (even those that can't find the "undock" button), fine and dandy. The stupidity comes when they start talking about AFKing and botting. Botting is bannable; report it. If you don't and gank instead, you are just ganking; the other person botting is irrelevant. Same with AFKing; if people play AFK, that's their business. You have neither the power, ability, or right to enforce any (nonexistant) rule about AFKing; the only thing you have the right to do is gank tht target. Their presence or absence at the keyboard is irrelevant. IF people wanted to actually FIX AFKing they would advocate for a more interesting mining experience, but then, what would the CODEies do for forum attention?

If you want to add me to your silly list, go right ahead. Our headquarters is in Sendaya. If you find me, you just go for it; my ratting ships are all PVP fit. Bring some friends if you like; we love good fights and we'll be happy to scramble Pocket Rockets.

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#94 - 2014-03-13 02:52:09 UTC
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:

The problem with you guys isn't that you gank miners, or incursioners, or bling mission battleships, or freighters, or whatever prey floats your boat. It's that you think you're upholding some standards of gameplay. This is a sandbox. As soon as you complained that they were "playing the game wrong", you rendered your opinion irrelevant. The same goes for all this CODE nonsense; if people get a kick out of enforcing their "code" and splurging about it on the forms (even those that can't find the "undock" button), fine and dandy. The stupidity comes when they start talking about AFKing and botting. Botting is bannable; report it. If you don't and gank instead, you are just ganking; the other person botting is irrelevant. Same with AFKing; if people play AFK, that's their business. You have neither the power, ability, or right to enforce any (nonexistant) rule about AFKing; the only thing you have the right to do is gank tht target. Their presence or absence at the keyboard is irrelevant. IF people wanted to actually FIX AFKing they would advocate for a more interesting mining experience, but then, what would the CODEies do for forum attention?

If you want to add me to your silly list, go right ahead. Our headquarters is in Sendaya. If you find me, you just go for it; my ratting ships are all PVP fit. Bring some friends if you like; we love good fights and we'll be happy to scramble Pocket Rockets.

Grr, roleplaying in an RPG.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#95 - 2014-03-13 06:39:49 UTC
Trying to police afk play or botting isnt roleplaying. Pretending to be organized crime lords, terrorists or fanatics that attack people in highsec is roleplaying.

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

Sarah xCalibre
Pod Liberation Authority
#96 - 2014-03-13 06:53:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarah xCalibre
  • Sarah xCalibre
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#97 - 2014-03-13 08:39:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
Trying to police afk play or botting isnt roleplaying. Pretending to be organized crime lords, terrorists or fanatics that attack people in highsec is roleplaying.

Pretending to be BRAVE while whining and being a downright Grinch, how would you call that than?
Did you ever read ? If that isn't some grade A roleplaying, nothing is.
It's even roleplaying on a grand scale with the good of our game in mind...

You might think it's silly, stupid or even pointless (I assure you it is not) but the moment we loose people who are invested that heavily in EVE is the moment CCP can shutdown the servers. No amount of AFK/botting players makes for a good game.
Quite the opposite.



e: Oh and we've come visit you plenty... They all docked up except the AFK ones who got thought a lesson about playing games and not doing this

Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#98 - 2014-03-13 08:47:12 UTC
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
Trying to police afk play or botting isnt roleplaying. Pretending to be organized crime lords, terrorists or fanatics that attack people in highsec is roleplaying.

So, you're telling us not to meta, while we roleplay?

Do you seriously hear yourself? You're telling people that the way they play the game is wrong. Which is precisely the same thing I say to people who afk in belts for hours on end.

The difference is, I'm actually playing the game, and they're just watching Family Guy with a tab of this game open at the same time.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

The Conference Elite
#99 - 2014-03-13 09:46:14 UTC
So the ones that disagree with the honorable thing we are doing in high sec, do you think that high sec should be perfectly safe because that is what it sounds like to me.

You need to get it through your heads that nowhere in eve is safe or should be safe. High sec is no exception to any rule.

Some days I can make a billion isk from ganking the right targets by myself, other days I can gank and make enough to fund my next catalyst. It's exciting not knowing what each new day will bring in high sec, and it's a style of play that I enjoy, give me a catalyst and ill give you a killmail within 5 minutes.

High sec bears have all the items/information in front of then to protect themselves but due to the nature of there laziness/ignorance they want the game to be changed to how they want to play when then should be changing the way they play the game.

Even permit holders are not exempt from getting ganked and I have ganked permit holders in the past for being afk when I'm in local. If you want to afk - dock up and go afk. Don't sit in space expecting concord to save your ass if you want to go afk for 5 minutes.

I have just passed my 1200th exhumer ganked and you know what, I can say that all off them besides 2 have occurred in high sec. I think that speaks for itself.

GG Easy

Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#100 - 2014-03-13 09:51:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiryen O'Bannon
Danalee wrote:
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
Trying to police afk play or botting isnt roleplaying. Pretending to be organized crime lords, terrorists or fanatics that attack people in highsec is roleplaying.

Pretending to be BRAVE while whining and being a downright Grinch, how would you call that than?
Did you ever read ? If that isn't some grade A roleplaying, nothing is.
It's even roleplaying on a grand scale with the good of our game in mind...

No one's "whining" about anything, except maybe you. Oh no, a grinch! Whaa!. Like I said above, I have no problem with you ganking. Have at it. There even does seem to be some roleplaying involved. Your scale isnt particularly grand and your ideas about whats good for the game are, at best, questionable. If you REALLY had the good of the game in mind, thered be a lot more posts about how to make mining more interesting and actually discourage afk mining, but then.. what would you do with no boogeyman?

You might think it's silly, stupid or even pointless (I assure you it is not) but the moment we loose people who are invested that heavily in EVE is the moment CCP can shutdown the servers. No amount of AFK/botting players makes for a good game.
Quite the opposite.

You are in fact silly although not pointless or stupid if you're having fun. The constant "pay attention to us!" on the forums, however... As for afk gameplay and people not leaving the game, pointless platitudes are not argument nor evidence. Roleplaying is "in universe", once you start including the fact that you are ganking people for taking a **** without docking up, you're no longer roleplaying and into the realm of self-appointed game police.. and then it gives me great pleasure to remind you how impotent you really are for all your bluster. I recall an attempt to SBU some Provi systems a while back. Wasn't too successful, was it? There's a reason miners in high sec are your target.

Again, AFK play is propey combatted with features and improvements, not idiots telling others thry're playing the game wrong. You are attacking the symptom, not the problem.

e: Oh and we've come visit you plenty... They all docked up except the AFK ones who got thought a lesson about playing games yand not doing this

No, you haven't. No one out here goes afk in space except in the POS or cloaked at a safe. If you do, someone is always there to blow you up. If you DO come here, you get a fight. Sometimes we have to form up in doctrine (hence my comment about scrambling, and no doubt what you saw as "docking up") but you get a fight even if it takes a few minutes. No doubt you whored on a few kills, then left before having to deal with an actual fleet.

Edit: I see now. You used to be in a marmite corp, and ganked some Brave ships in highsec. Theres less than 5 non highsec kills on your eve-kill in the last 3 months, none against Brave. You guys never actually showed up out in Barlegut and we wont see you or the CODEies in Sendaya or our new null system. Do you even HAVE FCs?

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.