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Ganking is PVP

First post
State War Academy
Caldari State
#41 - 2014-03-11 09:05:40 UTC
Ganking miners is what it is, bragging about it however is pretty weak.
Royal Khanid Fleet Auxiliary
#42 - 2014-03-11 09:11:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonestu
Hey there,

As a carebear and a Hi-sec miner I agree that highsec ganking is PvP.
Greifing... give me a break this is EvE. Harassing is one thing but picking a miner of D-scan and taking him down is legitimate PvP. Sure CONCORD will blow his ass to kingdom come but hey thats how they keep people from just blowing people up in hisec.
Do I get annoyed when someone suicides my Covetor and it goes boom? A bit yeah. I would happily pay a ransom to that player then he destroying my ship. But this is EvE its not WoW or something like that. Its open PvP in all areas, if you have a problem with someone blowing up your ship then go and mine in a tanked Procure and you will most likely last long enough until CONCORD shows up to kill the nasty pirate.

I don't want to make it easier, my main income is mining and I get set back about 2 days when someone blows me up but hey I knew that coming in. So rather then complain about how its unfair that someone can be in a ~3m Catalyst and blow up your 100m Covetor do something about it.

So what can you as a carebear do to stop those pesky pirates from blowing you up?
Well honestly lowsec mining is usually more safe then highsec. In lowsec you know that all that are not in your corp/alliance will blow you up. In highsec anyone can be a canflipper or suicider.
Mine in a Procure since that ship can take some punishment, learn how to fit it and they will most likely leave you alone since you are not worth the trouble.

I hear you saying now "Well in a Procure I will not mine as good as in my fancy Covetor." Well while this is true you are also less likely to be blown up so I would say that its a good trade.

But to end this rant. If you don't like how the game is played then stop playing or adapt to the situation and do the most of it.
Hell I once saw a Cata warp in and I managed to get a convo with him as he locked me, I asked what he wanted for not blowing me up, he said 50m and I gave it. Honoring his word he went away. I would pay 50m to save my 150m ship any day.

So pirates and other scum, roam on and have fun. I will happily pay your ransoms and I am aware of the risks but I am still having fun even when I go boom. Also I love this forum its so fun to read.

6.023 x 10 to the 23rd power alligator pears = Avocado's number Dubbed Not-A-Carebear by Malcolm Shinhwa A carebear's diary

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#43 - 2014-03-11 16:44:27 UTC
Kazumi Amaterasu wrote:
But what they are doing is griefing.

Then file a support ticket because griefing is against the rules.

Kazumi Amaterasu wrote:
The difference in high-sec and low/null is that you expect to be engaged, and you're more prepared for it.

Anyone who thinks this way is doing it wrong. I undock, therefore I expect to die. The sec status of the system has no bearing on this.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2014-03-11 17:54:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Malcolm Shinhwa
Capt Starfox wrote:
You do realize that loyal spends like half the time in lowsec, right?

Or that Starfox spent the last 8mo in nullsec fighting in the Summer war and the Halloween war.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Renegade Heart
#45 - 2014-03-11 18:40:24 UTC
Kazumi Amaterasu wrote:
It is senseless at best... I agree that the high-sec environment should not be considered 'safe'. But what they are doing is griefing. They may not be targeting a particular person, but they are targeting a particular group of people that try to play this game.

The difference in high-sec and low/null is that you expect to be engaged, and you're more prepared for it. Also, you don't see these types of low life people in low/null because they're too weak, and scared to be in a place that puts them on a level playing field.

The consequences for attacking in high-sec should be a lot greater, making the griefer carefully consider the value of attacking a random newb.

You make so many assumptions and throw about this term "low life" freely without any real understanding of the types of players who may suicide gank.

The first time I suicide ganked was because I read about others doing it and wanted to try it for myself, for the game of it.

Another time I suicide ganked, it was after killing a mission runner in low sec (yes we can go there too) and the poor dude who lost his drake returned in a caracal, but I was camping his mission site. Meanwhile next door in the adjacent high sec system, plenty of his corpmates were happily mining away, and nobody thought to come and help him against me. I was alone and the 5 of them could easily have taken me out if they all tried. So yeah, I felt sorry for the guy, and suicide ganked one of his miner corpmates to teach them a lesson Big smile

The last time I suicide ganked someone it was during Burn Apanake, and there were players "guarding" the belts. This one particular dude being guarded seemed like someone fun to try and gank so I did. After my catalyst scared off a proteus I did the dirty deed Big smile

I've also killed people in null. So anyway, my main point is that suicide ganking is not always senseless, and certainly not always carried out by people who won't set foot in low/null. You are wrong buddy!

And as for anyone who may say it's not "leet pvp", nor is most of the other pvp in the game. Mostly it's the strong killing the weak. Many players won't fight against the odds.

The amount of players who will go up against a larger force willingly, and frequently, are few and far between. Most eve players, including myself, are basically risk averse, all to varying degrees.
Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#46 - 2014-03-11 19:45:49 UTC
The ONLY thing I don't like about high-sec/suicide ganking is the abruptness of the attack. Once the gankers arrive, there's literally nothing the gankee can do to prevent it, he's dead. The entire battle is won or lost before even the first ganker arrives on the scene.

If the gankee had options such as ECM'ing, using drones to fight back, etc, I would understand, but with today's DPS numbers, there's literally no hope for you to even try to fight back. Drones will do literally nothing compared toe the DPS you're receiving. You can't really even have a buddy with you. That won't matter. By the time he locks and kills maybe one of the gankers, the target is already blown to pieces.

I'd like to see all damage reduced by 50-75% in high sec. AND reduce Concord respond times by an equal amount. You could even change Concord damage numbers + whether they will kill a target if the gankers missed the target or not. This way, you can have vigilantes patrolling that you can call for help to and have them actually arrive in time. You can actually try to mount some sort of last stand defense with drones/ECM. The other miners in the belt may feel pity for you and send over drones to help. And if the miner is still doing the stupid things he is doing now, he would still die to the gankers.

I'd like to see running fights instead of blappers.
Alyth Nerun
Foundation for CODE and THE NEW ORDER
#47 - 2014-03-11 20:18:38 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:

If the gankee had options such as ECM'ing, using drones to fight back, etc, I would understand, but with today's DPS numbers, there's literally no hope for you to even try to fight back. Drones will do literally nothing compared toe the DPS you're receiving. You can't really even have a buddy with you. That won't matter. By the time he locks and kills maybe one of the gankers, the target is already blown to pieces.

What makes you think this option does not already exist? There are miners or white knights who use Falcons and ECM Procurers to stop ganks. I guess CCP will have to install the ECM modules on the hull to satisfy the ISK blinded yield maximizing miner, like they did with the tank.

Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:

I'd like to see all damage reduced by 50-75% in high sec. AND reduce Concord respond times by an equal amount.

Imagine the mission runner tears. Shocked

Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:

This way, you can have vigilantes patrolling that you can call for help to and have them actually arrive in time. You can actually try to mount some sort of last stand defense with drones/ECM. The other miners in the belt may feel pity for you and send over drones to help. And if the miner is still doing the stupid things he is doing now, he would still die to the gankers.

Even with long CONCORD response time and small damage I guess there will only be few players interested in this kind of activity. As another agent once said, there is only one thing more boring and less rewarding than mining in EVE, that's guarding a bunch of AFK miners.
Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#48 - 2014-03-11 20:24:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Baron' Soontir Fel
Alyth Nerun wrote:

Even with long CONCORD response time and small damage I guess there will only be few players interested in this kind of activity. As another agent once said, there is only one thing more boring and less rewarding than mining in EVE, that's guarding a bunch of AFK miners.

The point is that you don't need to be guarding the miners to have an impact. The miner gets ganked, he says "Hey I'm under pirate attack in so-so belt, 5mil reward if you come." in local. You get players coming from anywhere in the system to fight. And then you can bait the miner's white knights into a trap and so on and so forth. So the guy can be doing missions in the system and still come and help.

Also would help freighters getting blapped on gates. You see this happen? Everybody just watches and says, "Welp, nothing we could have done anyway" Could also lead to ransoming the freighter's goods instead of just blapping it and taking the half that survives. win-win for both parties. well, win more-not lose as much
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#49 - 2014-03-11 20:33:27 UTC  |  Edited by: BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
Removed post, topics have already been covered previously.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#50 - 2014-03-11 20:35:30 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
The ONLY thing I don't like about high-sec/suicide ganking is the abruptness of the attack. Once the gankers arrive, there's literally nothing the gankee can do to prevent it, he's dead. The entire battle is won or lost before even the first ganker arrives on the scene.

If the gankee had options such as ECM'ing, using drones to fight back, etc, I would understand, but with today's DPS numbers, there's literally no hope for you to even try to fight back. Drones will do literally nothing compared toe the DPS you're receiving. You can't really even have a buddy with you. That won't matter. By the time he locks and kills maybe one of the gankers, the target is already blown to pieces.

I'd like to see all damage reduced by 50-75% in high sec. AND reduce Concord respond times by an equal amount. You could even change Concord damage numbers + whether they will kill a target if the gankers missed the target or not. This way, you can have vigilantes patrolling that you can call for help to and have them actually arrive in time. You can actually try to mount some sort of last stand defense with drones/ECM. The other miners in the belt may feel pity for you and send over drones to help. And if the miner is still doing the stupid things he is doing now, he would still die to the gankers.

I'd like to see running fights instead of blappers.

Your defense is paying attention to local and d-scan, and leaving the belt before the gankers land.

Also, my industry alt rarely mines these days, but when he does, it's with 4 ECM drones out + 1 combat drone to potentially whore on Concord KMs and kill rats. No one ever tries to gank him, because there are always softer targets in system.

Quit trying to nerf hi sec because you feel entitled to AFK in space there.
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2014-03-11 21:12:31 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
I'd like to see all damage reduced by 50-75% in high sec. AND reduce Concord respond times by an equal amount. You could even change Concord damage numbers + whether they will kill a target if the gankers missed the target or not. This way, you can have vigilantes patrolling that you can call for help to and have them actually arrive in time. You can actually try to mount some sort of last stand defense with drones/ECM. The other miners in the belt may feel pity for you and send over drones to help. And if the miner is still doing the stupid things he is doing now, he would still die to the gankers.

I'd like to see running fights instead of blappers.

So lets run some numbers on the most beneficial dps for gankers under your suggestion. I will assume t2 fit catalyst in a 0.5 sec system. Reduce ganker damage by 50% This drops a T2 catalyst to 340-370 dps depending on implants. Concord response times reduced by "a similar amount" means 13 seconds prepulled. This will require 3-4 catalysts to kill a retriever before concord arrives. 30-40 mill to kill a 20 mill hull.

Changing concord damage numbers does nothing as the cruisers jam and neut you completely in the two seconds before the battleship arrives. Also, concord does the damage it does for a reason (enough to instant pop even the largest shipsi n high sec). Making concord tankable is an extremely bad idea. I'm not even sure what you mean about the gankers missing a target.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#52 - 2014-03-11 21:29:57 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
The ONLY thing I don't like about high-sec/suicide ganking is the abruptness of the attack. Once the gankers arrive, there's literally nothing the gankee can do to prevent it, he's dead. The entire battle is won or lost before even the first ganker arrives on the scene.

If the gankee had options such as ECM'ing, using drones to fight back, etc, I would understand, but with today's DPS numbers, there's literally no hope for you to even try to fight back. Drones will do literally nothing compared toe the DPS you're receiving. You can't really even have a buddy with you. That won't matter. By the time he locks and kills maybe one of the gankers, the target is already blown to pieces.

I'd like to see all damage reduced by 50-75% in high sec. AND reduce Concord respond times by an equal amount. You could even change Concord damage numbers + whether they will kill a target if the gankers missed the target or not. This way, you can have vigilantes patrolling that you can call for help to and have them actually arrive in time. You can actually try to mount some sort of last stand defense with drones/ECM. The other miners in the belt may feel pity for you and send over drones to help. And if the miner is still doing the stupid things he is doing now, he would still die to the gankers.

I'd like to see running fights instead of blappers.

I would suggest that if you want to defend yourself, having a non combat ship is not how you do it.

That's really like suggesting that haulers be able to adequately defend themselves with DPS, it's just not happening, and there is a good reason. Because their role is NOT combat.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

The Conference Elite
#53 - 2014-03-11 21:31:31 UTC
I can not understand how anyone could want High security space any safer lets take a look at whats been done so far and what miners can do to protect themselves and by all means feel free to let me know what further needs to be done so miners can be safe.

- Modules that can help you tank your ship, damage controls/shield mods/armor mods
- ECM drones are available and ECM mods are available for miners to implement
- Fleet option with various leadership bonus's are available, including shield/armor links.
- Directional scan is available to be aware of what is around you up to around 14.5 AU

- CCP nerfed the amount of base EHP an exhumer/mining barge has to give miners alot more health making it harder to get ganked in high security space.

- Concord reaction times are relatively quicker in higher security sec status systems ( I rarely gank in a 0.8 system)

Now lets compare gankers -

- Limited time to do anything if you are below -5.0
- Freely attackable by any player in Eve
- Gankers with positive sec status have to be aware of freely available kill rights (alot of people **** this up)
- The potential to fail gank
- 15 minute aggression timer between ganks

The only real solution to combat gankers is - dont give them easy kills. Dont AFK, and lrn2tank your ****
Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#54 - 2014-03-11 21:40:28 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
The ONLY thing I don't like about high-sec/suicide ganking is the abruptness of the attack. Once the gankers arrive, there's literally nothing the gankee can do to prevent it, he's dead. The entire battle is won or lost before even the first ganker arrives on the scene.

If the gankee had options such as ECM'ing, using drones to fight back, etc, I would understand, but with today's DPS numbers, there's literally no hope for you to even try to fight back. Drones will do literally nothing compared toe the DPS you're receiving. You can't really even have a buddy with you. That won't matter. By the time he locks and kills maybe one of the gankers, the target is already blown to pieces.

I'd like to see all damage reduced by 50-75% in high sec. AND reduce Concord respond times by an equal amount. You could even change Concord damage numbers + whether they will kill a target if the gankers missed the target or not. This way, you can have vigilantes patrolling that you can call for help to and have them actually arrive in time. You can actually try to mount some sort of last stand defense with drones/ECM. The other miners in the belt may feel pity for you and send over drones to help. And if the miner is still doing the stupid things he is doing now, he would still die to the gankers.

I'd like to see running fights instead of blappers.

This shouldn't be a shock, but it appears as such. Generally speaking, once the first shot is fired, it is already too late to save your ship. This is especially true when we are talking about close range, high dps ships.

The only defense you have is to be ready for the attack before the attack happens. This means you need to have a jammer on field ready to jam, a remote repper on field ready to remote rep, or a tank fit large enough to survive until concord arrives.

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#55 - 2014-03-11 21:57:38 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
The ONLY thing I don't like about high-sec/suicide ganking is the abruptness of the attack. Once the gankers arrive, there's literally nothing the gankee can do to prevent it, he's dead. The entire battle is won or lost before even the first ganker arrives on the scene.

If the gankee had options such as ECM'ing, using drones to fight back, etc, I would understand, but with today's DPS numbers, there's literally no hope for you to even try to fight back. Drones will do literally nothing compared toe the DPS you're receiving. You can't really even have a buddy with you. That won't matter. By the time he locks and kills maybe one of the gankers, the target is already blown to pieces.

I'd like to see all damage reduced by 50-75% in high sec. AND reduce Concord respond times by an equal amount. You could even change Concord damage numbers + whether they will kill a target if the gankers missed the target or not. This way, you can have vigilantes patrolling that you can call for help to and have them actually arrive in time. You can actually try to mount some sort of last stand defense with drones/ECM. The other miners in the belt may feel pity for you and send over drones to help. And if the miner is still doing the stupid things he is doing now, he would still die to the gankers.

I'd like to see running fights instead of blappers.

Your idea to get running fights does not work.

The Gankee does and has always had a multitude of options to increase their success rate. ECM, drones (and there are more than just dps combat drones), tank to name the obvious. As already mentioned elsewhere in this thread, paying attention to local chat, the characters who come and go through the system, orbiting, not going AFK/Alt-tabbing, or in other words actually paying attention to the game.

The players that get ganked are usually the player who fails to accomplish one, or more of the above examples.

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#56 - 2014-03-11 22:24:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Baron' Soontir Fel
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:

Quit trying to nerf hi sec because you feel entitled to AFK in space there.

Please. Look at who's talking before making stupid accusations. (And my sec status)

Also, I'm not sure who taught you (BeBopAReBOP) math, but half your DPS and double the time = same damage. So if you could kill it before, you still can kill it now. I'd even want to increase Concord response times by a greater margin because of the impact friendly forces can have against the miner. I'm trying to reduce Concord impact and leave greater choices in the hands of the players. Ganking someone in Jita compared to Villore shouldn't just be tied to Concord response times, but also player response times. So in effect, you should have a longer time to kill a target if nobody shows up to help him, but in heavily traveled systems, that won't happen, so you have to take into account the playerbase.

Gankers 'missing' a target means that the target did not die and was only aggressed. This could lead to Concord only killing 1/2 of the ganker ships (1/2 of the most expensive ship hulls) This could happen just by losing point and letting target escape, or by ransoming whatever you're trying to kill.

Obviously, I mentioned nerfing Concord damage just so Concord doesn't just mean instant death, maybe have 5-10 seconds to OH guns and try to kill target/escape (if you didn't end up finishing off the kill). Would also want to nerf all aspects of Concord aggression.

What I am suggesting does not make high sec 'safer' in any way other than actually to let more people in on the fighting. It's still just as dangerous for the lone miner/hauler. But give him a busy system, and there's bound to be people willing to help out against those nasty pirates.
The Conference Elite
#57 - 2014-03-11 22:44:17 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
Anne Dieu-le-veut wrote:

Quit trying to nerf hi sec because you feel entitled to AFK in space there.

Please. Look at who's talking before making stupid accusations. (And my sec status)

Also, I'm not sure who taught you (BeBopAReBOP) math, but half your DPS and double the time = same damage. So if you could kill it before, you still can kill it now. I'd even want to increase Concord response times by a greater margin because of the impact friendly forces can have against the miner. I'm trying to reduce Concord impact and leave greater choices in the hands of the players. Ganking someone in Jita compared to Villore shouldn't just be tied to Concord response times, but also player response times. So in effect, you should have a longer time to kill a target if nobody shows up to help him, but in heavily traveled systems, that won't happen, so you have to take into account the playerbase.

Gankers 'missing' a target means that the target did not die and was only aggressed. This could lead to Concord only killing 1/2 of the ganker ships (1/2 of the most expensive ship hulls) This could happen just by losing point and letting target escape, or by ransoming whatever you're trying to kill.

Obviously, I mentioned nerfing Concord damage just so Concord doesn't just mean instant death, maybe have 5-10 seconds to OH guns and try to kill target/escape (if you didn't end up finishing off the kill). Would also want to nerf all aspects of Concord aggression.

What I am suggesting does not make high sec 'safer' in any way other than actually to let more people in on the fighting. It's still just as dangerous for the lone miner/hauler. But give him a busy system, and there's bound to be people willing to help out against those nasty pirates.

this was hilarious. all i read was - lets drag out the time it takes to gank someone so that they can form a fleet asap and come and fight off the gankers, and also removal of sec status in high sec so gankers can live if they fail.

Also dont compare your corps killboard to your own when you are on less then 2% of the killmails.

gg easy.
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#58 - 2014-03-11 23:08:01 UTC
Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
Also, I'm not sure who taught you (BeBopAReBOP) math, but half your DPS and double the time = same damage.

You said that you wanted to reduce concord response times. That indicates a faster response. Re-read your previous post if necessary. I'll assume you meant that you wanted to reduce concord response speed, not time. Even this isn't technically correct though because concord spawns and doesn't need to move unless pre-spawned.

Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
So if you could kill it before, you still can kill it now. I'd even want to increase Concord response times by a greater margin because of the impact friendly forces can have against the miner. I'm trying to reduce Concord impact and leave greater choices in the hands of the players. Ganking someone in Jita compared to Villore shouldn't just be tied to Concord response times, but also player response times. So in effect, you should have a longer time to kill a target if nobody shows up to help him, but in heavily traveled systems, that won't happen, so you have to take into account the playerbase.

This makes a little more sense than what you said previously, but I really don't think this will work out the way you want it to. It destroys any sort of ganking on gates as an option, and in my experience other players rarely shoot at criminals.

Baron' Soontir Fel wrote:
Gankers 'missing' a target means that the target did not die and was only aggressed. This could lead to Concord only killing 1/2 of the ganker ships (1/2 of the most expensive ship hulls) This could happen just by losing point and letting target escape, or by ransoming whatever you're trying to kill.

Obviously, I mentioned nerfing Concord damage just so Concord doesn't just mean instant death, maybe have 5-10 seconds to OH guns and try to kill target/escape (if you didn't end up finishing off the kill). Would also want to nerf all aspects of Concord aggression.

What I am suggesting does not make high sec 'safer' in any way other than actually to let more people in on the fighting. It's still just as dangerous for the lone miner/hauler. But give him a busy system, and there's bound to be people willing to help out against those nasty pirates.

I really don't understand the point of nerfing concord in anyway except response times. As for "1/2 half the ganker ships" I have no idea how you'd plan on calculating who gets destroyed, espcially in the case of solo ganks. In addition anyone who isn't destroyed is stuck on grid unable to warp or (I think) eject. In addition theres no rational explaination why being in high sec would reduce dps. and this would break wardec mechanics and make active tanks/ancilliary reps/Logis completely op. I have to go for now, hopefully I'll be able to continue this discussion later.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Ice station zebra
#59 - 2014-03-11 23:37:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Berasus
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPieI wrote:
really don't understand the point of nerfing concord in anyway except response times.

I wouldn't mind a small tweaking of the response. Tho if i had to pick something about concord to nerf it'd be the god like ewar they apply when they arrive. I think you should be able to keep shooting untill they've actually destroyed your ship. Maybe make them apply ewar more comparable in strength to that used by players, make the gankers fit eccm if they want an extra few seconds unjammed.

I.e: concord cruiser arrives relatively early, applies some standard jamming / trackign disruption / neut etc - but not the kind they use now, have them apply ewar that can potentially be mitigated by gankers fitting for it.
Then 5'ish seconds later at the normal response time the battleship shows up and starts popping ships with its usual instant death damage.

I also wouldn't mind the cruiser doing a minor-moderate amount of damage (tankable) but the battleship which shows up a touch latter does its usual instant death damage.

Make fitting for suicide ganking more than just "How much DPS can i squeeze in for a minimum of isk". Make them have to think about whether a little eccm to buy them an extra 5 seconds of shooting time would be worth it. Or whether that destroyer needs to fit a dcu so it can survive the cruiser damage and keep shooting until the battleship shows up
Baron' Soontir Fel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#60 - 2014-03-11 23:58:12 UTC
loyalanon wrote:

this was hilarious. all i read was - lets drag out the time it takes to gank someone so that they can form a fleet asap and come and fight off the gankers, and also removal of sec status in high sec so gankers can live if they fail.

Also dont compare your corps killboard to your own when you are on less then 2% of the killmails.

gg easy.

i really thought most of you would want to revamp the boringness of high sec pvp. thanks for letting me know that you're really just out to make people cry