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Plex price manipulation, plex up 20 million in less than 24 hours.

First post
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2014-03-11 11:20:19 UTC
Rhatar Khurin wrote:
Knights Armament wrote:
I thought CCP flooded the market with plex

What? They have never done this, all PLEX sold are player bought and sold.

CCP buy PLEX if price drops too fast and sell them again (along with any confiscated from banned accounts) if prices rise too fast.

All PLEX are originally paid for by players but CCP do interfere to stabilise the market.

Express Hauler
#22 - 2014-03-11 11:24:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Lipbite
Here is my theory: CCP want the huge wave of new players (after recent battle) to pay for subscription instead of buying PLEXes with ISK - so they temporary stopped feeding market with cheap PLEXes and what we see now is actually free market. Or it's just all new players are buying PLEXes for the first time and there are too many of them for CCP to hold the price (without big GTC sales).
Icarus Able
#23 - 2014-03-11 11:32:17 UTC
Lipbite wrote:
Here is my theory: CCP want the huge wave of new players (after recent battle) to pay for subscription instead of buying PLEXes with ISK - so they temporary stopped feeding market with cheap PLEXes and what we see now is actually free market. Or it's just all new players are buying PLEXes for the first time and there are too many of them for CCP to hold the price (without big GTC sales).

Why in hell would they do that a plex is 15.99 a sub is 9.99?
Ralen Zateki
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2014-03-11 11:35:36 UTC
Market speculation on PLEX?? On my way to Jita in my Ibis with all my PLEX then....
Salvos Rhoska
#25 - 2014-03-11 11:47:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Lipbite wrote:
Here is my theory: CCP want the huge wave of new players (after recent battle) to pay for subscription instead of buying PLEXes with ISK - so they temporary stopped feeding market with cheap PLEXes and what we see now is actually free market. Or it's just all new players are buying PLEXes for the first time and there are too many of them for CCP to hold the price (without big GTC sales).

First of all, new players buy PLEX from CCP, not from the Market.
Infact many new players don't even realise they could simply buy account time for cheaper, rather than a PLEX.
This is something I see repeatedly prove true in Rookie Chat.

But this does not affect the price of PLEX, because these new players are converting their IRL bought PLEX directly into gametime, not selling them on the Market.

New players, even those who arrived as a result of the recent media flavor fleet battle, generally are not in a position to buy PLEX ingame. It takes time to develop an account, to learn EVE and formulate a game strategy to be able to afford a PLEX. For most players, that is atleast 2-3 months. Many do, however, buy an "extra" PLEX, when they are buying their original stack that they mistakenly is the only way to add time to their account. Those extra PLEXs make it to the Market, and are probably quite a substantial part of influx of PLEX into the game.

Second of all, I don't know the specific figures of CCPs intervention by selling existing confiscated PLEX, but I think the amount is quite small compared to the mass of "legit" PLEXs. Its more a courtesy and expedient measure to the community to re-introduce PLEX that, in an informal fashion, "belongs" to the community/economy at large. I don't believe CCP re-introduction of confiscated PLEXs has ever had a significant impact (but by all means, if a true Veteran knows of such incidents, then I defer to them absolutely).

As to CCP buying PLEX, I'd imagine that is an emergency regulatory measure to protect the market from some unintended calamity or a really serious attempt at market manipulation that threatens the community overall. I'm ok with that, and don't believe for one second that this would be a course of action taken lightly (and to my knowledge, PLEX price dropping is almost unheard of lol. if anything, PLEXs are one hell of a way to ensure your investment appreciates. Few commodities have had such a constant increase in value).

Atleast I would hope that they are careful when doing this, by introducing them at a trickle and at non-disruptive pricing. In any case, its better that they do this, than destroy the PLEX, or "re-sell" the PLEX through the CCP shop. Those alternatives are far inferior to what I understand to be their current policy.
Julius Rigel
#26 - 2014-03-11 11:50:14 UTC
Knights Armament wrote:
I just don't see the point in allowing plex prices to climb un-regulated, your average 2 month old character isn't going to spend 2.5 billion on a plex.
Sure he is. Why not?

From looking at the market in these past years, it seems to be the case that PLEX price is rising in correlation with inflation of ISK, as you can see from this (eight-and-a-half hours in MSPaint) composite of the prices of PLEX, Thorax, and Megathron, data courtesy of eve-marketdata. What that means is that if you just go about your daily business and do whatever it is you do to make money, then the good or service you are providing should keep paying a proportional amount of ISK, meaning you can still buy your PLEX every month.

Unless, of course, your main source of income in EVE is to generate ISK out of thin air (missions, for example). Then, obviously, you are contributing to the inflation, and the stuff you are doing is paying out a static amount of ISK not proportional to supply and demand of anything. But in that case, it's your own fault. And also, shame on you! Stop printing ISK!
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#27 - 2014-03-11 11:57:29 UTC
Knights Armament wrote:
Icarus Able wrote:
Its more expensive on weekends because more people are online?

Possibly, but someone is buying up most of the plex and relisting, driving prices up. I thought CCP flooded the market with plex to prevent this type of behavior? What is to stop large alliances from using their vast income to buy up all the plex?

What's to stop incredibly wealthy hi-sec T2 BPO owners and industrialists from using their vast income to buy up all the plex?

Same answer: nothing. PLEX are an in-game item.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2014-03-11 12:01:20 UTC
Supply and demand.

No really, it is that simple.

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Salvos Rhoska
#29 - 2014-03-11 12:04:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
I'll hazard an early prediction here, just for fun to see if I'm any good at this.

I expect PLEX to rise to atleast 850mil, and potentially up to just under 1bil, culminating directly before the release of the paintjobs.

This is assuming CCP don't massively change the proposal/pricing, or withdraw it altogether, and not considering other as of yet unmentioned game development announcements/implementations on their part.
Seven Koskanaiken
Shadow Legions.
Two Vargurs one Hole
#30 - 2014-03-11 12:07:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Seven Koskanaiken
Knights Armament wrote:
I just don't see the point in allowing plex prices to climb un-regulated, your average 2 month old character isn't going to spend 2.5 billion on a plex.

Well just pay with real money then.

Personally I never sub with plex. The TV License costs more then an Eve sub and TV is total shyte, so it's hard to justify not being able to pay for Eve. Spend the isk on fun things instead.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#31 - 2014-03-11 13:14:04 UTC
Plex prices increase, miners complain in forums about how many more hours a month they have to mine to break even.

I don't see a problem.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Victor Andall
#32 - 2014-03-11 13:20:56 UTC
Knights Armament wrote:
Icarus Able wrote:
Its more expensive on weekends because more people are online?

Possibly, but someone is buying up most of the plex and relisting, driving prices up. I thought CCP flooded the market with plex to prevent this type of behavior? What is to stop large alliances from using their vast income to buy up all the plex?

Or maybe they're just buying the cheap PLEX and leaving the expensive ones on the market!


Obvious troll.

I just undocked for the first time and someone challenged me to a duel. Wat do?

19.08.2014 - Dinsdale gets slammed by CCP Falcon. Never forget.

Ralen Zateki
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#33 - 2014-03-11 13:21:43 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
Plex prices increase, miners complain in forums about how many more hours a month they have to mine to break even.

I don't see a problem.

Me neither... anything that gives me reason to spend more hours mining is awesome. :P

Chaz Tivianne
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2014-03-11 14:51:01 UTC
You could complain that it's gonna cost you more ISK to buy PLEX, or flip it and think of how much more ISK you can get by buying PLEX and selling in-game for ISK.

If everyone would take this appraoch, the market value of PLEX decreases anyways with more PLEX on the market (theoretically).

Regardless, don't complain that you have to pay to play the game. Lol.
Tyburn Stannis
Xenon Salvage Inc.
#35 - 2014-03-11 15:00:27 UTC
Seven Koskanaiken wrote:

Well just pay with real money then.

Personally I never sub with plex. The TV License costs more then an Eve sub and TV is total shyte, so it's hard to justify not being able to pay for Eve. Spend the isk on fun things instead.

This ^^

A cinema ticket in the soggy south of England would cost me around £10.00 for a standard evening showing (adult ticket, non-3D), plus £0.75 for booking online and £1.20 for parking (I smuggle in my own snacks and drinks). I can get it down to about £8.00 total by going during the daytime without booking ahead and on a student card - but they don't have all films available then.

Compare that to £9.33 for a whole month of shiggles in space, purchased via the 3-month sub pack. To me, ISK is monopoly money for buying toys in a game, not a real-life financial substitute with a per-hour work rate and quota and targets and minimum requirement...

Krixtal Icefluxor
#36 - 2014-03-11 15:00:49 UTC
Jurou Yuan wrote:

So pay with plex? Can't afford too? Nobody else's problem but your own.

Wrong. If the price is exorbitantly high, and people start closing all their extra accounts, and CCP has to consider shutting down operations and the game itself, yes, it then is your problem indeed.

"He has mounted his hind-legs, and blown crass vapidities through the bowel of his neck."  - Ambrose Bierce on Oscar Wilde's Lecture in San Francisco 1882

Salvos Rhoska
#37 - 2014-03-11 15:13:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Wrong. If the price is exorbitantly high, and people start closing all their extra accounts, and CCP has to consider shutting down operations and the game itself, yes, it then is your problem indeed.

That won't happen.
1) The higher the PLEX cost is ingame, the more people will buy them from CCP, thereby increasing supply again, and reducing PLEX cost ingame.
2) Even at this moment, there is NO reason to buy PLEX from CCP, for purposes of gametime. You can simply buy account time for CHEAPER than it costs to buy a PLEX.
3) When people cant afford PLEX for ISK, then they will buy gametime from CCP directly, thereby providing them with IRL currency, thereby enabling them to not have to shut down operations or the game itself.
4) If people close their "extra accounts" that they used to maintain with PLEX, it doesn't affect CCPs income even one smidgeon, because those accounts never provided any revenue in the first place.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#38 - 2014-03-11 15:18:52 UTC
How I manage to pay with CC and still be broke in game is beyond me...

oh plex prices right tough one nothing more to say then go back to work grind that shiet.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Federal Navy Academy
#39 - 2014-03-11 15:19:15 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Jurou Yuan wrote:

So pay with plex? Can't afford too? Nobody else's problem but your own.

Wrong. If the price is exorbitantly high, and people start closing all their extra accounts, and CCP has to consider shutting down operations and the game itself, yes, it then is your problem indeed.

People closing their (extra) accounts that were already paid with PLEX doesn't immediately hurt CCP's bottom line. CCP doesn't feel that pain unless the price of PLEX drops enough to cause a reduction in the rate at which people are buying PLEX with cash. Its kind of a beautiful system. Now, if people are closing their mains and leaving the game entirely over a temporary price spike, then THAT is certainly a problem.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#40 - 2014-03-11 15:20:00 UTC
Knights Armament wrote:
What the hell is going on.

You don't understand how the market works? Or how many people make their passive income? Oops

Signature removed - CCP Eterne