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Caldari Cruiser line for your Consideration

Ayeshah Volfield
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#41 - 2014-03-10 02:45:34 UTC
Brutor Trash wrote:
Joe Boirele wrote:
I have to say I agree that medium missiles are mostly useless, unless you just like pretty explosions. RLML have that 35 sec reload, HM have terrible damage application, and HAM are just meh.

Right, this isn't just about RLML. It's about the entire group of them. Each got nerfed into the ground one after the other and never got any attention again. Which is why I am worried about the state of RLML, will this too, just like HML and HAM be forgotten?

Could you tell me which nerfs did HAMs receive ? Seems I've missed this update during my hiatus.

EVE is what happens when the rule of law does not apply and Darwinism is allowed to run freely.

Brutor Trash
#42 - 2014-03-10 03:09:32 UTC
Ayeshah Volfield wrote:
Brutor Trash wrote:
Joe Boirele wrote:
I have to say I agree that medium missiles are mostly useless, unless you just like pretty explosions. RLML have that 35 sec reload, HM have terrible damage application, and HAM are just meh.

Right, this isn't just about RLML. It's about the entire group of them. Each got nerfed into the ground one after the other and never got any attention again. Which is why I am worried about the state of RLML, will this too, just like HML and HAM be forgotten?

Could you tell me which nerfs did HAMs receive ? Seems I've missed this update during my hiatus.

Sorry for the confusion. I meant more neglect than nerf.
bubble trout
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2014-03-10 10:45:26 UTC
Why does this even matter. They are fine as a fleet or small gang ship, so what if they aren't the great, or even good for solo pvp situations? There are tons of ships you can use solo, that don't work great in a large gang, how is this any different?
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#44 - 2014-03-10 10:54:23 UTC
bubble trout wrote:
Why does this even matter. They are fine as a fleet or small gang ship, so what if they aren't the great, or even good for solo pvp situations? There are tons of ships you can use solo, that don't work great in a large gang, how is this any different?

Thing is there are already such a small number of viable solo ships. Making this argument, it almost seems like you think there are a large and varied range of viable solo ships left int he game- and this is just not true.

Look back over your KB"s you have not had a solo kill, or for that matter any real PvP experience. So would you be willing to tell me what ships qualify as good solo ships? I am curious.
bubble trout
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2014-03-10 12:19:35 UTC
Did you really look at my killboard? I have done a ton of pvp, but most of it is wormhole and null, as opposed to solo lowsec ****. I don't do tons of solo ****, as I have more fun playing with friends.

Guess what, solo is hard. Get friends or get used to picking fights carefully. It is an mmo and if you pick going solo you will have to a) pick your ship carefully, and b) pick your fight carefully, because not everyone is going to play your way.

Guess what, T1 cruisers are always going to have problems killing ceptors, a T2 ship *meant* to hold them down. That is the way the game is meant to be.


What makes a good solo ship? Well in general, most "nano" ships that can kill tackle make decent solo ships. If you can't kill the things that move faster than you you will need to pick the fight much more carefully, like breaking them on a gate or fighting them where you can perhaps kill them before their friends reach you. The other option is to tank hard enough to de-agress, but that also requires thinking smart and not taking fights you can't win.

Picking the ship for the space is also important. I know a guy who runs around lowsec in a rail cat, and gets tons of kills, but him taking that to null would be stupid. He takes ceptors for light work there.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#46 - 2014-03-10 12:23:39 UTC
Caldari cruisers are fine, its the pilots that are the issue here.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2014-03-10 15:49:31 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Caldari cruisers are fine, its the pilots that are the issue here.

Agreed. I dont fly them, but I fight against them. The Caracal is a good ship in many roles. The Moa is a beast in its role. And it is about to get even better...

On the missile thing - sure HM or HAMs have trouble with AB frigates and interceptors and only apply a small amount of damage. But guess what? They apply that minor damage in every situation. Medium Turrets may do OK damage when there is low transversal, but they do ZERO damage to those ships when they are in orbit (unless they are withing 9k and you have double webs - which benefit both weapon systems). It seems like a fair trade-off to me between the two weapon systems.

Anyway - once the Ishtar/sentries get nerfed (and they will be) the Cerb is going to be the new FOTM. Missiles are not in a bad place right now.

spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!

God's Apples
#48 - 2014-03-10 21:10:41 UTC
Platy don't you know you can get cancer if you post a thread on the eve-o forums.

"Hydra Reloaded are just jealous / butthurt on me / us because we can get tons of PVP action in empire while they aren't good enough to get that." - NightmareX

Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#49 - 2014-03-11 01:17:50 UTC
bubble trout wrote:
Did you really look at my killboard? I have done a ton of pvp, but most of it is wormhole and null, as opposed to solo lowsec ****. I don't do tons of solo ****, as I have more fun playing with friends.

Guess what, solo is hard. Get friends or get used to picking fights carefully. It is an mmo and if you pick going solo you will have to a) pick your ship carefully, and b) pick your fight carefully, because not everyone is going to play your way.

Guess what, T1 cruisers are always going to have problems killing ceptors, a T2 ship *meant* to hold them down. That is the way the game is meant to be.


What makes a good solo ship? Well in general, most "nano" ships that can kill tackle make decent solo ships. If you can't kill the things that move faster than you you will need to pick the fight much more carefully, like breaking them on a gate or fighting them where you can perhaps kill them before their friends reach you. The other option is to tank hard enough to de-agress, but that also requires thinking smart and not taking fights you can't win.

Picking the ship for the space is also important. I know a guy who runs around lowsec in a rail cat, and gets tons of kills, but him taking that to null would be stupid. He takes ceptors for light work there.

See its funny, because the large majority of your kills are POS structures, or are simply blob fests. So... I feel that you could be overstating the weight of your opinions regarding solo ships dealing with fast movers.

This thread is not about people playing 'our way' its simply an exercise in exploring the possible counters to the current frig heavy meta we are in currently. The excuse you have mentioned regarding the in-ability for a T1 ship to kill a T2 ship, is not congruent with the ship re balance plan CCP has explained to the community. I could post pages, and pages of kills showing me killing vastly more expensive / 'superior' ships to my own, but that is beside the point. CCP has stated many times, that the ability of T2 ships should not vastly supersede their T1 counterparts. As i have said before, a ship designed from the ground up to kill frigs, should be able to kill them. Currently this is not the case, and it is a problem. Your inability to realize how important this fact is, points to the lack of deeper PvP understanding, or experience.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#50 - 2014-03-11 05:10:09 UTC
I do just fine killing frigs with rlml in a raven which has no bonuses for the weapon. The caracal is easily one of the most adaptableships going and forgiving to new new pilots. There is no problem with it.
W0lf Crendraven
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#51 - 2014-03-11 05:54:17 UTC
Hrett wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Caldari cruisers are fine, its the pilots that are the issue here.

Agreed. I dont fly them, but I fight against them. The Caracal is a good ship in many roles. The Moa is a beast in its role. And it is about to get even better...

On the missile thing - sure HM or HAMs have trouble with AB frigates and interceptors and only apply a small amount of damage. But guess what? They apply that minor damage in every situation. Medium Turrets may do OK damage when there is low transversal, but they do ZERO damage to those ships when they are in orbit (unless they are withing 9k and you have double webs - which benefit both weapon systems). It seems like a fair trade-off to me between the two weapon systems.

Anyway - once the Ishtar/sentries get nerfed (and they will be) the Cerb is going to be the new FOTM. Missiles are not in a bad place right now.

Really dont think cerb is going to be fotm again. I mean hams as such are ok, but rlmls suck (mainly due to no ammo changes, wouldnt be so bad if they just got a straight dps nerf but the ammo change on top really cripples the whole class, lets say you shoot a cruiser with rage and a frig shows up, you now have to spend 35secs reloading as youd do 0 damage with rage, by that time you are already tackled and dead).

Heavy missiles need a straight buff (application and dps) and rlmls need the ability to shift ammo in 10 or 5 seconds (while maintaining the same clip size).
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#52 - 2014-03-11 06:32:01 UTC
Heavies dont not need more firepower, if you want more umph you use assaults.
Jonas Staal
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2014-03-11 08:54:06 UTC
W0lf Crendraven wrote:
Hrett wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Caldari cruisers are fine, its the pilots that are the issue here.

Agreed. I dont fly them, but I fight against them. The Caracal is a good ship in many roles. The Moa is a beast in its role. And it is about to get even better...

On the missile thing - sure HM or HAMs have trouble with AB frigates and interceptors and only apply a small amount of damage. But guess what? They apply that minor damage in every situation. Medium Turrets may do OK damage when there is low transversal, but they do ZERO damage to those ships when they are in orbit (unless they are withing 9k and you have double webs - which benefit both weapon systems). It seems like a fair trade-off to me between the two weapon systems.

Anyway - once the Ishtar/sentries get nerfed (and they will be) the Cerb is going to be the new FOTM. Missiles are not in a bad place right now.

Really dont think cerb is going to be fotm again. I mean hams as such are ok, but rlmls suck (mainly due to no ammo changes, wouldnt be so bad if they just got a straight dps nerf but the ammo change on top really cripples the whole class, lets say you shoot a cruiser with rage and a frig shows up, you now have to spend 35secs reloading as youd do 0 damage with rage, by that time you are already tackled and dead).

Heavy missiles need a straight buff (application and dps) and rlmls need the ability to shift ammo in 10 or 5 seconds (while maintaining the same clip size).

My tengu would like a HM buff
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#54 - 2014-03-11 10:39:59 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
I do just fine killing frigs with rlml in a raven which has no bonuses for the weapon. The caracal is easily one of the most adaptableships going and forgiving to new new pilots. There is no problem with it.

Go troll somewhere else. You have a whopping 1 solo kill in a raven, vs a catalyst. Your KB history is pathetic, and so is this troll attempt. Stop shitting up the forums.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#55 - 2014-03-11 10:51:02 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Chessur wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
I do just fine killing frigs with rlml in a raven which has no bonuses for the weapon. The caracal is easily one of the most adaptableships going and forgiving to new new pilots. There is no problem with it.

Go troll somewhere else. You have a whopping 1 solo kill in a raven, vs a catalyst. Your KB history is pathetic, and so is this troll attempt. Stop shitting up the forums.

People still judge others on killboards?

I specialise in getting ships to do new and interesting things, you good sir are the terrible pilot as you are the one demanding an I win weapon vs frigates and high damage from long range weapons. I dont give a damn if someone has no solo kills or a million, what counts is knowing what ships can do.
Platypus King
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#56 - 2014-03-11 18:19:09 UTC
God's Apples wrote:
Platy don't you know you can get cancer if you post a thread on the eve-o forums.

It's why I've stopped replying. My forum life is full of regrets. RIP my posting.
Bouh Revetoile
In Wreck we thrust
#57 - 2014-03-11 18:44:29 UTC
I just saw missiles fairing really well in the new eden open tournament. There must be something wrong. How could a team win with missiles in this game ?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#58 - 2014-03-11 18:55:31 UTC
Clearly its witchcraft.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#59 - 2014-03-11 20:51:48 UTC
Bouh Revetoile wrote:
I just saw missiles fairing really well in the new eden open tournament. There must be something wrong. How could a team win with missiles in this game ?

I have never flown a Typhoon Fleet Issue, but the New Eden Open makes me want to try. Seems to be doing well.

spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!

Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#60 - 2014-03-12 00:13:21 UTC
Once again, things boiled down to *my solo caracal can't even kill a malediction/heretic with one clip of rapid lights* for the one guy and *oh my god did those caracools really just volley our scimitar, broken as ***** on the bigger ganglevel. I'm also surprised you solo'ed a caracal in your heretic in a minute, thought heretics were bullocks for dps with lights.