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Crubicle gameplay affecting issues

D Program
#1 - 2011-11-29 20:05:44 UTC  |  Edited by: D Program

Problems I experience with Crubicle expansion which affect my everyday gameplay.

1. First of all, corp hangar seems to be out of his mind -->
I cant put my ore to Orca corp hangar, tells me that what is on the pic. If I change the division on the corp hangar, then it lets me store ore and then it's fixed again for a while... in a while i have to do that procedure again.

2. Sometimes if I drag my ore to Orca hangar from Hulk. Some of the ore stays in the Hulk cargo and I cant drag that last ore, it says im not within range and the cargo stops updating itself, if my strip miner finishes a cycle, ore should appear in cargo, but nothing appears... if i close cargo and open it again then i see updated cargo again.

3. Major sound issue... I have these sound settings on my char :

Music Level: 0%
UI Sound Level: 40%
UI Speech Level: 90%
World Level: 0%
Master Level: 100%

Before Crubicle I heard only UI speech and button sounds in the game. Now I hear mining laser sounds also, what the hell? How can I disable mining laser sounds and keep UI speech + UI button sounds. I dont want to hear anything from space.

4. Sometimes when I deploy and send my t2 mining drones to mine they all shoot their laz0rs and the laser animation stays in place... drones orbit the asteroid and mine... but the laser graphic stays at one place where they first activated the laser.

5. This is a request which is not that critical as the issues above. Can you please add suggestion amount input when I try to store more ore than there is room for in Corp hangar. In Orca for example, currently I have to hold shift, to get that suggestion amount, why not just drag and it automatically suggests? :P

What is this sorcery?

D Program
#2 - 2011-11-29 20:17:48 UTC  |  Edited by: D Program
Another thing I noticed, if I open fitting window, the sound it usually makes. It does it like 5 times in a row very fast. Before it made only once.

Also sometimes if I target something, sometimes the targeting sound does not play. Usually when I target multiple targets in a row.

What is this sorcery?

D Program
#3 - 2011-11-29 20:49:16 UTC  |  Edited by: D Program
If I dock with my Orca, I have all three hangars open as separate windows, all the windows move to upper part of the screen after docking...

EDIT: This happens everytime I dock with every character.

What is this sorcery?

Space Bacteria Research
#4 - 2011-12-06 13:38:29 UTC
same thing here. silly popup while draging ore on ore in orca hangar. but not if you drag the ore in the space between icons

Targetting reticule stays on roid (CCP knows about it) And if a non corp member drag ore to my orca's corp hangars it sometimes does not updat the cargo space.

Another silly thing is the hopping of strip miners on their mounting point on the hulk when in warp.