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Dev blog: Ship Painting Pilot Program

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Beta Maoye
#441 - 2014-03-07 10:34:45 UTC
I will be happy to pay for player built customized design. I hope dev will give players tools to do their design and a mean to trade their works in the isk market.
Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#442 - 2014-03-07 10:46:59 UTC
Oh... my... gawd! Shocked When can I start painting my gankalysts pink?
Sniper Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#443 - 2014-03-07 11:18:08 UTC
I love it.

The Police Comet was my favorite ship when I first started in Eve, and it devastated me to have it taken away :(

I don't mind the Aurum for the skins.
First, you can buy a PLEX with $.
Second you can buy a PLEX with ISK.
Third you can buy Aurum with ISK.
Forth you can buy these items on the market as soon as anyone else does the above and puts the BPC's or the ships themselves on the market.

Also making people pay NOW for it might just cover the Dev costs to implement it correctly, and then they can make it available in several ways.. From the NEX store, LP stores, mission rewards, NPC drops, etc. But if people are willing to do this in a way that will mostly involve some sort if $$$ entering CCP's hands (directly, or indirectly), then it's something the community wants.

Also, people wanting persistent schemes.. No. Eve is about Loss. You LOSE things when you die. Why would people just keep giving you free paint jobs? No, you want to fly one, you put it on the line.

I do agree with others, long term, a new slot in the fitting window for a camo scheme would be nice.. As I said above if then we can get schemes as drops, mission items, etc, then it would work really well. I for one would love to have a Blood Raider Domi, or Provi or Avatar ?

Also for the guy saying the BS about how vanity items break the immersion into Eve.. Look at the colours on the german planes in WWI.. The way people paint their cars.. etc. It's space, the last thing that matters is the colour of the ship, you don't think people would put all kinds of Random stuff on theirs ?
Adinor Asidi
Russian industrial corporation a name of G-gurda
#444 - 2014-03-07 11:18:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Adinor Asidi

The idea is good, the implimentation is wrong.

Creating a new ship (as new market item) each time as new painting for every existing ship issued -- is absolutely wrong, imho. Why don't create someting like "paint slot" (like a rig) in the ship eqipment window if you wish? So, the paints will be separated from the ships and could be crafted separately and applied separately.

Meilandra Vanderganken
Gallente Federation
#445 - 2014-03-07 11:21:48 UTC
Adinor Asidi wrote:

The idea is good, the implimentation is wrong.

Creating a new ship (as new market item) each time as new painting for every existing ship issued -- is absolutely wrong, imho. Why don't create someting like "paint slot" (like a rig) in the ship eqipment window if you wish? So, the paints will be separated from the ships and could be crafted separately and applied separately.


Why do you think it's 'aboslutely wrong' if I may ask? It's a somewhat novel aproach I agree and I would prefer your suggested paint slot but still, 'absolutely wrong' is a bit harsh :P
Luscius Uta
#446 - 2014-03-07 11:39:11 UTC
I like this idea, especially since it gives some love to Rokh, Maelstrom, Abaddon and Hyperion as those ships don't have a Navy or T2 version (which I would still love to see one day, of course). Still looking forward towards flying the Police Comet the most though. Also I hope there will be few more variations like that in future, like a Prophecy with Blood Raider paint.

Workarounds are not bugfixes.

Caldari State
#447 - 2014-03-07 11:46:28 UTC
I kind of support this, mainly not supporting the purchasing of these options through AUR. I would love to see some sort of "Sponsership" designs like most racing cars have nowadays, eve themed of course.

Also what about Decals?

P.S. WTB a "Pink Hello Kitty" themed drake paint job. Only for the drake.

Play EvE how you want to play it and do not let others dictate how you play. Evolve your playstyle to protect yourself from others! Even in "PVE", "PVP" is there, lurking in the shadows.

CSR Engineering Solutions
Citizen's Star Republic
#448 - 2014-03-07 11:55:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Centurax
Yay, finally being able to customize ships!!!

I don't really like the having to take it to a factory to build it idea, hopefully we get a paint shop station feature when it rolls out properly. Would be good to have an the options buy the skin via LP, ISK or Aurum depending on availability in that station.

I also hope that the TypeID issue can be worked around as it seems strange having to have different ships based on the paint scheme yay for old code, just hope there is a good solution to it, could always have paint scheme added like a rig and it is destroyed when you repackage the ship, no factory time needed.

If the test works would be good to designs that can be applied to any ship not just race specific, so Alliances and Corps can have preferred looks to their fleets and most importantly have the Corp and/or Alliance Logo. Would also be good to have some free ones, maybe just simple color changes. Being able to save a default appearance for Corp/Alliance use, then ship owners will be able to choose to apply it and would just be an additional option in a paint shop.

Keep up the good work on this!
Lido Seahawk
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#449 - 2014-03-07 11:58:55 UTC
I like the idea of custom paint jobs, but am confused as to why they cost extra, and why the process is so clunky.

Can't it be set up to pick a skin in the Original BPO, or just randomize skins in BPO's, rather than have to buy another blueprint just to change the paint?

I mean, if I buy a new car, the green car costs the same as a blue car, I kinda feel the same about my spaceships. I like the idea, but not enough to pay extra for it. But that's just me.

Also, I am curious if this will lead to players being able to create their own skins? I'd be more enthusiastic if I knew that's where this is going, as I would be more willing to pay for a truly custom paint job.

May I have your stuff?

Vila eNorvic
#450 - 2014-03-07 11:59:22 UTC
Adinor Asidi wrote:

The idea is good, the implimentation is wrong.

Creating a new ship (as new market item) each time as new painting for every existing ship issued -- is absolutely wrong, imho. Why don't create someting like "paint slot" (like a rig) in the ship eqipment window if you wish? So, the paints will be separated from the ships and could be crafted separately and applied separately.


As said several times already: read the blog, it explains quite clearly why the pilot scheme is as it is.
Ilaj Aureus
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#451 - 2014-03-07 12:28:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ilaj Aureus
Sounds awesome! But I have one question for the Devs:

Will I be able to paint my Revelation Class Dreadnought in that lovely blue Kador Scheme?

If yes, I'll throw my money at the screen until you say stop.
If no, meh.
21 Day Trial
#452 - 2014-03-07 12:31:31 UTC
lack of fur options leaves me twitching...
#453 - 2014-03-07 12:55:29 UTC
Well, it's a start. My biggest concern given how underwhelming (i.e. not garish,) these initial skins are, demand might be low which would cause CCP to not pursue custom ship skins.

In simple terms, given the kind of hyper-media world we live in (aka the internet,) unless we can fly something as eye-popping as the Hello Kitty kestrel or what Jonah posted, then I don't see a huge demand for limited selection of "meh" (i.e. conservative) ship skins.

Jonah Gravenstein wrote:

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Fi Wan
Special Assault Unit
Pandemic Horde
#454 - 2014-03-07 13:25:19 UTC

i love the idea and the price.
at the moment theres no skin out there i would like to put on my ship.
if you dont provide "a good set" of skins to start with you may not get the true aurum-feedback / players-interested-in-it-feedback
United System's Commonwealth
#455 - 2014-03-07 13:26:11 UTC
Not interested at all.

I pay for my account and that is about the money you will get from me. Paint jobs for isk: also not interested at all.
Lukas Rox
Aideron Technologies
#456 - 2014-03-07 13:39:42 UTC
Meilandra Vanderganken wrote:
Oh... my... gawd! Shocked When can I start painting my gankalysts pink?

Almost already. Although I only painted Tristan so far.

I have posted about technical aspects of ship paiting and possible techincal solutions on my blog (link in signature)

Proud developer of LMeve: Industry Contribution and Mass Production Tracker: | Blogging about EVE on

Amarisen Gream
#457 - 2014-03-07 13:50:13 UTC
First off I love this idea. My alliance mates and I where just talking about this the other day!

Though I understand the concept is a pilot program, I wish to say I think it was a half***ed thought process.
I also understand that your primary goal is a "RL Money Sink", by this I mean you want people to buy Plex to get the AURUM.

I've been maybe a little harsh already, which could have set you all back. Yet! I expected better from you all then the simple greed of selling plex, at the cost of allowing us to change our ships.

Here below are some thoughts I have on this.

1: allow LP store or AURUM store purchases for all skins (All NPC corps)- limit the rare, awesome skins to AURUM
2: For some numbers and assuming that we can reuse these (based on 3) small hulls would be 5000 LP and 2-3x the isk value of the AURUM version. Medium hulls should be 10000LP and 2-3x the isk value of AURUM. Large/capital should be 20000 LP and 2-3x the isk value of AURUM.
3: the best way I figure for you to make this work is -not how you plan it- but to tweak the Fitting window and add a few customizing slots (Like extra rig slots). One for the skin and 1-2 for decals. Corp/alliance Logo.
The point is - buying them via plex would be the over all cheapest way to go to get them, yet with the LP option, it keeps them from going up to crazy *** prices, as well as trying to keep plex inline (600 Million + is crazy. Its to much work for new players who don't have a guide to try for). But players who may only want one or two won't wanna spend an entire plex on one or two skins. Thus the higher LP store price, and this still leaves room for plex players to sell for a profit.

Current value.
Plex = 600 million isk +
Plex provides 3500 AURUM.
A small hull color = 150 AURUM/30 million isk.
LP version would be 60 million + the LP

To limit the number of item numbers - the current limited to hull is ****ing stupid- do skins by corp and rig size. This, tied with my above idea to attach it to the Fitting window would allow ease of use to both the players and you as devs. Basically the skins would replace the colors on the ship by matching numbers. Paint by numbers, hello! I believe that this would be a much simpler method than your current by hull and BP version.

I know I've been harsh, and my whole above plan focuses on that the skins are reusable (enough ships will die with them, that it will keep the flow of RL money via plex moving for you all!.

Again, I am grateful for the desire to add more for the players to tweak their ships. Just remember, there is a limit to how much you can ask your players. A plex for a month, a plex for skins. a plex for MCT a plex for this, a plex for that. At some point your going to over whelm your players (mostly the newer ones) b/c you have your system so tied up in plex that when they look at the cost, they poop themselves.

Please offer two methods to acquire these goods, would like a similar form for the clothing as well.
Just remember - PLEXing method is cheapest over all. Fitting window tweak for color by numbers, and make the skins set to ship size (Small, Medium, Large, Capital), not per hull.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

#NPCLivesMatter #Freetheboobs

Sublime Rage
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#458 - 2014-03-07 13:53:52 UTC
CCP i love you for this one even more than before
Jian Mira
Edgar Industries
#459 - 2014-03-07 14:14:16 UTC
Why are you making so complicated, why not just create an option in the Starbase to apply a paintjob to your ship...

You should not need to buy a blueprint and them manufacture a new ship you should be able it to paint your existing ship.. I know its just a pilot...

I know you can't do everything as it takes time to create the skins, but i would of thought that would be the easiest method, personally i don't mind paying extra for the paint job but you should be able to add it to your existing ships...

But otherwise Carry On!!
Celeste Taylor
Ruby Dynasty
#460 - 2014-03-07 14:31:00 UTC
I will agree with those who like the idea of treating the paint job like another rig slot rather than having a dozen separate types of each ships listed when scrolling through the market tab. It will be harder to track market order graph trends if a ship type is fragmented due to paint jobs.

I really enjoy the idea that the various color schemes are linked to NPC corporations. My unmodified standings with Nugoeihuvi is at 4.53 (although not as high as Modern Finances at 9.53 or SOE at 10.0) so I might go with them for now. This is great for characters who pilot ships that are not made by their race or who mission for other empires.

It would be great to see ORE, SOE, Anmatar, SCT, or Jove Colors to show a players allegiance to these other factions!