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Dev blog: Ship Painting Pilot Program

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Vila eNorvic
#401 - 2014-03-07 07:28:48 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
6) To the people complaining about the typeid, you did not write the DB, so you dunno how its set to draw the id's. You also have to remember, the database programing is 11+ years old, and when eve first came it, it could not support customization of ships without melting. This is also why they are testing, to see if the server's can handle this without freaking out. Then they can use the money to fix the DB so this is possible.
Homeworld 2 is also 11+ years old, but every player gets to choose his own ship paint scheme from an infinitely variable palate, together with a badge of his choice (including designing his own). I know that HW2 isn't an MMO and I know nothing about programming, so correct me if I'm wrong, but surely the principles of adding colour to a computer model must be universal?

Why any forward-thinking developer would make it part of the basic itemID instead of a separately applicable element is beyond my imagination, but that's what CCP seem to have done so I think they need to undo that asap, whatever they do about custom paint jobs.
Alvar Kesh
Ealurian Shipyards
#402 - 2014-03-07 07:30:09 UTC
Completely suporting this. Would be great to have ship skins as common as rigs.
Vila eNorvic
#403 - 2014-03-07 07:32:10 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
Caelo Agalder wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Caelo Agalder wrote:
Nice idea.

Too expensive.

1000 AUR = 1 PLEX

1 PLEX = 650mil ISK

1 Painting = 45 AUR

1 PLEX actually converts to 3500 AUR

Still 8.5mil which, for larger ships (or T2 like Wolf or Jag) is not bad... But not a Rifter.

however, billy bob player could pay for it via a plex and decide to sell it on the market for 1m isk. He paid for the plex with irl money, so can sell it for whatever he wants.
Yeah, too right - people regularly sell stuff for 12% of the cost of producing it. Roll
21 Day Trial
#404 - 2014-03-07 07:32:54 UTC  |  Edited by: 21 Day Trial
shups bro. :3 goodie
Vila eNorvic
#405 - 2014-03-07 07:34:49 UTC
Sinooko wrote:
I'd rather pay $20 for a permanently applicable ship skin, than $0.25 for a skin lost in combat.

Crasniya wrote:
Realistically, if you're going to lose your spaceship in a week, bothering to paint it and give it a name is probably a waste of some emotional attachment you should devote elsewhere.

Every feature is not meant for use in PvP. Even if they do make for more hilarious PvP targets.

DaReaper wrote:
Rivr Luzade wrote:
Edward Olmops wrote:

I think if you lose 20 Erebuses per month, MAYBE, just MAYBE you can afford the paint. ;-)
(and it is not that they would be unusable in regular colors)

Roll Thanks for that input but I'm more thinking about other, more mundane ships that you regularly lose...

then you don't paint them?

Honestly, again, trial program, changes coming eventually. Don't paint a ship you might lose. Or if you do, don't lose it. Simple as that
You guys just don't get it, do you? A lot of us want to have ALL our ships rendered in the same colour scheme.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#406 - 2014-03-07 07:39:22 UTC
Salpun wrote:
Mara Rinn wrote:
MeBiatch wrote:
not sure if asked but will the skin show up on kill mails?

That's what it says in the dev blog.

It shows the new name of the ship, no mention of a change unless you know what you are looking at.

Just search the dev blog for kill:

Devblog, under "What do I need to do to get those pretty ships wrote:
To reiterate, the only thing that changes is the color. All the stats will remain the same. Also, to state the obvious: When your painted ship is destroyed, well… then it is destroyed. Yes, this destruction will be supported in killmails.

Looking forward to pretty ships on killmails, yes? Cool
Marcus Gideon
Triglavian Assembly
#407 - 2014-03-07 07:40:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Marcus Gideon
If these are mostly Aurum based, they are going to become the new monocles. Only characters with ISK pouring out their ears, or a firm grip on mommy's credit card, will have painted ships.

However, given how strenuous CCP has always made this sound (adding a new skin to an existing ship model) then I suppose they don't want too many of them running around. The underlying code necessary to make the colors on Ship A look like the colors on Ship B must be incomprehensible.

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#408 - 2014-03-07 07:40:59 UTC
Vila eNorvic wrote:
You guys just don't get it, do you? A lot of us want to have ALL our ships rendered in the same colour scheme.

Assuming CCP go down the path of "paint job is something you fit to your ship" it's not unreasonable to expect that you'd be able to update your saved fittings with the new paint job. Assemble ship, make active, *fit*. Voilla! Ship is the same colour scheme as the one you just got blown up in!
Vila eNorvic
#409 - 2014-03-07 07:46:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Vila eNorvic
Ransu Asanari wrote:
-The Aliastra Edition ships basically look like Caldari Kaalakiota designed ships (Black with Red Accents). I'm pretty sure your upscale Gallente might be a bit insulted by that.
Obviously not, or they wouldn't have used it on their Catalyst. I see no point in suggesting changes to colour schemes that already exist in game. In any case, green and black would be much too close to the standard Gallente livery.

The Aliastra Incursus is the only thing that might tempt me into acquiring some Aurum from somewhere. It would sit nicely alongside my Aliastra Catalyst in my special edition ships hangar, but that's as far as it would go - I would have no intention of having it shot out from under me the instant I undocked it, which is what's likely to happen to most of these ships if the cost isn't cut by about 90%.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#410 - 2014-03-07 07:49:22 UTC
Marcus Gideon wrote:
If these are mostly Aurum based, they are going to become the new monocles. Only characters with ISK pouring out their ears, or a firm grip on mommy's credit card, will have painted ships.

This is where feedback becomes important.

For example, just mention in this thread what your preferences are. For me, I have two extremes:

  • I really like things like the Interzone Shipping and Aliastra skins, and can't wait to paint all my derpatrons with Interzone colours, but since this is for PVP I'd be balking at a paint job that cost more than the hull or even a module.
  • On the other hand, I'd like some visually distinctive and stupidly expensive skins for my mission-running ships so I can show off how stupidly rich I am when undocking from Lanngisi SOE station!

IMHO there is scope for "cheap" skins for disposable ships (perhaps leading to alliance or corporation uniform colours), costing around 100k ISK for a frigate, up to "bling" skins costing around 1B ISK for a pirate battleship (typically a Machariel, CNR, Nightmare) or marauder. I would expect "bling" skins to be obnoxiously ostentatious: lots of shiny surfaces with different metallic colours for example. No taste, no trace of artistic sense, just the space equivalent of heavy gold chains to wear while strutting your stuff.

Pink and white colour scheme for my Widow, Orca and Skiffs? Yes please =)

Polished & brushed platinum skin for my CNR? I'll buy that for a (hundred) dollar (of someone else's money)!
Vila eNorvic
#411 - 2014-03-07 07:49:27 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Vila eNorvic wrote:
You guys just don't get it, do you? A lot of us want to have ALL our ships rendered in the same colour scheme.

Assuming CCP go down the path of "paint job is something you fit to your ship" it's not unreasonable to expect that you'd be able to update your saved fittings with the new paint job. Assemble ship, make active, *fit*. Voilla! Ship is the same colour scheme as the one you just got blown up in!

I never assume anything - especially where CCP is concerned.
Vila eNorvic
#412 - 2014-03-07 07:57:18 UTC
Vila eNorvic wrote:
What free AUR?

Steve Ronuken wrote:
back in 2011(I think), there was an eve is real campaign and for a bunch of links on facebook, everyone active was given some aurum.

Ravcharas wrote:
Vila eNorvic wrote:
Again, what free Aurum?

This free aurum;

Thanks for clearing that up. Other posters have been implying that free Aurum was given out to everyone, not just a minority who took part in a promotion.
Vila eNorvic
#413 - 2014-03-07 07:58:36 UTC
Kingstontown wrote:
And lets be honest. really... a police comet.. with flashing lights? Please let us just take this game more seriously then this.

Ganthrithor wrote:
*And by "my Machariel," I mean, "Every ship I own."
Some people just aren't getting this bit.
Xander Phoena
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#414 - 2014-03-07 08:00:59 UTC
I highly endorse and/or support this product.

I also like the idea of dropping the prices a little for a destructible, one-off paint job but charging an increased price for a permanent change to every Rifter / Mach / whatever you fly forever more.

Vila eNorvic
#415 - 2014-03-07 08:02:58 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
I will add my voice to the people suggesting that an 8M ISK paint job for a 500k ISK frigate should probably be a job lot of 10 or 20, especially if I'm planning on using this in PVP.

Good luck with that.
· Frigate paint; around 45 AURUM (~$0.23-$0.26) for a single application
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#416 - 2014-03-07 08:18:14 UTC
Vila eNorvic wrote:
Mara Rinn wrote:
I will add my voice to the people suggesting that an 8M ISK paint job for a 500k ISK frigate should probably be a job lot of 10 or 20, especially if I'm planning on using this in PVP.

Good luck with that.
· Frigate paint; around 45 AURUM (~$0.23-$0.26) for a single application

This is a feedback thread. We provide feedback about the prices we'd like to see.

If you think the prices are too high, you could also voice your opinion Big smile
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#417 - 2014-03-07 08:19:45 UTC
Vila eNorvic wrote:
Thanks for clearing that up. Other posters have been implying that free Aurum was given out to everyone, not just a minority who took part in a promotion.

It was given out to everyone who was active during the promotion. I have the free Aurum on all my accounts that were active at the time, most of the promotion involved a Flash-based web site which I couldn't interact with.
Liner Xiandra
Sparks Inc
#418 - 2014-03-07 08:21:47 UTC
Very much looking forward to this feature, although I'm not onboard with the whole aurum thing.

There is already so much similarity between corp LP stores that I think it will serve the PVE and roleplay community better if the corporation-based skins are tied to their respective corps' LP stores. This should add some more flavour to the mission runners; who atm all flock to the same corporations.

Very much like how the police frig is tied to Concord LP though, so well done there :)

Chitsa Jason
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#419 - 2014-03-07 08:36:15 UTC
Woop woop.

Can not wait for the next itrerrations of this project :)

Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me

Lukas Rox
Aideron Technologies
#420 - 2014-03-07 08:37:39 UTC
21 Day Trial wrote:
If anyone wants to have a look at some of the ships, head over to

Apologies, logos, navigation and internal lights aren't currently working, but there is 400+ customised ships to look at.

Update your CCP WebGL library. Lights, effects and animations are working just fine since I upgraded mine. Example:

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