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Dev blog: Ship Painting Pilot Program

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Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#301 - 2014-03-06 22:01:54 UTC
Ali Aras wrote:
if police comets are wildly popular and other skins are not, it's a sign that perhaps the EVE community doesn't like the AUR component.

My prediction i that police comets will be wildly popular because WHOOP WHOOOP THIS IS THE SOUND OF THE SPACE POLICE. I will certainly be investing in WHOOP WHOOP for the brief income opportunity.

In the meantime, none of the trial skins are for popular mission boats. I predict the Nugoeihuvi Rokhs will be the least popular. Put a non-digital-camo CNR skin on the market for 5000 Aurum and mission-runners will lap it up.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#302 - 2014-03-06 22:01:54 UTC
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
Sinooko wrote:
I'd rather pay $20 for a permanently applicable ship skin, than $0.25 for a skin lost in combat.

That's always a possibility.
I'd pay a plex for a ship-skin BPO.

All I can say to this is 'T2 BPO's.'

Even if it is just a vanity item there should not exist an infinite supply of them in player control like that. Not when they are NPC faction skins.

On the topic of actual skins & methods.
Standard Faction skins from LP stores would be nice. I.E. the main manufacturers.
Aurum store could then have luxury skins. 'Pure Gold' 'Sleek Black' 'Pure Silver' 'Punketris Pink'. Things that aren't associated with any in game faction but are still popular concepts.

I am however against player alliances being able to get their own entire colour. A player alliance could become known for using Minmatar ships in Amarr Gold & Chrome colours, but every single alliance being able to have their own colour would just get crazy. Especially since they could just mimic some other colour scheme to side step the requirements.

Alliance Logo's however, I do support being able to fly.
It would also be nice to be able to fly the Logo of any NPC corp you have sufficient standings with, 8.0 maybe, or 9.0. Something like that.
So you want to be a Hero
#303 - 2014-03-06 22:02:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Freelancer117
Since AURUM got introduced I've been sitting on stack of 10k, finally there might be something worthwhile to spend it on.

To translate it in Science speak: About Bloody Time Cool

PS: I also want my corporation logo's that are made with the in game feature option on my ships.

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

Syri Taneka
#304 - 2014-03-06 22:04:53 UTC
I am confused as to why shipSkin would be effectively a hard-coded attribute of a given shipID. I am by no means a DB expert, but it should not be that hard to remove shipSkin from the core vessel definition entry (what makes a Rifter a Rifter?) and put it in the specific item entry (instantiated ship object A has shipType "Rifter" with special attributes including shipSkin "Rifter Krusual Edition", for instance).

Just my two pennies.
Syri Taneka
#305 - 2014-03-06 22:08:05 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Ali Aras wrote:
if police comets are wildly popular and other skins are not, it's a sign that perhaps the EVE community doesn't like the AUR component.

My prediction i that police comets will be wildly popular because WHOOP WHOOOP THIS IS THE SOUND OF THE SPACE POLICE. I will certainly be investing in WHOOP WHOOP for the brief income opportunity.

In the meantime, none of the trial skins are for popular mission boats. I predict the Nugoeihuvi Rokhs will be the least popular. Put a non-digital-camo CNR skin on the market for 5000 Aurum and mission-runners will lap it up.

I'm actually most interested in the Abaddon and Rokh, myself.
Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#306 - 2014-03-06 22:15:33 UTC
Herbinator d'Arcadie wrote:

Police Pursuit Comet ... bad.

What ? GTFO from my EVE Evil

Also you should reconsider the double currency if you want the nex store to kick off you need consider of removing the plex and instead give an option to move aurums around and a possibility to exchange aurum for game time.
So that 3500 AU = 1 plex, either way there cannot be two RL to isk currencies in game (in the log run).

But regardless I'm all in to get back my space comet.
#307 - 2014-03-06 22:21:23 UTC

The prices listed in parenthesis below are in US dollars and assume that the Aurum is obtained through the purchase and conversion of standard priced PLEX. The price range depends on which PLEX package is selected, and even lower prices can be obtained during any of our many PLEX sales.

  • Frigate paint; around 45 AURUM (~$0.23-$0.26) for a single application
  • Battleship paint; around 350 AURUM (~$1.75-$2.00) for a single application

Not enticing enough. A BS cosmetic paint for 350 aurum? No thanks
I'll just use up the free aurum, after it's gone, that's it.

To give some contrast, World of Tanks (WoT) charges ~100US for 25K gold. That's a conversion of 250 gold = 1 dollar.
A standard camo paint for tanks sells for 150 gold. That's ~0.60US! Not only only that, it adds 5% extra on top of the base camo for the tank. If you want to buy a complete set of winter, desert and forest for 1 tank, it'll cost you 1.80US. Is it worth it? Yes, imo.

While not it's main revenue generator, the folks at Wargaming did a few things right. Also see (if you haven't):

Dissecting World of Tanks Monetization
Ransu Asanari
Caldari State
#308 - 2014-03-06 22:23:34 UTC
I think the way this feature is being developed is good. Keeping it to non-stat changing vanity items, makes it completely optional. Those who have lots of ISK can pimp their ships and it'll show on killmails for those who want to blow them up. And the in-game market will balance price anyway.

From the trial paint jobs, from an aesthetic perspective, I'm not very impressed, and although I want to support this initiative, I probably won't be buying any of them (except for the Comet).

-The Krusual Edition ships don't seem very distinguished from the regular versions. I know it's because of keeping with Minmatar "rust" but the difference doesn't really stand out to me. The logo change blends in with the ship color. I'm pretty sure the Minmatar can afford some primer paint to put on top of the new paint job...

-The Aliastra Edition ships basically look like Caldari Kaalakiota designed ships (Black with Red Accents). I'm pretty sure your upscale Gallente might be a bit insulted by that. Something a bit different, like black with a dark green stripe, might be a bit more Gallente.

-I like the Kador design pallette. It looks good on the Punisher, but a bit silly on the Abaddon. Maybe it's just the screenshot, and ti'll look better in space.

-The Nugoeihuvi ships look like someone just went crazy with red spraycan, and I strongly dislike it, as it ruins the clean edges and metallic finish of the Caldari ships. It's also too similar to the Kaalakiota pallette (again), and the Nugoeihuvi Merlin looks way too close to the Cambion.

I REALLY like the digital camoflage on the Caldari Navy ships, and the subtle camoflage of the Guristas ships. Something cleaner but distinctive from those designs would be great, and keeping with the militaristic theme. Also, there are already too many variants of the Merlin (Hawk, Harpy, Worm, Cambion) already. A variant for the Condor, or Corax (my favorite looking Destroyer) would be really nice to see in the future additions.

-I love the design for the Police Pursuit Comet (obligatory WOOP WOOP), and if that much attention is put into the designs of future variants, I'll definitely be buying some.
#309 - 2014-03-06 22:24:58 UTC
I saw a blue/black abaddon and that was enough to make my brain have a nerdgasm.

If you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all...

Valterra Craven
#310 - 2014-03-06 22:26:04 UTC
CCP, you've once again taken something very simple to implement and complicated it to the extremes of stupidity.

All this bs about typeID's and what not is ********.

So here it is in a nutshell, create a new special rig slot that you put the ship skin in. Functions just like a normal rig in that you can't remove it without destroying it and has no calibration.

Don't worry about all the market ID's etc. People want to sell them ships with skins? Hey contracts and local just like every other rigged ship. Then you devote your time to creating market groups for this new area of items instead of cluttering the ships market.

Seriously the "test" implementation is so *facepalm* its not even funny.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#311 - 2014-03-06 22:29:47 UTC
Syri Taneka wrote:
I am confused as to why shipSkin would be effectively a hard-coded attribute of a given shipID. I am by no means a DB expert, but it should not be that hard to remove shipSkin from the core vessel definition entry (what makes a Rifter a Rifter?) and put it in the specific item entry (instantiated ship object A has shipType "Rifter" with special attributes including shipSkin "Rifter Krusual Edition", for instance).

Just my two pennies.

Read the dev blog. It's explained in there.
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#312 - 2014-03-06 22:31:25 UTC
I love it and everything about the way you're setting it up. The prices look perfect, I'm actually shocked you got it so close to what I'd call where it needs to be.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Azami Nevinyrall
#313 - 2014-03-06 22:39:38 UTC
I'm actually happy that this idea is being implemented!

At a price set so the community won't burn Jita to the ground! (again)
And not **** over the industry community!


Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#314 - 2014-03-06 22:41:29 UTC
FIrst off:

I HATE vanity items, for vanity sake. Like that epic weapon or color in Guild Wars that everyone talks about, and wants to have. That people play the game for skins, pets and all other vanity items. It's like an obession, that "can" ruin gameplay.

Second off:
I love costumization! I love to enhance, increase, better the look of my ship/character! You play with the things given in the game, and you make it the best you can do. This part I like.

Now to the point:

Eve is a game with a rich backstory, if you haven't read the books: Google: EVE: The Empyrean Age
Once read, one will see the game with a really different perspective. Things start to make even more sense. Eve is really balanced this way, every item has a backstory.

Vanity Items DO NOT!

Doing storylines, missioning etc, it "can" get you into the game, the story the feel of eve. Seeing a bunch of Pink Drakes undock, will break that immersion instantly!

Think about these skins in a diffent way!

For example, you really like the Guristas skins. Well, you can have the skin, if you are +5 with Guristas in their LP store. This enhances the gameplay, and introduces variable skins. This does not require re-textures or new itemid's. It just making the NPC skins availeble for players.

Let's face it, woulnd't it be nice to have a Serpentis Megathron Hull?

In my opinion this would be a great concept, one can "buy" of the market. As is EVE. or put in the hard word for the skin you want, for the NPC corporation you want! It'll introduce a whole new market/gameplay/experience. Not breaking immersion, and lore enhancing!

And lets be honest. really... a police comet.. with flashing lights? Please let us just take this game more seriously then this.
Jesus Camero
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#315 - 2014-03-06 22:49:24 UTC
Darn, and I was hoping the next big thing on the patches would be something interesting. Paying for pixels. Because what this game really needs is more micro-transactions :/
Remind me next time I have some spare money I'm planning on just throwing away to buy some Aurum, instead.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#316 - 2014-03-06 22:50:04 UTC
Valterra Craven wrote:
All this bs about typeID's and what not is ********.

So here it is in a nutshell, create a new special rig slot that you put the ship skin in. Functions just like a normal rig in that you can't remove it without destroying it and has no calibration.

Seriously the "test" implementation is so *facepalm* its not even funny.

When you've had the opportunity to work on ten-year-old legacy code written by people who were on a tight time budget to get a product up and running quickly, and then never came back to clean up, refactor or document, we'll listen to your opinion.

Anyone else who has an opinion about how this feature has been implemented really needs to get a grip: the dev blog explains exactly what the issue is, i.e.: refactoring out the skin of a ship so that you can add a "rig-like" slot for paint is going to be a significant investment of developer time that can not be spent on adding new features to flying in space.

We already know the system can handle changing the model while the ship is in space (i.e.: we can refit subsystems on a T3 using any fitting service).

CCP explained to us in the dev blog that this is a trial: they are floating the idea to see how much people like the ability to fly custom skins, and they are also attempting to test whether the Aurum price points are decent. Once they have some idea that people are actually going to spend money on ship skins, they'll go ahead and invest the developer time in a feature that is going to earn them the money required to pay for that developer time.

This is basically CCP asking, "we hear people say that they want custom ship skins, but are they willing to pay for custom ship skins?"

If you want to see your feature implemented, simply buy some of the NeX ship skins. You don't even have to like the skins that are being sold, you just have to buy them so CCP knows that the feature is worth pursuing. Then you can feed back on this thread that "45 Aurum for a frigate is too expensive for my budget, 30 Aurum would be within my budget for PvP ships."

ISK-to-Aurum is going to be somewhere in the order of 180k ISK/Aurum, meaning a 45 Aurum BPC is worth about 8M ISK. Whether CCP truly expects us to blow 8M ISK on a rifter, or that 45 Aurum is actually going to buy a 10-run BPC is what I'm looking forward to finding out. 45 Aurum plus a Rifter for a Special Rifter means folks will be flying insanely expensive throw-away ships. I'm more than happy to take their ISK from them, but I'm in no hurry to fly such bling myself.

Max Von Sydow
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#317 - 2014-03-06 22:55:26 UTC
Kingstontown wrote:
FIrst off:

I HATE vanity items, for vanity sake. Like that epic weapon or color in Guild Wars that everyone talks about, and wants to have. That people play the game for skins, pets and all other vanity items. It's like an obession, that "can" ruin gameplay.

Second off:
I love costumization! I love to enhance, increase, better the look of my ship/character! You play with the things given in the game, and you make it the best you can do. This part I like.

Now to the point:

Eve is a game with a rich backstory, if you haven't read the books: Google: EVE: The Empyrean Age
Once read, one will see the game with a really different perspective. Things start to make even more sense. Eve is really balanced this way, every item has a backstory.

Vanity Items DO NOT!

Doing storylines, missioning etc, it "can" get you into the game, the story the feel of eve. Seeing a bunch of Pink Drakes undock, will break that immersion instantly!

Think about these skins in a diffent way!

For example, you really like the Guristas skins. Well, you can have the skin, if you are +5 with Guristas in their LP store. This enhances the gameplay, and introduces variable skins. This does not require re-textures or new itemid's. It just making the NPC skins availeble for players.

Let's face it, woulnd't it be nice to have a Serpentis Megathron Hull?

In my opinion this would be a great concept, one can "buy" of the market. As is EVE. or put in the hard word for the skin you want, for the NPC corporation you want! It'll introduce a whole new market/gameplay/experience. Not breaking immersion, and lore enhancing!

And lets be honest. really... a police comet.. with flashing lights? Please let us just take this game more seriously then this.

We're a bunch of eccentric, insanely rich, immortal "gods" flying around doing whatever the **** we want.

To me it would make perfect sense that some sort of ingame corporation would try to profit from our vanity by selling ship skins.

CCP could create a new NPC corp that does this if it would make you happy.

"The Caldari Ship Bling Conglomerate" or something
Jada Maroo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#318 - 2014-03-06 23:11:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jada Maroo
Remember when such a simple and fun thing like customizing your appearance was included with the price of the monthly fee?

I knew CCP was gonna **** it up by making it Aurum based.

Are the prices terrible? No. But when I spend $1 for clothing on, say, Secret World, I don't ever have to worry about losing it. Here you can spend 50 cents for something that can be instapopped.

Frigate paint should never be single use for .50. Not if you want people to embrace using it. When I fly frigate ops I fully expect to die. That's the whole point. I'm not gonna blow money on a paint job when I *know* it's going to pop the same day.

Keep the price scheme but make the paint 5 time uses instead or something. Maybe 5 on frigs/dessies, 3 on cruisers/BCs, 2 on BS and above.

Or better yet, don't ******* charge us for it to begin with and let us freely paint our ******* ships.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#319 - 2014-03-06 23:15:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Alcorak
Love the idea - hate the implementation.

EVE's already on a subscription model. Adding these as a premium AUR item is silly when nerely every subscriber has wanted some form of this for years. The skinning work of a few artists and typing 'PremiumRifter extends Rifter; Skin=newSkin1;' in my opinion does not justify the moneygrab AUR model. Now, if you truly separated skins from ship code such that true custom skins could be made in similar fashion to alliance logos - then you might have something. Maybe make ship skins something to be manufactured on planets held by Dust players so you can move towards integrating the markets?

Also, you'll be flooding the market with new ships. The market screens are convoluted enough without seeing under ships>battleships>amarr>standard battleships: Abbadon, extra shiney abbadon, hot pink abbadon, 3 armageddons, etc....

Also, you might be overestimating what players will pay for skins on ships they plan on losing within a 2 hour period. Was that 8.4M isk equivelent for frig skins I saw? 64M for battleships?

In my opinion, the AUR shop should contain real items from the EVE store (then you might see more AUR being sold on markets for isk). A better model for these skins (from a customer perspective) would be to seed these BPCs on markets as a form of isk/LP sink as you are doing with the comet.
Tsobai Hashimoto
State War Academy
Caldari State
#320 - 2014-03-06 23:15:52 UTC
Sweet looking Kador Punisher...... I'd buy THAT for a quarter! Big smile

I'll take 10 please, I suck at FW and plan on srubbing a fleet of them myself

PS: I really really really want to see some FW LP Store Skins!