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Reasons for DDOSing!

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#81 - 2014-03-06 13:05:14 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:
CCP tends to be more of an instigator then a victim.

sorry dumbarse but 'someone did something i didn't like' isn't justification

a victim is a victim

for example, you did nothing that justified my insulting you

F'n'F Inc
#82 - 2014-03-06 15:16:56 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
I Riven I wrote:
Hi, Id like to discuss a few things here,..

What could it be and the reasons behind someone wanting to DDOS CCP ??

Lets bring it down to where it all started.

1- Why do you think CCP is getting DDOSed?
2- Do you think CCP brought this upon itself?
3- What did CCP might have done wrong?

Just looking for reasons, because people dont ddos others for no reason.

Share your thoughts.

Your post amounts to 'blaming the victim'

Is that not the EvE mantra? I mean, isn't it always the victims fault in this game? C&P certainly attempts to convince me so.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#83 - 2014-03-06 15:17:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Mandarine
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Mandarine wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
I Riven I wrote:

Just looking for reasons, because people dont ddos others for no reason.

I just realised you said this.

Sure they do. But then again, "***** & giggles" are enough of a reason to do anything these days.

You mean, like using a video game out of context (that is, paying no heed to the ingame fictional narrative and having no interest im building it), and logging in with the express purpose of making random people mad IRL?

If the reason was to make you mad IRL, then the reason wouldn't be "***** & giggles" would it. If you're getting mad IRL over a video game, then I would suggest you aren't enjoying said game.

And also, the last I checked, you can't play EVE out of context because it's a sandbox, with an in-game narrative developed by the players.

Well, there are people who are really giggling when some random eve player gets mad IRL because of their actions, and it does not fit any ingame narrative, nor their character development. Simply put, they don´t care about their character, it´s only a means to an end (making people mad, collecting hate mail, tears etc).

Otherwise, why would they create and biomass ganking alts when they reach negative sec status?

You will herp "but thats frwned upon by ccp". Well yes, and maybe accounts used to alt gank and recycle said alts are sometimes banned: which is good for business, because then, gankers will buy another one.

And you can verily play any online game out of context, if you pursue results that are outside the "magic circle", that is, the game universe and ingame narrative. Once again, aiming at making people mad IRL, not playing the game to play pretend being a pod pilot and feeling elation at your character´s epic adventures, but merely using said game and character as a means to make people mad IRL, the goal being, feeling good about your RL self having been the source of a random player´s disarray, this fits no ingame narrative at all. It´s not play pretend, it´s being an online jerk.

Much like highschoolers trolling their classmates on facebook, or people DDOSing servers,
F'n'F Inc
#84 - 2014-03-06 15:26:41 UTC
Mandarine wrote:

Well constructed point

Nail on head I believe.

I really do worry about that 60 bill CNR * 2 guy . Especially his family.
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#85 - 2014-03-06 15:49:56 UTC
Mandarine wrote:
Well, there are people who are really giggling when some random eve player gets mad IRL because of their actions, and it does not fit any ingame narrative, nor their character development. Simply put, they don´t care about their character, it´s only a means to an end (making people mad, collecting hate mail, tears etc).

Otherwise, why would they create and biomass ganking alts when they reach negative sec status?

You will herp "but thats frwned upon by ccp". Well yes, and maybe accounts used to alt gank and recycle said alts are sometimes banned: which is good for business, because then, gankers will buy another one.

And you can verily play any online game out of context, if you pursue results that are outside the "magic circle", that is, the game universe and ingame narrative. Once again, aiming at making people mad IRL, not playing the game to play pretend being a pod pilot and feeling elation at your character´s epic adventures, but merely using said game and character as a means to make people mad IRL, the goal being, feeling good about your RL self having been the source of a random player´s disarray, this fits no ingame narrative at all. It´s not play pretend, it´s being an online jerk.

Much like highschoolers trolling their classmates on facebook, or people DDOSing servers,

Eccon Dustwaver
Excalibur Industries
#86 - 2014-03-06 18:17:09 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:
CCP tends to be more of an instigator then a victim.

sorry dumbarse but 'someone did something i didn't like' isn't justification

a victim is a victim

for example, you did nothing that justified my insulting you


I could care less about being insulted I am thick skinned. However I never said that what I said was justification. However it is the reason that most of the children will give for doing it. CCP even if you try to deny it adds their own special fuel to the fire and burning bridges is risky business. You make a person mad enough they will do anything.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#87 - 2014-03-06 18:20:23 UTC
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:
CCP tends to be more of an instigator then a victim.

sorry dumbarse but 'someone did something i didn't like' isn't justification

a victim is a victim

for example, you did nothing that justified my insulting you


I could care less about being insulted I am thick skinned. However I never said that what I said was justification. However it is the reason that most of the children will give for doing it. CCP even if you try to deny it adds their own special fuel to the fire and burning bridges is risky business. You make a person mad enough they will do anything.

In this case, it would only be people getting mad for not getting what they wanted. Entitlement-fuelled DDOS attacks are little more than tantrums, and still not CCP's fault.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Zack Korth
Livid CO.
#88 - 2014-03-06 18:23:44 UTC
Flybiere wrote:
Mandarine wrote:

Well constructed point

Nail on head I believe.

I really do worry about that 60 bill CNR * 2 guy . Especially his family.

why? their dad has thousands to throw away on vidya shinies
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#89 - 2014-03-06 18:27:12 UTC
Mandarine wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Mandarine wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
I Riven I wrote:

Just looking for reasons, because people dont ddos others for no reason.

I just realised you said this.

Sure they do. But then again, "***** & giggles" are enough of a reason to do anything these days.

You mean, like using a video game out of context (that is, paying no heed to the ingame fictional narrative and having no interest im building it), and logging in with the express purpose of making random people mad IRL?

If the reason was to make you mad IRL, then the reason wouldn't be "***** & giggles" would it. If you're getting mad IRL over a video game, then I would suggest you aren't enjoying said game.

And also, the last I checked, you can't play EVE out of context because it's a sandbox, with an in-game narrative developed by the players.

Confusion about the difference between reality and a video game.

If someone gets mad in real life over the events that took place in a videogame, whether in 'context' or not, then they are probably not enjoying the game, in which case they should try another.

In the case of EVE, though, there is no 'context' or 'in-game narrative' but that which the players create. This is the purpose of a sandbox.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Eccon Dustwaver
Excalibur Industries
#90 - 2014-03-06 18:33:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Eccon Dustwaver
Remiel Pollard wrote:

If someone gets mad in real life over the events that took place in a videogame, whether in 'context' or not, then they are probably not enjoying the game, in which case they should try another.

In the case of EVE, though, there is no 'context' or 'in-game narrative' but that which the players create. This is the purpose of a sandbox.

Actually you are basically wrong in a sandbox you can turn on and off pvp at will in EVE you can't.
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#91 - 2014-03-06 18:45:15 UTC
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:
However I never said that what I said was justification.

your language suggested otherwise vOv
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2014-03-06 19:08:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Mandarine
Remiel Pollard wrote:

If someone gets mad in real life over the events that took place in a videogame, whether in 'context' or not, then they are probably not enjoying the game, in which case they should try another.

In the case of EVE, though, there is no 'context' or 'in-game narrative' but that which the players create. This is the purpose of a sandbox.

If someone gets mad IRL due to other players´actions which were meant to make him mad, harvest his tears, generate hate mail, I will agree that he´s unfortunately giving them what they want.

The confusion between RL and ingame universe really lies in the will of said players not to enjoy the game as a game, with an ingame narrative and character development, but to use it as an online platform to get what they can´t obtain IRL, because of the Law, that punishes people who go out of their way to emotionally harm other people.

To make it crystal clear: there are some kids who come to the sandbox to build castles, and destroy other kids´ castles, all in good fun, creating stories around that and wanting to share joy, being happy to play with other kids.

And there are kids who come to the castle not to play with other kids, but to annoy them, ruin their storytelling, make them mad, and make sure nobody has fun except them. Their fun is had in making other kids mad, and if they can make them cry, it makes their day.

I guess anybody can understand which kids see the sandbox as a fictional universe in which to create stories, and which kids consider the sandbox not as fictional at all, but as a place to traumatize others, taking advantage of their naive wish to play pretend.
Venerated Stars
#93 - 2014-03-06 20:22:14 UTC
KuroVolt wrote:
Maybe its because we are all bad people?

Maybe whoever is DDOSsing us somehow lost an officer fit NRI....twice and is now seeking justice?

Wow, this dude is gonna be famous from now on isn't he? Like the guy that got popped with 130 PLEXs or something.
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#94 - 2014-03-06 20:37:00 UTC
Those DDoS attacks are boring me. Why would someone be so stupid and do such thing with his free time?
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#95 - 2014-03-06 20:51:37 UTC
Mandarine wrote:

Well, there are people who are really giggling when some random eve player gets mad IRL because of their actions, and it does not fit any ingame narrative, nor their character development. Simply put, they don´t care about their character, it´s only a means to an end (making people mad, collecting hate mail, tears etc).

Otherwise, why would they create and biomass ganking alts when they reach negative sec status?

You will herp "but thats frwned upon by ccp". Well yes, and maybe accounts used to alt gank and recycle said alts are sometimes banned: which is good for business, because then, gankers will buy another one.

And you can verily play any online game out of context, if you pursue results that are outside the "magic circle", that is, the game universe and ingame narrative. Once again, aiming at making people mad IRL, not playing the game to play pretend being a pod pilot and feeling elation at your character´s epic adventures, but merely using said game and character as a means to make people mad IRL, the goal being, feeling good about your RL self having been the source of a random player´s disarray, this fits no ingame narrative at all. It´s not play pretend, it´s being an online jerk.

Much like highschoolers trolling their classmates on facebook, or people DDOSing servers,

Do you apply the same logic in chess?

"WAAA MUMMY HE KILLED MY ROOK, THIS GAME IS UNFAIR!" (throws tantrum and overturns board)

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Real Serious PVPer
#96 - 2014-03-06 20:53:18 UTC
Maybe someone thought the PVP wasn't serious enough?

[b] Serious about being serious- Putting the "P "into PVP one fight at a time.  MUFC[/b]

Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#97 - 2014-03-06 22:41:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Hasikan Miallok
Mandarine wrote:

Otherwise, why would they create and biomass ganking alts when they reach negative sec status?

You will herp "but thats frwned upon by ccp". Well yes, and maybe accounts used to alt gank and recycle said alts are sometimes banned: which is good for business, because then, gankers will buy another one.

Actually the people I know that do this use 3 week trial accounts with a different email to their main and mainly gank shuttles, pods and unfitted ships (you will be surprised how many are around) generally at the Jita gates. So no dollars for CCP, its all done with trial accounts.

Moral of the story: Do not fly pods or shuttles into Jita if you have valuable implants and if you buy a ship fit SOMETHING to it, even if its junk meta one modules so a quick scan will at least show its fitted.
Eccon Dustwaver
Excalibur Industries
#98 - 2014-03-06 23:42:17 UTC
Mandarine wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:

If someone gets mad in real life over the events that took place in a videogame, whether in 'context' or not, then they are probably not enjoying the game, in which case they should try another.

In the case of EVE, though, there is no 'context' or 'in-game narrative' but that which the players create. This is the purpose of a sandbox.

If someone gets mad IRL due to other players´actions which were meant to make him mad, harvest his tears, generate hate mail, I will agree that he´s unfortunately giving them what they want.

The confusion between RL and ingame universe really lies in the will of said players not to enjoy the game as a game, with an ingame narrative and character development, but to use it as an online platform to get what they can´t obtain IRL, because of the Law, that punishes people who go out of their way to emotionally harm other people.

To make it crystal clear: there are some kids who come to the sandbox to build castles, and destroy other kids´ castles, all in good fun, creating stories around that and wanting to share joy, being happy to play with other kids.

And there are kids who come to the castle not to play with other kids, but to annoy them, ruin their storytelling, make them mad, and make sure nobody has fun except them. Their fun is had in making other kids mad, and if they can make them cry, it makes their day.

I guess anybody can understand which kids see the sandbox as a fictional universe in which to create stories, and which kids consider the sandbox not as fictional at all, but as a place to traumatize others, taking advantage of their naive wish to play pretend.

You forgot the group that plays the game to escape RL because they have problems in RL and this is their only escape.
Eccon Dustwaver
Excalibur Industries
#99 - 2014-03-06 23:44:00 UTC
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Mandarine wrote:

Otherwise, why would they create and biomass ganking alts when they reach negative sec status?

You will herp "but thats frwned upon by ccp". Well yes, and maybe accounts used to alt gank and recycle said alts are sometimes banned: which is good for business, because then, gankers will buy another one.

Actually the people I know that do this use 3 week trial accounts with a different email to their main and mainly gank shuttles, pods and unfitted ships (you will be surprised how many are around) generally at the Jita gates. So no dollars for CCP, its all done with trial accounts.

Moral of the story: Do not fly pods or shuttles into Jita if you have valuable implants and if you buy a ship fit SOMETHING to it, even if its junk meta one modules so a quick scan will at least show its fitted.

Moral of the story for CCP watch for people with trial accounts around Jita then ban their IP's.
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#100 - 2014-03-07 01:23:29 UTC
Eccon Dustwaver wrote:
Hasikan Miallok wrote:
Mandarine wrote:

Otherwise, why would they create and biomass ganking alts when they reach negative sec status?

You will herp "but thats frwned upon by ccp". Well yes, and maybe accounts used to alt gank and recycle said alts are sometimes banned: which is good for business, because then, gankers will buy another one.

Actually the people I know that do this use 3 week trial accounts with a different email to their main and mainly gank shuttles, pods and unfitted ships (you will be surprised how many are around) generally at the Jita gates. So no dollars for CCP, its all done with trial accounts.

Moral of the story: Do not fly pods or shuttles into Jita if you have valuable implants and if you buy a ship fit SOMETHING to it, even if its junk meta one modules so a quick scan will at least show its fitted.

Moral of the story for CCP watch for people with trial accounts around Jita then ban their IP's.

Dynamic IP says hello. Let's say MR GANKEROUS THROWAWAYMAXIMUS gets an IP ban from good ole CCP for using throwaway alts. Now he just resets his router and gets a new IP. Now imagine me being a new player registering for the first time. The moment I download the game and patch it all up I suddenly receive a message saying my IP is banned. Let's say I'm computer illiterate and don't know how to change my IP. Suddenly CCP lost a potential customer because CCP banned an IP address.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!