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Launching a warp disrupt probe will give you aggression and prevent you from docking or jumping.

Aphoxema G
Khushakor Clan
#101 - 2011-11-28 22:43:08 UTC
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:

I really would like to continue this discussion with you but I just don't have the facility to understand what you're saying. Can you simplify that for me?
Hemmo Paskiainen
#102 - 2011-11-28 22:43:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Hemmo Paskiainen
Aphoxema G wrote:
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:

I really would like to continue this discussion with you but I just don't have the facility to understand what you're saying. Can you simplify that for me?

learn dutch and i will Pirate

ps: napy time, kinda wasting my time here on trolls and talkign with ppl about ships they never flown.

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#103 - 2011-11-28 22:49:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:
Aphoxema G wrote:
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:

I really would like to continue this discussion with you but I just don't have the facility to understand what you're saying. Can you simplify that for me?

learn dutch and i will Pirate

ps: napy time, kinda wasting my time here on trolls and talkign with ppl about ships they never flown.

Big smile

No my friend, you wasted our time by

Replying to arguments that had already been answered, because you start spamming crap without reading the thread first.

Using circular arguments that have little relation to what is being discussed.

Insisting that your limited knowledge of how dictors are, or more importantly CAN be used is more than basic at best.

Failing to understand aggression times.

Failing to understand the role Hictors play as opposed to Dictors, and the tactics used to make them effective.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Amsterdam Conversations
#104 - 2011-11-28 22:49:57 UTC
Vincent Gaines wrote:
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
Wait, what?

Have dictor pilots lived with ability to be mail whores without getting aggression for it the past 3-4 years?

Hahahahaha .. how many want to go back to not being registered on mails then?

Cake: Eat it or Have it .. choose one.

you don't get on the KM unless the person tries to warp off.

So, using your "cake and eat it too"

If I launch a bubble and nobody warps off, I get no agression but not on the KM.

If I launch it and someone lands/tries to warp off, I should get agression but also on the kill.


Are you serious?

You already get on kills if someone tries to warp inside your bubble.

Someone warping into your bubble is another story.
Aphoxema G
Khushakor Clan
#105 - 2011-11-28 22:50:48 UTC
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:
Aphoxema G wrote:
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:

I really would like to continue this discussion with you but I just don't have the facility to understand what you're saying. Can you simplify that for me?

learn dutch and i will Pirate

Okay, to the part I did understand... your experience with interdictors and your obvious success with them doesn't really have much impact on the point here. I don't have to use an interdictor to understand that there is an unfair advantage in allowing an interdictor to jump after launching a disruption probe. This apparently isn't a problem for you anyways because you actually have killmails to show me instead of cowering and running away.

As for commanding both sides of a gate... I don't care about the sacrifice you make in having two probe launchers. You should have to choose which side of that gate you'll be on when the fight starts, and if your fleet is concerned about it then they should bring two interdictors or resort to more traditional methods of screwing people over.

I don't doubt your ability, and I respect what you can accomplish because I really suck at everything. It just isn't fair that interdictors are free to chicken out or avoid bad directions.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#106 - 2011-11-28 23:04:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Aphoxema G wrote:
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:
Aphoxema G wrote:
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:

I really would like to continue this discussion with you but I just don't have the facility to understand what you're saying. Can you simplify that for me?

learn dutch and i will Pirate

Okay, to the part I did understand... your experience with interdictors and your obvious success with them doesn't really have much impact on the point here. I don't have to use an interdictor to understand that there is an unfair advantage in allowing an interdictor to jump after launching a disruption probe. This apparently isn't a problem for you anyways because you actually have killmails to show me instead of cowering and running away.

As for commanding both sides of a gate... I don't care about the sacrifice you make in having two probe launchers. You should have to choose which side of that gate you'll be on when the fight starts, and if your fleet is concerned about it then they should bring two interdictors or resort to more traditional methods of screwing people over.

I don't doubt your ability, and I respect what you can accomplish because I really suck at everything. It just isn't fair that interdictors are free to chicken out or avoid bad directions.

Don't be too impressed with his killboard statistics.

The vast majority of his kills are pods. It's very easy to kill pods when you come back to the side of the gate the fight was on after your buddies kill off the enemy and the pods are still floating in your bubble... or to wait on the other side with your 2nd bubble up waiting for the pods to come through.

You'll also notice the majority of his "kills" are in his Sabre, which is typical of a person flying a dictor as they get on every single kill mail of every person that tried to warp out of it.

Sometimes you have to be used to the mechanics of kill boards to be able to get an accurate picture of what the stats actually mean.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

#107 - 2011-11-28 23:24:51 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:

I have, many times, in the past. More recently I spend my time giving them warp in points, or telling them when to drop.

Ranger, we used to be in the same alliance, I've flown with you many times, and I actually quite like you even though we disagree quite badly here. But you do realise that both Eve-kills and battleclinic can tell the entire world exactly what ships you fly (even though I don't actually need to look in your case) and how often you fly them and when you last PvPed.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#108 - 2011-11-28 23:26:08 UTC
You're putting a giant mine in space. How should it NOT cause aggression?

I understand it will change existing tactics, but that's EVE: adapt to changes or die.
Moneta Curran
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2011-11-28 23:30:22 UTC
Jon Marburg wrote:
Looking at SiSi it doesn't appear that any of the interdictors have received the sig and hp buff of their T1 counterparts. Was this intentional or just overlooked? In the current state, dictors entire role consists of bubbling and getting off field or hiding. Was kind of hoping that pilots for these ships would be able to actually have a reason to fit guns to their ships, because right now they're just expensive coffins if you stay on field. Looking at the numbers it appears that the T1 versions now have equal dps and more ehp and survivability. It seems appropriate that the T2 version be at least as survivable as the T1, as right now there is no reason to fly them aside from the bubble.

On related note, overdue balancing is overdue
Metal Icarus
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#110 - 2011-11-28 23:48:37 UTC
The main drawback that I can see from this happening is that dictor pilots will not be able to slow down fleets hot on their trail. It will be like a sacrifice.

Dictor Pilot: I'll stay behind and hold them off commander...

Commander: Oh ye of the interdictor, we (the rest of the fleet) thank you for your sacrifice...

*Dictor pilot holds as a fleet of 20 lands in his bubble.... 15km off the gate.*

Dictor Pilot: YOU SHALL NOT PA- *ded*

But the rest of his fleet got away thanks to the extra 30seconds of burn time needed to get to gate.

Good change!
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#111 - 2011-11-28 23:49:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
ThisIsntMyMain wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:

I have, many times, in the past. More recently I spend my time giving them warp in points, or telling them when to drop.

Ranger, we used to be in the same alliance, I've flown with you many times, and I actually quite like you even though we disagree quite badly here. But you do realise that both Eve-kills and battleclinic can tell the entire world exactly what ships you fly (even though I don't actually need to look in your case) and how often you fly them and when you last PvPed.

Yeah, I was out for about a year due to some vision related issues.

Since then I've been spending the bulk of my time on other characters and letting Ranger be the bread winner. As you may or may not know, R1 has never been my main combat pilot. He is actually primarily industry specced.

That being said, you're correct in that I've gotten pretty snippy with people in this thread. It irritates me when people try to marginalize other people's very legitimate point of view by quoting KB stats (especially when dictor pilots can ho KM's easier than any other pilots in the game). Smile Still, I'll try to be more tactful.

Truthfully, I'd be all for the alternatives suggested (bubbles pop if the dicter jumps out of system).

Edit: I should explain that last bit. It would leave "some" of the elements that dictors currently enjoy, but would inhibit the free ticket they have now. The tactic when covering retreats would be

1: Fleet jumps through, leaving dictor behind.
2: Dictor pops bubble and waits until the enemy fleet appears on scanner.
3: THEN dictor jumps through, hoping that the entire fleet was in warp when he jumped.

Even if they aren't all in warp by that time, it still slows at least some of them down... (likely their tacklers).

It would be a reasonable compromise.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#112 - 2011-11-29 00:15:24 UTC
Metal Icarus wrote:
The main drawback that I can see from this happening is that dictor pilots will not be able to slow down fleets hot on their trail. It will be like a sacrifice.

Dictor Pilot: I'll stay behind and hold them off commander...

Commander: Oh ye of the interdictor, we (the rest of the fleet) thank you for your sacrifice...

*Dictor pilot holds as a fleet of 20 lands in his bubble.... 15km off the gate.*

Dictor Pilot: YOU SHALL NOT PA- *ded*

But the rest of his fleet got away thanks to the extra 30seconds of burn time needed to get to gate.

Good change!


Well like I said previously in this thread, fit a cloak and just mwd off and cloak after your drop the bubble. Its a crap alternative to just jumping through the gate.

I still DO NOT like these changes.

I find the lack of discussion with ccp on this matter annoying too. Typical CCP then.

The good old days of Unreal Tournament, fragging and sniping on Facing Worlds, listening to Foregone Destruction.......

The Greater Goon
#113 - 2011-11-29 00:28:01 UTC
well I guess its fit a cloak or have a perch to jump to if you want to live, but still in that situation a delaying tactic robs the fleet of their bubble indefinitely.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#114 - 2011-11-29 00:29:01 UTC
The OP is a terrible person.
I'm going to put a bomb in their house, and triggers for it attached to every second square centimetre of space.
If the OP triggers the bomb, it's their own fault, according to their own reasoning.
The Greater Goon
#115 - 2011-11-29 00:35:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Morganta
DarkAegix wrote:
The OP is a terrible person.
I'm going to put a bomb in their house, and triggers for it attached to every second square centimetre of space.
If the OP triggers the bomb, it's their own fault, according to their own reasoning.

don't want to step in dog poo?
watch where you're going

don't want to DIAF?
don't walk into a burning building

Don't want to get mugged?
don't go into the bad part of town at night

Don't want to get bubbled while warping?
Don't warp directly to a gate you can't see or scan
Killer Gandry
The Concilium Enterprises
#116 - 2011-11-29 00:37:54 UTC
If a neutral targets you in low or null sec, do you wait till he shoots?

Any none logi ship that isn't blue to me that targets me in low and null sec is for me an act of agression and I am not gonna give them time to shoot first if I can prevent it.

There is no peacefull reason to put up a bubble with a HiC or DiC. it's not asif you then are going to have a chat with those who land in your bubble.

non judgement
Without Fear
Flying Burning Ships Alliance
#117 - 2011-11-29 00:59:27 UTC  |  Edited by: non judgement
It isn't such a big deal if you have more than one dic in your fleet. Besides it makes it more realistic. Maybe people should be able to use a smartbomb and then jump right after?

What is adapting?
Pesky LaRue
#118 - 2011-11-29 00:59:54 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:

Agreed. Blue KM's as well.

I can't think of a better way to determine who is a wise dictor pilot and who is an idiot that consistently gets his own fleet members killed. Smile
i like it!
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#119 - 2011-11-29 01:01:51 UTC
If this stays then make shooting NPCs and launching scan probes an aggressive act.

This change needs to go.
Doctor Ungabungas
#120 - 2011-11-29 02:48:21 UTC
NaturalBeast wrote:
If this stays then make shooting NPCs and launching scan probes an aggressive act.

This change needs to go.

I agree, this change needs to go .. harder!

Any use of a module should trigger an aggression timer.

PS: Shooting NPC's IS an aggressive act.