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Erotica 1 pulling the worst scams ever.

First post
Anne Dieu-le-veut
Natl Assn for the Advancement of Criminal People
#161 - 2014-03-05 14:14:51 UTC
I'm guessing that petition didn't quite work out the way Mrs Mayo had hoped...
Cap'n Brandy
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#162 - 2014-03-06 07:40:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Cap'n Brandy
So, I thought I would just add my story to the list of people that lost isk to Erotica. I'm not going to go into a huge long rant or anything, just air my sadness at the whole affair, and my own stupidity. I'm fairly new to EVE, so I'll just take this as a early lesson in the ways of it. Mistakes are human, but they are opportunities to learn from.

I read around that Erotica 1 was actually legit. So I read her rules (or at least I thought I did, I'll get into that) and sent Erotica 700m Isk for a 3x back. This was within her profiles guidelines as a legit number, and also realized it would be my last since I couldn't double the amount received on another play and be a donor. I got a convo invite from her, which I accepted, and they started talking about the bonus round, which I read earlier got... a little creepy.

They said they would 5x my isk instead of 3x it, but that I had to give api info and join their teamspeak. This confused me, and I thought at first this wasn't part of her bio, so I simply asked for my 3x, not wishing to participate in a bonus round. Being the title of the chat was "Glory Hole" that didn't bode well for the non-creepy aspect. The pressure from others in the chat was immense, they wanted me to badly do this bonus round, which again I said I wasn't interested in. When I mentioned the whole affair wasn't in her rules, they said it was, and that is when I realized my mistake. She purposely puts the info about being the 100th and OBLIGATORY bonus round way off the normal part of the bio where you have to scroll way way down. Quite misleading since it wasn't in plain view. That's when they start demanding your API keys, and getting you in Teamspeak.

Here is my thing, I play games to get away from real life. I've got a stressful enough job irl as is, and I don't typically like irl intrusions in my serious business games (see what I did there?). In no other games do I ever just casually tell people my alts either, I prefer to keep them separate from each other. I like my privacy thank you. Same goes with TS, it breaks the immersion of the game for me.

So when the demand to get on TS and API keys came out, I decided to bail. They told me I would lose the initial 700m if I did so. That did hurt, was a lot for myself. But I'll get over it. Do I think Erotica 1 is somebody you should have faith in? No, I don't, because I think the whole bonus round and trying to hide that part of the rules, while then demanding other things that weren't in her bio at all (api, ts) means this is probably where she makes most of her money. Did I break any of her rules? I suppose in the broadest sense of the word I did so, she got to keep my 700m. Do I really know for sure that I was the 100th person? Nope.

Again, I stress this isn't a complaint, or a rant, just a series of events as I recall them. It's also a warning to any others that may think to try using Erotica 1. I was foolish, and I paid the price.

Also, internet spaceships is some serious damn business don't you know? Losing some isk is one thing, compromising my irl self is much much worse, which I wasn't willing to do.

Damn, this got long didn't it? Oh well. lmao

TLDR Version: I made a 700m donation to Erotica 1 when I didn't want to give out my API info and go into a TS, which isn't in her bio. I'm also an idiot.
Tarojan Corporation
#163 - 2014-03-06 08:13:16 UTC
Nah not an idiot. You just didnt use google. If I ever decide to send Erotica my Isk to double, I'll know exactly what to expect, be doing it purely for the giggles, will probably be drunk and will have a large jar of mayo to hand. I also wont be crying if I lose everything. Seriously am I the only person who actually researchs things? who listens to shows before I ask to go on them?

Its like that fake exam paper they gave us at school where task 1 was read the whole thing before answering any questions and task 49 was skip questions 2-48. I was the ONLY person in my classroom who finished inside 2 minutes and I sat around for the next 20 watching the teachers laugh their t**s off while my class mates furiously scribbled away and bashed thier calculators. I remember at the time thinking wtf.

Sometimes I really dont understand people.

Will gank for food

Cap'n Brandy
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#164 - 2014-03-06 17:46:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Cap'n Brandy
Tarojan wrote:
Nah not an idiot. You just didnt use google. Seriously am I the only person who actually researchs things? who listens to shows before I ask to go on them?

No, you aren't. I've been told many times that if anything, I tend to over research items. I'd call this whole scenario the result of a momentary lack of sanity. It happens to the best of us, and it is what Erotica preys upon for her scam.

Best of luck to you if you decide to give her isk to double. Just watch out for any rules not listed in her Bio, and pray you found "EVERYTHING" via that google search. I for one think you'll just lose your isk though. After all, he has a vested interest in not paying you.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#165 - 2014-03-06 18:11:02 UTC
Cap'n Brandy wrote:
Tarojan wrote:
Nah not an idiot. You just didnt use google. Seriously am I the only person who actually researchs things? who listens to shows before I ask to go on them?

No, you aren't. I've been told many times that if anything, I tend to over research items. I'd call this whole scenario the result of a momentary lack of sanity. It happens to the best of us, and it is what Erotica preys upon for her scam.

Best of luck to you if you decide to give her isk to double. Just watch out for any rules not listed in her Bio, and pray you found "EVERYTHING" via that google search. I for one think you'll just lose your isk though. After all, he has a vested interest in not paying you.

I was hoping you'd be the next Yodaknows. Oh well, maybe someone tonight will win and give us a nice heartwarming story after the whole sohkar thing.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Var D'ovoli
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#166 - 2014-03-07 18:33:36 UTC
I wish that I could have been in the TS to hear it live. Live comedy is always much better than recorded. I think the OP should read the bio of Erotica 1 and give it another try. It will work out better next time. Don't give up :) Try again!!!
Abulurd Boniface
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#167 - 2014-03-10 11:27:16 UTC
Admiral Avion wrote:
I admit, I was slightly autistic when it comes to making contracts and such, but if someone is asking for all the isk on your account, is that not scamming?

You're really supposed to be responsible for your own actions.

Why are you going to give people of whom you're aware that they are known scammers all your ISK? Why do that? What is the rationale behind that?

Why are people like Erotica 1 doing this kind of thing? BECAUSE there are people like you out there who want to make a quick buck.

Here's a brief course in humanity: scamming works because people are greedy. If people were not greedy, scamming would likely never work [but it would work on the mentally infirm or the very young, obviously].

To me scamming is in-flight entertainment. It is part and parcel of the EVE Online culture and I want it to be there. It also tells me there are still enough greedy people in there, who are just waiting to get sucker-punched, to keep a scammer demographic alive.

Do not complain about scammers. Scammers are not the problem. The people believing in the scam are the people who make scamming a viable enterprise. If people were not greedy there would not be others being able to play/prey on that greed. Think about that.

EVE Online is a free school in valuable life skills. The world is full of people who don't know you who are going to make you unfathomably rich. Just like that! No reason given. They just think you're a swell guy! A Russian female has never met me yet she has determined, from thousands of kilometers away, that I'm the perfect guy! I don't live thousands of kilometers away and even I myself don't think I'm a perfect guy. The reality is that this doesn't happen, of course. That is not how the world works.

You can do two things for yourself that will make your life a lot easier: 1. live within your budget and enjoy life within those constraints [and there is no shortage of things to enjoy free of charge]; 2. don't be greedy. Greed is internal misery. Greedy people never have enough. No amount of money suffices. Give someone who already has more than he needs more money and he'll still anguish over the fact that it's still, somehow, not enough. It is a miserable life filled with anguish, dissatisfaction and frustration. Find yourself someone worthy to love and live within your budget. That's a success of a life right there.

I did not have to come to EVE to learn about that particular bit of wisdom, I can see the need for it every day.

People like Erotica 1 are life's warning that you're doing it wrong.
Sara Navorski
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#168 - 2014-03-10 16:53:54 UTC
Domanique Altares wrote:

It takes you forever to make a contract,

You can't follow the rules of the bonus room,

And Erotica is the the one pulling a scam?

It never ceases to amaze me how people can be so ignorant.

She is this games most famous and renowned lSK doubler, yet people still seem to mess up the instructions. I mean, she does the bonus round with other past winners of the bonus round in the channel, so all you have to do is ask them for tips and advice if you're struggling.

I guess we'll just live as the lucky few who were able to show complete faith.
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#169 - 2014-03-10 17:48:37 UTC
Sara Navorski wrote:
It never ceases to amaze me how people can be so ignorant.

I totally agree, but probably not in the way you think I mean.

To the above bonus round contestant:

I'm sorry you couldn't have been a winner, and that the bonus round made you uncomfortable, but I appreciate your honesty that you were unable to follow all of the rules presented. I have similar feelings about privacy between characters, and rarely give out full api's. (Never giving them out to awox targets either). I believe there are a grand total of two people that are aware of all of my characters.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Blueprint Mania
#170 - 2014-03-31 19:01:26 UTC
Thread topic: Ero 1 pulling the worst scams ever. How right they were. BANNED and good riddance.
The Carnifex Corp
#171 - 2014-03-31 22:18:11 UTC
Bayonnefrog wrote:
Thread topic: Ero 1 pulling the worst scams ever. How right they were. BANNED and good riddance.

You sir, are the hero EvE needs. Keep up the good fight!


Between Ignorance and Wisdom

Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#172 - 2014-03-31 23:58:41 UTC
Erotica 1 will be back, just like James Bond.

Because stupid idiots and their ISK are soon parted, in various and interesting ways.

Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

WouldYouEver HaveSexWith aGoat
#173 - 2014-04-01 06:16:42 UTC
This thread made me miss Erotica1 a little bit.

Then my conscience kicked back in.

Jarghul Nightowl
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#174 - 2014-04-01 08:58:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Jarghul Nightowl
People have to realze it doesen't matter if laws or the EULA were broken. CCP is not NOT a public institution and they can ban who ever, when ever they want without any reasoning. So stop acting like advocats of free speech cuz that is not the issue here.

CCP also have to protect themselfs. People come to play EvE because they read of battles like in BR in the main stream media. Of course some are aware of the scams in game some aren't but the scam was not the issue. The story snowballed and it just takes a website like KOTAKU or RPS or any of the Game Youtubers with 500 000 subs to start a major shitstorm no company wants.

I'm glad about the ban, even if the victim is over it. It could have taken a much uglyr turn. I have seen it before back in the days of UO/EQ how much damage a certain amount of public humilation can do to a person. There is a certain line that shouldn't be crossed.
Ssabat Thraxx
DUST Expeditionary Team
Good Sax
#175 - 2014-04-01 10:21:53 UTC
Jarghul Nightowl wrote:
People have to realze it doesen't matter if laws or the EULA were broken. CCP is not NOT a public institution and they can ban who ever, when ever they want without any reasoning. So stop acting like advocats of free speech cuz that is not the issue here.

It's not about free speech, it's having a business model that treats all equally-paying customers the same. If CCP only selectively enforces the advertised qand understood "rules" then they are doing a disservice to their customer. That's bad business. E1 was suppsedly banned for violating the TOS. OK, fair enough. Sohkar, on the other hand, who in my view commited an even more egregious violation by resulting to racial slurs and issuing real-life threats of violence and murder has not been banned. Bad business. We all pay the same rate, we're all entitled to be treated the same as all the other paying customers.

\m/ O.o \m/

"You're a freak ..." - Solecist Project

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#176 - 2014-04-01 15:47:39 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Ok people, this thread had run its course and is only brought up again to have side discussion on a topic that has been/is thoroughly debated elsewhere.

Thread locked.

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