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Getting ganked on a closed Jita gate

First post
Salvos Rhoska
#381 - 2014-02-25 20:39:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Jita is not server capped.
Jita is player capped.

There is a significant distinction and difference between the two.

Furthermore, the ingame Jita Authorities have already told your ingame Capsuleer that the system cannot handle more business at this time.

That is all there is to it. Jita, as an ingame contextual system, cannot service anymore Capsuleers.

Its no different than a restaurant having to turn away clientele when their tables are all full.
Its no different than having to take a massive core dump, but all the public toilets are OCCUPADO.

Capacity is limited by Jitas ingame capacity, not by server capacity.
Its now a player action and competition issue, because it is player action and competition which is mutually restricting access to all of you into a finite system.

As depicted in the film "A Beautiful Mind", of John Forbes Nash, Jr.'s "Nash Equilibrium" theory on non-cooperative games, you are effectively blocking each other access to the goal you all desire. Feel free to inform yourself on the theories specifics to find a solution for how to bypass the literal blockage you are all causing each other by trying to pass through the same eye of a needle at Jita's gates.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#382 - 2014-02-25 20:42:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Marsha Mallow wrote:
Click jump * NO * click * click * click * splat * wat * - to the user it's server side lag, regardless of the reality or the cause.
Only if the user has absolutely no idea what “lag” actually is. The fact that the response and responsiveness is immediate should clear up that misunderstanding very quickly.
No, that is not a lag mechanic.

RAW23 wrote:
And while we're at it, lets go back to the days before TiDi because the mechanics of dealing with server limitations must never change!
…which of course no-one has ever claimed.

And people sitting around in space is not a server limitation — it's a conscious choice they make. If it causes them problems, they can choose otherwise. So what necessitates a change in how people are protected when they decide to sit around rather than make themselves safe?
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#383 - 2014-02-25 20:46:38 UTC
RAW23 wrote:

And while we're at it, lets go back to the days before TiDi because the mechanics of dealing with server limitations must never change! You simply have to make the best of whatever the situation is right now! there are no alternatives ever.

Also, slowcats should never be changed because you should never ask CCP to change things.

And etc etc etc for every change anyone has ever suggested.

Pretty **** poor level of argument.

If you tank your ships and don't stuff billions into the hold then you will not be ganked.

You already have a large number of counters to gankers at your disposal while the likes of slowcat blobs have no counters at all for subcaps.

You want CCP to protect you rather than protecting yourself.
Organic Lager
Drinking Buddies
#384 - 2014-02-25 20:51:09 UTC
admiral root wrote:
RAW23 wrote:
The argument isn't about whether there should be a cap but about what state the waiting player's ship should be in while waiting for space to free up.

There's no argument. Special snowflakes want to be immune from ebil gankers, while everyone else is fine with them being at risk if they elect to sit still on a gate that isn't going to let them jump straight through.

Aren't you asking to be the special snowflake though?

The system works the same way everywhere else except for at certain times in this one particular system. All people here are asking for is that it work the same way or at least as close to as all the other systems.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#385 - 2014-02-25 20:55:32 UTC
Organic Lager wrote:
Aren't you asking to be the special snowflake though?

The system works the same way everywhere else except for at certain times in this one particular system. All people here are asking for is that it work the same way or at least as close to as all the other systems.

But again, there is nothing special about the Jita gates. They work the same as all other gates. If you come across a locked system (which, admittedly, rarely happens on TQ) the exact same thing happens regardless of what the system is.

What they're asking for is that, in this particular case, things shouldn't work as normal — that they should be afforded special protections because they can't be arsed to protect themselves and because they could be even less arsed to gather intel pre-emptively and not put themselves in the exposed position to begin with. They're asking to be protected as if they had left the system even though they haven't even begun to do so.
Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#386 - 2014-02-25 20:59:34 UTC
Organic Lager wrote:
admiral root wrote:
RAW23 wrote:
The argument isn't about whether there should be a cap but about what state the waiting player's ship should be in while waiting for space to free up.

There's no argument. Special snowflakes want to be immune from ebil gankers, while everyone else is fine with them being at risk if they elect to sit still on a gate that isn't going to let them jump straight through.

Aren't you asking to be the special snowflake though?

The system works the same way everywhere else except for at certain times in this one particular system. All people here are asking for is that it work the same way or at least as close to as all the other systems.

Actually, Natural Beer, the gates do work the same. The issue is not the gates. All things being equal, all gates would function the same as the gates into Jita.

If you cap a system at 2,175 people to prevent TiDi.
If you pack 2,175 people into that system.
The gates into that system will be locked.

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!

Organic Lager
Drinking Buddies
#387 - 2014-02-25 21:00:02 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Organic Lager wrote:
Aren't you asking to be the special snowflake though?

The system works the same way everywhere else except for at certain times in this one particular system. All people here are asking for is that it work the same way or at least as close to as all the other systems.

But again, there is nothing special about the Jita gates. They work the same as all other gates. If you come across a locked system (which, admittedly, rarely happens on TQ) the exact same thing happens regardless of what the system is.

What they're asking for is that, in this particular case, things shouldn't work as normal — that they should be afforded special protections because they can't be arsed to protect themselves and because they could be even less arsed to gather intel pre-emptively and not put themselves in the exposed position to begin with. They're asking to be protected as if they had left the system even though they haven't even begun to do so.

Thank you this makes sense. Now that I reread what kimmi was saying i believe she was saying the same thing about why extended warp times wouldn't make sense.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#388 - 2014-02-25 21:03:00 UTC
Organic Lager wrote:
Aren't you asking to be the special snowflake though?

The system works the same way everywhere else except for at certain times in this one particular system. All people here are asking for is that it work the same way or at least as close to as all the other systems.

Sitting on a gate is sitting on a gate, so no, I'm not asking for special treatment. Also, it's not just Jita - try logging on as soon as the server comes up after downtime - it's quite common to get a gate locked message while the random system you're trying to get into is loaded. You have the same options then, wait for the gate to let you through and risk dying, or get the hell out of dodge until it will let you through.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Chihiro Chugakusei
Fortune Hunters - Navy Operations
#389 - 2014-02-25 21:08:23 UTC
It's the price you pay.

Keep it up, +1

#390 - 2014-02-25 21:13:33 UTC
Tippia wrote:
…i.e. using a cap. You're saying that limiting the population using a cap is not necessary. You then go on to contradict yourself by saying that “no one is suggesting that a cap isn't necessary”.

So… Is it or is it not a necessary limitation? Does it or does it not maintain playability? If it's not capped the way it is now, how should it be capped? Also, do you even know what my preferred solution is?

ANY limitation of the population is a cap.
No. Limiting the population through carrots and sticks is a different way (which, by the way, is also in use right now).

'The way it is currently done' refers to having players sit in space spamming jump.
…which has nothing to do with limiting the population. It has to do with how jump gates work. I'm pretty astounded that you can't follow the discussion or even identify when you personally toss in red herrings.

The argument isn't about whether there should be a cap but about what state the waiting player's ship should be in while waiting for space to free up.
Then you should probably not throw it in as a pointless digression from a discussion about why population caps are necessary and how they maintain playability.


Tippia wrote:
B ... b ... but you must oppose a cap otherwise I will have made a fool of myself arguing against a strawman for four pages. Even if you say you don't you must! And if you weren't talking about that then you should have been and it's all your fault that I didn't read what you wrote properly (stamps foot)!

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Mario Putzo
#391 - 2014-02-25 21:14:04 UTC
They should still put up a system wide message that says that the gates are locked. Its kinda stupid you can't find out until you land on the gate, and some of the bigger ships that a lot of people take to Jita, (Freighters/JF's) and weaker ships (Haulers/Claoky Haulers) are counting on being able to jump that gate before people can scan them and nab them on the other side.

Instead they land and get bumped around as they try and warp off.

Ganking isn't an issue really, the fact there is no forewarning the system is "closed" is. You would think nav computers would be updated with real time information on whether or not customs have restricted travel in certain areas. If CCP can broadcast a criminal entering system CCP should be able to broadcast a closed gate when entering a system.

Ekchuah's Shrine Comporium
#392 - 2014-02-25 21:15:05 UTC
Well, if the player has warped to the gate pressing the jump button manually and can't get in because the server's overtaxed, he should be able to warp off without getting harmed regardless of gankers camping the gate.

It's common sense, really. The pilot did everything right; a gate not allowing transit is a serverside problem and the player should not be held accountable for it.

If, however, they decide to stick around spamming the jump hotkey/button - thus causing more lag - that shield of invulnerability should be revoked.

Also, during times like these any fitted offensive mods should be forced into a green light state.

#393 - 2014-02-25 21:17:25 UTC
baltec1 wrote:

If you tank your ships and don't stuff billions into the hold then you will not be ganked.

You already have a large number of counters to gankers at your disposal while the likes of slowcat blobs have no counters at all for subcaps.

You want CCP to protect you rather than protecting yourself.

Let's see ... how does it go ..

Oh yes!

If you don't want to face slowcat blobs there are areas of space that are safe from them, you just don't want to use the tools CCP have given you.

Or you could fly different ships. Like the ones that can counter slowcats.

And so on and so forth.

You just want CCP to protect you rather than protecting yourself.

There are two types of EVE player:

those who believe there are two types of EVE player and those who do not.

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#394 - 2014-02-25 21:17:30 UTC
Sirinda wrote:
It's common sense, really. The pilot did everything right; a gate not allowing transit is a serverside problem and the player should not be held accountable for it.

No, he didn't and yes, he should.

Remove standings and insurance.

Salvos Rhoska
#395 - 2014-02-25 21:18:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Mario Putzo wrote:
They should still put up a system wide message that says that the gates are locked. Its kinda stupid you can't find out until you land on the gate, and some of the bigger ships that a lot of people take to Jita, (Freighters/JF's) and weaker ships (Haulers/Claoky Haulers) are counting on being able to jump that gate before people can scan them and nab them on the other side.

Instead they land and get bumped around as they try and warp off.

Ganking isn't an issue really, the fact there is no forewarning the system is "closed" is. You would think nav computers would be updated with real time information on whether or not customs have restricted travel in certain areas. If CCP can broadcast a criminal entering system CCP should be able to broadcast a closed gate when entering a system.

This is actually not a completely terrible suggestion, and as you point out, would be somewhat consistent with ingame precedents.

Im ok with this. GJ Mario, I mean that sincerely.

Infact the more I think about this, the more workable and suitable it seems for many reasons.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#396 - 2014-02-25 21:20:46 UTC
Sirinda wrote:
Well, if the player has warped to the gate pressing the jump button manually and can't get in because the server's overtaxed, he should be able to warp off without getting harmed regardless of gankers camping the gate.
Why? He is exposed in open space. Why should he be protected from that?

It's common sense, really. The pilot did everything right; a gate not allowing transit is a serverside problem and the player should not be held accountable for it.
He failed to check whether the gate was likely to be closed or not and instead just gambled that it would be. If you gamble, there's always a chance that you'll lose.
Mario Putzo
#397 - 2014-02-25 21:24:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
Mara Pahrdi wrote:
Sirinda wrote:
It's common sense, really. The pilot did everything right; a gate not allowing transit is a serverside problem and the player should not be held accountable for it.

No, he didn't and yes, he should.

All I get from this is "CCP don't get rid of my Saturday afternoon fish barrel...I don't know how to really PVP and depend on Jita restrictions".

Tippia wrote:
Sirinda wrote:

[quote]It's common sense, really. The pilot did everything right; a gate not allowing transit is a serverside problem and the player should not be held accountable for it.
He failed to check whether the gate was likely to be closed or not and instead just gambled that it would be. If you gamble, there's always a chance that you'll lose.

Nope. You are wrong here. Jita closing gates is an abnormal system function comparable to every other system in EVE. Not even null battles have this arbitrary restriction in place. Jita is the only system in the game this applies to, and it is up to CCP to make this situation not impact the daily functions of EVE players, not EVE players having to change game method for one singular occurrence that only happens roughly 40% of game play time.

A simple message on entering the system (New Caldari for example)

"Jita Gates are experiencing slight delays due to high traffic volumes" Solves this whole issue.

No other system requires you to check a gate to see if it functions amywhere in the game, because instead you just get put into the tidi tunnel if load is to high.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#398 - 2014-02-25 21:24:45 UTC
RAW23 wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

If you tank your ships and don't stuff billions into the hold then you will not be ganked.

You already have a large number of counters to gankers at your disposal while the likes of slowcat blobs have no counters at all for subcaps.

You want CCP to protect you rather than protecting yourself.

Let's see ... how does it go ..

Oh yes!

If you don't want to face slowcat blobs there are areas of space that are safe from them, you just don't want to use the tools CCP have given you.

Or you could fly different ships. Like the ones that can counter slowcats.

And so on and so forth.

You just want CCP to protect you rather than protecting yourself.

There is a massive difference between you refusing to use the tools available to you and it being impossible to counter slowcat fleets with subcaps.

Don't be stupid.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#399 - 2014-02-25 21:25:32 UTC
RAW23 wrote:
Or what? Or pointless fallacy because you have no argument and can't answer simple questions?

Is it or is it not a necessary limitation? Does it or does it not maintain playability? If it's not capped the way it is now, how should it be capped? Also, do you even know what my preferred solution is?

Mario Putzo wrote:
They should still put up a system wide message that says that the gates are locked. Its kinda stupid you can't find out until you land on the gate, and some of the bigger ships that a lot of people take to Jita, (Freighters/JF's) and weaker ships (Haulers/Claoky Haulers) are counting on being able to jump that gate before people can scan them and nab them on the other side.
The only problem with this is the false premise that you can't find out before you land on the gate. You can. People just choose not to. There is forewarning.
Kimmi Chan
Tastes Like Purple
#400 - 2014-02-25 21:25:52 UTC
Sirinda wrote:
Well, if the player has warped to the gate pressing the jump button manually and can't get in because the server's overtaxed, he should be able to warp off without getting harmed regardless of gankers camping the gate.

It's common sense, really. The pilot did everything right; a gate not allowing transit is a serverside problem and the player should not be held accountable for it.

If, however, they decide to stick around spamming the jump hotkey/button - thus causing more lag - that shield of invulnerability should be revoked.

Also, during times like these any fitted offensive mods should be forced into a green light state.


The server is not overtaxed. If it were overtaxed, the result would be Time DIlation. The cap prevents the server from being overtaxed.

Common sense says, "Jita is a suckfest on the weekends - I'm not going to Jita." If you want to hold someone accountable for it, look at all the people jumping into and out of Jita. Look at all the other people docking and undocking in Jita. Look at all the people logging off and logging on in Jita. That is who is accountable for what is going on in Jita.

Spamming jump hotkeys does not cause lag. Lag is usually and virtually non-existent in highsec barring a high latency connection.

Why should any of this force another pilot's safeties back on?

"Grr Kimmi  Nerf Chans!" ~Jenn aSide  Join Eve Radio channel in game!