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Which POS mechanic would you like to see fixed first?

POT Corp
#1 - 2014-02-25 00:44:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Hevymetal
Hopefully in the near future the POS will get some much needed lovin and there will be a good improvement on the use and operational management of them. Those that have had to use and manage them can share frustration in the limitations and problems with the current mechanics.

What would be the first thing you would like to see fixed/changed?

I know there are so many things to decide from :(

The one thing that I always wished worked correctly, was the ability to rent POS lab slots to alliance members (yeah I know, it sorta works, but not right) or even the general public.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#2 - 2014-02-25 02:09:57 UTC
Many POS problems are not POS problems, but rather roles and access rights problems.

Example of actual POS problems:
* Missiles are garbage. Check their damage modifier and rate of fire vs. turrets.
* Hybrid turrets are garbage. Blasters are in deep falloff, and rails can't track worth a darn.
* Advanced Ship Assembly Arrays are garbage, unless you own a T2 BPO.
* The reaction UI is horrible and a source of much confusion and trouble.
* POS still go Skynet on their owners.
* Amarr towers' solar panels are not animated (or was this fixed? haven't looked at one in a long time).
* Can't build structures at a POS. How about a new assembly array if CCP doesn't like using the current ones.

I could go on and on...
Felicity Love
#3 - 2014-02-25 03:27:57 UTC
I'd like to see abandoned POS, being those towers that aren't burning fuel, simply blink out of existence (along with any associated structures and contents therein) after 30 days.

Anchor/Unanchor times have been trimmed dramatically over the last few years, so mere laziness is no excuse.

Fuel it or lose it.

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

Your Dad Naked
#4 - 2014-02-25 04:15:57 UTC
Felicity Love wrote:
I'd like to see abandoned POS, being those towers that aren't burning fuel, simply blink out of existence (along with any associated structures and contents therein) after 30 days.

Anchor/Unanchor times have been trimmed dramatically over the last few years, so mere laziness is no excuse.

Fuel it or lose it.

I'd prefer if they simply became free to shoot/loot. Disappearing would be a bit boring and simple.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#5 - 2014-02-25 04:21:02 UTC
Inb4 Infinitelystupid Ziona says reinforcement timers.

As for myself, I would have to say that the entire system needs looked at pretty badly. As someone mentioned above, half the weapon systems aren't viable, and the roles and access system needs to be redone completely.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Beach Boys
The Minions.
#6 - 2014-02-25 04:21:08 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:
Many POS problems are not POS problems, but rather roles and access rights problems.

Example of actual POS problems:
* Missiles are garbage. Check their damage modifier and rate of fire vs. turrets.
* Hybrid turrets are garbage. Blasters are in deep falloff, and rails can't track worth a darn.
* Advanced Ship Assembly Arrays are garbage, unless you own a T2 BPO.
* The reaction UI is horrible and a source of much confusion and trouble.
* POS still go Skynet on their owners.
* Amarr towers' solar panels are not animated (or was this fixed? haven't looked at one in a long time).
* Can't build structures at a POS. How about a new assembly array if CCP doesn't like using the current ones.

I could go on and on...

Coming in summer of 2014 rotaiting solar panels on Amarr towers-CCP.


La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2014-02-25 04:38:40 UTC
I want to see our promised POS revamp where we can dock in them, put jump drives on them, put cloaks on them and have their interface not suck.

This post was loving crafted by a member of the Official GoonWaffe recruitment team. Improve the forums, support this idea:

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#8 - 2014-02-25 05:44:06 UTC
In order of preference, I'd like to be able to:

  • set up a POS and have alliance members be able to do research, invention, reverse engineering, reactions, manufacturing, whatever, all with the same access that I would give to members of my own corporation;
  • use NPC & POS refineries the same way as other activity lines;
  • give people the ability to cancel their own jobs, without being able to cancel everyone else's jobs too;
  • pay for POS activity line fees out of my personal wallet;
  • set up usage fees based on standings, just like POCOs;
  • use BPOs from my personal hangar when doing research at a POS in the same system;

But the top of my list is opening up POS activity lines to alliance members, even if I have to grant them all a particular title/role one by one. Everything else is a very distant second place.

In an ideal world, I'd be able to set up "roles" kinda like Unix user groups. Then I'd add that role to each of the individual activity lines and hangars that I wanted to grant that role to. Then I'd be able to give people from Corp X and Corp Y access to my POS through standings and roles, and each of the people using my POS would rock up, see that they have access to one activity line and one personal hangar array. They plonk their stuff in, nobody else can nick it. They start their job and monitor it through S&I. Then they deliver it, head to the POS and check their personal hangar array: lo and behold, there's their item!

As for refining, I've covered that in detail elsewhere. The short version is: all NPC and POS refineries should operate on the same model: a refinery has X activity lines capable of Ym3/hr. You can put anything in (not just one type of ore) and the results arrive later. POS refineries should always be more efficient than NPC refineries.

That POSes don't even have the same security level as an NPC activity line is an abomination.
Thur Barbek
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2014-02-25 06:11:54 UTC
They should really just scrap the current pos code and start over. I feel it would be easier than trying to hack in fixes. They have said before that most of the problems is that there is a bunch of code from when pos's dealt with sov ownership that breaks everything.

I can't think of any pos feature that works well currently. The worst is a tie between trying to share research/manufacture slots and the moon goo interface.

The best is probably the new CHA modules they added recently.
Rabid Disconnection
Prism's Keepers
#10 - 2014-02-25 14:56:38 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:

* Missiles are garbage. Check their damage modifier and rate of fire vs. turrets.

Missiles being garbage have less to do with their damage/rate of fire and more to do with the fact that they are the only weapon system for a POS that requires CPU, and therefore are offlined through reinforcement and until shields are above 50%. Why would somebody use missiles over a weapon system that actually stays online through a reinforcement.
Utassi Security
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#11 - 2014-02-25 15:19:26 UTC
The gunning... oh dear powers the gunning... Cry

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

seth Hendar
I love you miners
#12 - 2014-02-25 15:23:03 UTC  |  Edited by: seth Hendar
Your Dad Naked wrote:
Felicity Love wrote:
I'd like to see abandoned POS, being those towers that aren't burning fuel, simply blink out of existence (along with any associated structures and contents therein) after 30 days.

Anchor/Unanchor times have been trimmed dramatically over the last few years, so mere laziness is no excuse.

Fuel it or lose it.

I'd prefer if they simply became free to shoot/loot. Disappearing would be a bit boring and simple.

+1 an offline pos become free to shoot if it has not been online in the last 30 days (or maybe 60)

also, regarding POS mechanics:

1- solve the POS aggro mechanics, it happen really too often than a POS start shooting ppl they are not supposed to shoot OR never engage ppl they are supposed to shoot on sight (this mostly happen after patch, but also +- random)

2- solve the various modules issues, i'm fed up having to shoot that pesky module that won't unanchor even after i full repaired it (struct and armor)

3- the POS interface, especially the mechanic regarding mods anchoring, and process management, both those are nightmarish

4- not directly tied to pos, but still impacting it: role attribution, it's a pain in the rear to deal with this, and setting a pos at alliance level is not possible past just entering the forcefield
Lilliana Stelles
#13 - 2014-02-25 15:36:07 UTC
Highsec pos's are so hard to get rid of. Lots of wardecs and shooting it with apocs for 5 hours. Even if it hasn't been used in a year... then kicking everyone from the corp who's ever done a storyline mission just to get the standing to replace it with one of your own. That's kinda bull. I do like the protection of knowing that people won't usually shoot your active POS just because there are soo many abandoned easier pickings... but at the same time, there's pretty much room for anyone who wants one if you manage to clear out all the crap.

I definitely want to see public research slots becoming a thing. The 30-50 day wait at NPC stations is ridiculous; there's no reasons for capsuleers to not be profiting off their own facilities. For that matter, I want to see more use of all POS's. Highsec POS's should be able to more than just research; give more power to the players to shape empire space. And I'd like to see wormhole POS's slightly more outpost-y to support those who dwell there. I mean, I love working with POSs because you can keep all your invention and research and manufacturing in one place and guarantee slot availability. But they need more purpose and utility than that just all-around.

There's some obscure shift-alt-x thing to show moons, but I think you should be able to much more easily see all POS's in a system if you want to. The same way you can see all pocos.

Not a forum alt. 

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#14 - 2014-02-25 16:00:52 UTC
Rabid Disconnection wrote:
Tau Cabalander wrote:

* Missiles are garbage. Check their damage modifier and rate of fire vs. turrets.

Missiles being garbage have less to do with their damage/rate of fire and more to do with the fact that they are the only weapon system for a POS that requires CPU, and therefore are offlined through reinforcement and until shields are above 50%. Why would somebody use missiles over a weapon system that actually stays online through a reinforcement.

I don't disagree with the CPU issue, but missile damage is a real problem too. A single battleship can tank as many missile batteries as one can fit on a Caldari POS. The same cannot be said of projectiles or lasers.

Medium Pulse Laser: 37x, 8s RoF
Medium Beam: 27x, 9s RoF
Medium AutoCannon: 43x, 8s RoF
Medium Artillery: 67x, 24s RoF
Torpedo: 2.5x, 24s RoF
Cruise: 1.0x, 24s RoF

At one time in EVE's early history, missiles were extremely overpowered. POS missile batteries were designed around these missiles. Later, the missiles were severely nerfed, but the POS missile batteries were never updated.

Similarly, ship-based hybrids received a buff, but POS batteries never did.

There is also a lack of a small missile POS battery firing heavy missiles.
Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#15 - 2014-02-25 16:14:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Pahrdi
Your Dad Naked wrote:
I'd prefer if they simply became free to shoot/loot. Disappearing would be a bit boring and simple.

I like this. Lets add, that in order to get the unfueled POS back to normal state for another 30 days, a corp has to fuel it for at least 24h.

Remove standings and insurance.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#16 - 2014-02-25 16:15:14 UTC
I'm not sure it can actually be done in bits. Really, the whole thing should just be reworked from the ground up to make POSes coherent units rather than the scattered collection of unrelated bits they are now. From there, a whole bunch of fixes and improvements can be made (probably easier than now).

Everything related to roles and sharing and actually using the different arrays fall back on that scattered approach — make them a single expandable object and the rest will become far more sane.
Notorious Fellon
#17 - 2014-02-25 16:17:36 UTC
Full overhaul required. Gut old code. Start over with a plan in mind.

POS junk can't be fixed in pieces, or via the Excel Expansion method.

Crime, it is not a "career", it is a lifestyle.

Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#18 - 2014-02-25 16:52:56 UTC
POS related, but ship assembly kill mails should show what was inside being built when it blew up.
Kerrat Braban
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2014-02-25 17:34:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Kerrat Braban
I'd love if they'd concentrate on the permissions - the relatively simple (because similar to what already exists) way would be

- Ship Maintenance Arrays have one shared slot and one per member. Total capacity like today in Corp Hangar Arrays. New role Hangar Manager (and CEO) can access all slots.

- Personal Hangar Arrays have one shared slot and one per member. Total capacity like today in Corp Hangar Arrays. New role Hangar Manager (and CEO) can access all slots (for cleanup after members left).

- Corporate Hangar Arrays have several slots that work as today, i.e. assign rights per slot to users or roles/titles, just with the addition of Hangar managers to stay consistent.

- Laboratories of all kind should work like the hangars, everyone gets a personal slot and there's a Lab Manager role to maintain the lab(s). Same for Factory Assemblies, Defense systems (edit: well, no personal slots there) etc.

A more thorough overhaul would of course be much better, like allowing to create groups of members and grant them rights to entities such as hangars (and subhangars) and other POS facilities etc. per POS (!) But I don't want to ask too much :)

Other Stuff that I'd love to see:

- Allow storage of ships with containers in their hold in maintenance arrays

- Pickup / removal / destruction of containers within the forcefield

- Alteration (on the fly) of PG and CPU by adding/switching modules, for example Tower with 10 slots, you can decide yourself how to populate that with PG and CPU modules. Maybe even different modules with with different CPU/PG output and also different fuel consumption (dreaming)
Lord LazyGhost
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2014-02-25 18:06:20 UTC
Being able to rent out manufacture research invention slots to coro members and have it act the same as npc stations ie. They can only see there own jobs and cant interfear with others
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