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Experiment #01: RL finance analysis applied to EvE

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Quinn Cooke
Usque Ad Mortem
#261 - 2013-11-18 17:34:37 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Quinn Cooke wrote:

I would love to see an analysis on Robotics. Part of the Planetary Material / Specialized Commodities group.

I am quite sure I have some large holes in my data for that commodity Cry

Sadly the data gets only cached for max 1 year so even if I check those items every now and them, it's easy to lose the history for vast amounts of time. I'll check what I have but I can't assure anything. Oops

I have great news for you!

It took me two hours of research but in the end I managed to dig up some ancient data I had in a backup.

Then I found a number of Robotics market data CSV files and slapped all together, the resulting dataset is not only accurate but also it did not lose a single day!

The full analysis is posted on my website.

Enjoy it and please rate it!


doesnt play well with others

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#262 - 2013-11-19 19:27:43 UTC
I want to link a series of very informative and constructive information and criticism for the posterity.

It's been provided by some posters, expecially by Rthor.

Thanks to his debate we have covered a series of topics starting from this post of him.

- Validity of charts and why would they apply to RL trading and not just EvE.

- Validity of looking at past prices despite EvE gets profound patches effects every 6 months.

- Validity of trends

- History, references, books.

- RL trading vs market efficiency and random walk theories.

- The very foundations about how the whole method works: not Voodoo but just "best practices" learned through the years.

- The very important reason why many traders flee scared and lose: markets usually reverse in their face (to form a swing) before prices takes off in the intended direction.

- The meaning of preparing a trading plan: what's it and how it works.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#263 - 2013-11-25 15:07:30 UTC
Zydrine analysis

Posted on my website at first, as per the input coming from another thread.

Monthly chart

What Price is Doing (WPD)

Price reached an all time low, hit support and rebound up. Price re-entered above the monthly level 756.43. If this will stay true till the end of the month, then price will have confirmed a bullish move. In that case, the level will become a support and price will try and reach the next monthly level, 844.10.

Chart link.

Weekly chart

What Price is Doing (WPD)

Unlike the monthly bar, the weekly bar has closed already. It closed above the monthly level by a small margin. Why “small margin”? Look at the big upper tail (in the circle), it’s due to some number of sell orders being triggered at the tip of the bar. Guess what could cause such effect? A resistance level I did not draw. Which resistance level? The eye does not take long to see the tip “suspiciously” hit BRN 800. We’ll see more of that effect on the daily chart.

Another peculiarity is the big bearish channel that is enclosing price between those two red trend lines. If price will go hit the one at the top, then it will react to it. I have drawn small arrows showing what bars determined the monthly level right above price.

Chart link.

Daily chart

Where Price is Going (WPG)

The daily chart shows some interactions between price and other market structures. At first price slowly went down, supported by the lower red trend line. Look at the lots of small arrows showing how price reacted every time it hit the trend line. That’s the definition of (dynamic) support at its finest.

Then price described a range market (RM), in blue and recently broke it upwards. Arrows show the contact points. A problem with price beaking so hard is that it enters a so called “hyperbolic phase”, that is, it rises a lot but with no real solid foundations. This is typical of bubbles. Big rise with no foundation and then a crash. Therefore unless you are in the market already, it’s very, very dangerous to enter at the current price. It’d be better to wait for the monthly bar to close and see if it closed above the 756.43 monthly level.

Price trend frailty immediately got shown as it hit BRN 800. Price had not formed any swing to gain energy and thus it easily got beaten by sellers into submission. However after being pushed down, it still closed above the monthly level. Since it’s close to the BRN, price will tend to bounce between the two, forming “battle bars”, like dojis, spinning tops and similar. This means, entering here is not advisable. Assuming price will go up there, the next relatively safe place where to buy (after price putting a confirmation too) is above the swing connected by a grey line. It will also get rid of the upper trend line at the same time. It will still be well worse than having bought at the blue RM though.

Chart link.
Kirkwood Ross
Golden Profession
#264 - 2013-11-26 05:51:34 UTC
I don't agree with any of this. CCP devs dictate trends directly at their discretion through their game design.
Nedly Stark
ARAZ Engineering
#265 - 2013-11-26 06:44:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Nedly Stark
In regards to this chart:


Why is it not advisable to enter now at the current price? Will there not be enough support to continue its bull? I mean, can you go into more detail as to why you believe the upward momentum can't continue?

Love the thread though +sub'd
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#266 - 2013-11-26 13:56:03 UTC
Nedly Stark wrote:
In regards to this chart:


Why is it not advisable to enter now at the current price? Will there not be enough support to continue its bull? I mean, can you go into more detail as to why you believe the upward momentum can't continue?

Love the thread though +sub'd

These are the two and interwined fundamental traders laws:

1) Aim to capital preservation.

2) Buy low, sell high.

It's perfectly possible that price will rise to whatever heights. However you have to avoid being greedy (markets are also based on greed and fear).

A very safe place to buy is above the blue rectangle at the bottom, that is at about 670. Then you have a good run to 800. Or you can see to buy at above 850, if and only if price puts in a price action pattern as I have explained many times in the past.

If price is within the two violet lines, however, it is subject to an harsh fight. The very fight is what created those two levels. Levels are nothing more than the "tires tracks" left on the floor as a testament to past (and often future) fights. At a minimum you risk getting stuck within those two levels for a while. At worst, price gets rejected down and you lose big time.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#267 - 2013-12-10 00:56:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Cold birds are chirping! Blink

Nov 6, 2013.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#268 - 2013-12-20 00:06:55 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Cold birds are chirping! Blink

Nov 6, 2013.

They are shouting now! Blink
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#269 - 2014-02-22 19:06:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
It's a long while I don't post, and for a reason.

My interest in EvE has dipped since I have basically "won the game" and can get any amount of ISK I want just by repeating the same thing.
It sounds so good until it becomes true and then you suddenly don't have new (financial) goals ahead to aspire to.

I know I could "diversify" on other goals but this is a topic for another thread.

What's relevant to this thread instead is:

- Now that I have proved to myself that RL finance and EvE are similar and thus the experiment can be classified as successful, I have made another, "unconventional" move.

What if I could copy to RL another EvE concept? That is, what if I could do like in EvE, that is setup a network of AFK activities that bring in periodic money with nearly no effort?

That's what I am doing right now in RL. I have started some initiatives that lead to recurring subscription based services about stuff I only have to update every now and then.

So far I am making about 200 euros a month with it, pure passive income that gets in even if I do nothing at all.

I am looking forward to expand it past this first attempt and then achieve a life that does not depend on any active effort, where I can focus on my studies, hobbies and ... other pleasant activities.

Is it a dream? Is EvE <> RL? So far it looks like it isn't.
The coming years will prove me right or wrong, but it's worth trying.

EvE is too much of a grand humanity social experiment to not take the challenge.

Imagine that, an internet guy who makes a living out of what he learned in a game, with no effort involved. P
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#270 - 2014-02-23 17:52:08 UTC
This is for everybody, even those who don't believe a single word of what's written here.

Please perform this:

1) Open your market window.

2) Click on the "Price history" tab.

3) Make sure you have the chart enabled and not the table (the table works too but you need hawk eyes to notice what I want to let you see).

4) Make sure it's set to "Year" (the last two options are to the bottom of the window).

5) Now, leave the market window open and also open your in game browser (IGB). Only using the IGB will work.

6) Enter this URL:

7) Click all the options one by one except the PI related ones (they require more advanced training) and then press "Stop" when they have cycled once.

In example, you pick "minerals", wait for the minerals markets to finish cycling and return back to Tritanium then press "Stop" at the bottom of the page, next to the "Stop the updates" description. Then you go to the next buttons.

8) Have you ever seen those old style "cartoons" where a guy has drawn hundreds of different paper sheets with a slightly changed image, then stacked those sheets and shows them rolling and give you the feeling of motion?
In a certain way you are now seeing the markets unfold before your eyes in a similar way.

And they all show the same behavior. And you have just seen an EvE Economy Report which is most updated and more precise than those that Estimated Dr. Ejyo has published for years.

Now draw your own conclusions over what you have seen.
Claire Voyant
#271 - 2014-02-25 02:48:02 UTC

That's pretty cool, but unfortunately I will never be able to get the image out of my head of you getting-off to hands-free Eve market chart-p0rn.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#272 - 2014-02-25 14:19:09 UTC
Claire Voyant wrote:

That's pretty cool, but unfortunately I will never be able to get the image out of my head of you getting-off to hands-free Eve market chart-p0rn.


1) The markets it reads are pre-set and hard coded. Basically you know the markets **I** look at, while you are not feeding any "markets choices" information.

2) It's a totally basic page, you can check its source and you'll see there's nothing implemented except some bare bones minimal stuff copied from CCP's API specification.

3) You can download the HTML on your computer, study it at leisure, then upload it on your own server and be sure I won't see anything.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#273 - 2014-02-26 01:04:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Updated PLEX market analysis

I have posted an updated PLEX market analysis.
While price is not telling anything new, looking at the current scenario may give some insights about what's going to happen next or how to be in a profitable position when the next moves will happen.

There's some "real pin gar" theory explained as well. In fact, not all the pin bars are "good stuff". Only good ones are:

- those that sit on top of an important level / range market level (such as its support or resistance).

- they also have to be in an appropriate location: bullish pin bars must sit at the bottom of higher low swings (that is, small "valleys") while bearish pin bars must sit at the top of lower high swings (that is, small "price peaks / roofs").

Finally: for the "less than believers": that diagonal bullish trend line is now years old. I have drawn it... I don't even recall how long ago. Still convinced that levels (dynamic in this case) don't exist?
#274 - 2014-02-26 14:09:49 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Finally: for the "less than believers": that diagonal bullish trend line is now years old. I have drawn it... I don't even recall how long ago. Still convinced that levels (dynamic in this case) don't exist?

I went through all your blog posts regarding PLEX. The earliest you drew that line (that I could find) was in October 2013 - 4.5 months ago. I did find a post from May 2012 where you drew a trend line and I've taken the liberty of drawing that line in your most recent chart. See here.

Now that doesn't really overlap, does it? In fact, it's way off.
I've also highlighted the most important BRN of the last two or three years. The BRN is 592210414.15. That's big, but not exactly round. Also have a look at the previous swings. In 2012 it happened at BRN 500000000, in 2011 in the 360 range and in 2010 in the 380 range - not at any BRN you marked.

This whole exercise looks like an exercise in confirmation bias to me. "Look I drew this line a really really long time ago" (in fact 4 months). "Look swings happen at BRNs" (in fact just once). Do you ever try to look at things which might disprove your theory? This recent Veritasium video might be relevant.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#275 - 2014-02-26 17:44:42 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Finally: for the "less than believers": that diagonal bullish trend line is now years old. I have drawn it... I don't even recall how long ago. Still convinced that levels (dynamic in this case) don't exist?

I went through all your blog posts regarding PLEX. The earliest you drew that line (that I could find) was in October 2013 - 4.5 months ago. I did find a post from May 2012 where you drew a trend line and I've taken the liberty of drawing that line in your most recent chart. See here.

Now that doesn't really overlap, does it? In fact, it's way off.
I've also highlighted the most important BRN of the last two or three years. The BRN is 592210414.15. That's big, but not exactly round. Also have a look at the previous swings. In 2012 it happened at BRN 500000000, in 2011 in the 360 range and in 2010 in the 380 range - not at any BRN you marked.

You actually made some very clever questions that give me the opportunity to talk about some practical stuff that usually does not get written.

First the direct answer: here's a May 2012 analysis showing that trend line. There *was* also a March 2013 analysis as testifyed by this post on this thread. Sadly, as some might still recall (and perhaps find in Google's cache) that link points to my website's forums, which died a terrible death and could not be recovered even with a backup. So I lost dozens of analyses (including a lot of RL ones) in one hit Cry.
Here are the pictures I had saved from that analysis: Monthly, Weekly 1, Weekly 2 and Daily chart.

Expecially take note of the purple level found in Weekly 2 as it'll be covered in the following text.

Plus there are "less public" or just less known charts like this one which were made for clients or research (in that screenshot, testing other trading platforms). Does not change the fact I studied them, so they stick to my memory.

The deviations you can see on trend lines come from 2 main sources:

1) The change of scale
2) The amount of available points.

1) Is one of the main reason traders do the possible to only trade horizontal lines. Changing time frame but also just changing zoom causes visible differences even when dealing with identical data.

To see this in action, download a free copy of Metratrader 4 and install it. Now find a diagonal line anywhere and look at it by changing time frame and / or zoom. What you'll see is utterly blatant, possibly more than on the charts you have seen.
Traders learn to deal with it over time and to move the trend line(s) when they switch time frame so that they follow the bars tops (bottoms).
I *don't* always move the trend lines as I could forget to put them back in place on the monthly time frame for the next round of analyses and this will cause (even visible) discrepancies.

2) In the beginning I had all of 2 points to base an estimate upon. As more get added, the line finds more confirmation and precision. It's still the same line talking the same price story though. The fact it may change by some degrees (in addition to the above) is meaningless, as it's what price "says" that matters: that a sequence of swings are orderly following each other in a ramp.

3) BRNs are never a 100% exact thing, as you know, they are defined by humans not robots. Whereas in RL markets we have many more traders and the average of their orders comes closer to the BRN (see a BRN as a Gaussian of orders spread around it) than in EvE. Actually the delta between a "perfect BRN" and a "near miss" is useful to understand more advanced stuff like i.e. the market sentiment, but that's really too much to discuss to cover it here.

You noticed I have drawn a purple level exactly where you say price hit. That purple level was put there for a reason. That's the top of a swing.

It's the same concept of trend lines: the "story" price talks is that it went up to a BRN. That's the "quick fact check".
Then when you want to actually do a trade you have to have precision and draw the purple line because that's where price really went, despite the "story" says price reacted to a BRN.

Another factor, a MOST important factor: look at the weekly chart. The purple level and the BRN have been pivotal in this market. The previous swing hits the purple line and took liquidity from the BRN (see the bars' "tails"). Then price closes above the BRN and the BRN became support and the purple line became it's liquidity source.

This process is called "flip" and is one of those that MUST immediately pop to the trader's eye.
The "liquidity" instead is part of a concept that often happens in the markets, to the point there's been written a little "rule": "liquidity levels become effective levels and effective levels become liquidity" as it's fairly frequent to see such kind of "swapping" between the levels roles like that.

A liquidity level is where the large blocking orders sit. It's usually a bit shifted from BRNs because those orders are usually not put at an exact BRN but put as a "barrier" near it. I.e. those 10B buy / sell orders placed on Trit or Nitrogen Isotopes (and many more) when big market operations occur.

An effective level is where a market "retraces" and where most buyers meet sellers, that is where price goes to confirm its direction. It's the famous "dip and continue" known by traders since decades.
#276 - 2014-02-26 21:04:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Nanatoa
You know I prefer short posts over long posts, so here goes:

- On the scale issue: you're basically saying more data came in and you changed your mind. That's fine. In fact, that's more than fine. It's great. But it doesn't change the fact that the new line is significantly different from the old line and that the "super powerful trend line acting as support since 2011" [quoting one of your pictures now; AfNfiS3.png] wasn't identified until well into 2013.

- On the BRN issue: sure stuff happens near a BRN. (It makes me think of the fact that a majority of deaths happen within 1 week of a full or new moon.) You see something happen, pick a number nearby and call it BRN. If 10M off from a 100M BRN counts as near, you've covered your ass in fully 20% of cases even if stuff is random. And you're right it isn't random because the trader's psychology is involved. But you don't need TA to know that prices will stick to round numbers for a bit. There's more orders at round numbers, Sherlock. It takes longer for the market to chew its way through that.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#277 - 2014-02-26 23:44:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Nanatoa wrote:
You know I prefer short posts over long posts, so here goes:

- On the scale issue: you're basically saying more data came in and you changed your mind. That's fine. In fact, that's more than fine. It's great. But it doesn't change the fact that the new line is significantly different from the old line and that the "super powerful trend line acting as support since 2011" [quoting one of your pictures now; AfNfiS3.png] wasn't identified until well into 2013.

- First of all I don't see difference between the 2012 one and the latest. I have made a "collage" and joined the two charts. Please tell me where's this HUGE trend line different angle.

Nanatoa wrote:

- On the BRN issue: sure stuff happens near a BRN. (It makes me think of the fact that a majority of deaths happen within 1 week of a full or new moon.) You see something happen, pick a number nearby and call it BRN. If 10M off from a 100M BRN counts as near, you've covered your ass in fully 20% of cases even if stuff is random. And you're right it isn't random because the trader's psychology is involved. But you don't need TA to know that prices will stick to round numbers for a bit. There's more orders at round numbers, Sherlock. It takes longer for the market to chew its way through that.

We are apparently on different pages.
I wish I had such a clear and simple situation when RL trading. If you are expecting for markets to do what you want, hit a BRN by the triple decimal digit and so on, you are in for a world of hurt.

BRNs are guidelines to understand what price is doing (WPD), the only place where you even have to care about a BRN being hit is the daily (WPG). The daily bars are those that form the weekly (and in turn the monthly), and they form the liquidity on the weekly and monthly chart. So, even if you just see a bar tail hitting a BRN, it's already (more than) enough!

I have drawn a chart where I have circled where the BRN had effect on price. It's not little. In particular, the bar in a blue rectangle is a doji. Dojis are "long legged, small body" bars that delimit a range market on the lower time frames. Doji represent an hard battle around a level. Where does that doji sit? Exactly across the BRN.

Now look at the daily chart I have posted in the latest analysis. TONS of bars grab liquidity from the purple level and sit above or below the BRN. Look at the double bottom at the beginning of the year: it shows a 2 days pin bar sitting on the yellow RM support, taking liquidity from the purple level and closing above the BRN to show the buyers have won (the "close above / below are very important informations). The next 2 bars are 2 more pin bars sitting on the BRN. All these have been a safe buy opportunity.

I repeat, I really hope you'll always find such a simple BRN situation because it's actually quite rare to see one like that.
#278 - 2014-02-27 01:59:32 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
- First of all I don't see difference between the 2012 one and the latest. I have made a "collage" and joined the two charts. Please tell me where's this HUGE trend line different angle.

That's your May 2013 graph, not the 2012 one...

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I have drawn a chart where I have circled where the BRN had effect on price.

Now make one where BRNs didn't have an effect on price. If you only look at places where your theory is confirmed, you will find your theory confirmed whatever it is.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#279 - 2014-02-27 14:54:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Nanatoa wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
- First of all I don't see difference between the 2012 one and the latest. I have made a "collage" and joined the two charts. Please tell me where's this HUGE trend line different angle.

That's your May 2013 graph, not the 2012 one...

You are right for some reason I had put some 2013 pictures in the 2012 folder.
That means that *in the worst case* I "only" predicted the market for the next 8 months. That is, an achievement many economists and traders would not even dream of.

But no, it's not just that.
I am specifically "feeling" your:

Nanatoa wrote:
You know I prefer short posts over long posts, so here goes:

- On the scale issue: you're basically saying more data came in and you changed your mind. That's fine. In fact, that's more than fine. It's great. But it doesn't change the fact that the new line is significantly different from the old line and that the "super powerful trend line acting as support since 2011".

Here are the rules to draw trend lines, not written by me:

Trend lines

Draw trend lines below bars in uptrend, above in downtrend.
May only adjust lines to be more horizontal, never more vertical.
Need >= 2 points.
Uptrend = from low to first time a bar fails to make an higher low.
Downtrend = from high to first time a bar fails to make a lower high.

I have just applied it. With 2 starting points plus the (both) time frame and platform zoom induced imprecision that's what you are going to get. The trend line is that one and like all things markets, it's constantly changing and evolving and all we can do is to refine it as time goes on. Adapting to market dynamics and following the rules by the book <> "change my mind".

Nanatoa wrote:

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I have drawn a chart where I have circled where the BRN had effect on price.

Now make one where BRNs didn't have an effect on price. If you only look at places where your theory is confirmed, you will find your theory confirmed whatever it is.

It would be quite hard finding a place where BRNs have no effect on price, since it's the locations traders choose to put more orders in there than in the middle of nowhere.
Once again, you talk it like it's me inventing some funny exotic stuff, when I am applying well known and long time practices.
#280 - 2014-02-27 21:10:41 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
You are right for some reason I had put some 2013 pictures in the 2012 folder.

So are you gonna redo the image with the May 2012 image? That's what you wanted to show right?

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
That means that *in the worst case* I "only" predicted the market for the next 8 months. That is, an achievement many economists and traders would not even dream of.

In hindsight, in this particular case, you predicted the market for eight months. How often have you not predicted the market for any significant amount of time? For instance, how long did your May 2012 trend line hold? You count the hits and forget about the misses.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Here are the rules to draw trend lines, not written by me:

Are you shitting me? You need 2 or more points to draw a line, really? The "may adjust lines" and "fails to make higher low / lower high" seems arbitrary enough to draw whatever line you want. You're certainly not consistent with it, as there's a slight difference in what's supposed to be the same line in your Oct 2013 and Feb 2014 trend lines.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
It would be quite hard finding a place where BRNs have no effect on price, since it's the locations traders choose to put more orders in there than in the middle of nowhere.

Let's do the opposite then, mark swings which didn't happen at BRNs. Marked here for your convenience.

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Once again, you talk it like it's me inventing some funny exotic stuff, when I am applying well known and long time practices.

There are plenty of known and long time practices which are utter nonsense. Astrology for example is a known and long time practice with adherents who swear by its effectiveness even though it simply doesn't work.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011