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Gorski Car for CSM 9

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Gorski Car
#1 - 2014-02-21 18:30:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Gorski Car

I am Gorski Car. I have been playing eve since 2003 on multiple characters. I have spent most of my time in eve solo pvping and small gang pvping in lowsec and 0.0. I have spent loads of time in faction warfare mostly fighting solo. I think I am the perfect choice for CSM because the current lack of solo pvpers on the council. I have participated in two alliance tournaments, new eden open and multiple SCLs. I also run a live stream at where I stream solo and small gang pvp with no delay. I try to keep the stuff I fly to cheap t1 frigs and cruisers so that everyone who watches can learn something without having a 2b ship barrier of entrance. I am very active in the channel "Bringing solo back" created by CCP Rise where I help newer players fit out their ships and give them general pvp advice.

I'm currently in Elitist Ops in Pandemic Legion but don't let that fool you thinking that I am some dirty blobber. I mostly fly with members from Hydra Reloaded, Turn Left, Verge of Collapse and Team liquid when I do small gang pvp and I have over 7k confirmed kills, trained in gorilla warfare.

My areas of focus will include solo pvp, small gang pvp, Faction Warfare, game ballance and lowsec income.

I believe that the security status system needs to be revamped as it is locking newer people in lowsec who wants to pvp out of highsec. A player starting to pvp in lowsec will never have the assets and characters to be able to support playing without highsec. The system is currently punishing people who go out and pvp in lowsec that is in my opinion supposed to be the starting place for learning how to pvp.

Faction warfare plexes: I would like to see people entering plexes to go suspect for as long as they are inside the plex. I think this will promote pvp and help people in faction warfare fight neutral pirates without losing sec status. I do not support the proposals of adding a warp jamming effect inside them as this would promote bad practices such as not fitting a point. It would also never stop stabbed/cloaked farmers as you can not force a player to pvp and you shouldn't be able to. Making stabs not work in a faction warfare plex would not make them suddenly fight you.

Off grid boosting alts (OGBs):
Here is my opinion on links and off grid boosting

tl;dr: Needs more risk in using them, needs drastic changes if ongrid. Don't rush this change as it will be a pretty major change.

A common argument against links is that they do not follow risk/reward and I do think that activating a warfare link would give you aggression. I do not think it is ok to link risk free in a Command ship on a station. Basically if you want something you have to risk something.

Game balance: I think CCP needs to push for less dramatic changes and just change things a bit slower. Eve ship and module balance is a really complex ecosystem and you don't want too many drastic changes at once.

I believe unbonused ewar might be a bit too strong as tracking disruptors have become a really strong module after the multiple unneeded missile nerfs. One of the problems eve currently have is that there are no real good force multipliers that come with any risk at all. sitting 100km away from the battle in a 10mn keres damping stuff isn't very dangerous. Same with having a link damnation on station. Huge force multipliers with no risk at all.

Low sec income: I think it would be good if low sec missions had fewer things to kill and were doable in smaller ships. Faction warfare missions and the pirate epic arcs are perfect examples of good mission design that would work really good in lowsec due to the dangers there.

I also think that all lowsec missions should be doable in pvp fits so you don't instantly get screwed when a guy with a pvp fitted ship warps in. In fact I want every mission in the game to be doable in a pvp fitted ship. I know that a pvp tengu and machariel can do sites such as 6/10s at the moment but I think that cheaper ships should also have a chance to do them effectively.

FW Changes: I think that faction warfare needs dual timers for the plexes to help combat stabbed people.

I understand the need for bigger plexes and a system like this would probably be better then what we have now. I guess there are some people that will argue that restricting shipsizes is restricting the sandbox but I don't really agree. I think that the fw plexes has done way more good for this game and the state of lowsec fw pvp.

Beginner plex: t1 frigs 10k lp
Small plex: t2 frigs, t2 destroyers. 15k lp
Medium plex: t1 cruisers. 20k lp
Large plex: t2 cruisers, battlecruisers. 25k lp
Huge plex: All sub caps 30k lp
Ungated plexes. 30k lp

And make the rat hard inside them.

Contact info:

You can mail me anytime on Gorski Car ingame. I also chill on the PL IRC if you happen to have access to that.

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Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#2 - 2014-02-21 18:32:26 UTC
Gorski Car is the endorsed HYDRA and Pod Liberation Authority CSM Member. Pretty sure he will be the right choice for CSM ))
Davion Falcon
Those Once Loyal
#3 - 2014-02-21 18:56:06 UTC
Death to all link alts.

Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise. Never forgotten, never forgiven.

Gorski Car
#4 - 2014-02-21 19:56:44 UTC
Davion Falcon wrote:
Death to all link alts.

I understand this is a view many people have but there is nothing stopping you from probing them down and killing them. They are pretty easy to probe down now days with the probing modules. There is multiple problems with the current linking system that many people don't like. They kind of provide too much stuff for little risk and that's what I want to change by giving them a aggression timer or something when they activate links so you can prevent station games/gate games with them. The benefits with links is that they allow smaller linked gangs to take on bigger unlinked gangs instead of just ignoring the bigger gang. CCP also receives more money from subscriptions.

Just changing links to be ongrid is not a good solution. People would fit up stuff like 100mn mwd/ab claymores or just keep the links way out or only fight on gates/station where they can dock links if primaried. This would help with faction warfare plexes though.

Another fix that needs more work is to remove mindlinks from the game (unlikely as they just introduced faction mindlinks). Then you make sure battlecruisers and command ships will be able to fit links without gimping their pvp mode. Adding a new t2 destroyer that is able to provide link bonuses would also be cool if CCP decides that links need to be ongrid only.

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Domanique Altares
#5 - 2014-02-21 20:49:07 UTC
Gorski Car wrote:
that's what I want to change by giving them a aggression timer or something when they activate links so you can prevent station games/gate games with them.

Sadly, this was already slated to happen, but CCP took it away before the release of the latest link rebalance because pro-solo babbies were afraid someone would jerk their link alt tit out of their mouth, and Fozzie got cold feet.
The Hatchery
RAZOR Alliance
#6 - 2014-02-22 03:40:02 UTC  |  Edited by: BBQ FTW
Don't be deceived by CSM candidates who claim to know about combat mechanics or represent pvpers, but actually have little no experience in real combat (where its not just 10+ involved ganks, or fights with overwhelmingly favorable odds). This is relevant - it's only when you're taking your ship to it's limit when you really feel the effects of balance changes. When game balance is driven by players who rarely get feedback on the correctness of their ideas (this feedback generally involved "dying in a fire ingame"), then the state of the game suffers.

Gorski Car is the real deal.
Electric Dott
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2014-02-22 04:40:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Electric Dott
Good to see multiple Low sec and solo/small gang people running this year.

Do you not think that its a problem when in faction warfare areas the most effective way of grinding is to use cloak/stabbed frigs? The incentive isn't there to compete for resources at the moment. These farmers are damaging the income of both faction warfare fighters and mission running in general. Why do you think it would be a bad to see them removed or forced to adapt? (Which hitting them in the wallet may do). You mentioned the rated plex's later, if you've done many you'll be aware that nice fights can stem from competition for them, when people's income is at risk they become a lot more willing to grab some guns, instead of this current system where players just wait while being hassled or pop next door because its more efficient.

Personally I'd be concerned about making those rated plex's easier too, because that suggests they will be completed faster and conflict has less opportunity to occur, which is bad. Twisted

Comletley agree with giving link chars flags to prevent station/gate games. They're ridiculous in their current design. How people can think it's balanced to have such a big force multiplier, that can be invisible to the opponent until violence commences at no risk is beyond me. I'd like it taken one step further actually too, 0m/s while links are active (on tech3's), this would prevent afk orbiting a pos just outside the shields, making them slighty more vulnerable and prevent aligned links being decloaked for combat and insta warped off if anything lands on grid. There ought to be risk attached to using anything in combat.

I'm also curious how you feel about piracy? A low-sec candidate must have an opinion on this? Happy with the current state/not happy? Things you'd like to see regarding it etc?
Gorski Car
#8 - 2014-02-22 10:38:32 UTC
Electric Dott wrote:
Good to see multiple Low sec and solo/small gang people running this year.

Do you not think that its a problem when in faction warfare areas the most effective way of grinding is to use cloak/stabbed frigs? The incentive isn't there to compete for resources at the moment. These farmers are damaging the income of both faction warfare fighters and mission running in general. Why do you think it would be a bad to see them removed or forced to adapt? (Which hitting them in the wallet may do). You mentioned the rated plex's later, if you've done many you'll be aware that nice fights can stem from competition for them, when people's income is at risk they become a lot more willing to grab some guns, instead of this current system where players just wait while being hassled or pop next door because its more efficient.

Personally I'd be concerned about making those rated plex's easier too, because that suggests they will be completed faster and conflict has less opportunity to occur, which is bad. Twisted

I'm also curious how you feel about piracy? A low-sec candidate must have an opinion on this? Happy with the current state/not happy? Things you'd like to see regarding it etc?

re faction warfare plexes being easily farmable in stabbed frigs:

I understand that fighting hordes of stabbed/cloaked frigs is very frustrating and not very rewarding if you kill someone who is afk doing it. You pretty much kill a 5m frig while they make 100m+/per char/hour being pretty much afk. Removing LP income from plexing would hurt newer people who actually farm them in a pvp ship looking for a fight. Removing the income would also never make the stabbed guys want to fight you. Most people do it on multiple alts as the entry barrier is so low and the income is very good for the effort, risk and time spent setting it up. I used to personally run 6 stabbed incursuses during inferno where you had to tank the rats so I know how little effort it takes to do this.

I have to disagree with lp plex farmers destroying the isk/LP values as missions generate like 10 times as much and are also easily multiboxed. Also as your militia gains control to push for t5 you remove open systems to offensively plex in. Missions don't have this problem as they infinitely spawn from the agents.

I would like to see some stats from CCP how much FW LP is generated from missions, offensive plexing, defensive plexing and most importantly cross militia plexing as this is a way to get past the reduced systems to plex in after a militia pushes for tier 5.

The change I want for rated plexes is not to make them easier just a idea that they should be doable in pvp fits to promote the fighting over them and let the guy running them have a chance to fight back.

re piracy in lowsec:

The biggest problem I have with lowsec is that it's very hard to live there at the moment. I have countless losses where my ships are half/sub optimal fit because I couldn't find the stuff I wanted on the market. This is a even bigger problem for newer guys starting out doing lowsec pvp and piracy. They don't have the luxury that I got where I can afford multiple black frog trips from jita or buying tags to fix my sec status over and over again. I think that sec status is a bit to punishing for people actually fighting in lowsec.

Maybe add some extra bonuses for people with low sec status in lowsec. Maybe have missions that only unlock when you are -5 or below or cheaper repairs in stations or something. Just a thought.

Piracy is a very broad question though and if you would like to specify some points that I might have missed to give you a answer on I would love to answer them.

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Electric Dott
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2014-02-22 12:34:40 UTC
Thanks for the response Gorski,

Regarding the stabbed/farmer issue, it is frustrating but that isn't my main concern with it, its the fact its not more benificial to fight than to passively wait for somebody to leave or system hop where they can easily find another source of income. I don't agree that you're hurting new players by removing use of stabs and cloaks, the novice complex's are very new player friendly already for example. I don't like to see players rewarded for blueballing which the current system promotes. I agree you can't make people fight, and am not suggesting trying, I'm suggesting they no longer be able to farm as easily or passively, which is to the benefit of everybody else collecting LP who actually earn it.

Sorry I should have been clearer I wasn't specifically meaning FW missions in my previous post. The normal loyalty stores have similar rewards. If more people are collecting LP and cashing out in either FW or normal LP stores, the additional supply will lower the value of the products. Hence my reasoning behind LP farmers damaging other peoples income. So they not only affect FW dudes, but also highsec mission runners, L5 runners etc. (which take more effort and investment to aquire the lp for)

Regarding piracy. I absolutely agree with you about it being solo account runner and new player unfriendly, I think its where most people consider trying out pvp the first time so seems pretty stupid to punish them for it, maybe it would be nice removing sec loss in low-sec non pod kills or something or outside of empire ganks you can only damage your sec status enough that you can only be kos in 1.0's and 0.9's.

But I digress, what I was actually meaning when I asked was I'm curious how you feel about things like gatecamps, CCP seems to have implemented a strategy whereby its really easy to cyno past or use pretty much immune from being caught ships to avoid camps in anything worth killing, these camps are more prone than ever to getting curbstomped by the proliferation of hotdropping, these 2 factors seem to have greatly reduced the number of pirate outfits about and those that remain have very difficult to engage set-ups ie linked with falcon/logi support. This in turn has reduced content to small gang pvpers who enjoy breaking up camps for example, as its hard enough to find a camp let alone an engagable one these days. I personally think it's a shame that content is being nerfed out of the game and I was wondering how you feel about it?
Fullmetal Pilgrims.
#10 - 2014-02-22 12:58:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Brian-Boitano

Regarding medium autocannons, do you think their range and kiting potential should be buffed?
Gorski Car
#11 - 2014-02-22 13:16:14 UTC
Electric Dott wrote:
Thanks for the response Gorski,

Regarding the stabbed/farmer issue, it is frustrating but that isn't my main concern with it, its the fact its not more benificial to fight than to passively wait for somebody to leave or system hop where they can easily find another source of income. I don't agree that you're hurting new players by removing use of stabs and cloaks, the novice complex's are very new player friendly already for example. I don't like to see players rewarded for blueballing which the current system promotes. I agree you can't make people fight, and am not suggesting trying, I'm suggesting they no longer be able to farm as easily or passively, which is to the benefit of everybody else collecting LP who actually earn it.

Sorry I should have been clearer I wasn't specifically meaning FW missions in my previous post. The normal loyalty stores have similar rewards. If more people are collecting LP and cashing out in either FW or normal LP stores, the additional supply will lower the value of the products. Hence my reasoning behind LP farmers damaging other peoples income. So they not only affect FW dudes, but also highsec mission runners, L5 runners etc. (which take more effort and investment to aquire the lp for)

Regarding piracy. I absolutely agree with you about it being solo account runner and new player unfriendly, I think its where most people consider trying out pvp the first time so seems pretty stupid to punish them for it, maybe it would be nice removing sec loss in low-sec non pod kills or something or outside of empire ganks you can only damage your sec status enough that you can only be kos in 1.0's and 0.9's.

But I digress, what I was actually meaning when I asked was I'm curious how you feel about things like gatecamps, CCP seems to have implemented a strategy whereby its really easy to cyno past or use pretty much immune from being caught ships to avoid camps in anything worth killing, these camps are more prone than ever to getting curbstomped by the proliferation of hotdropping, these 2 factors seem to have greatly reduced the number of pirate outfits about and those that remain have very difficult to engage set-ups ie linked with falcon/logi support. This in turn has reduced content to small gang pvpers who enjoy breaking up camps for example, as its hard enough to find a camp let alone an engagable one these days. I personally think it's a shame that content is being nerfed out of the game and I was wondering how you feel about it?

First of all I really think that the LP reward for pvp is way to low (grr goons). Actually fighting should reward more then plexing at least.

Regarding the devaluation of LP from other factions. I don't think that highsec and FW lp stores share that much and it shouldn't be a problem since the best isk/lp items in highsec will not be able to be available in Faction warfare. Also faction warfare LP is generated in waves when a faction manages to push t4/t5 and that's where the isk/LP prices for implants and other things in the FW LP store will hit their lowest. Compare this to level 5 missions that do not have the tier system where income increases and decreases. They are able to constantly farm their missions at a good isk/hour ratio instead of having to wait for factions to get their **** together or farm standings for other militias.

On gate camping

I think it's sad that gatecamps in lowsec have become concentrated to the entry system and run by very risk averse gangs that are not attack able solo. These camps are kinda similar to running missions but instead of isk they get killmails. I do not really support the mindless farm of new players with insta lock and insta kill gatecamps.

I do however really love when you come across a small camp in lowsec that is not the usual unmanageable Loki, vindi 4 logis and I think it is sad that this is not more common. A problem with gatecamping is that it's not very fun. You sit for long times doing nothing on a gate waiting for something to actually happen. I think that getting hotdropped is something you will have to expect and compensate for if you plan on being so predictable to just do the same thing over and over. Titan bridging is kind of a meh mechanic as well and all supers/titans need some serious balancing imo but that is not my focus points since I have little experience with capitals (My leviathan died in a small pos for example)

bonus a stream highlight of me attacking a small gatecamp

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Gorski Car
#12 - 2014-02-22 13:37:06 UTC
Brian-Boitano wrote:

Regarding medium autocannons, do you think their range and kiting potential should be buffed?

Medium autocannons suffer from a problem where they have really inflated damage numbers that you will never get in a realistic fight. In order to get medium autocannons in a viable spot they kinda need to have at least 50% bonus falloff on the ships with falloff bonuses otherwise they are out damaged at longer ranges. I do not think that every weapon needs to be the same though and medium autocannons have many benefits such as select able damage type, good tracking and being cap less to fire.

All in all if you want to kite with short range weapons using long range ammo you might want to select a different weaponsystem. While autocannons are really good at brawl range they lack at longer ranges. Much like lasers have really bad tracking at closer ranges but can do full dps with scorch at longer ranges. Or how sentries can do good damage at all ranges.

The metagame where you kite with cynabals, canes and vagabonds is past and I like that the game is moving forward and that the metagame is shifting a bit. I think your problem is that you are trying to force a gun not designed for kiting to kite and CCPs changes and buffs to longer ranged weapons have made that really hard.

Here is a funny picture comparing a laser cane to a autocannon cane at 24km (longpoint) range.

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Luis Alejandro Flores
#13 - 2014-02-22 18:58:07 UTC
Gorski has my vote. Can't think of a better pilot to represent the solo/small gang community.

Ayyy LMAO.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#14 - 2014-02-22 19:16:02 UTC
Regarding the devaluation of LP from other factions. I don't think that highsec and FW lp stores share that much and it shouldn't be a problem since the best isk/lp items in highsec will not be able to be available in Faction warfare.

Actually there's extensive overlap between what the two stores offer, and the FW offers for ships have a tremendous edge that renders navy ships unprofitable for highsec LP stores. The primary item not available in FW are BPCs for items, and those are only available to certain corps in highsec anyway.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Gorski Car
#15 - 2014-02-22 21:33:36 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Regarding the devaluation of LP from other factions. I don't think that highsec and FW lp stores share that much and it shouldn't be a problem since the best isk/lp items in highsec will not be able to be available in Faction warfare.

Actually there's extensive overlap between what the two stores offer, and the FW offers for ships have a tremendous edge that renders navy ships unprofitable for highsec LP stores. The primary item not available in FW are BPCs for items, and those are only available to certain corps in highsec anyway.

Correct me if I am wrong since highsec missions isn't exactly my specialty in Eve. But you if you want to maximize profits you want to pick as high of a isk/lp value as possible. I understand and I know that FW LP stores will devalue everything that the two LP stores share but as long as there is stuff the stores doesn't share you can always convert those at a higher isk/LP then the stuff faction warfare stores contains.

There will of course always be people running missions for Caldari navy or something and never converting their LP/using their LP to buy raven navy issues that faction warfare can get cheaper. But I think that you should at least be rewarded some for doing some research into LP conversions.

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State War Academy
Caldari State
#16 - 2014-02-22 23:18:05 UTC
Regular items for FW and highsec stores alike are mostly devalued by the presence of BPC offers from the industrial oriented corps, which are effectively five for the price of three; items that do offer a favorable isk/LP ratio only tend to do so because they're not actually worth buying in the first place - 1MN propulsion mods, for example, cost too much to be competitive with faction drops. Everyone can get in on implants. Basically, LP devaluation cuts both ways.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

El Space Mariachi
Zero Fun Allowed
#17 - 2014-02-23 00:09:50 UTC
gorski is a smart dude who really knows how lowsec (or at least nenemaila) works and i feel he'd be a good voice on the csm for small gang entities and people who just want to take a few friends and go wandering in lowsec. Good luck gorski, you're definitely going to get a few votes from me

ps please remove falcons from the game

gay gamers for jesus

Zero Fun Allowed
#18 - 2014-02-23 21:01:31 UTC
The only csm candidate whos not a scrub IRL/Ingame
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#19 - 2014-02-24 00:10:11 UTC
Remove OGB from the game.
Make FW plex reset if you warp out/cloak.
Only one ASB per ship.
Fix drones AI and UI.
Rebalance pirate ships, buff underpowered hulls and nerf overpowered ship bonus (serpentis).
Rebalance T3 so they are no longer better than T2 in their specialized roles, follow the "Jack of all trades, master of none" logic.
Rebalance modules power (meta0-faction).
Buff lowsec income (missions/mining/manufecturing/PI/exploration).

The Tears Must Flow

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2014-02-24 12:35:28 UTC
I like what you've said so far, one question for you if you've got time to explain is why do you think boosters are allowed to be off-grid to provide boosts?

I disagree

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