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How to make isk with Carriers and LvL 5 missions

Tritanium Industries and Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2014-02-19 21:51:35 UTC
600,000,000.00+ Isk an hour

It takes isk to make isk the eon old saying goes. This endeavor will require capital, pun intended! You will need a carrier of any kind but a Thanatos or Chimera usually works the best in my opinion. Sentry Drone loadout setup is best.

Start up capital required 1.4bil - about 8.5bil depending on what your ship/fittings are.

When I first started blitzing lvl 5 missions I used 1 carrier and a cyno alt to jump from 1 system to another. While the cyno was still active, I'd be running my mission. Once the 10 min timer is up I would warp to the next mission location if it was in the same system, if not I would cyno again. Most of the time I would complete the mission before the cyno is up requiring me to wait for the cyno to finish its cycle. This slowed me down and I wasn't reaching my max isk/hr goals. I eventually cashed in my isk to buy another carrier for the most popular mission location and left it there using the 1st carrier to jump around. Eventually I had a carrier in each system and was making a fair amount of isk/hr surpassing my isk/hr goal at the start. If you don't have enough isk for a carrier in each system starting out, DON'T WORRY you'll get there, ignore "step 2" and just use a cyno and a single carrier.

Do your own math! Verify how long it takes to run a mission and the amount of LP + isk you make off of it. If its worth it keep doing it, if not... Find a better way to make isk, there are plenty of ways to do so, or just buy plexes with your credit card and tell the wife it got stolen and you don't know how the charges got on there =)

1.) First you need to find a Agent in lowsec, lower system sec the better. More LP
2.) Place a PvE carrier in each system the 2 agent in that area send you to, 3-6 systems on average.
3.) Gain faction Standing to 7+ for the agents in question. This allows you to perma decline non-blitzable missions. Watch agent standing and do not let it drop under -2.
4.) Pull mission and fly to location in a frig.
5.) Get in carrier and warp to mission
6.) Align to station once you get to mission location and watch Dscan
7.) Blitz missions as instructed below
8.) Turn in mission and repeat


People want to pop you, you are big and shiny and you look awesome on a kill board when you go SPAT! Look at "Guest" list in the station services to see if any known bumpers are in station waiting for you to undock. Watch your Dscan always, Combat probes in space is your queue to recall drones and GTFO

Having more then 1 mission puller will increase the amount of mission that can be done w/o having to wait 4 hours to be able to decline another mission.
3 pullers should be able to run blitzable missions non stop.

Missions take about +/- 10mins each with travel time to blitz a mission. So about 6 per hour

100,000 LP + 8mil isk rewards x 6 = 600,000,000 isk an hour. + Faction drops from Wormslayer

Having more then 1 mission runner can increase amount of isk made an hour.
2 mission runners can make over 1 bil isk an hour

*Security Connections is a MUST! Max it out. More LP = more isk

People who have a supers
*Having a super in the most popular agent mission location will cut down average time of mission to about 3 mins w/travel time.



Shadow Serpentis Large Plasma Smartbomb
Shadow Serpentis Large Plasma Smartbomb
Shadow Serpentis Large Plasma Smartbomb
Drone Control Unit II
Drone Control Unit II


EM Ward Field II
Thermic Dissipation Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Capital Shield Booster I
Sensor Booster II
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II


Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II


Capital Capacitor Control Circuit I
Capital Capacitor Control Circuit I
Capital Capacitor Control Circuit I

Can also change out rigs for

Capital Low Friction Nozzle Joints I x 3

Quicker align time for easy in and out. safer in higher populated area's where probes are likely to be.
*when using Low friction noz, be sure to bookmark high neuting mission locations so you can dock up if you are low on cap.

You can also add a
Capital Sentry Damage Augmentor I to increase dmg

drone loadout.

12 fighters Einherji / Firbolg
20 curators II.
20 warriors II,
50 heavy ecm drones
30 medium ecm drones
20 heavy energy neut drones
20 ogre II.
logistic drones.

You may want Garde and warden drones for pvp incase and always keep a full fuel bay.

Missions to accept.

Don't accept any missions with ship restrictions, simply due to you cant warp a carrier into there.

Breeding facility: destroy 1 breeding facility.. sentrys for this one, takes about 30 seconds. Center one facing you on warp in

Wormslayer : spawn it with a pod first, smartbomb the frigates and wait for the faction rat, kill this and loot your faction drops. (watch for tackling rats)

Wormsbane: Kill main structure. little bit annoying can take a 5-10 mins depending on the way it goes. (watch for tackling rats)

Reclimation: spawn it with a pod first. kill the first colony clossest on the right ("Large Collidable Structure" in overview settings), kill scorpion that spawns

Sansha on the horizon: kill structure with sentry drones, kill spawn.

Sansha Aquesition: spawn with pod destroy main structure. takes a while.

Fortress (amarr): heavy neuting, lots of tackle rats (has killed an aeon before) kill main capital ship assembly structure. be ready to warp. recall fighters as required

Fortress (caldari) : same deal with the neuts with the added attraction of jamming, which can jam the carrier.

Cleansing fire: warp in kill cathedral kill faction battleship. mission done

Keep an eye out for probes and Fly Safe!
Loraine Gess
Confedeferate Union of Tax Legalists
#2 - 2014-02-19 22:34:20 UTC
Has killed an aeon? Please tell me you didn't try to do L5s with a super...
Tritanium Industries and Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2014-02-19 22:37:11 UTC
lol, no not mine. But you can place a super in the most popular mission area and use it to bring a 10min mission down to a 3min mission! 8k dps tends to do that when you only need to pop a structure =)
Deaf Armada
#4 - 2014-02-20 17:46:00 UTC
Scorpina wrote:
lol, no not mine. But you can place a super in the most popular mission area and use it to bring a 10min mission down to a 3min mission! 8k dps tends to do that when you only need to pop a structure =)

you can't dock super capital, and dread would be more fast with siege but still stuck with 5 min timer due to module.
Tritanium Industries and Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2014-02-20 18:42:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Scorpina
Dreads are not recommended, there are missions that have scrams that orbit at 9k and with no drones on dreads anymore can be a problem. On the super issue, no you can't dock them. You'd need to set up a pos. I'd only set up a pos if your in a corp in that area that can protect it, otherwise leave your super where it is Big smile
Tritanium Industries and Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2014-02-20 19:49:14 UTC
If you duel Box and run 2 pilots to a mission, a dread could work I guess as long as you keep scrams off of it but a carrier is just easier. Its not worth the 5 min siege cycle because what ever you're targeting is dead with in 5 mins in a carrier unless you need to work on your drone/ships skills.