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Highsec wardeccers! You can dec GSF and Red AND Blue for 50M/week!

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Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#441 - 2014-02-19 15:53:23 UTC
In trying to follow this thread what I am curious about is the back-story and root source of Gevlon's angst with Goons?

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#442 - 2014-02-19 15:55:43 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
In trying to follow this thread what I am curious about is the back-story and root source of Gevlon's angst with Goons?


He was in TEST and swallowed their propaganda like a ... - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#443 - 2014-02-19 16:18:03 UTC

I didn't say our supposed lack of impact had anything to do with lemmings. We killed a poco which is what we came for since we thought it would be a shame to let all those reinforced pocos just rep up (Lemmings couldn't come with RVB being purple blob next door). We don't care much for structure shoots.

The op was a success. We could have done it much faster but we were waiting to see what you would bring... In the end, nothing, so we brought some more nados and popped it. The guys that were in fleet were all euro timezone, you can check that it was waaaay passed our bedtime. No bull there.

RVB has more to fear from other Hisec entities than it has from people who are famously allergic to everything hisec. You of all people should also know the power of propaganda. and yes, they have a minor win-win situation with goons but they jumped in that boat too fast if you ask me, they could have had much more win and goons could have had nothing (in hisec that is)

As far as fighting the largest groups goes, gues we aren't as risk-averse or killboardstat fixated as you think huh, bring it Twisted



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Sparkle Motion.
#444 - 2014-02-19 16:20:58 UTC
Danalee wrote:
Pete Butcher wrote:

Getting some laughs is a good thing, but the moment someone lowers himself to goblin level and starts talking his kind of shite, it gets just sad. He actually believes the stuff he writes, because he most likely is a bit ******** irl, yet we should keep it going purely as entertainment.

I'll try and give an example. If you were part of an entity under siege by a big powerblock and the leader of said powerbloc had this to say;

such that we can maintain our newfound superiority over our enemies.
you will see the tears flow and hear a chorus of screams of the like we have not seen
by stabbing "your entity" in their heart over and over and over again until they stop moving.
We will trap them in their staging system and crush the life out of them. We will repel any attempts to spring them from their coward’s prison, because they deserve this fate. Nothing will live, nothing will escape.

Given the context, would you not doubt this powerbloc's leader's sanity a little bit? He's your enemie and makes such a bloodthirsty rant afterall.

Ok... Whatever your reply, please apply the same standards to mister Goblin's blog.



Mittani's rhetoric is deliberately theatrical, because this is a MMORPG and someone needs to play the evil tyrant. Some people can't separate this from reality and cry on blogs for pages about how evil he must be IRL, despite the fact he's probably cuddling his puppy as they write it.

Is there anyone who didn't see early EvE trailers and think "WOW SO I CAN BE HAN SOLO THIS IS THE ****!"? Very few people Blink
It's all a game, and not everyone is going to play joe-miner doing his daily 8hour shift, or Billy Starbuck roaming space looking for profit.

The people to worry about, are the people who spend hours on hours blogging that everyone needs to stop having fun in the game and start making ISK, so they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK they can make more ISK to make more ISK and then use it to make more ISK and then make more ISK to invest and make more ISK.

These people are called Gevlon, and whatever malfunction makes him think that I won't comment to, but he's missing a few screws.

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
In trying to follow this thread what I am curious about is the back-story and root source of Gevlon's angst with Goons?


Well it peaked during the fountain war last year, that's when his mind snapped for good. He'd been blogging for ages how the CFC were all morons because we could be ratting instead of taking regions, and eventually he threw his Randian plan into action and "saved TEST", making them invincible (heh) because donations make everything better.
To do this he had to join TEST, and claimed he would pay (IIRC 20bil a month, per character to be in TEST). He had previously been kicked for posting on their forums over and over again that they were all morons for defending themselves instead of ratting and donating the ISK.
TEST scammed the crap out of him, after he said he would equal any donation. Cue lots of TEST people recycling alliance money through the donations system and letting him double it for free.

His raison d'etre is, quite literally, just yelling how bad Goons are whilst throwing 10's of billions of ISK down the drain to no benefit.

Oh, and he's earned that ISK by spending 20-odd hours per day hauling implants around.

But since ISK is the goal the impact on his real life (he lives in a tiny apartment) is not important, ISK is the goal!

Oh, and grrrGOONS, but no one knows what his aims there are anymore. He moves the goalposts alot.

"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally." -Soviet infantry manual,

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#445 - 2014-02-19 16:43:11 UTC
Danalee wrote:
I didn't say our supposed lack of impact had anything to do with lemmings. We killed a poco which is what we came for since we thought it would be a shame to let all those reinforced pocos just rep up (Lemmings couldn't come with RVB being purple blob next door). We don't care much for structure shoots.

The op was a success. We could have done it much faster but we were waiting to see what you would bring... In the end, nothing, so we brought some more nados and popped it. The guys that were in fleet were all euro timezone, you can check that it was waaaay passed our bedtime. No bull there.

Danalee wrote:
RVB has more to fear from other Hisec entities than it has from people who are famously allergic to everything hisec. You of all people should also know the power of propaganda. and yes, they have a minor win-win situation with goons but they jumped in that boat too fast if you ask me, they could have had much more win and goons could have had nothing (in hisec that is)
They still didn't want to get into a structure swaying battle with the goons. POCOs were rumoured (for some weird reason) to be worth phenomenal amounts of isk. They knew goons would be going for them. What possible reason would they have to waste their time fighting off reinforcement timers when they can easily make a treaty to avoid it? If they'd avoided the treaty, they'd have fought with goons, and other groups would have swept in taking more POCOs while they were fighting each other.

Look. the short of it is this. RvB know what they are doing. They don't need advice from little groups of wardeccers. If they really didn't think the treaty was worth it, they could EASILY break it. It's not like they'd have to pay a termination fee or anything. They are far more qualified to decide if a treaty is worth their while than you or me for that matter.

Danalee wrote:
As far as fighting the largest groups goes, gues we aren't as risk-averse or killboardstat fixated as you think huh, bring it Twisted
I wouldn't say you are fighting them. Every time a fight is going to occur you guys mysteriously have to dock up or log off. Clearly it's just bad timing, and not at all that you would get pasted all over the side of a stargate if you went up against an actual fleet. If you are so sure of yourselves, stick around for a formup.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#446 - 2014-02-19 16:50:31 UTC
Khanh'rhh wrote:
TEST scammed the crap out of him, after he said he would equal any donation. Cue lots of TEST people recycling alliance money through the donations system and letting him double it for free.
This was my favourite part. Anyone that couldn't see that coming from miles away has to be pretty special. I think after he plonked 40b into it he stopped doubling as he suddenly realised he was about to dump all of his isk into the system.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#447 - 2014-02-19 17:12:05 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Khanh'rhh wrote:
TEST scammed the crap out of him, after he said he would equal any donation. Cue lots of TEST people recycling alliance money through the donations system and letting him double it for free.
This was my favourite part. Anyone that couldn't see that coming from miles away has to be pretty special. I think after he plonked 40b into it he stopped doubling as he suddenly realised he was about to dump all of his isk into the system.

Gevlon was always special. Remember how he seriously thought James 315 is the literal savior of Eve and he will teach all of hisec how to play and win, thus showered him with isk? Only then to find out James runs an entertainment business, call him a scammer and create his own fail ganking corp. Oh, those were fun times. Actually, I'm quite curious how J315 feels about him. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Twenty Five Percent
#448 - 2014-02-19 17:49:56 UTC
The future of EVE is ratting and ganking miners guys
Goonswarm Federation
#449 - 2014-02-19 18:20:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Weaselior
Danalee wrote:

- hundreds of "we don't care posts" everywhere

i have a counter-proposal

by trolling gevlon relentlessly, we have so far cost him 40b (donated to test) and 4b per week in wardec fees

that is applied against the net cost of nothing to our alliance except slightly more idiots in highsec killed and we've always seen that as an idiot tax, you don't ever go into highsec on a gsf character on your own except to suicide people because we're always wardecced

that, to me, is the best concentrated measurable pure return on posting investment we've ever achieved

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#450 - 2014-02-19 18:29:37 UTC
Careful now, or he'll cook up another special surprise...

More graphs!

I can't help but wonder if Ledrian (the guy who infiltrated the New Order by showering us with isk, only to steal our schedules) is actually a Gevlon alt or close relative.

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Louis Robichaud
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#451 - 2014-02-19 20:28:06 UTC
Apparently, even Test can do more real damage to the Goons, by aborting a Titan and a sc...(cudos on taking the loss with aplomb).

I blog a bit

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#452 - 2014-02-19 20:32:26 UTC
Goblin's Blog wrote:
They are also clearly losing the Lemmings war.

Of course they won't comment: "damn, you caught us, we are going down", the keep commenting "oh, we are having fun" and "didn't want that 1B pod anyway."

On the other hand I don't doubt that many RvB member claims the above honestly. Because "friglolling scrub" is a ****** identity and "we take every fight as a content" is much better.

Goblin on RvB. Some nice diplomacy there! - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Louis Robichaud
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#453 - 2014-02-19 20:41:39 UTC
My main is in RvB, and I'm quite comfortable with my "eve identity". I gather that Gevlon can't grasp that, and well it is his loss.

Maybe I could point out that we have helped *thousands* of players learn how to PvP, far more than his miner "education" campaign... Maybe he would understand that?

I blog a bit

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#454 - 2014-02-19 20:47:31 UTC
Louis Robichaud wrote:
My main is in RvB, and I'm quite comfortable with my "eve identity". I gather that Gevlon can't grasp that, and well it is his loss.

Maybe I could point out that we have helped *thousands* of players learn how to PvP, far more than his miner "education" campaign... Maybe he would understand that?

He sees people who do pvp as morons (opportunity costs) so I doubt he'd understand that. After all, every decent eve player should grind isk. You ought to be mining instead of friglolling! - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#455 - 2014-02-19 21:06:47 UTC
Wow. Gevlon truly is one of the dumbest people I've ever witnessed. I think I'm going to have to stop even trying to reason with that moron, as I'm pretty sure I'm losing IQ with every post. Though probably what's more scary than his utterly delusional sense of superiority is that there are actually other people dumb enough to read "we killed a handful of frigates, thus RvB will definitely die" and actually believe it.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#456 - 2014-02-19 21:14:45 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Wow. Gevlon truly is one of the dumbest people I've ever witnessed. I think I'm going to have to stop even trying to reason with that moron, as I'm pretty sure I'm losing IQ with every post. Though probably what's more scary than his utterly delusional sense of superiority is that there are actually other people dumb enough to read "we killed a handful of frigates, thus RvB will definitely die" and actually believe it.

I just read his replies to you. If I were marmite, I would start considering if incoming isk is really worth being labeled as a pet of such idiot. This is pitiful. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool

Tarojan Corporation
#457 - 2014-02-19 21:14:50 UTC
Danalee wrote:
Allright, for the sake of the argument and in hope of less hate, more friendly banter and fun content for all;

Mister Goblin, could you please state a clear reply to following comments;

- Are you a super human?

- Do you believe only numbers matter in life and all social aspects are examples of stupidity of lesser beings?

- If we'd ever meet, would you be able to laugh about stuff while drinking insane amounts of beer?

I know I'm just a grunt but this still is important for me so I'd appreciate a reply.




Well I have been reading his blog for years I can answer 1 and 2 I think. No and no. Its a core tennet of his belief system that you can educate anyone willing to try to learn. He openly says over and over "Im not special", he openly says to not praise him for making a ton of isk so fast: COPY HIM AND MAKE IT FOR YOURSELF TOO. He'll even go through it with you and clarify anything in his guides that your not clear off. He's helped alot of people in many games and he does it in the name of a randian crusade to raise us all up from a culture of dependancy, welfare and grasping.

When I get back in the morning (off to work and Im late :D), I'll google for you and quote his eulogy to maggie thatcher. It explains so much about him and yeah I can follow what hes saying. As for point 3, who knows? does he drink beer?

Will gank for food

Manny Moons
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#458 - 2014-02-19 21:42:57 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
...I'm pretty sure I'm losing IQ with every post...

I don't know you, Lucas, so I have no idea how much you had to start with. But as often as you post, you can't really afford to run a deficit!

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#459 - 2014-02-19 21:47:04 UTC
Manny Moons wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
...I'm pretty sure I'm losing IQ with every post...

I don't know you, Lucas, so I have no idea how much you had to start with. But as often as you post, you can't really afford to run a deficit!
How wude!

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Louis Robichaud
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#460 - 2014-02-19 21:47:06 UTC
It's a shame that he hasn't stuck to what he was good at...

I blog a bit