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Very serious danger for all people who like to do missions in faction ships

First post
#361 - 2014-02-19 16:08:30 UTC
Epikurus wrote:

I think I'm being misunderstood here. I have no problem whatsoever with battleships getting ganked by gangs of destroyers in EvE. I'm all for that and think the 'problems' identified by the OP are no problems at all (except possibly the Catalyst needs a touch of balancing). Despite that, I think the comparison with real life destroyers and battleships is worse than useless as a justification for the mechanics in EvE because there is hardly any analogy at all between EvE ships and real ships with the same name.

I think that most people can reason that 12 suicidal destroyers are likely to reach range on a single unescorted real life battleship, and then subsequently are likely to sink it. So I'm comfortable that it works in EVE. ie the destroyer was invented because the general belief was that torpedo boats would achieve the same thing.

Vian couldn't get to range on the Bismark, but he also wasn't suicidal and he had very open orders about what he was supposed to do, so obviously chosing to not lose his equipment and die was reasonable. If Tovey had required a torpedo attack be fully pressed home, then I'd fully expect more than one of his flotilla would have been lost, and more than one would have torpedoed the bismark.

#362 - 2014-02-19 16:10:39 UTC
Imo gang of well coordinated and skilled pilots in properly fit ships killing battleship even in "concord protected" hisec isnt a problem, but being able to do so without any consequences just isnt right. It is even worse considering that 90% of ganking can be done in trash fit ships with lowskilled throwaway alts.

It is obvious that "risk vs reward" mechanics isnt working in this case at all. Getting multi million/billion reward with taking close to zero risk doesnt seem appropriate to me in eve online.
#363 - 2014-02-19 16:43:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Tauranon
Lugalzagezi666 wrote:
Imo gang of well coordinated and skilled pilots in properly fit ships killing battleship even in "concord protected" hisec isnt a problem, but being able to do so without any consequences just isnt right. It is even worse considering that 90% of ganking can be done in trash fit ships with lowskilled throwaway alts.

It is obvious that "risk vs reward" mechanics isnt working in this case at all. Getting multi million/billion reward with taking close to zero risk doesnt seem appropriate to me in eve online.

If you bother to read the thread, you can refit marauders in space to have absurd hitpoints - ie you can ensure that people ganking you at somewhere formal like a gate fail, and just suffer their own ship losses, and 15 minute gccs.

Bear in mind that I can successfully mission and probe content in highsec whilst wardecced.

Method - use a frigate to get missions, get redfrog to dump battleships at the most useless station in each system your missions go to, and then only use the frigate to gate or dock at the mission hub. if you must afk, afk in a cloaking ship instead of docked, which means the wartargets have to actually commit to sitting in each station waiting for you to dock to even figure out which one you are working from.

It becomes very hard to pick "you" up and get a probe-tag, or ship scans for your ships, which makes it a long-shot for ganking and its hard to find a wartarget in a system with 80 people if you don't have a probe-tag or even know which type of ship the target is in. The worst case is when you keep turning up at hub location in an uncatchable, and keep leaving by an undock insta they can't see you realign at because that then causes them to not even bother checking the useless stations, because they keep thinking they'll pick up you up at the important station at some point.

In practice for missions that are 2 jumps from the hub, you will save time getting there. You may eventually come to know how far away your agent likes to give you different missions, and then you may be able to choose which system has your marauder, and which systems have older battleships in etc.

ie the game actually astounds me with how many options there are to make you hard to find and hard to kill, and whilst you might not be able to hide amongst 80 runners, I certainly can.
Moo's Mudpit
#364 - 2014-02-19 16:46:48 UTC
Interstellar Broadband Announcement;

The Breeders that work in the stations, and sign up to crew these magnificent interstellar warships have been talking to their union reps. The topic of conversation keeps going back to risk vs. reward of work in space, and the Union is of the opinion that the starvation wages and subhuman conditions on some of these ships warrant a higher level of pay and insurance for certain Pod Pilot Captains.

New fees for commissioning a interstellar craft will start at 250k ISK per crew member at the time of assembling a 'packaged for transport' ship. From this day forward there will be a 100% increase in crew fees for pilots that have lost previous ships to Concord intervention. Every time a Captains ship is lost to Concord the fee will double again. The justification of this fee is to better help support the wives, husbands and children left behind when a careless Pod Pilot goes out and gets their crew killed.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#365 - 2014-02-19 17:25:37 UTC
Tauranon wrote:
Epikurus wrote:

I think I'm being misunderstood here. I have no problem whatsoever with battleships getting ganked by gangs of destroyers in EvE. I'm all for that and think the 'problems' identified by the OP are no problems at all (except possibly the Catalyst needs a touch of balancing). Despite that, I think the comparison with real life destroyers and battleships is worse than useless as a justification for the mechanics in EvE because there is hardly any analogy at all between EvE ships and real ships with the same name.

I think that most people can reason that 12 suicidal destroyers are likely to reach range on a single unescorted real life battleship, and then subsequently are likely to sink it. So I'm comfortable that it works in EVE. ie the destroyer was invented because the general belief was that torpedo boats would achieve the same thing.

Vian couldn't get to range on the Bismark, but he also wasn't suicidal and he had very open orders about what he was supposed to do, so obviously chosing to not lose his equipment and die was reasonable. If Tovey had required a torpedo attack be fully pressed home, then I'd fully expect more than one of his flotilla would have been lost, and more than one would have torpedoed the bismark.

Battleships and destroyers in EvE and battleships and destroyers in real life have so little in common with each other that any attempt to reason from what is plausible in one sphere to what is plausible in the other sphere is ludicrous. You are being distracted by a mere similarity in naming conventions that is absolutely meaningless for any rational discussion of the mechanics of EvE. What's next? An argument about the mechanics of frigates in EvE based on the role of frigates in Napoleonic commerce raiding?
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#366 - 2014-02-19 17:32:23 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Epikurus wrote:
blah blah

None of that has reduced the validity of my observation, that in EVE as well as IRL, Battleships are vulnerable to smaller ships if isolated or without their Escorts.

You don't need an analogy with the ships called battleships in the real world to make that point and the comparison with real ships adds nothing of value as they have nothing beyond the most superficial characteristics in common with each other.
#367 - 2014-02-19 17:51:12 UTC
Tauranon wrote:

Loss of cheap trashfit dessie and 15mins of gcc can hardly be considered reasonable consequence for engaging in criminal activity in concord protected hisec space. Especially not when suicide ganking can be (and often is) executed by throwaway alt.

Also risk part of risk vs reward mechanics is clearly missing, even losing whole gang of cheap destroyers means absolutely nothing compared to reward from possible loot (as you can cherrypick your target with cargo scan).

Probing a ship, especially big ship as battleship or marauder, is not nearly as hard as you think, you can easily track your specific target among 100 other battleships - by its ID. And it is hardly the only way how to suicide gank a battleship.

Btw wardecs and suicide ganking are two completely different things.
Salvos Rhoska
#368 - 2014-02-19 17:54:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Epikurus wrote:
You don't need an analogy with the ships called battleships in the real world to make that point and the comparison with real ships adds nothing of value as they have nothing beyond the most superficial characteristics in common with each other.

Vessels are classified primarily according to their function, and secondarily by displacement.

"In naval terminology, a  destroyer is a fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance warship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet, convoy or battle group and defend them against smaller, powerful, short-range attackers."

That definition fits the EVE equivalent very well, especially in fleet functions.

Furthermore, the class definition also includes torpedo vessels capable of engaging much larger vessels.

"A battleship is a large armored warship with a main battery consisting of heavy caliber guns."

That definition also fits the EVE equivalent very well, especially in fleet functions.

Im afraid your attempt at semantic niggling has failed.
EVE ship classes and fleet functions have very direct comparability with IRL Navy equivalents.

Regardless of semantics, since these bling ships are not threatened by NPCs, nor have competition for their mission sites, the risk has to come from other players.

Whereas the cost efficiency is high in favor of the gankers, that comes with several strings attached.
Namely aquiring and tracking a target, the organisation and logistics required for arranging 12 individuals to that venture, security standing loss, succesful completion of the gank, moving the loot out successfully, distributing profits fairly, and the random modifier on what may drop or instead be destroyed if the gank is successful.l
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#369 - 2014-02-19 20:29:20 UTC
Lugalzagezi666 wrote:
Imo gang of well coordinated and skilled pilots in properly fit ships killing battleship even in "concord protected" hisec isnt a problem, but being able to do so without any consequences just isnt right. It is even worse considering that 90% of ganking can be done in trash fit ships with lowskilled throwaway alts.

It is obvious that "risk vs reward" mechanics isnt working in this case at all. Getting multi million/billion reward with taking close to zero risk doesnt seem appropriate to me in eve online.

I can make that kind of isk with one ship (and a load of luck) taking zero risk in DED plexes.

I think you misunderstand what risk reward means. At no time has it ever meant "you must risk the same amount of isk to get an equivalent reward". If it did mean that, then my Mission Machariel would be immune to ships that cost less than 800 mil lol.

The 3 cynabals that killed my ratting mach in a Serpentis Haven cost less (after modules were considered) than my ship. The BOMBERS that killed my Ratting Vindicator 3 weeks eariler cost WAY less. While those losses occurred in null sec, ALL of EVE follows the same basic rules and cheap combat ships and kill expensive non-pvp ships easily across New Eden.

EVE's risk vs Reward means you risk losing something if you want to gain something. Suicide gankers lose their ships to CONCORD so it's all working as intended. I've been missioning since 2007 in faction ships (my 1st was a navy raven) and not one gank attempt against me.
#370 - 2014-02-19 23:27:48 UTC
Epikurus wrote:
Tauranon wrote:
Epikurus wrote:

I think I'm being misunderstood here. I have no problem whatsoever with battleships getting ganked by gangs of destroyers in EvE. I'm all for that and think the 'problems' identified by the OP are no problems at all (except possibly the Catalyst needs a touch of balancing). Despite that, I think the comparison with real life destroyers and battleships is worse than useless as a justification for the mechanics in EvE because there is hardly any analogy at all between EvE ships and real ships with the same name.

I think that most people can reason that 12 suicidal destroyers are likely to reach range on a single unescorted real life battleship, and then subsequently are likely to sink it. So I'm comfortable that it works in EVE. ie the destroyer was invented because the general belief was that torpedo boats would achieve the same thing.

Vian couldn't get to range on the Bismark, but he also wasn't suicidal and he had very open orders about what he was supposed to do, so obviously chosing to not lose his equipment and die was reasonable. If Tovey had required a torpedo attack be fully pressed home, then I'd fully expect more than one of his flotilla would have been lost, and more than one would have torpedoed the bismark.

Battleships and destroyers in EvE and battleships and destroyers in real life have so little in common with each other that any attempt to reason from what is plausible in one sphere to what is plausible in the other sphere is ludicrous. You are being distracted by a mere similarity in naming conventions that is absolutely meaningless for any rational discussion of the mechanics of EvE. What's next? An argument about the mechanics of frigates in EvE based on the role of frigates in Napoleonic commerce raiding?

If you choose to design a game using the names, frigate, destroyer, cruiser, battlecruiser and battleship to define your basic ship classes, and organize them so that the physical sizes and ability to deal, avoid or absorb punishment is also organized in similar tiers, then it is plain for people to see that you intend for the real roles to be able to be used to get a basic understanding of the intended roles of your internet space pixel submarines.

Gallente Federation
#371 - 2014-02-20 19:51:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Si1viu
Please focus your comments at giving solution for the people who do missions to stay alive and avoid to be suicide ganked.
Ship roles don't have a big relevance here, please post your ideas about how you see the ships roles in "Features and Ideas" forum. Thank you!