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CCP: No worries, SWTOR blows chunks and is no threat

The Greater Goon
#1 - 2011-11-27 16:00:33 UTC
at all to EVE
yeah, most people felt it wasn't, but anything that can rob a niche market of customers is dangerous.

but they only danger TOR poses is to WoW
oh man its god awful....

we now return you to your regularly scheduled QQing
Thomas Orca
Broski is ded
#2 - 2011-11-27 16:01:47 UTC
Confirming that SWTOR is fundamentally flawed.
Ivan Joukov
Soviet System
#3 - 2011-11-27 16:07:10 UTC
Do anybody ever thought SWTOR could be an opponent to EvE ? Shocked


The Greater Goon
#4 - 2011-11-27 16:09:42 UTC
Ivan Joukov wrote:
Do anybody ever thought SWTOR could be an opponent to EvE ? Shocked

not directly, more like a medium neut...
sucking off some of the curious for a couple of weeks
Crouching Woman Hidden Cucumber
#5 - 2011-11-27 16:13:42 UTC
Its so much worse than SWG EMU, it actually shocks me that there is more of a market for TOR than there is for SWG, which if done probably would actually pose a mild threat to eve.

Real-time space combat
War decs
Skill trees rather than just 1-80
Player driven world

TOR has none of the above
Sunshine and Lollipops
#6 - 2011-11-27 16:26:19 UTC
Ivan Joukov wrote:
Do anybody ever thought SWTOR could be an opponent to EvE ? Shocked

Weeell… it it's a competitor for time, much like the batch of shooters that were released a couple of weeks ago, and as such, and being an MMO, it's a bigger time thief than most. But it's not in the same genre and doesn't offer any similar gameplay, so no.
Pesky LaRue
#7 - 2011-11-27 16:30:10 UTC
Ivan Joukov wrote:
Do anybody ever thought SWTOR could be an opponent to EvE ? Shocked

there have been a bunch of threads about it, so some fools evidently thought so, yes.
Alara IonStorm
#8 - 2011-11-27 16:32:02 UTC
I hope WoT in Space is not a Threat because Star Conflict looks good. It is made by Russians and you know Russians make good stuff.
#9 - 2011-11-27 16:43:22 UTC
swotr is trash
Twistedguildwars 2 Twisted

bye bye maybe i com back whe we boost black ops Account Expires 18 January 2012 - 1:38 pm (in 4 days)

Captain Mastiff
#10 - 2011-11-27 17:19:54 UTC
I tried the Beta... the amount of fail involved in their loader/patcher made me stop just there.

Downloaded 18GB of data for it to claim I didn't have enough space, further to that when freeing up even more space it decided to delete all downloaded data and start the 18GB download again... Suffice to say I promptly closed the loader and removed all trace, raged on the SWTOR forums and explained why if a long running game company can't even clone a loader/patcher from their other games I would hate to be able to log in and see how badly they will have raped the Star Wars franchise.

Xavier Holtzman
Sith Interstellar Tech Harvesting
#11 - 2011-11-27 17:23:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Xavier Holtzman
yes. new star wars pretty much sucks balls. i participated in the beta test yesterday. the graphics are subpar (even compared to other crappy MMOs), the voice acting is -terrible-, and there is no originality or creativity.

funny thing ... i said in general chat "the graphics in this game are subpar."

to which multiple people responded with "of course the graphics are subpar. its an mmo."

then, more people responded with "if you don't like the graphics quite playing12111!111!11eleven1!"

I responded with "ok." logged off. then logged into eve.

I do not like the men on this spaceship. They are uncouth and fail to appreciate my better qualities. I have something of value to contribute to this mission if only they would realize it. - Bill Frug

Klown Walk
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2011-11-27 17:28:18 UTC
The voice acting is the only reason why the game got so hyped and that is the only thing I have heard about the game.
Caldari State
#13 - 2011-11-27 17:28:43 UTC
I thought about giving it a try with some friends. What exactly sucks about TOR? What in particular did you dislike?
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2011-11-27 17:37:19 UTC
Igualmentedos wrote:
I thought about giving it a try with some friends. What exactly sucks about TOR? What in particular did you dislike?

I can't speak for anyone on here, but I know a couple of people who were in beta who gave me a heads up a while back.

In short they said it was a subpar WoW clone wrapped in a Starwars skin.

(TBH, I'm surprised Bioware didn't just use pre-NGE Galaxies as a template, because that game was pretty good back then).
Amro One
#15 - 2011-11-27 17:43:57 UTC
Its starwars, what did you expect the game to be.

Only so many times you can beat this dead horse over the last 30 years.

Stop playing a 1980 franchise as they suck and move on to actually cool spaceship stuff.
#16 - 2011-11-27 18:13:12 UTC
Klown Walk wrote:
The voice acting is the only reason why the game got so hyped and that is the only thing I have heard about the game.

Lol i've said the same thing! When the only really new thing aboutthe game was choices in certain quests and voice acting. There has been voice acting in MMO's before so that's nothing new. On top of that every single player game since 1998 has had voice acting so...

But yes this is nothing new it's world of star craft wars. The only reason it gets such a pass is because it has the words star and wars in it.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#17 - 2011-11-27 18:51:11 UTC
Xavier Holtzman wrote:
yes. new star wars pretty much sucks balls. i participated in the beta test yesterday. the graphics are subpar (even compared to other crappy MMOs), the voice acting is -terrible-, and there is no originality or creativity.

funny thing ... i said in general chat "the graphics in this game are subpar."

to which multiple people responded with "of course the graphics are subpar. its an mmo."

then, more people responded with "if you don't like the graphics quite playing12111!111!11eleven1!"

I responded with "ok." logged off. then logged into eve.

You missed a golden troll moment there. If they are anything like STO then just one little mention of EVE and you get 3 pages of rage.
The Greater Goon
#18 - 2011-11-27 19:39:01 UTC
well, where to start...

ok granted its beta.

Graphics are sub-par, not even wow quality
Avatars are just weak, basic cookie cutter hero, bean pole or fatty.
and all the NPCs have stupid Anime eyes.

Voice acting is there, a ton of it, but its often flat and sometimes just silly
the dark/light thing just seems to be a timesink, more chances to select snappy comebacks to dialog but little else
sure your alignment moves, but then you have light sith and dark jedi with no impact of those decisions on the game it seems outside of scripted quests.

pets... everyone has a ******* pet, or companion... the SAME companions
my companion as a sith inquisitor was a big lummox who I had to fight in a quest.
he drones on and on about how he will devour my soul and how many planets he destroyed and so on, meanwhile he constantly pesters me about wanting to talk, but he'll only talk to me when I'm in a personal ship (you get these halfway through the game at lvl 25....) or a cantina. Who's got time to run across the map to a cantina so your companion will tell you in no uncertain terms that one day he will kill me....

now someone was asleep at the switch when they decided to give you a bigger companion in a 3rd person shooter who always stays behind you. news flash, when you put a large object in front of the camera it obscures smaller objects further away...

try and attack or loot something and fatso tells me he wants to talk in some alien language resembling German

the UI sucks, combat is clunky and overly complex.
everything is done with a right click, but if you go to equip that new 1000 credit item you purchased from a vendor without stepping away first, you just sold it back to them for 40 with no warning or confirmation.

its a typical greedy timesink MMO, I have never understood Lucas Arts aversion to people using vehicles in starwars mmos but its pretty damn weak to have to spend 70% of your game time slow walking across a planet, or paying to take a taxi to a location you could quickly walk to but the art assets make it impossible (seriously, pay to take a taxi to a location in your visual distance, but you had to run across the map for 10 minutes to get here...)

the maps are ok, but the insane scale of the maps just eat up your time.
and as I see it time sinks are there to make up tor content that's too easy to power level through

and I didn't even get past level 10, just left the noob area and saw more "go do this task 500 miles away and if you are too low a level to do it go kill things until you aren't"

Lucas knows the biz, hes given up on the dream and now just wants the merch money, and his fortune was made on licensing products sold to 6-14 year olds. and that is pretty much what TOR is, it will be huge with the kiddies, but there isn't enough intelligence or depth for a serious gamer. its just level up to 50 and craft or duel for an endgame.

I could come up with more but nobody reads OOPE anyhow
Zions Child
Higashikata Industries
#19 - 2011-11-27 19:55:40 UTC
Morganta wrote:
well, where to start...

ok granted its beta.

Graphics are sub-par, not even wow quality
Avatars are just weak, basic cookie cutter hero, bean pole or fatty.
and all the NPCs have stupid Anime eyes.

Voice acting is there, a ton of it, but its often flat and sometimes just silly
the dark/light thing just seems to be a timesink, more chances to select snappy comebacks to dialog but little else
sure your alignment moves, but then you have light sith and dark jedi with no impact of those decisions on the game it seems outside of scripted quests.

pets... everyone has a ******* pet, or companion... the SAME companions
my companion as a sith inquisitor was a big lummox who I had to fight in a quest.
he drones on and on about how he will devour my soul and how many planets he destroyed and so on, meanwhile he constantly pesters me about wanting to talk, but he'll only talk to me when I'm in a personal ship (you get these halfway through the game at lvl 25....) or a cantina. Who's got time to run across the map to a cantina so your companion will tell you in no uncertain terms that one day he will kill me....

now someone was asleep at the switch when they decided to give you a bigger companion in a 3rd person shooter who always stays behind you. news flash, when you put a large object in front of the camera it obscures smaller objects further away...

try and attack or loot something and fatso tells me he wants to talk in some alien language resembling German

the UI sucks, combat is clunky and overly complex.
everything is done with a right click, but if you go to equip that new 1000 credit item you purchased from a vendor without stepping away first, you just sold it back to them for 40 with no warning or confirmation.

its a typical greedy timesink MMO, I have never understood Lucas Arts aversion to people using vehicles in starwars mmos but its pretty damn weak to have to spend 70% of your game time slow walking across a planet, or paying to take a taxi to a location you could quickly walk to but the art assets make it impossible (seriously, pay to take a taxi to a location in your visual distance, but you had to run across the map for 10 minutes to get here...)

the maps are ok, but the insane scale of the maps just eat up your time.
and as I see it time sinks are there to make up tor content that's too easy to power level through

and I didn't even get past level 10, just left the noob area and saw more "go do this task 500 miles away and if you are too low a level to do it go kill things until you aren't"

Lucas knows the biz, hes given up on the dream and now just wants the merch money, and his fortune was made on licensing products sold to 6-14 year olds. and that is pretty much what TOR is, it will be huge with the kiddies, but there isn't enough intelligence or depth for a serious gamer. its just level up to 50 and craft or duel for an endgame.

I could come up with more but nobody reads OOPE anyhow

I played the beta as well. It is nothing like EVE (wasn't expecting that) and as much as I love Pre-CU/NGE SWG, it was a niche market. I believe that TOR is more entertaining than WoW, but thats because I never had the ability to actually level a character up in WoW for the "end-game." Why? Because **** that. I do wish that BioWare had worked on the quests a bit so they weren't "go here and kill ****." Though to be fair EVE is the same way...

EVE has better graphics and a player driven world though, which TOR won't have. Still, I see it as better quality than WoW, and will probably have it as my second MMO that I play when I don't feel like paying much attention to EVE.
#20 - 2011-11-27 21:03:38 UTC
LucasArts pillaged the star wars franchise. They sell you broken games, lame story's, refuse to patch, or make money grabbers. They're a lousy publisher and developer, and constantly flop their games.

Bioware (main devs of SWTOR) have their elites focused on Mass Effect 3 and other franchises that req. higher resource and expertise than a reskinned/modified WoW engine. This is a side project that was hyped by cinematics and is LucasArt's only hope to get money. So long as the contract between BIOWARE and LUCASARTS lasts, your MMO is abandoned after contract (NO bioware is probably not going to be interested renewing it). SWTOR will last a year or two at most, then bleed out.

Then lucasarts will make their own MMORPG and reincarnate SWG like they plan to do so after SWTOR dies. << true

I see nothing more and hear nothing but disappointment of SWTOR. It's truely just a game for SW fanboys and WoW alternative.

EVE kills SWTOR and forever.
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