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Stealth Winmatar Buff

Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-11-27 04:46:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Verity Sovereign

Tech II Ammo

I did some comparison between the tech II ammo types and found that one hybrid ammo type did indeed need some work. I also found that the other turret types had some very underwhelming ammo. Rather than limit myself to only boosting the hybrid ammo, I will also be making some changes to other tech II ammo types. Javelin is quite obviously underpowered. The correlating laser and projectile ammo, Gleam and Quake, are equally underwhelming and they all need some change. Additionally, Hail sticks out as terribly underpowered.

Javelin (all sizes): Removed cap penalty
Javelin, Gleam and Quake (all sizes): Removed tracking speed penalty, added 25% tracking speed bonus
Hail (all sizes): Removed falloff penalty

Hail is terribly underpowered? Its falloff bonus is removed? Winmatar's effective range is pretty much all falloff. Now they'll do more damage than EMP/Fusion/Phased Plasma with the same range.

And the Blasters will still be stuck with void with the same -50% falloff modifier that they just removed from Hail.

Meanwhile, null is stuck with the lowest range boost of any of the T2 range boosting ammo (for the short ranged variant of eahc weapon type).
Gallente still won't be able to catch Winmatar to get within blaster range. If they do, T2 autos will spit out much more DPS due to hail doing much better applied DPS.
Caldari rails will be buffed though, yay for only 2 viable races.
Drakes and Canes may become Drakes, Feroxs and Canes.
#2 - 2011-11-27 05:00:43 UTC
Verity Sovereign wrote:

Tech II Ammo

I did some comparison between the tech II ammo types and found that one hybrid ammo type did indeed need some work. I also found that the other turret types had some very underwhelming ammo. Rather than limit myself to only boosting the hybrid ammo, I will also be making some changes to other tech II ammo types. Javelin is quite obviously underpowered. The correlating laser and projectile ammo, Gleam and Quake, are equally underwhelming and they all need some change. Additionally, Hail sticks out as terribly underpowered.

Javelin (all sizes): Removed cap penalty
Javelin, Gleam and Quake (all sizes): Removed tracking speed penalty, added 25% tracking speed bonus
Hail (all sizes): Removed falloff penalty

Hail is terribly underpowered? Its falloff bonus is removed? Winmatar's effective range is pretty much all falloff. Now they'll do more damage than EMP/Fusion/Phased Plasma with the same range, and +25% tracking....

And the Blasters will still be stuck with void with the same -50% falloff modifier that they just removed from Hail.

Meanwhile, null is stuck with the lowest range boost of any of the T2 range boosting ammo (for the short ranged variant of eahc weapon type).
Gallente still won't be able to catch Winmatar to get within blaster range. If they do, T2 autos will spit out much more DPS due to hail doing much better applied DPS.
Caldari rails will be buffed though, yay for only 2 viable races.
Drakes and Canes may become Drakes, Feroxs and Canes.

Old news, and Winmatar ftw!Cool
#3 - 2011-11-27 05:23:31 UTC
They reinstated the falloff penalty, but at a reduced value (-25%).
Mfume Apocal
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2011-11-27 05:24:20 UTC
It still has a tracking penalty. Quake got the tracking boost.
Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2011-11-27 06:07:23 UTC
Aamrr wrote:
They reinstated the falloff penalty, but at a reduced value (-25%).

So its still a WInmatar buff.
Alexa Coates
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2011-11-27 06:18:12 UTC
Verity Sovereign wrote:
Aamrr wrote:
They reinstated the falloff penalty, but at a reduced value (-25%).

So its still a WInmatar buff.

stop calling them winmatar. Thats just damn childish.


That's a Templar, an Amarr fighter used by carriers.

Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2011-11-27 06:23:20 UTC
I'm not saying I'm better than you.

Its criticism (in sarcastic form) of CCPs poor balance.
Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#8 - 2011-11-27 06:37:11 UTC
Hail was pretty much unusable before, now its just sort of ******.
Duchess Starbuckington
#9 - 2011-11-27 12:48:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Duchess Starbuckington
stop calling them winmatar. Thats just damn childish.


Nice job completely missing the point, idiot.
The term "Winmatar" refers to how hilariously OP the race as a whole is.

Still, great stuff, yet another buff to the best weapon system in the game. I guess CCP just couldn't have a hybrid buff without giving the projectile packing pwnmobiles some extra love.
The Baros Syndicate
#10 - 2011-11-27 19:26:24 UTC
Duchess Starbuckington wrote:
stop calling them winmatar. Thats just damn childish.


Nice job completely missing the point, idiot.
The term "Winmatar" refers to how hilariously OP the race as a whole is.

Still, great stuff, yet another buff to the best weapon system in the game. I guess CCP just couldn't have a hybrid buff without giving the projectile packing pwnmobiles some extra love.

The only minmatar ship I can think of better at actually fighting than its amarrian counterpart is the cane. Aside from that, the only thing minmatar are good at is being fast. They do less damage at anything other than point blank range than pulses and have less ehp. But, because kb efficiency is mostly dictated by one's ability to escape unfavourable engagements, and catch targets you CAN kill, minmatar will continue to be used more than the other races, unless CCP makes them essentially unplayable.

That said, I will agree that the hail changes were silly, especially given that hail has a higher base damage than void...
Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2011-11-27 20:46:58 UTC
Being fast = dictating engagement range = Win

Plus their weapon systems track better with base stats, and have ammo that can give tracking boosts, and many of their ships have tracking bonuses.

Plus they just plain take less damage due to small sigs. If you do more damage, but then miss or lose a lot of it due to firing at a small sig radius target, then your actual DPS isn't nearly as good as the paper DPS.

Winmatar win because they can hit you when you can't hit back.

Either you can't track them, or you can't get within range while they continue to do damage to you (even if they are not doing all that much due to falloff).
And of course, you can't neut them to stop them from firing like ships using hybrids and lasers, so they often have more cap to spare even if they do have weak caps.

Then figure that they are going to select their damage type, and go against your weakest resist. Your laser/hybrid may have started with more DPS, but does that still hold true when resistances are taken into account?
Likely not. Then when tracking/range and sig are taken into account, your poor hit chance/quality just hands the win to the Winmatar.

The only race that can compete against those strengths is the Caldari missile boats. They also don't need cap to fire.
Their primary weapons systems have ridiculously long range (Heavy missiles are just way too long ranged, wtf is up with missile skills granting a 2.25x range increase, while gunnery skils only grant a 1.25x range increase), and transversal has no effect on them, so closing the distance has no effect on applied damage.
-Though pure speed does severely limit damage, as does small sig radii.

And of course, once you get into larger groups at moderate ranges, where ships get alphad, slow missiles fall out of favor, leaving Winmatar Winning Eve.
Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2011-11-27 20:51:57 UTC
Hail will still have the -30% tracking, its the Quake ammo for arty that got tracking bonus.
Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2011-11-27 21:00:42 UTC
Already pointed out, I suppose I should edit my first post.

Still, if they buff hail (by reducing the range penalty) without doing the same for the other T2 ammo counterparts, its a buff to Winmatar
Wog Cyllen
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2011-11-27 21:02:05 UTC
Verity Sovereign wrote:

Tech II Ammo

I did some comparison between the tech II ammo types and found that one hybrid ammo type did indeed need some work. I also found that the other turret types had some very underwhelming ammo. Rather than limit myself to only boosting the hybrid ammo, I will also be making some changes to other tech II ammo types. Javelin is quite obviously underpowered. The correlating laser and projectile ammo, Gleam and Quake, are equally underwhelming and they all need some change. Additionally, Hail sticks out as terribly underpowered.

Javelin (all sizes): Removed cap penalty
Javelin, Gleam and Quake (all sizes): Removed tracking speed penalty, added 25% tracking speed bonus
Hail (all sizes): Removed falloff penalty

Hail is terribly underpowered? Its falloff bonus is removed? Winmatar's effective range is pretty much all falloff. Now they'll do more damage than EMP/Fusion/Phased Plasma with the same range, and +25% tracking....

And the Blasters will still be stuck with void with the same -50% falloff modifier that they just removed from Hail.

Meanwhile, null is stuck with the lowest range boost of any of the T2 range boosting ammo (for the short ranged variant of eahc weapon type).
Gallente still won't be able to catch Winmatar to get within blaster range. If they do, T2 autos will spit out much more DPS due to hail doing much better applied DPS.
Caldari rails will be buffed though, yay for only 2 viable races.
Drakes and Canes may become Drakes, Feroxs and Canes.

Hail will still have -25% falloff penalty and doesn't have any tracking bonus. Was crap before, will be meh after the patch.

Clueless whiny ******.
Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2011-11-27 21:08:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Verity Sovereign
Read previous posts, the tracking bonus mixup was already pointed out (twice before you) and I already acknowledged the mistake (before you posted).

Putting the falloff penalty back in, but at 25% instead of the previous 50%, while Void retains the 50% penalty, is a buff to projectiles, plain and simple.

Hybrid T2 ammo just got more inferior relative to projectile T2 ammo.

The short range autocannon ammo has a 0.75 falloff modifier, the short range blaster ammo has a 0.5 fall off modifier
Win for Winmatar.

The long range autocannon ammo has a 1.5 falloff modifier, the long range blaster ammo has a 1.25 falloff modifier
Win for Winmatar.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#16 - 2011-11-27 21:29:13 UTC
Verity Sovereign wrote:

This gets really ******* old because its just not true. Minmatar is good in areas, bad in others - its just the way the game is and always will be and always should be. It wouldn't take much of a meta game shift to push Minmatar into total ******* oblivion even without changing any attributes on any ship.

People have correctly pointed out the cluelessness and idiocy of your original post - and many other posts that you've made. Maybe you should start by being a bit more reasonable in your posts rather than demanding "Winmatar" nerfs when they aren't really deserved.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2011-11-27 21:39:40 UTC
People have correctly pointed out the cluelessness and idiocy of your original post - and many other posts that you've made.

[sarcasm]Right..... because boosting short range projectile ammo without boosting the hybrid or laser counterpart isn't a buff to Minmatar.
Of course! I'm so stupid for thinking it was![/sarcasm]

Other posts? are you referring to the drone damage multiplier thread?
is good in areas, bad in others - its just the way the game ... should be.

[sarcasm]So by that logic, the game should have EM("Amarr") drones be good in no area whatsoever?
Ahhh how could I not see it! I'm so stupid!

In that thread, you were also arguing that Kin drones weren't viable because they didn't out DPS Therm drones enough (when going against targets with weak Kin resists) while all the while being faster and having better tracking.
Clearly Kin drones are not viable and don't conform to your "good in some areas, bad in others" concept for the way games should be.
How could I not understand that!? Im such a clueless idiot.[/sarcasm]
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#18 - 2011-11-27 21:49:37 UTC
Verity Sovereign wrote:

If you want to discuss the drone thread, I suggest we keep ourselves confined to one thread. If you want to discuss why you're being a petulant idiot about demanding anything with the name "Minmatar" attached to it being nerfed we can probably cover that here.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2011-11-27 22:32:00 UTC
How to fit a brawling Minmatar ship:
1. Fit largest autocannons
2. If applicable, fit correctly sized neuts
3. Fit oversize/extra plates
4. Fit DCU, and then whatever ratio of EANM:gyrostabs you feel like
5. Fit MWD
6. Fit all those mids with whatever you want. Webs, cap boosters, sebos, anything
You now have absurd dps, speed, tank and utility.
7. Winmatar at all PVP

How to fit armour anything else:
1. Fit largest guns
2. Fit oversize/extra plates or armour reps
3. Realise you can't fit a tank with your guns
4. Move the guns down a size
5. Fit oversize/extra plates or armour reps
6. Fit DCU, and then whatever ratio of EANM:damage mods you feel like
7. Fit MWD
8. Realise that MWD gets you over the powergrid
9. Move a gun down another size or reduce the size of a plate
10. Fit warp disruptor
11. Realise you're over CPU. Make warp disruptor meta
12. Fit cap booster.
13. Realise you're over powergrid. Downsize the cap booster.
14. Realise you were over CPU as well. Make the DCU meta and replace an EANM with adaptive nano plating
You now have an extremely tight fit, with less dps, tank, speed and utility than a Minmatar counterpart
15. Die terribly for not flying Winmatar.
Emily Poast
The Whipping Post
#20 - 2011-11-27 22:59:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Emily Poast
Poster above me is right.

I have only flow Gallente my whole career. I just recently trained up for rifter/rupture/hurricane. The fitting differences are just stupid. Utility slots galore. The GTFO ability is insane.

When I undock in my Gal ships, I expect to get popped. That is the price of playing in scram range 100% of the time. The risk factor of losing your ship as a Minmatar is vastly reduced. They have the best tank that exists in the game - GTFO. Plus a great weapon system and the top speed. The weapon system alone is a perfect example. The very fact that ALL FOUR RACES have ship(s) that regularly fit ACs should be enough to tell you something is at issue. You can deny it all you want, but that is the truth.

That being said - I dont want them nerfed if it can be helped. I think they are pretty close to Amarr as far as balance. Gallente, and to some extent Caldari (excluding Draek) need to be brought up to a comparable level.

Just my opinion.
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