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Stop Mega-Nurffing, Try Microbalanceing Jfc CCP Wtf!...

Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-11-27 03:42:06 UTC
Hear me out..

Let me start with Motherships. President Obama Couldn't be more proud of the "Change", but it doesn't take a genius to see that it's not for the better.... They are supposed to be more powerful than a frigate, that's why they cost so damn much... If you going to make them half the ship they used to be then make them cost half of what they used to. It's unbelievable that players would cry about motherships being strong, THATS THE POINT OF A MOTHERSHIP! Super Caps are Super powerful , Go Figure... Even Leon Panetta knows that. But the nurffs to super caps are like trying to trim an ingrown toenail by cutting off both legs. Or trying to get circumcised by ,... well you get the picture.

In fact, just today I was squishing ants with a sledge hammer and I thought to myself: "There is no F**king way this ant is going to win this fight. I'm ganna Doomsday this Son Of a B!tch! HAHAHAHAHA!" But then I thought about EVE, If I were a Titan and these tiny ants were cursers, it should be a clear cut victory... But it's not.... Really it's should be more like killing ants with a rocket launcher but whatever.

The real problem with Super Caps is space itself is too small. Things like Local chat insure that there is no escape. But when you do run into one out gunned it should be a quick death. But the problem doesn't stop here, there is wide spread Mega-Nurffing happening like the snake set and webifiers.

Players aren't ********, It's not like they would try to pvp in shuttles. They know when something has an advantage and they use it. They don't pin themselves in a corner and act like they had no idea. Players don't sit on wall street playing the "victim of my own stupidity card". They play and they do a damn good job at it. They all ready compensate for differences in ships. You might as well have a giant game of bumper boats with your mothership now, it's not like they could fend off a cruiser or anything.

There is a trend of over extreme balancing happening and so far it looks worse than the U.S. national budget. Most of the balances only leave something else out of balance and cause the whole player base to abandon years of effort and start over. I have seen too many players quit over it. I give any player a 60% chance of having a 2 year life span. Balancing should be on a micro scale to the changes that have recently happened. (Microbalancing)

If you keep taking away all the better stuff in the game by nurffing it then there is no reason for players to go on playing because the generic stuff they already have is as good as it gets. No reason for them to play long hard hours for years to come...
I need something so work towards CCP. You've taken the top 10% of the best items and ships out of the game by making them suck or useless altogether. I might as well buy stock in Sylindra with my money, I'll have just as much fun watching everything I worked for disappear.

Try microbalancing or Stop the Nurffing altogether, its reckless. Adding or re-allocating bonuses works great. It brings in huge re-interest to the game from stalling player base. But huge limitations to something that takes the defining attribute of an item away is devastating to player morale. Often, YEARS of effort are wiped clean. Nurffing should me minimal and progressive only until the issue is approaches resolution, not cataclysmic...
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2011-11-27 03:58:12 UTC
Um, you're an idiot. You have clearly shown that you have absolutely no clue at all what you're talking about.
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2011-11-27 04:06:24 UTC
Same to you.
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-11-27 04:19:58 UTC
If you're not going to be helpful then don't even bother. Its latterly waste of my time to even acknowledge your existence at this point.
Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2011-11-27 05:50:33 UTC
So you said all that waffle and scare mongering nonsense just to say "I'd like to see some things unbalanced for fun"?
#6 - 2011-11-27 06:27:15 UTC
you realize that "balancing" without nerfing leads to massive amounts of power creep right?
you realize that supercarriers used to be motherships that didnt even have fighter bombers and yet they cost more right?
you realize that motherships used to have 1/10th the EHP and 1/5th the damage and people still thought they were OP right?

Please learn about what youre complaining about before you make your complaint public

As Mark Twain once said ""It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
Atrament Inc.
#7 - 2011-11-27 07:27:10 UTC
Tip: Be more concise, less emotional, and focus on your strong points.

That said, overall, I agree that CCP often neglects issues, lets problems ensue, takes drastic action, and then is slow to react/reverse/review. The best time to change CCP's mind is before a change goes live (e.g. POS changes).

Small, timely changes are wiser.

When coding, each small change should be tested. When a problem occurs, you know where it most likely is. Eve is a program, so the same is true for it. Its complexity further warrants a structured, methodical change system.
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2011-11-27 07:35:54 UTC
Sigras wrote:
you realize that "balancing" without nerfing leads to massive amounts of power creep right?
you realize that supercarriers used to be motherships that didnt even have fighter bombers and yet they cost more right?
you realize that motherships used to have 1/10th the EHP and 1/5th the damage and people still thought they were OP right?

Please learn about what youre complaining about before you make your complaint public

As Mark Twain once said ""It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

It's True, I didn't consider fighter bombers. But it doesn't change the fact that if all you have is a mothership you stand to lose everything. And keep in mind that Supercaps are not the only issue here. Thx for the comments.
Laechyd Eldgorn
Hole Control
#9 - 2011-11-27 07:40:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Laechyd Eldgorn
Sir, you have no idea how powerful supercarriers are even after this "nerf". They're just less solomobiles.

Also apparently you do not understand how **** works in MMO's. Money = isk doesn't matter. People can either buy plexes or farm isk. If something is clearly more powerful option than another they get it. And supercarriers have been like that for a while.

Supercarriers were fine before they got boosted like 2008 or something. That's when they became too poweful.
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2011-11-27 18:20:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Mephice
I believe what CCP intends to cause by this is reducing the number of Super Caps by making them easier to kill. I hate to be captain obvious but if you make it take more super caps to do the job then players will have to focus more on making them. Thus causing an increase if efforts to produce super caps. Again, captain obvious here, if you want to control the number of super caps you have to control the blueprints. Currently you can get a bop almost anywhere. If BPO's go away and BPC can only drop at a cretin frequency or so satisfy a quota; then you control the number. Let's put Super Caps aside for now. I want to talk about other things like the POS and implants.