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Why freighter bumping in High Sec is an exploit

First post
Motoko Innocentius
Domus Dei
#341 - 2014-02-11 18:32:58 UTC
Tbh, i think ccp saying "upto 20 minutes is okay" would be great, with the sudden influx of idiots bumping freighters going up ccp would be forced to think about something.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#342 - 2014-02-11 18:35:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Ammzi
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
Tbh, i think ccp saying "upto 20 minutes is okay" would be great, with the sudden influx of idiots bumping freighters going up ccp would be forced to think about something.

Well thank God, heavens, lord almighty and Bob that you are not in CCP or the GM team. Cause you might actually singlehandedly wreck EVE with whatever other ideas you might have to "fix eve".

- But it's nice to see you agree now.
Cathy Mikakka
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#343 - 2014-02-11 18:40:39 UTC
Ammzi wrote:
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
Tbh, i think ccp saying "upto 20 minutes is okay" would be great, with the sudden influx of idiots bumping freighters going up ccp would be forced to think about something.

Well thank God, heavens, lord almighty and Bob that you are not in CCP or the GM team. Cause you might actually singlehandedly wreck EVE with whatever other ideas you might have to "fix eve".

- But it's nice to see you agree now.

Is 20 minutes too short for you to get your ganking buddies? HTFU?
Motoko Innocentius
Domus Dei
#344 - 2014-02-11 18:40:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Motoko Innocentius
Ammzi wrote:
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
You are not answering the question, that is avoiding the issue.

Edit: just to add, you are basicly saying, a freighter needs to always have a webbing alt or it g̶e̶t̶s̶ can be ganked (you earlier said you gank empty freighters for testing purposes).

Fixed that for you.
Just like a bumping character needs some friends to gank the freighter. The freighter needs someone to make it almost ungankable/uncatchable.

Guess you're unable tell us all why it's a great gameplay feature that someone can keep another player indefinately locked from playing the game, while all the time telling us it's needed for your ganks which evidently it is not needed for. Well go on evading the issue.

Bumping a freighter does not require a friend, ganking it ofcourse does but once the freighter is bumped, it can't get out without sacrificing said freighter or having a bunch of pilots lose sec status and ships.

So just stop blathering like a fool or answer the question: Is it a good thing that one player can lock another player from controlling his ship for indefinite time? Is this complete risk aversity something that fits the eve universe?

Edit: Amnzi, i'm not aggreeing with anything, i'm only saying that an answer that relates to freighters is required.
Federal Navy Academy
#345 - 2014-02-11 18:45:06 UTC
Ammzi wrote:
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
You are not answering the question, that is avoiding the issue.

Edit: just to add, you are basicly saying, a freighter needs to always have a webbing alt or it g̶e̶t̶s̶ can be ganked (you earlier said you gank empty freighters for testing purposes).

Fixed that for you.
Just like a bumping character needs some friends to gank the freighter. The freighter needs someone to make it almost ungankable/uncatchable.

You don't have to gank the freighter to render it unusable. How many alts are required to do one thing or another is a question of balance. For questions of harassment/exploitation, you should assume the potential aggressor/violator has multiple accounts at his disposal and the victim has one.

"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#346 - 2014-02-11 18:53:04 UTC
Motoko Innocentius wrote:

Bumping a freighter does not require a friend, .

Yup, it's a 1-to-1 equation. The freighter might be rendered unusable, well there's 1 player devoting his full attention into making that ship unusable. "indefinitely locked from playing the game" is pretty much harassment and not allowed. Don't exaggerate the issue to try and back up your feeble viewpoints please.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#347 - 2014-02-11 18:55:54 UTC
Cathy Mikakka wrote:
Ammzi wrote:
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
Tbh, i think ccp saying "upto 20 minutes is okay" would be great, with the sudden influx of idiots bumping freighters going up ccp would be forced to think about something.

Well thank God, heavens, lord almighty and Bob that you are not in CCP or the GM team. Cause you might actually singlehandedly wreck EVE with whatever other ideas you might have to "fix eve".

- But it's nice to see you agree now.

Is 20 minutes too short for you to get your ganking buddies? HTFU?

It's plenty of time, but not enough time to pay a ransom. I've had multiple people be "I need to login in and alt and transfer isk" after the 10 min. initial conversation or "hang on, I need to sell some assets".

Estrella Sheikh
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#348 - 2014-02-11 18:57:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Estrella Sheikh
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
Ammzi wrote:
Motoko Innocentius wrote:

Now your fleet is locked from doing anything and the characters in the fleet are locked from doing anything until next dt comes. This is great gameplay right? Now are you going to bring ships to gank these bumpers?

I would dock up.
Then I would undock.
Then I would warp to my insta undock bookmark.


Can't dock when bumped to 200kmk off the station, stop evading the issue. The end result will be the same if you've just jumped through a stargate and start getting bumped.

edit: Estrella , stop evading the issue

In what world does one undock and is instantly bumped? You're invunerable for 5-10? seconds when you undock from ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYY station. Initiate an aligned instant undock. Holy jesus you're away.

Also, who the hell can bump you 200km instantly off the undock with a bump? What convoluted crazy hell are you making up in your mind?

I'm really irritated with you putting words in my mouth that were never spoken.

You're so one track minded that literally nobody but you will ever be right in any argument regardless of any logical answer given. It's perfectly Fine that one person can make an effort to block someone from going somewhere, cause that same person can in return do the same thing.

If you don't like the free will, q.q. and biomass. If you're irritated with other peoples intent, Fight them bro. If you want to complain so hard that this non-issue is brought to their attention JUST so they can tell you bumping is working as intended for you to then curse ccp and threaten to unsub without ever unsubbing and wallowing in your ****** quiet corner. By all means, go crazy.

You're not stupid, you're ignorant.
Motoko Innocentius
Domus Dei
#349 - 2014-02-11 18:58:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Motoko Innocentius
Dear ammzi, there is no time limit you idiot. Stop being dumb. For it to become harrassment, you need to be able to get away. That is the ccp ruling. And what is indefinite time in the end, is it me saying "you're stuck here forever" or is it enough if i say "you're stuck till my bro's come back from china to gank you", or is keeping someone thisway for 5 minutes enough already ?

Dear estrella, you fail to see the point, and are trying to catch straws. The issue is, would endless bumping be ok even if it means a whole fleet of battleships is tied down unable to shoot the bumpers without losing ships themselves. Wether they just undock from a station, jump through gate or what ever is irrelevant which would've been obvious to you from the start if you'd have a brain.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#350 - 2014-02-11 19:04:30 UTC
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
Dear ammzi, there is no time limit you idiot. Stop being dumb. For it to become harrassment, you need to be able to get away. That is the ccp ruling. And what is indefinite time in the end, is it me saying "you're stuck here forever" or is it enough if i say "you're stuck till my bro's come back from china to gank you", or is keeping someone thisway for 5 minutes enough already ?

I didn't say there was a time limit you useless single-cellular minded organism.
I just told you - freighters can be webbed into warp and avoid being bumped. THAT was their chance at getting away.
So what - pointing someone in nullsec until downtime is an exploit because they can't get away? Any freighter being bumped had their shot at getting away and they dropped it.
JetStream Drenard
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#351 - 2014-02-11 19:09:28 UTC  |  Edited by: JetStream Drenard
******* Hell Motoko! I am gonna track you down and bump you into tears of rage if you dont calm down and be civilized. Its just a GAME. If you dont like it, Blink Contract me your stuff, then transfer me all your isk, then uninstall. Seriously!
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#352 - 2014-02-11 19:15:03 UTC
Red Frog are cool about this and know how to avoid ganks. They hardly become targets and run one of the most famous business' in EVE.
Then there's these people who come from cookie-on-a-plate-for-you games, who don't have sufficient ingame knowledge to solve their issues and try to make CCP fix their "problems" for them.

THEN when the solution to their problem is explained to them they pout, cross their arms and exclaim things such as "unfairness" or put their fingers in their ears while exaggerating their difficulties to make the discussion completely pointless and mindnumbing till everyone just gives up, starts shitting the thread so that ISD/CCP come in and have to clean it up and/or lock the thread.
Give it a few weeks and another one will pop up, rinse & repeat.

All we can do is hope that CCP never listens to them.

Azn Empire
#353 - 2014-02-11 19:17:32 UTC
Cathy Mikakka wrote:
Ammzi wrote:
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
Tbh, i think ccp saying "upto 20 minutes is okay" would be great, with the sudden influx of idiots bumping freighters going up ccp would be forced to think about something.

Well thank God, heavens, lord almighty and Bob that you are not in CCP or the GM team. Cause you might actually singlehandedly wreck EVE with whatever other ideas you might have to "fix eve".

- But it's nice to see you agree now.

Is 20 minutes too short for you to get your ganking buddies? HTFU?
I thought you didn't like the 'Bring friends' attitude? I mean hell, it's an MMO right? What would the game be turning into with such a thought?

GM Karidor wrote:
CCP considers the act of bumping a normal game mechanic, and does not class the bumping of another player’s ship as an exploit.
Just in case you missed it.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Motoko Innocentius
Domus Dei
#354 - 2014-02-11 19:17:35 UTC
umm i can just shoot who ever is pointing me in nullsec... can't do that in highsec, the bumpers not pointing remember? he's not aggressing, get it in your thick skull, gankers aggress and can be shot, bumpers can not be.

And stop being an imbecile with your whiny "web it web it webit", webbing isn't a natural mechanic, freighters can't be designed around same corp alts webbing them, that is imbalanced and poor design. It's as stupid as your inability to answer to my question still.

And like you said some posts ago, you are using bumping to force ransoms, so you are bumping said target forever until they pay. This is completely idiotic and has no counter to it. (webbing beforehand doesn't counter this as you're, you know, bumbed)
Jamir Von Lietuva
Nameless Minions
GaNg BaNg TeAm
#355 - 2014-02-11 19:20:14 UTC
another buff to pirat
JetStream Drenard
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#356 - 2014-02-11 19:21:23 UTC
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#357 - 2014-02-11 19:21:23 UTC
Motoko Innocentius wrote:

And stop being an imbecile with your whiny "web it web it webit", webbing isn't a natural mechanic,

Azn Empire
#358 - 2014-02-11 19:27:36 UTC
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
And stop being an imbecile with your whiny "web it web it webit", webbing isn't a natural mechanic, freighters can't be designed around same corp alts webbing them, that is imbalanced and poor design. It's as stupid as your inability to answer to my question still.
What you mean is that your NPC freighter pilot designed to avoid war decs, cannot be webbed without punishment. Shame that, but then NPC corps do have some disadvantages. Blink

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Motoko Innocentius
Domus Dei
#359 - 2014-02-11 19:31:26 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
And stop being an imbecile with your whiny "web it web it webit", webbing isn't a natural mechanic, freighters can't be designed around same corp alts webbing them, that is imbalanced and poor design. It's as stupid as your inability to answer to my question still.
What you mean is that your NPC freighter pilot designed to avoid war decs, cannot be webbed without punishment. Shame that, but then NPC corps do have some disadvantages. Blink

Thanks for making this clear, can't argue with webs when they can't be used eh. Whats the disadvantage for an npc corp bumper btw?
Azn Empire
#360 - 2014-02-11 19:37:04 UTC
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
And stop being an imbecile with your whiny "web it web it webit", webbing isn't a natural mechanic, freighters can't be designed around same corp alts webbing them, that is imbalanced and poor design. It's as stupid as your inability to answer to my question still.
What you mean is that your NPC freighter pilot designed to avoid war decs, cannot be webbed without punishment. Shame that, but then NPC corps do have some disadvantages. Blink

Thanks for making this clear, can't argue with webs when they can't be used eh. Whats the disadvantage for an npc corp bumper btw?
They have the same disadvantages, it's just a matter of degrees. But disadvantages are what they are and to gain the advantage of no war dec, you have gained the problem of no web without punishment.

Maybe it's time to start a player corp and use your freighter alts in that with webbers? Or is that far too much to ask?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.