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Why freighter bumping in High Sec is an exploit

First post
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#221 - 2014-02-10 15:37:57 UTC
Mu-Shi Ai wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
I was defending the part you quoted because it was correct.

But do you think it is a valid rebuttal to the suggestion that freighter bumping is an exploit? If not, we're on the same page and have nothing to argue about.

The part you quoted about most people being ignorant and lazy is a valid rebuttal because the only people complaining are actually lazy and ignorant.
DSpite Culhach
#222 - 2014-02-10 15:39:53 UTC
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
Mu-Shi Ai wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
So instead of continuing your warp to the gate, why are you not canceling warp and waiting for them to bump you in the direction of a celestial? or playing the aligning game and coerce them to bump you in the desired direction? If you were sitting there for 30 minutes that's plenty of time to do something about it.

Just because you can conceive of some convoluted way in which a freighter pilot might "do something about it" doesn't excuse the bumping mechanic. The fact remains that those who engage in this perma-bumping get a free, non-aggression causing point to use against their victims. That's simply absurd, on its face.

Your argument ends when you state that there is a way as convoluted as it might be to actually counter this game mechanic "exploit". CCP would probably classify freighter bumping as emergent gameplay. Exploits have no countermeasures.

I seem to recall that if you are mining and get bumped over and over, then move to a new system, get followed there and again bumped over and over, you can report it as harassment, even though you never got scrammed/attacked/damaged etc, but someone holding you in place at a gate by bumping, where you are actively trying to escape from, while he calls mates over to kill you, is all fine.

I reckon the problem is that CCP writes code that effects ships and physics and hisec mechanics, then players discover they can pull off "unexpected Tactic X" and CCP facepalms themselves thinking "now we will have to come up with something to say on this", then they flip a coin.

I don't mind that, I just wish we'd see a dev post something like "Its all good! Because TAILS!"

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Mu-Shi Ai
Hosono House
#223 - 2014-02-10 15:40:24 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
The part you quoted about most people being ignorant and lazy is a valid rebuttal because the only people complaining are actually lazy and ignorant.

Okay, well, then that's why I replied to you the way I did. Because you actually were saying what you previously claimed not to be saying. Glad we could clear that up.
Estrella Sheikh
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#224 - 2014-02-10 15:40:30 UTC
Mu-Shi Ai wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
Your argument ends when you state that there is a way as convoluted as it might be to actually counter this game mechanic "exploit".

Umm, no. My argument doesn't end when I say that.

CCP would probably classify freighter bumping as emergent gameplay.

Interesting speculation. Of course, I'd rather see CCP classify it that way outright, rather than just assume that's the case.

Logically, wouldn't you agree that an exploit is some sort of bug or mechanic that can be use or "Exploited" by an individual to gain a leg up on someone else? I hope so.

Then by that same definition bringing someone to counter-bump, or getting the bumper to move you in the right direction is a counter of said "exploit". It has now been redefined because the original "exploiter" is now being inhibited indefinitely, you can affect his outcome through different methods of input.

When cynos were able to be lit inside pos bubbles making captial jumps COMPLETELY 100% Safe. That was an exploit because there would be no risk involved moving a gigantic hunk of metal LYs across the galaxy.

I'm not trying to be a douche, i'm just trying to be logical.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#225 - 2014-02-10 15:42:03 UTC
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
It's been said a thousand times Estrella Sheikh, bumping kills the possibility to web warp away in a speed fast enough, also you are hard pressed to try and bump a damnation from hitting your super sized freighter hit box. Also, how you going to gank that 500k ehp damnation?

Don't give bs about "it's not likely to happen", but it's possible to do so. So as long as you're saying theres no problem, in being able to disallow a freighter pilot from doing anything with a solo guy, you are clearly one weirdo.

It's also POSSIBLE to kill a dread or carrier with a handful of cruisers.

It's also POSSIBLE to solo a battleship with a frigate.

Webbing isn't the only precaution a freighter pilot can make.

You're not trying to learn anything here.

I said it earlier, pup. Go back to your room, the adults are talking.

Freighters have more options available to them to avoid being ganked(from choice of ship to defensive measure taken and a WIDE range in between) than gankers do to gank them. Gankers have 2 ish ways to gank. That's it. Freighters have all kinds of precautions, defensive measures, and other methods to do what they're doing.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Estrella Sheikh
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#226 - 2014-02-10 15:45:49 UTC
DSpite Culhach wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
Mu-Shi Ai wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
So instead of continuing your warp to the gate, why are you not canceling warp and waiting for them to bump you in the direction of a celestial? or playing the aligning game and coerce them to bump you in the desired direction? If you were sitting there for 30 minutes that's plenty of time to do something about it.

Just because you can conceive of some convoluted way in which a freighter pilot might "do something about it" doesn't excuse the bumping mechanic. The fact remains that those who engage in this perma-bumping get a free, non-aggression causing point to use against their victims. That's simply absurd, on its face.

Your argument ends when you state that there is a way as convoluted as it might be to actually counter this game mechanic "exploit". CCP would probably classify freighter bumping as emergent gameplay. Exploits have no countermeasures.

I seem to recall that if you are mining and get bumped over and over, then move to a new system, get followed there and again bumped over and over, you can report it as harassment, even though you never got scrammed/attacked/damaged etc, but someone holding you in place at a gate by bumping, where you are actively trying to escape from, while he calls mates over to kill you, is all fine.

I reckon the problem is that CCP writes code that effects ships and physics and hisec mechanics, then players discover they can pull off "unexpected Tactic X" and CCP facepalms themselves thinking "now we will have to come up with something to say on this", then they flip a coin.

I don't mind that, I just wish we'd see a dev post something like "Its all good! Because TAILS!"

Have to assume we're talking about miner X.

It was marked harassment because said bumper was following ONLY miner X and bumping them incessentaly regardless of where they went, they followed them, which would in turn be considered harassment because imagine someone following you around all day in real life pushing you. Logical harassment.

For that to apply in this situation, they would have to follow you bumping you from login, through stations AND stargates and ONLY you. Full cargo or empty. Simply to spite you with intent. At least that's how i would interpret it.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#227 - 2014-02-10 15:46:23 UTC
DSpite Culhach wrote:
I seem to recall that if you are mining and get bumped over and over, then move to a new system, get followed there and again bumped over and over, you can report it as harassment

No, they have to move to a new region for it to be considered harassment. Even then, there are no clear guidelines to determine if following a miner to a new region is harassment. All they've said is that it would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Mu-Shi Ai
Hosono House
#228 - 2014-02-10 15:50:15 UTC
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
[Logically, wouldn't you agree that an exploit is some sort of bug or mechanic that can be use or "Exploited" by an individual to gain a leg up on someone else? I hope so.

You're missing an important element, which is that an exploit is often a known mechanic being used in an unintended way in order to gain an advantage. Some of these, yes, we might fairly classify as "emergent gameplay" in the context of a sandbox. But just because we're in a sandbox that allows for emergent gameplay doesn't make every single known mechanic used in an unintended way part of that classification. There is this tendency in EVE for people to take this normative stance on any use of a mechanic, to default to the idea that it's all innately fairplay. I think many of us are calling that into question on this specific case.

Then by that same definition bringing someone to counter-bump, or getting the bumper to move you in the right direction is a counter of said "exploit". It has now been redefined because the original "exploiter" is now being inhibited indefinitely, you can affect his outcome through different methods of input.

Again, just because one can dream up a convoluted counter to freighter bumping doesn't excuse it. Those who dream up such solutions always seem to be in the convenient position of not having to carry them out. And when people don't follow this sage advice, they're accused of doing so merely because they're lazy or stupid (and not, you know, because it's a totally convoluted and unworkable solution). Funny how that works.
Motoko Innocentius
Domus Dei
#229 - 2014-02-10 15:54:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Motoko Innocentius
Kenrailae wrote:

It's also POSSIBLE to kill a dread or carrier with a handful of cruisers.

It's also POSSIBLE to solo a battleship with a frigate.

Webbing isn't the only precaution a freighter pilot can make.

You're not trying to learn anything here.

I said it earlier, pup. Go back to your room, the adults are talking.

Freighters have more options available to them to avoid being ganked(from choice of ship to defensive measure taken and a WIDE range in between) than gankers do to gank them. Gankers have 2 ish ways to gank. That's it. Freighters have all kinds of precautions, defensive measures, and other methods to do what they're doing.

You are still going on stupidly, there is no countermeasure, if i start bump, game over. But you're clearly not getting it, so i'll try to find some time in the coming days, get a damnation, pick a random undocking freighter in jita and do the ordeal. This should force ccp to make a ruling. As for the reason why i should bump so long, I am waiting for a mate of mine to come back from china to do the gank, this might take a few weeks, but it's ok right?

ps. i'd like to see you gank a dreadnought in hisec with a handful of cruisers. Don't start talking about lowsec/nulsec when grownups are talking about highsec kiddo.
Estrella Sheikh
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#230 - 2014-02-10 15:57:15 UTC
Motoko Innocentius wrote:
It's been said a thousand times Estrella Sheikh, bumping kills the possibility to web warp away in a speed fast enough, also you are hard pressed to try and bump a damnation from hitting your super sized freighter hit box. Also, how you going to gank that 500k ehp damnation?

Don't give bs about "it's not likely to happen", but it's possible to do so. So as long as you're saying theres no problem, in being able to disallow a freighter pilot from doing anything with a solo guy, you are clearly one weirdo.

I don't like you, y u put wurds i nevar said?

When did i say anything is not likely to happen?

When did i say that Freighter bumping prevents anyone from flying solo? You can fly however you want. HOWEVER there are people out there who will look for lone wolfs and make their lives hell. There are ways to counter this. You're playing a MMO. What does the second letter stand for?

Just like in life if you take no precautions to prevent **** from happening it's not the other persons fault for your error. There are plenty of ways to avoid "23/7" bumping, the fact that you couldn't be assed to ask for help when you're moving your net worth is just not anyone elses fault or concern.

In my 600m orca if i'm moving 20m worth of **** because I'm too lazy to buy a FASTER indy ship It would be my fault if I got ganked at a gate because i thought I could just MWD pulse jump with no checks ahead. You're seriously making indy pilots who factors in the dangers of space look bad. And you should feel bad.

Also if someone is bumping you with a Damnnation, counter bump with an armageddon? Last i checked Command ships are smaller than battleships regardless of Tier lvl..
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#231 - 2014-02-10 15:58:36 UTC
Mu-Shi Ai wrote:
You're missing an important element, which is that an exploit is often a known mechanic being used in an unintended way

It's not being used in an unintended way.
DSpite Culhach
#232 - 2014-02-10 16:00:24 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
DSpite Culhach wrote:
I seem to recall that if you are mining and get bumped over and over, then move to a new system, get followed there and again bumped over and over, you can report it as harassment

No, they have to move to a new region for it to be considered harassment. Even then, there are no clear guidelines to determine if following a miner to a new region is harassment. All they've said is that it would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

For the record, I just kind of look at the whole bumping mechanic and shake my head thinking "is there anything those EVE kids can't squeeze tears from" and then stop training freighters until I understand whats going on, but I would not go as far as yelling "Sploitz!!!" all over the place.

I'd rather hear about clever stories about how some player got convinced to deliver a full freighter of Trit to Amamake and then exploded, then "we just bumped him for 30 minutes while we waited for the fleet member to wake up, take a shower and get on to gank him".

I think they are both valid, but when I show non EVE players these stories, they look at me and say "and what about you??? are you evil like them??? begone foul demon!!!" ... and stuff like that.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#233 - 2014-02-10 16:00:51 UTC
Is Okay Estrella.

Motoko is one of those people who doesn't think he needs to prepare for anything til he's already in the slaughter house, that his case is special.

I wouldn't spend any more time on him. This whole thread has been spent trying to tell the Freighters how to avoid being ganked, by some of the very people ganking them, and they don't think they should listen.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Estrella Sheikh
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#234 - 2014-02-10 16:04:44 UTC
Mu-Shi Ai wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
[Logically, wouldn't you agree that an exploit is some sort of bug or mechanic that can be use or "Exploited" by an individual to gain a leg up on someone else? I hope so.

You're missing an important element, which is that an exploit is often a known mechanic being used in an unintended way in order to gain an advantage. Some of these, yes, we might fairly classify as "emergent gameplay" in the context of a sandbox. But just because we're in a sandbox that allows for emergent gameplay doesn't make every single known mechanic used in an unintended way part of that classification. There is this tendency in EVE for people to take this normative stance on any use of a mechanic, to default to the idea that it's all innately fairplay. I think many of us are calling that into question on this specific case.

Then by that same definition bringing someone to counter-bump, or getting the bumper to move you in the right direction is a counter of said "exploit". It has now been redefined because the original "exploiter" is now being inhibited indefinitely, you can affect his outcome through different methods of input.

Again, just because one can dream up a convoluted counter to freighter bumping doesn't excuse it. Those who dream up such solutions always seem to be in the convenient position of not having to carry them out. And when people don't follow this sage advice, they're accused of doing so merely because they're lazy or stupid (and not, you know, because it's a totally convoluted and unworkable solution). Funny how that works.

The bulk of the problem then lies with the authorities dictating whether or not this is considered an exploit, We do have to remember that this is an inherently PVP based game and as unfair as it might sound, bumping someone to inconvenience them has already been proven to not be an exploit, within reason.

But isn't that the point of Eve? To think outside the (sand)box and come up with new ways to get **** done? The original counter to instant ganks of freighters were to web them to initiate warp faster, now individuals have figured out a way to counter that so the next step would be to counter their counter? And ahem, I've had my run in with bumpers, so if you don't mind, I'd like to imagine that the countermeasures i've taken are first hand experience. I'm not trying to say that my advice is 100% foolproof nor perfect, but doing something is much better than being bumped and then (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ <-Giving up.
Mu-Shi Ai
Hosono House
#235 - 2014-02-10 16:07:35 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
It's not being used in an unintended way.

So CCP introduced the bumping mechanic specifically so that gankers would be able to perma-bump freighters in high-sec instead of having to aggress (and get blown up by CONCORD) for using a point? Interesting analysis.
Mu-Shi Ai
Hosono House
#236 - 2014-02-10 16:11:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Mu-Shi Ai
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
The bulk of the problem then lies with the authorities dictating whether or not this is considered an exploit, We do have to remember that this is an inherently PVP based game and as unfair as it might sound, bumping someone to inconvenience them has already been proven to not be an exploit, within reason.

But isn't that the point of Eve? To think outside the (sand)box and come up with new ways to get **** done? The original counter to instant ganks of freighters were to web them to initiate warp faster, now individuals have figured out a way to counter that so the next step would be to counter their counter? And ahem, I've had my run in with bumpers, so if you don't mind, I'd like to imagine that the countermeasures i've taken are first hand experience. I'm not trying to say that my advice is 100% foolproof nor perfect, but doing something is much better than being bumped and then (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ <-Giving up.

Do you routinely use the countermeasures that you've described in order to escape bumpers? Needless to say, I find that hard to believe.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#237 - 2014-02-10 16:14:50 UTC
Mu-Shi Ai wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
It's not being used in an unintended way.

So CCP introduced the bumping mechanic specifically so that gankers would be able to perma-bump freighters in high-sec instead of having to aggress (and get blown up by CONCORD) for using a point? Interesting analysis.

It's not an interesting analysis. CCP considers bumping to be a normal mechanic. It doesn't matter if the mechanic was designed to be used that way or not, CCP have kept it in the game knowing how people are using it. This means it is not being used in an unintended way.
Mu-Shi Ai
Hosono House
#238 - 2014-02-10 16:16:51 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
Mu-Shi Ai wrote:
[quote=Riot Girl]It's not being used in an unintended way.

It doesn't matter if the mechanic was designed to be used that way or not, CCP have kept it in the game knowing how people are using it. This means it is not being used in an unintended way.

You have just singlehandedly explained why no computer application need ever be modified or updated.
DSpite Culhach
#239 - 2014-02-10 16:17:37 UTC

I know it's weird, but I look that in the same that I look at bumping. I basically think "well, I like the idea and implementation, but pretty sure it was not meant to happen on purpose".

The Instawarp, to me anyway, kind of downgrades the idea of T2 Blockade Runners. They should have a specific mechanic that allows the above - because of the hull - and not because of a timing trick.

Bumping feels the same. I'd prefer that there was an actual mechanic to do with ship to ship distance or physics behavior based on having a short range module active that messes with a ship ability to maneuver ... you know, something active, rather then a "discovered" side effect.

I don't really see CCP "fixing" it as there does not seem to be anything to "fix". It's far more likely that one day CCP will introduce some new shiny mechanics someplace that will - indirectly - make bumping irrelevant.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Estrella Sheikh
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#240 - 2014-02-10 16:17:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Estrella Sheikh
Mu-Shi Ai wrote:
Estrella Sheikh wrote:
The bulk of the problem then lies with the authorities dictating whether or not this is considered an exploit, We do have to remember that this is an inherently PVP based game and as unfair as it might sound, bumping someone to inconvenience them has already been proven to not be an exploit, within reason.

But isn't that the point of Eve? To think outside the (sand)box and come up with new ways to get **** done? The original counter to instant ganks of freighters were to web them to initiate warp faster, now individuals have figured out a way to counter that so the next step would be to counter their counter? And ahem, I've had my run in with bumpers, so if you don't mind, I'd like to imagine that the countermeasures i've taken are first hand experience. I'm not trying to say that my advice is 100% foolproof nor perfect, but doing something is much better than being bumped and then (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ <-Giving up.

Do you routinely use the countermeasures that you've described in order to escape bumpers? Needless to say, I find that hard to believe.

Have escorts when I'm moving mine or others valuable ****? Yes, Yes i do. If i happen to be solo flying and someone takes interest in my ****? Yes, Yes i do.

It's not impossible to execute ANYTHING i've stated. Quite frankly you're acting as if everyone who flys freighters flys solo through gates, hits the warp button and prays.

Seriously, It's not that hard.

Jesus I should make a freight escort corp and charge people who feel like it's too much to get their **** from point a to b.

Regardless of what you want to believe I am not powerless in my situation regardless of what's happening. Adapt or get blapped.

edit:holy grammar fail batman.