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ECM (Randomness) Mechanics in other games.

First post
Hauling Hal
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2011-11-25 11:22:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Hauling Hal
FOF missiles. One volley will remove half the EHP of an untanked Falcon.

And before anyone else moans, ECM isn't usually used on the primary, so the only ship flashing red that will be attacked by the FOFs is the ECM ship jamming you.
Ethidium Bromide
#62 - 2011-11-25 11:29:08 UTC
iirc ECM worked in a way that you had to overcome the sensor strength of the target in teh beginning. you couldn't you wouldn't jam the target. ECCm worked perfectly fine back then as well.

i have no clue why it was changed but imo ECM could completly be removed and teh EVE would not lose or be worse for the change.
sps could be redistributed liek the learning skills.
#63 - 2011-11-25 11:39:18 UTC
ECCM needs a boost.
Fon Revedhort
Monks of War
#64 - 2011-11-25 12:09:34 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
honestly Falcons have no tank .

You've got to be kidding - most falcons I meet are overtanked with 1600 mm plate. You can use it, too. Unlike me and ECCM, you know. ECCM = module, avail only at blobs.

"Being supporters of free speech and free and open [CSM] elections... we removed Fon Revedhort from eligibility". CCP, April 2013.

Lili Lu
#65 - 2011-11-25 21:30:05 UTC
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:
Arazu´s and expecialy rapiers are more common than the falcon. Should they be nerfed too.. no ofc not.. why? Points and Webs are more common used and out a pshycology point of view people are more used to when a rapier prevent them from getting back to a gate. Ecm is fine as it is now. Expecialy after the optimal range nerf. get close to a falcon and u will see its very hard to get a jam up (personal experiance). In the victims eyes a falcon is more evil and rare, its like the big bad pokémon thats actualy crap when using the right pokéballs. The best thing about eve is the sandbox thing where strategy is really important. I can solo falcons in a sabre even when they have 2 minni jams.

The difference is that being pointed or webbed while dangerous for your ship and much more common, will not leave you only able to inspect the shapes of the new nebula. Any other ewar leaves you with something you can do. ECM takes it's target out of the game. Not fun play.
As for your sabre that solos Falcons even when they have two minni jammers good for you, you have won eve, I bow before one so eveolved, as if on a higher plane, we are fortunate to have your mere presence on this plane.

Amro One wrote:
To counter falcons is easy, Have a celestic of maulus/keres in fleet with 2x rang damps. OMFG, I know i am a genius right. No falcon pilot would primary these ships. You idiots need to think more.

Yes you are a genius for about 10-20 seconds. As long as it takes the Falcon pilot to mention the damping and have one of his buddies alpha the Keres.

Mara Rinn wrote:
Fly a Claw. Don't get jammed. Kill Falcon in his face.

Ok this made me laugh. A 2 midslot ceptor has no sensor strength, and even with a backup array mod (hell even if it had a spare mid for an eccm), the same, negligible strength and possibly getting jammed by an off racial. The rest of your examples are all possible. But it all of course depends on the circumstances of the battle. Number, placement, fittings of the ships on each side. Then there is the temporal component. Regardless, your equating ecm with tracking disruption is stupid. The ship being disrupted can close range, reduce angular motion to the TD ship, use drones for damage or repair, maintain a lock on the disrupting ship so it can't cloak. Many things really. When jammed you can sit and wait or warp out and back maybe. If you chose to wait, you may find yourself waiting multiple cycles.

Yeah, eccm can work on the right ships. It still is not strong enough or constructed correctly. It should be a specific number of sensor strength so that magical Claw might actually have a chance to do something. Also, eccm should either reduce the jam length or just convert the jam to a lockbreak.

However, don't fear you ecm fanboys. CCP has not been able to fix this stupid mechanic for how many years now? Still worth arguing though, maybe some day they'll figure out something better.
Krathos Morpheus
Legion Infernal
#66 - 2011-11-26 00:07:34 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
I don't read it as an argument for removing randomness, but rather just one for removing dodge from LoL (finally!). They're still keeping crits as random, for example.

The arguments for and against randomness in general are rather more extensive and complex, but as a general rule I'd lean towards preferring to use something more deterministic, both because randomness makes planning less reliable, and because people's instinctive understanding of statistics/randomness is pretty low.

(For a game aiming to be as competitive as LoL is, I'd not be surprised to see them moving towards eliminating randomness in other mechanics too, and falling back on "every third hit" sort of mechanics where there's a need for variable outcomes. If you look at SC2, for example, I think the only random roll in the entire game is for starting positions, and after that everything is deterministic.)
You are absolutely right, it's not about randomness, but bad mechanics, and you have to talk about randomness in a more global complex view. The bad thing is that, the issue not being about randomness, three out of the four reasons completely applies to ecm, the fourth not because it refers to LOL history. Those reasons give argument to remove the mechanic the same in LOL and EVE, and it applies just the same.

Dodge only starts looking compelling when it can be stacked. But when stacked too high, it completely (and permanently) shuts down a subset of characters. This then causes us to have to make additional things (such as Sword of the Divine) to counter this counter, which ends up using a lot of design space simply to make the statistic fun and non-abusive. Typically, we try to avoid super hard counters like this.
ECM only starts looking compelling when it can be stacked, using various modules and in a bonused ship. But when stacked too high, it completely (and permanently) shuts down another ships (it becomes unnavoidable for a subset of ships). This then causes CCP to have to make additional things (ECCM) to counter this counter, which ends up using a lot of design space simply to make the statistic fun and non-abusive (and even then it fails to accomplish that, it's not fun and abusive).

While both Critical Strike and Dodge use a similar randomization formula, Critical Strike is still countered in much the same way as Attack Damage and Attack Speed: buy Armor. Conversely, Dodge can’t be overcome by getting more Attack Damage or Armor Penetration like other defenses can. This means that Critical Strike is just a damage multiplier, whereas dodge is an entirely new defense type that doesn’t have a series of sensible counters to it.
There are other random effects in the game, but ECM is the one that can't be countered in the way of any other global mechanic, it's an entirely new defense type that doesn’t have a series of sensible counters to it (the only counter is ECCM, works just for ECM and exists only because ECM exists).

Dodge also has much more potential to remove satisfaction in a noticeable way than the other defensive stats, mostly due to its random nature. Failing to finish an opponent with an auto-attack because they happened to get their 5% chance to dodge is a pretty poor experience for the attacker, especially since the escape isn’t based on a good gameplay decision or skill-based way to survive. The fun to un-fun ratio is poor.
ECM also has much more potential to remove satisfaction in a noticeable way than the other defensive stats, mostly due to its random nature. Failing to finish a ship with your guns because they happened to get their small chance to ECM with drones and fly away is a pretty poor experience for the attacker, especially since the escape isn’t based on a good gameplay decision or skill-based way to survive. The fun to un-fun ratio is poor.

Nyla Skin
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#67 - 2011-11-26 07:31:04 UTC
The Snowman wrote:
Another problem with 'No random' is that things are too predictable.

It will come to the stage where its so predictable that any fleet simply will not engage another because there is no chance, statistically that they will win.

Even given the randomness of human nature.

You do understand the concept of 'tactics' and 'strategy'? Both are based on knowledge of 'non-random things'.

In after the lock :P   - CCP Falcon

Royal Amarr Institute
#68 - 2011-11-26 19:38:23 UTC
No need for this thread. ECM is 100% anyway =D No random at all.
Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#69 - 2011-11-26 19:57:19 UTC
Not being able to play the game is totally ******. Because of skills, modules, overload, dedicated ships, etc; ECM leans more towards working most of the time and less random to it.

The real problem I have is due to it being a random mechanic, in order to balance when ECM does not work, when it is made insanely OVER POWERED! Seriously, not being able to lock anything for 20 seconds is dumb. Practically every aspect around combat revolves around locking a target. Also for those talking about how frail ECM ships are, well so are the other EW based ships. So it is not like you can toss that in there as an argument in why it help balance it.

There is this whole, "ECM allows smaller gangs to PvP against larger gangs!" argument which is silly. That larger gang can easily us ECM too. So your smaller gang is pretty much ******. Another thing to consider is Caldari only has the one form of EW. So every bonus is dedicated towards that one thing. ECM needs to be completely removed from the game and replaced with two other non-random forms of EW.
The Tzar
#70 - 2011-11-28 12:43:29 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
...The best part about flying ECM ships is the number of tears you can get. Other EWAR doesn't bother people: they'll keep spraying their ammunition into space with gay abandon when you have disrupted their tracking to the point that they can't hit the broad side of a Titan at point-blank range — they won't' care because they're still making fancy noises and shooting pretty lights into the darkness — but you get one jam off in a five minute fight, suddenly they're posting on the forums to complain about how overpowered ECM is.

Hit the nail on the head here.
Fidelium Mortis
Minor Major Miners LLC
#71 - 2011-11-28 15:25:12 UTC
Has there been any consideration to adding short-range FOF missiles, adding T2 FOF missiles, and reducing the reload time for launchers? This would give some of the small missile boats for instance the malediction, vengeance, and crow some added utility particularly against ECM ships.

Of course for FOF rockets there's really no need for T2 precision ammo, perhaps go with low damage/longer range anti-drone, and higher damage/short range anti-ship variants.

ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon

Metal Icarus
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#72 - 2011-11-28 15:36:30 UTC
If falcons are so op, then why (oh god why) when a falcon misses a jam, gets neuted, and disrupted, it dies. It is so delicate that if it misses one jam it is life or death. ECM should be turned into a highslot mod, so that the midslots could be used for tank, give it some usefullness like the curse/rapier (Some additional slot layout adjustment needed). I would much rather fly those two than a PAPER THIN falcon!

ITT: People who haven't faught a nano-curse.

(in this post is a hint on how to kill a falcon)
Liz Laser
Blood Tribe Inc
#73 - 2011-11-28 17:50:13 UTC
If ECM boats were as win as some here suggest, everyone would be flying them.

The fact of the matter is that the lifespan of an ECM boat is often measured in seconds due to it being primaried. Even if your side wins the engagement, you will be in a pod more often than if you fly any other ship type. Being primaried means being on fewer killmails than the average DPS ship in the same winning (or even losing) fleet.

Also, in fleet warfare, each side's ECM boats are trying to jam each other. If I manage to jam your logistics it's because your ECM didn't target me or they got melted faster than I melted. Or you forgot to bring any ECM.

The only time my Scorpion lives to see the end of a large fleet battle is usually when supercaps are on the field. Between bubblers being primaried to help supercaps escape, and the crowd's greed to get on a supercap kill and to be sure it does get killed, they are more likely to overlook my Scorpion.

Bump Force Trauma
#74 - 2011-12-01 14:37:20 UTC
the ignorance of you people is astounding.

its clear that most of you have limited experience at best of any pvp that isnt just blobbing.

people suggesting ecm is remotely in line with the other ewars are smoking some good stuff, and those suggesting they know how to deal with falcons are either fighting morons or are the morons who are being killed and therefore assuming the mechanic isnt hard to deal with.

if you have no experience in pvp, you have no credibility. so please dont come here with your ******** assumptions and tell those of us who have done nothing but pvp for several years that we just havnt figured out the game as well as you have.

because unlike you we have been in all the situations multiple times and we know what we are talking about.
Krios Ahzek
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#75 - 2011-12-01 15:21:07 UTC
Why can't ECM just make ships miss more often instead of completely delocking?

 Though All Men Do Despise Us

Slade Trillgon
Brutor Force Federated
#76 - 2011-12-01 16:49:19 UTC
I will stick with the use the modules and tactics available to you crowd.

Minigin wrote:

ive spent years rolling dice, its not random when i throw a 6.

Do you know something about dice rolling and odds that I do not know about?


el alasar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2011-12-08 06:51:45 UTC  |  Edited by: el alasar
Minigin wrote:
i think some compelling arguments are raised as to why game mechanics focused on randomness should be phased out of competitive games.

imho we are not talking about randomness, but probabilty. there is a big difference.

while in regard to ECM there might be a valid point, that the current game mechanics need review (stacking penalty, maximum fittable modules, cycle times(!), ... whatever), on the contrary to your suggestion, i must say i would like to see more elements of probabilty introduced - while possible impact on game play and chances of occurence need careful balancing, of course.

nothing is absolute, there can always something go wrong, you cannot measure a value exactly - only within some accuracy. there are always side conditions. any action you commit to always bears risk that some things do not work out as exected. i do not see why e.g. the following things should not have a slight element of probabilty added
- passive targeting failing / working only shorter (it might still suffice)
- warp scrambling failing or make it even completely like ECM(*)
- target painting having varying effect over time
- webbing having a varying effect over time

and please, CCP, some more realism would be good - tracking and circling non/slow moving objects...

(*) this will probably cause some bashing now lol ... but, food for thought... how scrambling works right now... doesnt this also make sniping an unfavorable tactic in pvp because you will never be able to get a point from 70km? hm... (sure, alpha kill,... great. thats pvp.)

check the moderated 10000 papercuts evelopedia page! comment, bump(!) and like what you like

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#78 - 2011-12-08 09:02:56 UTC
el alasar wrote:
. i do not see why e.g. the following things should not have a slight element of probabilty added
- passive targeting failing / working only shorter (it might still suffice)
- warp scrambling failing or make it even completely like ECM(*)
- target painting having varying effect over time
- webbing having a varying effect over time

This suggestion is on par with the bpc researching... just brilliant...

Kudos for one more time...

Keep up the good work
Interbus Universal
#79 - 2011-12-08 09:15:51 UTC
Don't change ECM. People complaining about it are just too simple-minded to use tactics. Their idea of a manly fight is that everyone fits for max dps and then they simply blast away at each other until one of them drops. So when someone stops their big guns from firing they start to cry. Everyone knows that defense, evasion and obstruction is for pussies, right? Roll


Shirah Yuri
Tonic Empire
#80 - 2011-12-08 09:35:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Shirah Yuri
Reilly Duvolle wrote:
You COULD ofc argue that the EWAR mechanics should be revamped in its entirety, both to remove chance based mehanics and to give the races EWAR capabilities that would better reflect their race and their historical struggle against their respective arch enemies.

The Caldari should for example have a drone control jammer to affect the control range of their Gallente enemies drones, and target painters to increase the effectiveness of their missiles.

The Gallente should have remote sensor dampeners to force their enemies closer and a missile defence jammer that affected the accuracy of incomming missiles.

The Minmatar should have the ability to conduct energy warfare against the cap hungry beasts of the Amarr with nos/neuts, and hold their slow moving enemies in place with long points.

The Amarr should have tracking disruptors to reduce the range of minmatar gunbased shirmish ships and long webs to slow down their fast moving enemies in face of the Amarr armored behemoths.


This would automatically, by design, generate "counters" to races considered too powerful in PVP. If the opposing race has just the right ECCM to suppress the other sides' benefits, the battlefield gets more diverse. More paper-rock-scissors. Less FOTM maybe. Altogether a good thing.

If one side has the ECM to counter its own strengths, that leads to a mono-culture in contrast... much like we're seeing today.

Please, CCP, I know it would be quite a haul to rework ECM and redistribute it, but it could make the game so much more interesting in the long run. (And in the short run, during the "rebalancing", it would sure introduce some interesting dynamics)